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Graphics Software

An Open Source Direct3D 8.0 Wrapper for Open GL 247

Jason writes: "RealTech-VR, creators of the V3X 3D engine, also developed a Direct3D-to-OpenGL wrapper and they have now open sourced their work. They are seeking for more hackers to help porting the wrapper to Linux and MacOS. A lot of the functionality of Direct3D is already ported but it still needs quite some work. Get the scoop at OSNews."
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An Open Source Direct3D 8.0 Wrapper for Open GL

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:15PM (#2995589)
    Actually, OSNews has an interview [osnews.com] with the guy behind the wrapper, and they even have some screenshots! I hope this wrapper comes to Linux soon!
  • Nice... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    While this may validate the DirectX API as a standard (like it wasn't already) it may be a useful tool for gaming companies to do an easier port to Linux and OSX...This is good, really good.
    • I'm not sure this is good, but if it makes some cool games available on other OSes then that's a win for me. I wonder about the speed of the games though. What good does this do if some D3D game runs at 15fps on Linux? That just gives Win32 zealots something to point at with their FUD sticks.
      • Well,

        I don't know about this wrapper - but Transgaming's wrapper provides great speed for D3D->OpenGL conversion. Sure it isn't 100%, but with my decent system (1.2GHz TBird GF3TI500)games like Tony Hawk2 run Great!

        I would say that this thing has great promise - it provides some competition to Transgaming/Winex and competition is always good.

      • Re:Nice... (Score:2, Interesting)

        by smagoun ( 546733 )
        While it's been awhile since I've done anything in the 3D world, it seems to me that the slow parts were the drawing itself, not the API calls. As I understand it, what they've created is essentially an adaptor that passes calls from one API (D3D) to another (OpenGL). There will be some places that require a bunch of work, but I'm willing to bet that most of the translation is pretty simple. There might be a 1-5% performance hit with the D3D->OpenGL translation layer, but I wouldn't expect a huge performance gap.

        This is similar to what VMWare does for the Win32 API, isn't it? Performance there is a bit slower, but it's perfectly acceptable. As a mac guy, this is absolutely fantastic.
        • oops....I meant WINE, not VMWare. VMWare is emulation, WINE is not emulation (ha, ha).
        • Re:Nice... (Score:2, Informative)

          by Wildcat J ( 552122 )
          I haven't really done much with Direct3D, but as I recall it has both an immediate and a retained mode. OpenGL is basically an immediate mode graphics library. Of course, I'm not writing any graphics code these days, so take this all with a grain of salt ;) I welcome the any corrections from experts in the field.

          I believe that immediate mode is mostly a rasterizer for your polys. You (the programmer) are responsible for maintaining all of your model information, view parameters, and so forth. Whereas retained mode maintains more persistant scene information, making for a more general library.

          Anyway, the relevance is that, if retained mode functionality is required, it may take more of a performance hit because there is not a 1:1 correspondance of D3D to OpenGL calls. Keeping in mind, of course, that D3D Retained mode does this in software also, so I would imagine that a well-implemented wrapper could actually improve performance.

          I guess the question is, does anyone use retained mode?

          • people only use retained mode when you have to (alot of the time in a real game when you look at a spefic feature thats done in retain mode but the rest not)

            the point is that the nice thing about D3D is that it is supported by most vendors now look on a box that a game came in you will find that they require Direct X version 99.8 (-;

            the point is that although the API changes it can do the old api's in emulation

            much like OpenGL 2.0 will do

            all I hope is that ATI's String based extensions to OpenGL get in 2.0 rather than NVidia's so we aren't tied to their hardware

            D3D is crap(ish) what make Direct X so good is all the other API's like sound and input (OpenIL and OpenAL be damned as they just dont have the people leading them)

            so I have high hopes for the OpenGL ARB to produce something nice that IBM/SONY/APPLE/SUN/HP/3Dlabs can rock Microsoft's little world

            try haveing a look at
            http://www.3dlabs.com/support/developer/ogl2/index .htm [3dlabs.com]


            john jones
        • Re:Nice... (Score:2, Informative)

          by drzhivago ( 310144 )
          As a Mac guy, you should know the main problem with ports and the Mac. It is not Direct3D. Mac porters know how to go from Direct3D to OpenGL or RAVE, etc. The problem lies with DirectPlay instead, and has caused many Mac ports to be network incompatible with their Windows counterparts. DirectPlay isn't very difficult to use on Windows, which is why it is widely used. And annoying for Mac gamers.

