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Operating Systems GUI Software

GEOS Available for Download After 18 Years 471

gp writes "Back in 1986, Berkeley Softworks presented GEOS, the Graphical Environment Operating System for the Commodore 64 (screenshots). GEOS effectively turned the 8-bit Commodore 64 into something very similar to a Macintosh, but for an 8th of the price. In 2004, pushed hard by rivaling C64 open source alternatives such as the Contiki operating system and desktop environment and the LUnix *nix clone, the owners of GEOS have finally decided to release GEOS to the public. Hordes of Commodore 64 users are expected to download the system." Sadly, there's no mention of GEOS for the Apple 2 series of computers, which also enjoyed this fine precursor of GUIs to come.
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GEOS Available for Download After 18 Years

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  • And I have found (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ( 643709 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:47AM (#8266954) Homepage
    12 Commodores in the trash can near our housee. Know I have use for them. And willing to share!
  • GEOS Nostalgia (Score:5, Interesting)

    by spun ( 1352 ) <> on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:49AM (#8266965) Journal
    I had a Commodore 64 as a kid. I remember when GEOS came out, I was so impressed. The Mac Plus gave me computer envy, but here was a windowing system I could put on my $200 computer! It was small and fast, and it came with a basic set of tools. It was also fairly easy to learn the programming interface.

    Later, in the mid 90s, I met a guy who had it installed on an Intel box. I had no idea at the time that they made a 386 version. It did everything he needed, mostly writing. This was a guy who administered SCO Unix boxes for an ISP, and he used GEOS at home.
  • bastards... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by segment ( 695309 ) <sil@pol[ ] ['itr' in gap]> on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:50AM (#8266972) Homepage Journal
    They leaked out the source code...

    Anyway, considering no one (outside the ultra high geek) is going to be starting a c64 any time soon, it would be a nice idea if a company decided for history's sake to clone the old time machines. I'm sure there would be a market for it... Heck I know I would love to get my hands on a coleco vision adam computer again. Complete with cassettes and all.

  • by Slack3r78 ( 596506 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:51AM (#8266981) Homepage
    Believe it or not, the GEOS codebase is still alive and kicking. I haven't gotten around to trying it personally, but it's supposedly updated for modern hardware and is capable of browsing the web. Breadbox, the company that apparently owns the code now is marketing it as a low-cost alternative to Windows for schools that could be run on older hardware. Interesting in the least.
  • interesting stuff (Score:5, Interesting)

    by highwaytohell ( 621667 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:55AM (#8267011)
    This looks like it could have actually gone pretty far had it had a chance. As a cheap alternative to an apple it looks like it had some good functionality. Does anyone know what the reliability of this OS was like. It says that it provided some decent support for 286/386. Its a shame that this wasnt given the support that it deserved. WHo knows what it could have been capable of. I suppose most people rejhected it as the C64 was mainly for gaming, at least when i was a kid it was. If i had known it was around, and i had more interest in OS', this probably would have ended up in my living room. Its been a while, but its still good to see what some of the pioneers were capable of.
  • by William Tanksley ( 1752 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:00AM (#8267034)
    Berkley Softworks developed C64-Geos, which was also ported to the Apple and such, and then all through the 80s worked on their next accomplishment: Geos for the PC.

    When released, it was the first commercial object oriented OS for the PC (NeXTStep was earlier, but Geos beat it to the PC).

    And honestly, it kicked BUTT, because not only was it fast and elegant, it had a KILLER application suite and awesome dot matrix printer driver. Near laser quality from a mere 24-pin and my old '286... And it ran as a DOS application, too, with special drivers to make it cooperate with DR-DOS' task switcher.

    I miss it now.

  • Emulator (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MagPulse ( 316 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:03AM (#8267054)
    Can someone post instructions on how to get this set up with an emulator like CCS64? We don't want to have to wade through that ten page explanation on how to use a real C64, copying around floppies, etc. to check this out.
  • AOL (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mattdm ( 1931 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:09AM (#8267094) Homepage
    I'm loathe to admit this now, but I was one of the very first subscribers (I think the first -- not sure about the whole Quantum service and prehistory) to AOL in my town. This was before the Windows version, and the DOS version was actually a GeoWorks app. Or rather, it came with a GeoWorks runtime, which wasn't good for anyone else. I remember thinking it was really cool.

