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Responsible Nanotechnology Interview 65

cynical writes "WorldChanging has a lengthy interview with Chris Phoenix and Mike Treder of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, a non-profit group helping to make sure molecular manufacturing is developed as safely as possible. In the article they talk about their policy task force (which includes folks like Ray Kurzweil, David Brin, and Jaron Lanier), the risks and benefits of nanofactories, and why open source is so important to the responsible development of nanotechnology."
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Responsible Nanotechnology Interview

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  • by AndersOSU ( 873247 ) on Tuesday February 07, 2006 @09:48AM (#14659208)
    I agree, I started to read TFA, but I soon realized that it read like someone in 1960 promising flying cars by 2000.

    Their whole concept of nano tech is based on the premise that we can build factories that can build anything they want - with no constraint on power or materials.

    Yeah yeah, "one of the first projects couild be a massive solar array..." to which I answer, even if we had cheeply available power, something I consider much more likely than their verson of nanotech, you would still need nano miners mining nano iron and shipping it on nano trains to the nano factory so they can make my rocket car. In short it's not going to happen because nano is limited by scale to something small, a nano infrastructure is no longer nano.

    IMO what the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology should be doing is funding groups that are trying to see if nanotubes can actually be absorbed by the body, and if so do they actually interfere with biological processes. Oh but wait, that work is already being done by orginizations with out the rocket-car blueprints.

Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