          And as to your question about it being comparable to Wine (you mean Wine, and not VMWare right?), the answer is no, it isn't. It is source-code compatibility rather than binary compatibility. The code will need to be natively compiled to run on that platform. The only benefit is that you don't have to rewrite the 3D code because doesn't support Direct3D (only version 8). Wine uses the native Windows application.

    • I disagree. Well, sort of :-)

      Another poster has already commented on the speed issue (this meaning that Win32 remains the gaming platform of choice, and giving people erroneous reasons to believe why), but y'know what? This really solidifies the standard. No point pushing for that nasty OpenGL just to get the cross-platform stuff, use D3D. Which MS can control and push around however they want, to the detriment of this.

      I know that the ship has pretty much sailed on D3D as the standard, I know that cross-platform development at the moment essentially means making sure that the PC stuff can be ported to the X-Box. So I know my objections are essentially irrelevant, but it still makes me sad to see a development that can only help entrench a proprietary standard at the expense of an (apparently adequate and earlier, I'm not a 3D coder) open standard. This is a cool development and a useful development, but so much of what it signifies and what it has the power to create blows.

      (Why oh why oh why did the computing world let themselves become enslaved to the morons from Redmond? Oh well, back to trying to pull down their mountain with a toothpick...)
      • DirectX is more then just a 3d standard now. Heck games on windows that use OpenGL for the graphics still often times (the majority of them) use DirectX for EVERYTHING else.

        In the interview it was said that hopefully somebody will port over other stuff besides Direct3d. I certainly hope so. DirectX makes everything so nice and seamless for the end user. :) (for one, joystick button 1 is joystick button 1 across all applications, heh. And joystick button 9 is joystick button 9, and so forth. Sound is also nice and nifty, it just /works/ damnit. To whatever level your sound card supports it works.)
    • Re:Nice... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Com2Kid ( 142006 )
      Sorry man, I hate to admit it (and trust me, I REALLY hate to admit it) but DirectX _HAS_ become a worthwhile standard.

      It just. . . . rocks.

      For the end user at least.

      It is uber-sweet to have everything working together.

      The ZSNES team went over to DirectX just because it made so much of their life easier. The controllers for starters. . . .

      A game that does a -good- job implementing DirectX control does not care how many buttons your joystick has, or how many joysticks you are using at once to control things.

      I have seen games where I can switch over dynamically from one controller to another with no problems. Sheeps is nice in this regard.

      But that is not what DirectX is all about.

      It is about having a -standardized- set of APIs that people can latch on to.

      Linux currently has the problem that there are a gazzilion different ways to access damn nearly everything. Sound cards, monitors, and so forth. Sure on the system level they (tend) to have the same way of doing things, but the game programmers cannot just say "heya, latch on to monitor 1 if that is all that is available, but if the person has two monitors latch on to monitor one for the primary view and pop up a dialog box asking the player if they want to have monitor two used for their rearview mirror."

      Nor is there just -one- way for a game to ask

      "Heya, I notice you have two separate sound cards installed, which one would you like to use for playing this game?"

      Of course there ARE game programing APIs to be had, and in fact there are plenty of them.

      Which makes it an absolute bitch for game developers to make requests for new features.

      Nvidia and ATI were recently able to strong arm Microsoft into including each companies choosen features into DirectX8. (ah, there are also now four pixel shaders versions, ugh. ATI's 1.4 card came out before Nvidia's faster 1.3 card, ::groans:: )

      still though, all in all having one central target to direct feature requests to is nice. This means that over time ALL of the necessary features will hopefully be added.

      But if you have multitudes of API standards, you can either get one that just fits you right with no extra baggage (yah for you) or more likely you will find that some of them have some of the features that you want but none of them have all of the features that you want. (yes sure you can add those features on, open source and all, but shit, then your company is learning a new API, adding to that API, and programming a game for that API, ouch.)

      DirectX streamlines stuff. Or at least the complaint and request part of 'stuff'.

      It may not be profound, and hell it may be full of bugs (heh, Nvidia cards have had some rather. . . odd. . . issues with DirectX from time to time. :) ) and misusing it may be far to easy for the game developers to do (THANKFULLY /most/ of them have learned that disabling alt-tab will just piss off most of your customers, and that it is also a big Plus is a person can alt-tab in and out of the application/game. I said most of them. . . . few damn stragglers left, grrr.)
      • It is about having a -standardized- set of APIs that people can latch on to.