    I was also on the beta team for AOL for Windows 1.0.

    Damn I'm lame.
  • by QueenOfSwords ( 179856 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:10AM (#8267098) Homepage
    Heehee I remember that! Then we got the boxy Commodore mouse ! :) Ergonomic, I think not.
    Got me through school assignments fine.
    I wonder if you could put together an indestructable 'laptop', with a screen, a keyboard, and about a thimblefull of 'hardware' to run it on. Tweak it to support file transfer via USB. Kind of like the Newton-based eMac, or Alphasmart's Dana. It's a perfectly functional OS and the footprint doesn't get lower than that.

  • by chickenrob ( 696532 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:12AM (#8267103) Homepage
    What was that ,8,1 all about anyways? I remember you had to type it to load certain programs but I never knew the reason.
  • new deal office (Score:4, Interesting)

    by hiroshi912681 ( 589840 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:22AM (#8267150)
    the latest incarnation of Geos for x86, New Deal Office, is still not released for free =( it's a neat OS that's very win95 like... even has a MS Office clone, web browser, irc, and instant messaging software. all this, and it runs on a 286! supports all kinds of graphics modes from hercules up to svga

    I think they went outta business... they were charging way too much for it. might as well buy a new computer with win95 than pay for what they were asking for.

    they had a demo avail on the net... I could never get the web browser to work. expired in 30 days or something, but that was extremely easy to turn off. I think the evaluation version was crippled (or was missing files), nonetheless.
  • Re:bastards... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by kg4czo ( 516374 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:26AM (#8267176)
    There is a C=1 [] coming out sometime. It's going to have a complete C64 compatability with updated hardware plus it's own functionality. GEOS64 should run on it also. Something for that "ultra geek" in your life.... hehehehehe....
  • by The Vulture ( 248871 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:27AM (#8267177) Homepage
    GEOS worked well if you had the hardware.

    My setup was a Commodore 64C, two 1541 disk drives (one 1541, and one 1541-II), and a 1764 RAM Expansion Unit (256K). I used a program called Maverick (which included a utility called geoBoot I think) that would allow me to make custom boot disks for GEOS - once the GEOS kernel initialized, Maverick would interrupt it, and dump it out to floppy, thus making a 30KB or so program to run.

    Those were the days... I learned some of the GUI programming concepts that I use today in writing a Desk Accessory (a word counting program for geoWrite). I loved the environment of geoProgrammer, although using geoWrite for a source code editor was a bit painful (but, with the REU, it wasn't so bad).

    Hmmm, I wonder if this would work under VICE? The GEOS fast-disk routines were very timing specific, so it might not. Maybe I'll give it a try.

    -- Joe
  • by The Vulture ( 248871 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:32AM (#8267205) Homepage
    You're correct on the ",8" part.

    As for the ",1", well, it went like this. The first two bytes of every standard file that was designed to be loaded using kernel routines (whether it be from the BASIC LOAD command, or through the actual kernel routines) were the load address. Most basic programs were loaded into memory at $0801, so those two bytes (actually $01, $08) were at the beginning. If it was assembly code that loaded into memory at $C000, then the first two bytes were $00, $C0.

    Anyway, to make a long story short, that ",1" told the load routines to load the file into the memory space pointed to by those first two bytes. Otherwise, they would be ignored, and the program would be loaded into memory at the start of BASIC memory (by default, $0801, but I think memory locations 43 and 44 changed that).

    -- Joe
  • by frovingslosh ( 582462 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:33AM (#8267218)
    Yea, the hard drives were really awful. Used to beat themselves to death against a track zero stop rather than just sense when the drive was at thack zero, all would go out of alignment in short order. Mush more useful than a cable that would let you hook up an old 1541 to a PC would be a program that let a PC store everything on it's hard drive and serve files to the C64 over the serial cable protocol. Of course, they would have to emulate a lot of the 1541 subroutines too, and give you ways to run the fancy loaders some software installed in the drive to speed up a drive that could take several minutes to load a program into a computer with only 64k of memory (as well as to deal with much of the awful "copy protection" many of the orginal disks have).
  • You don't (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:37AM (#8267230)
    You do what most people who play C64 these days do, you emulate it. Even a pathetically old PC should ahve no trouble at all emulating a C64, and there is no lack of C64 emulators out there ( if you are interested).

