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Apache Software

Apache 1.3.19 Released 7

manichawk writes "Apache 1.3.19 was released yesterday (so by today the mirrors should have been updated). It's another bugfix release, largely for the Win9x/2k versions, but a few security holes have been plugged too. Check out the changelog for more details, or just download it..."
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Apache 1.3.19 Released

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  • Just finished upgrading all of them to 1.3.17...
  • by BusterB ( 10791 ) on Thursday March 01, 2001 @08:19AM (#393183)
    I'll agree. You should read the changelog and see if you're using any of the buggy modules in the first place before blindly upgrading. It looks like a bulk of the changes are in Win32 anyway.

    It sounds like you have a service pack mindset, just applying patches without checking what they do. If a system is working and the features you use are not affected by a bug fix, why upgrade? Be a lazy, happy and smart sysadmin instead of a frantic, overworked and dumb one.

    Tell me you weren't serious...
  • If a system is working and the features you use are not affected by a bug fix, why upgrade?

    Tell you what - if you expand this to "working, features not affected, and no security fixes", then I'll be more than happy to agree with you.

    However, 1.3.19 does include security fixes, so I guess we all get to do the Upgrade Polka.

  • Has anyone managed to modify the latest Accelerating Apache Patches (1.3.14) [sgi.com] to cleanly apply atop the Apache 1.3.19 source?
  • At least the process will be fresh, since you documented the process ... right? ;)

    I started doing 1.3.17 but then realised that I'd have to do PHP, mod_ssl and imapd and since I'm leaving my current job in two days I'll let the FNG (#@!%! new guy) deal with it, after he untangles my 11 years of customization on the network.

  • No. I'd consider going to kernel 2.4 to take advantage of the kernel http.
  • Only a few of my machines run Linux. A large number are older SGIs running SGI IRIX. The latest stock Apache 1.3.19 builds fine but is even slower than the bundled Netscape Fasttrack httpd server that comes with IRIX. 1.3.14 with the AAP patches is quite a bit faster, fastest httpd I've seen on my machines. I already have the hardware and software so I'll probably be sticking to SGI MIPS & IRIX for awhile. Guess I'll have to prod and poke at the 1.3.14 patches a bit longer to see if I can get them to like the 1.3.19 codebase.

    Abbott's clean 64-bit support is pretty nice too.

Work expands to fill the time available. -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955