        One API to bind them all...?

        One of Linux's strengths is that there is always more than one way to do something. What if you (as a developer) don't like the way DirectX does something? Tough luck--wait for the next version.

        Having only one way to do something is not an advantage, if that way sucks.
        • Having only one way to do something is not an advantage, if that way sucks.

          Having more than one proper way to do something leads to code bloat.

          The part I really like about having multiple interfaces is that one of them gets upgraded faster and becomes more robust, and I've usually chosen the other one because it was simpler. So my code gets out of date fast.

          One of the worst things Microsoft ever did to Windows was to have multiple, redundant APIs that each did roughly the same thing. You can accomplish the same task with WIN32, MFC, ATL, .NET, and so on down the line. The part that really bothered me was the scatterbrained implementation of multimedia. There were WINMM libraries, media player interfaces, text parsing launchers, direct function calls, and eventually COM wrappers.

          If you have one interface, and it's obnoxious and complicated, at least everyone knows what function they have to call.

      • Linux currently has the problem that there are a gazzilion different ways to access damn nearly everything. Sound cards, monitors, and so forth.

        Okay, I'm just tossing this one out to chew on for a second. Other than soundcards, there is a standardized system in Unix to handle input and graphical output. It's called X. X also has incredible extendablity built into it - the most common API people use right now was intended to be a reference implementation. Right now, the RENDER extension is bringing nice 2D effects in.

        Well, why not just build DirectX into X? (Yeah, yeah, I know - "Well, get started then", "It's not easy", "MS controls the API"). But I am serious - if DirectX *has* become a working standard, then it should be supported on *nix. And the logical place to support it would be the system that handles all I/O, including graphics and pointing devices, etc. In otherwords, X.

        Even add sound to X - sound and video network transparancy is being built into many apps now (KDE's aRts and mcop, VideoLAN, etc), but it really should be at a lower level so all X apps get it.


        • I agree with this.

          Also X seriously blows when even new input devices are considered, and these are things that were well known even when X was being designed (back then most graphics workstations had a bunch of dials and toggle switches and joysticks). The XDevice interface is a typical "extension" with enormously complex controls that NOBODY uses (this should be apparent as we were forced to make the mouse wheel pretend to click buttons 4 & 5 on the mouse, this interface was better and easier to program for than XDevice and without it I doubt you would see any mousewheel support on Linux).

          GL (not OpenGL) had it pretty much right. There should be a call that is "tell me what all the devices are". Each device can produce a single value that is either a number or 0-1 true/false (ie a typical mouse is 5 devices: x, y, and three on/off buttons). Each device has a string name, and it is up to the program to figure out if a device is interesting (ending horizontal things with x and vertical things with y and other pseudo-standards would make this almost transparent to the user). The program can then say "I am interested in this device" and it now gets an X event every time that device changes value. SIMPLE!

        • "Other than soundcards, there is a standardized system in Unix to handle input and graphical output. It's called X. X also has incredible extendibility built into it - the most common API people use right now was intended to be a reference implementation. Right now, the RENDER extension is bringing nice 2D effects in."

          X is complicated. Hell we all know X is complicated. What is needed is a BeOS like system, or whatever else you may choose.

          X is nice, but, uh, isn't it time for Y? Or Z? Or something? I mean standards have to be updated sooner or latter. There is a reason why nobody is using B any more, it was supplanted (rather quickly :) ) by C. Of course C is far superior to B, which had many shortcomings, while X is a good system the fact is that it can indeed be improved.

          Ah, what the computing world REALLY needs though is some sort of cross platform driver set though. :( Give each device a 512K, 1024K, or 2048K ROM chip (Flashable or not, whatever) that can store a base driver that all platforms can then interpret.

          Of course getting ANYBODY to agree to this would be a MAJOR pain.

          Microsoft benefits from devices only working on their platform, and a good part of the rest of the computer community is highly unwilling to subscribe to any standard that The Beast Of Redmond also agrees to.

          But still, it would make like SO much simplier, and FINALLY allow for TRUE plug and play. (drivers? What drivers? Your video card, sound card, modem, NIC, etc, would all work once plugged in with no fuss what so ever.)

