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Bell Wants to Dump Third-Party ISP's Entirely 227

phorm writes "Not only is Bell interfering with third-party traffic, but — according to CBC — they want third-party ISP and phone carriers off their network entirely. Bell is lobbying to have lease-conditions on their networks removed, stating that enough competition exists that they should not longer be required to lease infrastructure to third-parties. Perhaps throttling is just the beginning?"
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Bell Wants to Dump Third-Party ISP's Entirely

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 04, 2008 @06:40PM (#22968738)
    SBC is the original "goatsie".


    When they bought Pac*Bell, they integrated the "*" into the middle of "SBC". Turn the B* on it's side and you know what you've got.

    When the merger was announced, this logo went out to managers on bronze medallions (I've got one in safe keeping, for future sale on ebay). Once it was realized, it was quickly changed. SBC did their best to get it off the internet, but I see some remain (get it while you can): http://www.lunarchallenge.com/images/SBC90.jpg [lunarchallenge.com], http://www.clpproductions.com/Images/Logos/sbc-logo.gif [clpproductions.com]. If anyone knows of a large version still up, I'd love to get the link.

    I'm pretty this wasn't a slight goof, but rather a from a pissed graphics arts employee that managed to slip it by the board.
  • I want to be a jerk and say Darfur, but...
  • by Lord Flipper ( 627481 ) * on Saturday April 05, 2008 @01:07AM (#22970852)

    Its take it or move to BFE Midwest and live like a fricken hermit.

    I'm curious about something: What does 'BFE Midwest' stand for, or mean?

    I moved out to the Minneapolis-St Paul area a couple years ago, and although I've always met great folks wherever I've, these Minnesotans are the nicest bunch of them all. Helpful, you can talk to young and old alike out in public without getting paranoid or 'WTF' reactions that are so common elsewhere in the States. And the State, itself, has this sort of conservative, yet very progressive 'tilt' to it. And of course a bunch of the greatest 80s bands came from here. I'm impressed... If Comcast could just drop dead, en masse, in a hurry, this place would be perfect!

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