    Then again, maybe you do use C64 hardware, I've heard stranger thigns. I still remember playing a MUD in 1997, Realms of Despair. One of the guys I regularly hung out with had many characters, but only ever had one at a time on. Odd, that, as teh MUD let you log plenty in and even with a crap modem like I had you could handle lots. I mean it was just text after all. Turned out he used a C128 to connect to the net via a dialin that gave him a UNIX prompt. I was honestly stunned.
  • Not So Nostalgia (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Martigan80 ( 305400 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:42AM (#8267253) Journal
    You know I still have a c64. Good got that out of the way.

    I noticed that there are still Demo groups out there, specialy in Europe. I must say I'm still impressed as to what these programmers can do on a little 8-bit CPU. It think it's true are and skill to pack so much "entertainment" into a small amount of memory. Just because the CPU might be so many years old, but it can still do so much. Proof I think at the fact that technology may be increasing so fast that we don't use it to its fullest potential.
  • by Splork ( 13498 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:52AM (#8267298) Homepage
    hell yeah, i *loved* geoworks ensemble. i had a 286-20, it ran great. the integration between all of its office applications and the fact that it actually did preemptive multitasking of them was great. printing in the background (very important considering how "fast" dot matrix and hp deskjet printers of the day weren't), etc. excellent piece of work but in the wrong place at the wrong time to be able to catch on.

    it even ran in the cool 800x600x16 vga mode if your monitor supported it.

    another odd footnote: AOL's first client for the PC was written as a geoworks ensemble 1.0 application. this was in '93-94 before aol was allowed to corrupt usenet.
  • Re:Define Horde (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Endive4Ever ( 742304 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:56AM (#8267317)
    My first 'online' experience was with a DecWriter I bought at a thrift store and a 300 baud acoustic coupler. I didn't have a computer at home then that had provision for a modem.

    It was a true 'printing' terminal, meaning you had to eat up fanfold paper to go online with it.

    I hated the BBSes with huge login messages that you couldn't abort out of.

    That was a long time ago, though.
  • DesqView 386 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Zork the Almighty ( 599344 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:01AM (#8267336) Journal
    As long as we're re-releasing old software, is it too much to ask for a copy of DesqView 386 ?
  • by B47h0ry'5 CuR53 ( 639887 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:02AM (#8267343)
    The latter usually loaded and executed the program, and the former just loaded the program into memory and you had to usually do a 'RUN' to get it to execute.

  • Re:Geoworks? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Brandybuck ( 704397 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:08AM (#8267364) Homepage Journal
    I used it for quite a while. I even ran it on an 8086, even though the specs said I couldn't. Even as late as 1998 I was using it in a shop I worked at on some old 386's, for basic office productivity stuff. At $79 it was a heck of a lot cheaper than a new system plus Windows.

    For a while it was going head to head with Windows, and doing well. Even preinstalled on some systems. What ultimately killed it was the lack of a good SDK. No one developed for it, so the only apps available were pretty much what came with it.

    I heard a few years ago that it was still being sold under the name "New Deal Office", by New Deal, Inc. It was targetting churches and schools, and anyone else who had donations of old computers that couldn't run Windows.
  • Re:interesting stuff (Score:3, Interesting)

    by edwdig ( 47888 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:16AM (#8267388)
    The PT-9000 was developed around 94, as it shared the same SDK as the Zoomer.

    There was also the Nokia 9000 smartphone released in 96 or so. It was a ~$900 cellphone that opened up to reveal a screen and keyboard. It was pretty much a phone with a 386 in the same case. Supposedly it sold really well to business people - enough to prompt a second version of it, the 9110. Eventually Nokia created Symbian. I don't really know what prompted Nokia to start Symbian, considering they already had a fairly successful smartphone.
  • My memories of GEOS (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Recovery1 ( 217499 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:53AM (#8267508) Homepage
    I used to use GeoPaint all the time with my old C64. It was the only paint program I was aware of that I could use with my color dot matrix printer at the time. The school computers were all Apple IIs and for some reason they couldn't even get Paintshop to produce in color (even though they had color printers), so it always impressed the teachers when I used my C64 for their stupid book reports.