          The way such a driver system would most likely work is that it would provide an abstraction layer for the drivers to work on (thus allowing for the platform independency)and then interpret (yes I used a bad bad word. :) ) those drivesr for that platform. The drivers would only have to be interpreted the first time the device was plugged in (and you mine as well spend some time doing it, heh) and then they would Just Work Damnit.

          (basically I am saying write drivers in Java, C#, whatever. ^_^ Not likely Java, can Java even DO things like that??? I mean one device all platform type of a thing, heh. Obviously a custom language would need to be developed, since compatibility would come first.)

          Now each platform would THEN be dependent upon providing the driver interface panel and such.

          The driver would say

          "Give them a Gamma Adjustment option with Settings Such And Such, This and That, and So on And So On." and the individual OS, err, GUI, would be responsible for providing the controls.

          Hell even a text based console interface would work, it would just pop up a message saying "heya, buddy, edit this text file here, when your done run this script file and your setting will be loaded".

          The idea would be that I could plug in ANY device to ANY computer and have it work, just so long as the connectors matched up. :)

          No more printer issues, no more scanner issues, no more d*mn friggin driver CDs (heh).

          Anyways, just an idea, it would be hard to implement and performance would likely take a significant drop (serious limits would be put on hardware based optimizations, since even just putting in flags saying that such and such section of the code is for the Windows plateform and what not would in itself start to cause driver developers to once again start writing for that one platform. . . .), but darnit the pay off would ROCK.

          (and the desire to keep the additional cost of the ROM chips down would also hopefully encourage companies to stop writing TWENTY FRIGGIN MEGABYTE driver files! What the HELL is up with that????? SHIT. That sucks. A lot. Nobody should not have to wait an hour to download drivers. . . ever. . . . Grrr. ::starts swearing in Creative's general direction:: )
  • Not sure if other parts of DirectX work under Linux/MacOS, but this is certainly a big step for them. If they can get some DirectSound wrapper up and running, Linux/MacOS users would almost be home free to play Windows games. Only a few more things would have to be done.
  • I'm not very much into Wine Development, but it should be possible to integrate parts of this into Wine. If it's possible, then Linux DirectX Gaming Heaven isn't too far away, even without WineX...
    • Amen to that! (Score:3, Interesting)

      by pb ( 1020 )
      DirectX support in Wine is pretty bad, and could definitely use something like this. Of course, OpenGL support in Wine has it's own problems, but this can only be a good thing for porting to non-Windows platforms.

      I don't know if it's a good thing for Wine or not, though, because I couldn't find any details of the license. Wine is released under an artistic style license, so if this thing is GPL (or similar) it couldn't get merged directly into Wine.

      However, they seem like nice enough people, so hopefully the Wine folks will check into it... Otherwise, we'll end up with a forked, GPL-compatible version of Wine for gaming, which wouldn't be so bad, but would be less than ideal.
  • by slithytove ( 73811 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:20PM (#2995617) Homepage
    I'm a game developer working on the Nel [nevrax.org] platform. I've only dealt with app level code so far, but from my few perusals of the lower levels of the library and my browsings of simple directx code, it seems as if the complexity would make for pretty slow and buggy engines.
    Extra layers obviously have that property in general, but I see it as the wrong place to create that cross compatability. The nevrax team has said in the past that they have designed the system to be able to replace the OpenGL bindings with DirectX or gamecube api (what is gc api like?)
    I hope that more developers will build games based on Opensource engines as our company is (in-orbit.net)- it has saved us a lot of money and allowed us to focus on gameplay and uniqueness.
    • by dair ( 210 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:43PM (#2995750)
      I've only dealt with app level code so far, but from my few perusals of the lower levels of the library and my browsings of simple directx code, it seems as if the complexity would make for pretty slow and buggy engines.
      Probably not - my day job [zonic.co.uk] for the last 6 months was the Mac port of Black & White, and we wrote a similar D3D->GL shim for that. Mapping from one API to the other is fairly straightforward, and the most expensive part of both is simply shoving the geometry/texture data down from the app to the API (assuming you cache out redundant state changes).

      It doesn't really matter if that goes down through DrawPrimitive (D3D) or glDrawElements (GL): if that's your bottleneck, the cost is pretty much the same either way.

