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Gnome Hackers Sorting Out Differences RE:2.0 189

jacobito writes "Perhaps this hasn't been posted because it could ignite a flame war, but here goes: The gnome-hackers list has been the center of some high drama lately. Martin Baulig, the Gnome 2.0 release coordinator, resigned this weekend due to disagreements over the use of bonobo-conf versus gconf and his license to implement architectural changes more or less unilaterally. Through the ensuing melee, fingers have been pointed both at individuals and at corporations, harsh language has been used, and at one point Miguel de Icaza made the memorable proclamation "You can now flame me, I am full of love." Really, though, neither the bickering nor the technical details are what make this affair newsworthy--what is exciting about this is watching a decentered, non-hierarchical, mostly-cooperative group of talents work through the process of getting along with each other and settling disputes, all without resorting to imposing a single dictatorial will upon the group (so far). To that end, Havoc Pennington has posted a draft of a Gnome Enhancement Procedure to provide a structured change process which will hopefully prevent future flamefests. Good reading."
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Gnome Hackers Sorting Out Differences RE:2.0

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
