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Who Unfriended You, and Why 122

Barence writes "Given that social-networking sites like to put across a happy-clappy image of friendship and joy, it's not surprising that they're less keen to tell you when someone doesn't want to be as friendly with you any more. PC Pro reveals how to find out who really hates you on social networks. It's possible to track who's quietly dropped you from their Facebook friends list, for example, by installing Firefox's Greasemonkey add-in and running a special script. Meanwhile, there are sites that will reveal the exact tweet that turned people off your Twitter account."
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Who Unfriended You, and Why

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  • by TheABomb ( 180342 ) on Saturday January 29, 2011 @01:03PM (#35043132)

    hypocrisy n. pl -sies
    1. the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc, contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp he pretence of virtue and piety (-source: World English Dictionary)

    Alice bitches about the evil of Product X but makes such choices in her life so as to use more Product X than all of her friends and neighbors.

    Bob points out that Person A does both, but he doesn't pretend to care one way or the other about Product X.

    Alice is a hypocrite. Bob is not. Bob might be irresponsibly using Product X himself, or he might be a pompous asshole who likes to point out others' mistakes, but unless Bob at the same time explicitly points out or at least strongly implies that he does not share those self-same faults, Bob is not practicing hypocrisy.

I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