    • I suspect that, at least in the Linux case, any performance hit could be made up for by killing the GUI when/before starting the game, thus giving the game access to resources it wouldn't have under Windows. Not really sure how much of a difference it would really make, though.

  • SDL integration (Score:5, Interesting)

    by moebius_4d ( 26199 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:21PM (#2995627) Journal
    It would be useful to (re)build this on SDL so that they don't have to re-invent the wheel for audio, 2D, etc. (all the non D3D parts). Already SDL allows (hell, requires) you to call OGL directly when you need 3d accel. So by implementing their calls as an SDL layer they would lose nothing and gain a very nice cross-platform layer.
    • Re:SDL integration (Score:4, Informative)

      by Cuthalion ( 65550 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @05:47PM (#2996448) Homepage
      SDL provides kind of a minimal interface, which makes it really easy to pick up and learn. If you want to expose / accelerate all the features that DirectX does, you'd need a significant rewrite or extension of the SDL API.

      Just to provide one example (there are many others): In DirectDraw when you're blitting a sprite, you have the option of flipping it horizontally. There's no way to do that with SDL - you have to store two copies of your sprites if you think you'll want to blit it facing the other way. Or do it by hand each blit, but then you're not geting HW accel.

      Now this may be a concious design decision. A complaint I have about DirectX IS that it's interface is sort of boroque. For the most simple of blits, there's a lot of unused parameters, which is kind of irritating, and makes the code harder to read and the interface harder to learn. My initial reaction to SDL was "This is great - it's so easy!" until I started noticing not-so-advanced features that are missing. I've basically concluded that if I want any kind of powerful 2d support I might as well just use OpenGL directly rather than fuck around with SDL's hamstrung (but admittedly very easy to use) interface.

      So the upshot: DirectX is a proper superset of the SDL functionality, so writing an SDL plugin for directx would be a losing proposition at best (never minding the issues of adding a second, or on some platforms, third, layer of abstraction in what is already a time-critical interface)

      ps: don't even get me started on SDL_mixer
      • SDL provides kind of a minimal interface, which makes it really easy to pick up and learn. If you want to expose / accelerate all the features that DirectX does, you'd need a significant rewrite or extension of the SDL API.

        SDL has had the ability to create OpenGL contexts for a long time. [csn.ul.ie] And we're talking about Direct3D, not DirectX, so the DirectDraw example doesn't apply.
  • ... one step closer to no dual boot for Counter-Strike and Starcraft.
  • This seems like good news for those of still stuck with 3dfx brand chipsets..
    • not reslly, the cards do ok in directx already, its opengl that they have a hard time on.

      Most 3dfx users (I have a voodoo5) use WickedGL drivers for opengl games.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    . . . until Microshaft sends out the C&D letters and unleashes the hounds. Mirror the source far and wide, before it's too late.


  • by feldsteins ( 313201 ) <scott@sco t t feldstein.net> on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:26PM (#2995654) Homepage
    I have always viewed Direct3D as a Really Bad Idea for the Macintosh platform. I mean, that's all we need is to hitch our 3D waggon to Microsoft. We'd always be a version behind, some features would never be implimented, etc. And then when all game manufacturers were using D3D, whoops! Microsoft isn't supporting D3D on the Mac anymore.

    Even some game developers I have spoken to seemed pretty positive about the idea. "if only we could do D3D," they said. I think otherwise for the reasons stated above.

    And what does this new "wrapper" mean to us? I hope it doesn't mean that Game developers or porting companies don't bother with the OpenGL conversion (when necessary). For if this turns out to be the case I fear the sceneario above may come to pass in the long run. Bottom line is, this scheme seems to still leave 3D on the Macintosh platform vulnerable to the whims of MS.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Doesn't Wine already have a DirectX native library that can be used without Wine?
  • What about WINE? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:27PM (#2995665)
    It appears that this project,
    ("Direct X 8 port only support DirectX Graphics. The DirectX Graphics for BeOS is an OpenGL wrapper for the Microsoft® Direct3D API. Application written in Direct3D 8 will be able to compile on BeOS platform. At execution, the Direct3D 8 functions will be converted into the OpenGL ones with a minimal performance loss.

    is a subset of WINE.
    After all, The Sims uses DirectX and works over WINE. (I'm sorry, I can't find a link.)