    The only drawback to GEOS was the fact it ran entirely from those 5 1/4 disks. They'd take forver to load and everytime I loaded up GEOS I'd have to set the clock. Betcha one of those harddrive units for the 64 would have made wonders for GEOS.
  • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @03:59AM (#8267528)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Copy Protection (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Jan-Pascal ( 21029 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:03AM (#8267542) Homepage

    The GEOS article under the first link talks a lot about the copy protection on GEOS, and why it hurt widespread acceptance so much. Am I the only one who was able to produce the "special" track on copies of the GEOS disk, so that the copies would actually work?

    If I remember correctly, I found the checking code somewhere in GEOS, then wrote some code to produce the proper patterns on the disk. Mind you, that code had to run inside the 1541 disk drive, so that it could determine what would be written to disk directly.

    Those were the days...

  • by hson ( 78256 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:08AM (#8267558)
    Well actually you can read PC floppies on the Commodore drives (atleast with 1571, 1581, CMD FD-2000 and FD-4000), using software like Big Blue reader and Little Red Reader [].
  • Geoworks Ensemble? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mirabilos ( 219607 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:10AM (#8267562) Homepage
    What's with Geoworks Ensemble? It used to be a
    fine piece of GUIware, too...
    And since GEM has been free for years, this would
    probably complete the list (tho I'd like to get
    my hands on DOS 3.3 and Windows 2 and 3 sources
    as well).
  • by Man In Black ( 11263 ) <ze-ro@s h a> on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:12AM (#8267568) Homepage
    Actually, the program you mention already exists! In fact, there are two of them: server64 and 64hdd (I don't have any links to provide at the moment, so load up your favorite search engine I suppose).

    Now, I've tried both of these, and I honestly can't remember which one was which. The first one I tried (I think it was server64) didn't work at all... and I never figured out why.

    The second one (I guess 64hdd) worked amazingly well! All you had to do was build an X1541 cable (someone else already linked to the page with the information... luckily, I had already built one of these when I was 10 or so in order to "pirate" C64 games, so I used that)... With the X1541 cable connecting the parallel port of the computer to the serial port of the C64 (or of a connected drive, since they daisy-chained), you could easily load and save programs from the computer's hard drive.

    I set up a 486 with an 80 meg hard drive (enormous by C64 standards) with no monitor or keyboard simply acting as a fileserver for my C-128. The only problem was that the 486's CMOS battery had died, so if the machine ever lost power, I had to drag a monitor and keyboard downstairs to reset all the BIOS information :( I eventually gave up on it because I didn't use it very often (I still have plenty of blank 5.25" disks), and keeping it running 24/7 was a pain in the butt.

    The program actually let you create and browse directories (although in a rather painful manner, since the C64's BASIC wasn't well suited for this), and you could keep .d64 files on the hard drive and attach them at will using commands from the C-64. I can't remember off-hand what the speed was like... I seem to remember it being even slightly faster than the 1541, but I might be mistaken.

    Unfortunately, .d64 files don't carry enough information to properly do all the goofy copy protections, so you'd have to rely on cracked games if you were pirating (hackers were usually forced to remove speed-loaders when cracking games, so these versions often have painfully long load times)... and naturally, doing multi-disk games didn't work either, since changing disk images could only be done from BASIC (Maybe you could do it from the PC, I forget). It certainly doesn't replace disks, but it'll provide essentially limitless data storage for all your homebrew and hobbiest stuff.
  • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:19AM (#8267590) Homepage 8010/index.html []

    For the low low price of $17,000 the Xerox Star had a better GUI than the Lisa, Mac, or Geos. Ran on beefier hardware too.

    Neat stuff, I wonder if a Xerox Star emulator would ever be possible...?
  • Re:Emulator (Score:4, Interesting)

    by The Vulture ( 248871 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @04:25AM (#8267607) Homepage
    Yes, they make that claim. However, I have tried some programs in the past that did not work, because they used fastloaders.

    The Commodore drives have five wires on the serial port (I think). Of those, I think only two of them could send data. One was the DATA line, the other the CLK line.

    So, when the C64 was reading a file from the 1541, it would receive the bits one at a time over DATA, and use CLK to synchronize. This of course, was extremely slow, so somebody came up with a solution: send data over both lines, but make sure that the code on both sides was running at almost exactly the same speed.

    So, the drive would break down the byte into bits, and send two bits at a time (when using the fastloader). The C64 would receive the two bits and reassemble them into the byte. But, since the CLK line was being used for data, the timing had to be precise, otherwise you'd miss bits.