  • A good idea? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tempest303 ( 259600 ) <.jensknutson. .at. .yahoo.com.> on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:29PM (#2995679) Homepage
    Is this really such a hot idea? Compatability is cool, but wouldn't developers' time be better spent improving or coding for OpenGL?
    • Re:A good idea? (Score:2, Insightful)

      Is this really such a hot idea? Compatability is cool, but wouldn't developers' time be better spent improving or coding for OpenGL?

      It doesn't really matter - games are already coded with DirectX, and OpenGL already exists. If it is not the best thing (or, rather, the MS thing) the majority will code to DirectX. If you want their games, you have to use the API they use. I don't they will switch to OpenGL even if there are some improvements, because DirectX will always be tied in to Windows more closely than any third-party API.

      Mr. Sharumpe
    • Open GL needs to move into the 2.0 spec on the hardware side. Directx8 already has.
  • I'm not sure if this is a good thing. Of course it might be great to have something like this integrated to Wine to play DirectX Games under Linux, but if the other wrappers (DirectSound/Input/Play etc.) are implemented and run something stable, me as a game developer would think twice about porting this to truly open standards like OpenGL and SDL ("Why don't use the DirectX wrapper?").
    So if you see things on the long run, this might be more a damage than a boost to native Linux/OpenSource game-development.
    • Or, this gets people playing games on Linux instead of dual booting... these gamers demand better performance and the game companies realize they need to lose the wrapper to improve performance.
    • by Nerds ( 126684 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:38PM (#2995729) Homepage
      If I could get DirectX games to play on a linux machine I guarantee there are at least 15 people I could have running Debian by the end of the week. It's a good thing.

      Let's just be crazy and say this happens and everyone starts throwing their Windows CDs in the trash. One of two things might happen:

      1. Developers say "Let's just keep writing for DirectX, the wrappers work." So what? A Microsoft technology sticks around, but if so many people are leaving Windows, MS won't really have the power to enforce changes to DirectX 9 that would make it incompatible, because the devs will ignore them.

      2. Developers decide that since everyone has a linux box anyway, why not write in OpenGL since it would probably be more efficient?

      Either way, who cares? A working DirectX wrapper would win users over, and that's a good thing.
      • good point. It overall reminds of the .NET/Mono situation: It is good to have supported as much as possible under Linux, because that will make the people use it or develop for it (hopefully).
  • Allways nice.... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Otis_INF ( 130595 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:30PM (#2995683) Homepage
    It's allways nice to see a v0.0.2 version of a project that tries to port COM to Unix.

    Because _THERE_ is the real challenge. Not the polypusher-code to transfer d3d calls to opengl calls. Besides the lefthand-righthand difference between OGL and D3D ofcourse.

    D3D is COM based, OpenGL is plain C. Of course, COM is just a pile of C interfaces, but still, coding D3D is using binary objects with methods and properties. OpenGL is just a global canvas with global functions. I sincerely doubt this will ever succeed for 100%.
  • then I am all for it. So in that sense, it is a good idea. Too bad they're gonna get their pants sued off by M$, though.
  • by volpe ( 58112 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:38PM (#2995731)
    ...to just walk around Redmond with a big "Sue Me" sign on their backs?
  • . . . this came too late for Loki.
  • by DeadBugs ( 546475 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:44PM (#2995760) Homepage
    STOP buying D3D games
    KEEP buying OpenGL games
    • mod up (Score:2, Redundant)

      by Bastian ( 66383 )
      I doubt this project is going to succeed, and, if it does, I doubt even more that it will be able to keep up.

      If you REALLY want games for your system of choice, try voting w/ your money
    • That's not really practical for the large majority of game buyers. It would be like telling Americans to stop speaking English. And since Microsoft has gotten DirectX into game consoles (Dreamcast, X-Box), developers have a strong incentive to develop using only DirectX (Easy ports of DirectX games).


      • Well, that, and the fact that OGL is a generation behind D3D. This is a non-issue right now, but in the 6 months it won't be. OpenGL development is much slower as it has to be done on many platforms at once, while MS and NVidia pretty much design the D3D spec to run on Windows and NVidia hardware, and then they let ATI and Matrox catch up later. Pretty soon we'll start to see games that don't support OpenGL, or where OpenGL is more or less unusable.
        • and then they let ATI and Matrox catch up later

          My ATI Radeon 8500 get better results than my brother's gf3 does on benchmarks and when playing tribes 2. I don't care that it was released a few months later.

          And read this [tech-report.com]

          And 3D API's don't provide functionality. 3D Card manufacturers do. D3D can invent any sort of wonderful function they like but if there aren't cards to support it then it is useless. AFAIK nvidia and other card manufacturers are still committed to providing opengl support. Go to nvidia.com and you can read The NVIDIA DetonatorTM XP Unified Driver Architecture (UDA) delivers new performance optimizations and features in both DirectX® and OpenGL®
      • WinCE in the DC was a proof of concept implementation. Only about 5 games actually used it. Almost all of them used the SEGA OS. The only game I know of for the DC that used it was the Sega Smash Pack. All the realy good games (Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Jet Grind) used the sega os because it was better/faster/etc. They just made Sega put the logo on the machine.

        DirectX isn't a bad technology, actually the only real difference inbetween DirectX and OpenGL is that DirectX is not easily expandable by the HWmaker. In OpenGL, Nvidia can add whatever crazy feature they want to their card and provide a function in their OpenGL driver to use it. However, with Direct3D you cann't use that feature until MS updates their API. Advantage OpenGL. However, In Direct3D, all functions that the API specifies work, since they are all emulated with software if the HW doesn't support them.
        Really, you have to think of DirectX as a platform, in the same way that the PS2 or the GameCube is a platform.
        • They just made Sega put the logo on the machine.

          Actually, Microsoft probably paid them to put it on the machine. Unfortunately, that didn't save them from unprofitability.


          • If you knew that, then why did you say that MS made the OS for the DC?
            • I didn't. I said they've "gotten DirectX into consoles (Dreamcast, X-Box)", which they did. In the Dreamcast case, as I am sure you know, they ported WinCE w/ DirectX to the Dreamcast platform. I think Sega thought this was going to be a good idea since they'd get ports of PC games on Dreamcast, where they'd get licencing fees. That didn't really happen. If their contract with Microsoft stipulated that they had to pay a per Dreamcast licence fee for WinCE, that cost could have contributed to the failure of the Dreamcast.

              By the way, I love the Dreamcast. I own 3 of them (2 U.S. and 1 Japanese) and something like 30 games.


  • by mysticbob ( 21980 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @03:47PM (#2995781)
    so, this is useful why?

    will it help people port to other platforms? doubtful, as they're probably using other ms stuff if they're using DirectX.

    will it help people use more advanced features on other platforms? no, since they're just using underlying opengl (and extensions) anyway, which they could do in the first place.

    is it more performant? no way - it's another layer of indirection, so it's at least an additional pointer dereference, and extra stuff on the stack.

    so i'm left thinking this is a solution in search of a problem. if you want portability, you write to opengl. if you want extensions, you use the _portable_ extension mechanism that opengl already provides. check out nvidia's directx vs opengl extension comparison some time - guess which one has better & more support? hint, it doesn't start with direct..

    so, again, why would any sane developer write to this?

    (and yes, i read the faq [v3x.net].)

    • It may help the wine project. They would not have to implement teh Direct X stuff they could require this instead. This may give games a little more speed when running under wine on Linux/UNIX.

      I think at some point Linux will have added enought window's ness and windows will have added enought BSDisms that at some point they will be not that far from each other. Of course that will be the end of the 'OS wars'.

    • Why would any sane developer even touch D3D in the first place? I can understand direct input and direct draw. Windows had absolutely horrible 2D graphics and input performance, but why even touch D3D when OpenGL has always been better.

      After 7 YEARS (or is it 8, or only 6?) D3D is finally at the performance level of OpenGL(arguably not, seeing as how Q3A STILL outperforms games with similar graphics today).

      When D3D was first created by MS, it was an extremely unstable, lousy performing, moving target! And don't even think about upgrading D3D, your current set of games probably won't work! And on top of everything else already wrong with it, it is completely non-portable! Why the fuck did anyone adopt it in the first place?

  • Wow... (Score:2, Funny)

    by mfos.org ( 471768 )
    Now we can use a $5,000 OpenGL card to play any DirectX games
  • If it is GPLed or any similarly viral license, the game industry won't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
    • It sounds to me like a BSD license

      Taken from dxglwp-src-0.04.zip

      File: d3d.cpp
      Description: Direct3D 8 Wrapper
      Copyright: Realtech VR 2001

      Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Realtech makes no representations
      about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
      It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

  • This could be super useful for the mainline version of WINE ... Direct3D support can be in the main tree now.