    So, the emulator has to emulate the drive and the C64 with 100% compatibility, or else it just won't work. Also, because sprites would mess up the CPU cycles, they had to be disabled, as did any funky IRQs (which normally there weren't any running), or you'd have problems with the data. Most fastloaders just blanked the screen, which took care of this.

    -- Joe
  • by ablaze ( 222561 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @05:01AM (#8267702) Journal
    I used GEOS 128 with a RAMLink drive on my C128-D (metal case). It started in seconds and was blazingly fast. Together with GeoPubisher it was a great way to do dtp. GEOS 128 could be run in 80 chars mode and had a much better resolution.
    GeoProgrammer was a great development enivronment, too, btw.
    The CMD RAMLink drive was very nice for playing The Last Ninja, too. It all loaded in an instant.
  • AOL on GEOS (Score:5, Interesting)

    by FreekyGeek ( 19819 ) <thinkstoomuch@gmail.BLUEcom minus berry> on Friday February 13, 2004 @05:26AM (#8267761)
    Most people won't remember, but AOL was originally released on GEOS. I was one of the beta testers.
  • by erf007 ( 649029 ) <> on Friday February 13, 2004 @05:35AM (#8267789) Homepage
    My god, this reminds me of the first time my grandfater brought home a new mouse for our Amstrad CPC something... you know those old black macines with the intergrated tape drive in the keyboard, all the smarts in the keyboard and the memory module at the back?

    It took me forever to work out how to drive this thing, I must have been about eight at the time. At that stage it was the most amazing device I had ever seen. Who had ever thought you could point at icons on the screen and make things happen!

  • Re:DesqView 386 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Alioth ( 221270 ) <no@spam> on Friday February 13, 2004 @07:44AM (#8268161) Journal
    Oh, good 'ol DesqView, a legend in its lunchtime. I used that to run a RemoteAccess BBS along with my usual day-to-day use of my 16MHz 386 system, with a whopping 2.5MB RAM (all in discrete 32kbyte chips, populating a massive full-length expansion card)

    I remember plugging in each of the chips, buying them 512K at a time in a long tube filled with the buggers. 'Wow, this is amazing,' I thought, 'each of these chips has as much memory as a complete BBC Micro!'
  • You say that, but... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Half-pint HAL ( 718102 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @09:34AM (#8268537)
    There was an individual who, during the mid-to-late nineties, wrote a package to run software from the original C64 GEOS on IBM PCs. He never released it as CMD didn't want him to (they probably couldn't have stopped him, but he chose not to release it anyway). With this free download release, that package may now reappear and become a bizarre yet effective way to put a tried-and-tested, low-cost office environment onto a low-powered handheld PC. (Highly suitable for low-resolution/low-colour screens!) As the file formats are completely stable (there will be no ongoing development), handheld/PC synchronisation would be pretty future-proof, and if native GEOWrite file format support was to be added to StarOffice, we'd have a neatly integrated setup.... HAL.
  • Re:cool (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Chris Tucker ( 302549 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:12PM (#8270719) Homepage
    So Simonetta sez:

    "Does anyone still use the Commodore 64 for anything serious?"

    Yep, I do. I use it for address labels (printed on my 24 pin dot matrix printer) as well as for most of my letter-writting needs. In the time it takes to get the Macintosh booted and for the LaserWriter to spit out the letter, the 128 has not only been used to write the letter, spell check it and print it, it has also printed the mailing label. Of course, if it's someone I regularly send mail to, then the 128, using a different application, prints the address, return address, ZIP+4 and FIM barcodes.

    I also play games on the 128, mainly in 64 mode. I lament that there is no official version of TEMPEST for the 64.

    And what's this crap about "simple games"? Geeze, you know, real time ray-tracing blood sprays do not make a game better than something written 20 years ago for an 8-bit one megahertz machine.

    "With ten-year old 286 and 386 laptops selling for $50, why would anyone want to spend time developing and using a Commodore 64 now?"

    Gee, because it's FUN? It's easy, yet challenging? That one can bang on the silicon via an ML monitor while the program is actually running and can see the results instantly, without having to recompile the code?

    There's something about an OS that doesn't actively fight you at every step that's appealing. The 64/128 is a stable platform for a lot of applications that Windows, and yes, even the Mac, would do well to imitate in simplicity, ease of use and stability.

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