    If nothing else, this could pressure TransGaming into putting their Direct3D code into the main WINE tree.

    Either way, WINE gets Direct3D support. Check off one more box on the list of things needed for full Windows compatibility. (And then buy native Linux apps anyway because it's a good idea.)
  • Good, bad, or ugly? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by prototype ( 242023 ) <bsimser@shaw.ca> on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @04:57PM (#2996151) Homepage
    This is not some kind of holy grail that everyone is looking for so stop it right now. OpenGL, which is a far better API IMO (and John Carmack thinks so too!) is and has always been the defacto standard portable API to code against. I will admit that recently with DX8, things got more in line with OpenGL and the D3D API is better than it was, but it's still COM based and completely not portable (among other problems). This product is just a wrapper to make COM look like C++ objects and underneath, make OpenGL calls.

    So what does this give us? It does NOT give us a WINE implementation of being able to run DirectX apps. Yes, you could integrate the code into WINE but it's meant to wrap functions at the source level, not the executable level. It does give us a wrapper that DirectX code can, for the most part, compile against and product a working Linux/BeOS/Mac exectuable. So for the game developers it might mean their DirectX code will compile on other platforms, but any good game company would have abstracted out their graphics code so it would be API independant. That's what most of them do already and some do offer OpenGL/DirectX selection for rendering. Why they don't produce Linux versions of their apps if they can simply call OpenGL instead isn't clear, but that's their decision.

    So are developers going to take DirectX code and compile against this to produce Linux OpenGL executables? I doubt it. Anyone who has coded their graphics sub-system directly against DirectX has probably coded other parts directly against the Windows API and if they haven't ported it to Linux already, they probably won't. Those that already have a clear decoupling of the graphics and the API don't need to and again, if they haven't ported they still won't for whatever reason (most likely support/business cases/etc)

    On the flipside, I do applaud what these guys did as it is a big undertaking to wrap a system as big and complex as Direct3D so congrats and perhaps for the garage developer, it might be useful but to those people I say just code in OpenGL in the first place.

    • Umm, these days OpenGL 1.3 isn't really better than DirectX 8.0+. In fact, its probably worse because so many important features are implemented as extensions rather than parts of the standard proper. One the reasons why 3D Labs is proposing OpenGL 2.0, is because modern graphics accelerators are moving away from the traditional pipeline. DirectX has followed these changes while OpenGL really has not.
  • by Mongoose ( 8480 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @05:03PM (#2996193) Homepage
    Listen kids this is an early alpha of a D3D wrapper for WinGL, with minor ports of MacGL and others. This isn't DirectX, which handles the input, sound, and even ( directplay is horrible ) networking.

    Things to note:

    1. D3D is a huge moving target itself
    2. This project doesn't support full D3D ( ATI/NV )
    3. D3D isn't a 'standard', it's rewritten every release

    Keeping these things in mind you won't get your windows games on linux, you won't get a wrapper for D3D for all GL cards, and you won't even get a finished release of this. I don't mean to sound negative, but by the time they have all the NV/ATI extentions supported DX 9.0 and maybe even OpenGL 2.0 will be out with an all new shader systems.

    Too bad vertex and pixel shaders won't be used much until another few generations. You have to wait for the target (mainstream) consumers to get at least something like a GF3 or similar first generation consumer card shader support. However, I will say that doesn't mean you won't have some games and applications just requiring you to get a card with support or offer it as a runtime enabled option.
  • Not much there (Score:5, Informative)

    by gavriels ( 55831 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @05:32PM (#2996343)
    While it sounds all nice and all, there is very very little that is actually supported in this library. Most of the Direct3D functions are simply stubs, and this library would be absolutely incapable of running anything more complex than the rotating-cube demo they have a screenshot for. They are about where we were 18-20 months ago, and this is certainly not keeping me up at nights.


    Gavriel State
    CEO & CTO
    TransGaming Technologies Inc.
    • Re:Not much there (Score:4, Insightful)

      by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Tuesday February 12, 2002 @06:56PM (#2996850) Homepage Journal
      They are about where we were 18-20 months ago, and this is certainly not keeping me up at nights.
      True enough -- but there was a time when Linux wasn't keeping the SCO people up at nights either. Fear commoditization.

On the eighth day, God created FORTRAN.
