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FTC Expands Its Google Antitrust Investigations 137

New submitter smithz writes "Bloomberg is reporting that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is expanding its antitrust probe of Google Inc. to include scrutiny of its new Google+ social networking service. Google this week introduced changes to its search engine so that results feature photos, news and comments from Google+. The changes sparked a backlash from bloggers, privacy groups and competitors who said the inclusion of Google+ results unfairly promotes the company's products over other information on the Web. Before expanding the probe, FTC was already investigating Google for giving preference to its own services in search results and whether that practice violates antitrust laws. The agency is also examining whether the company is using its control of the Android mobile operating system to discourage smartphone makers from using rivals' applications. Google is facing similar investigations in Europe and South Korea."
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FTC Expands Its Google Antitrust Investigations

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  • by bonch ( 38532 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @04:55PM (#38700384)

    This is the very consequence many people imagined the moment Google announced this. For clear examples of how Search Plus pushes Google+ over relevant results, read this article by Danny Sullivan at SearchEngineLand [searchengineland.com]. Some of the examples include popular music artists, like Katy Perry, who has one of the most popular Facebook pages but doesn't appear in the Search Plus results because she doesn't have a Google+ account. How is that delivering the most relevant results, which was the original goal of the Google search engine? In fact, Google's search engine is becoming less useful [readwriteweb.com] at delivering relevant results compared to alternatives, with the major example in that link being a search for "gold price" on Google versus Wolfram Alpha: Google gives you a big, brown box of sponsored links [netdna-cdn.com], while Wolfram Alpha gives you a simple price chart [netdna-cdn.com].

    The biggest reason, in my opinion, to dislike Search Plus is that it continues the trend of search engine bubbling [dontbubble.us] that is filtering the content you see on the Internet today, possibly limiting you from seeing opposing information that might change a currently held perspective.

    • by Intropy ( 2009018 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:01PM (#38700446)

      ...Katy Perry, who has one of the most popular Facebook pages but doesn't appear in the Search Plus results because she doesn't have a Google+ account.

      What's the compliant? You want the search results to display a link to her Google+ account that doesn't exist? You want her uncrawlable facebook page to come up in the search results? You want people who do have Google+ accounts not to have that page show up in the search results?

      • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:04PM (#38700460)
        I just checked and Katy Perry's facebook profile is indexable. In fact you can find it if you write "katy perry facebook", but it's nowhere to find if you just search for her name.
        • by ilguido ( 1704434 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:30PM (#38700674)
          Probably because those searching for "Katy Perry" on Google are not looking for her facebook profile and never click on it. I mean, If I'm a facebook registered user and I'm looking for her facebook profile, I'd search Katy Perry on facebook, not on Google; and if I'm not a facebook user I can't see the point of searching for her facebook profile...
          It doesn't seem a big deal.
          • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:32PM (#38700686)
            It's a big deal because Google is promoting her Google+ page, while not Facebook's. That's the whole issue.
            • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:37PM (#38700744)

              Why is that an issue? You want her facebook page, search on facebook. You want her google+ page, search on google (which, by the way, will also get you to her facebook page if you want just by putting facebook in the query).

              • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:43PM (#38700782)
                Because it's Google promoting their own services over competitors and in some cases leveraging their monopoly position to illegally enter other markets. That warrants FTC investigation and sanctions.
                • by anonymov ( 1768712 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:51PM (#38700844)

                  As far as I can tell, you've got to opt-in in this "Google promoting their own services" as it doesn't work this way for me, so no sell.

                  Without opting in, for katy+perry you get Katy Perry's official website as first result, no Google+ or Facebook, though it finds twitter and myspace among other results.

                  Searching katy+perry+facebook gives you facebook page as top result.

                  But what's funny, earching for katy+perry+google+plus gives peekyou.com as top result and plus.google.com as second, kinda like google demoting their own services.

                • by leoplan2 ( 2064520 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:52PM (#38700858)
                  by using your logic, MS should be investigated too, they are pushing IE9, Windows, etc on their Hotmail page, and nobody complains. And Hotmail still is a dominant force. Twitter said NO for using their data on Google. Facebook data is not open for Google. So, how do you expect Google Search+ to use others data? And all that illegaly enter other markets BS is just FUD. You should inform yourself before commenting.
                  • by demachina ( 71715 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:14PM (#38701036)

                    On the first chart I found Hotmail only has a 20% plus share among the big email providers. Yahoo is the only one close to dominate with a little over 50% and I doubt that qualifies as a monopoly.

                    We are talking here about abuse of a monopoly position in search which I think Google has. Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly in email services.

                    As long as you dont have a monopoly position you can tie and promote your own products all you want. Microsoft might get in trouble if they aggressively promoted Bing or Hotmail through their Windows OS monopoly though that monopoly is in decline with the rise of smartphones and tablets.

                    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:28PM (#38701140)

                      Google's US market share is 66%. You seem to draw a pretty large change in conclusions going from 50% to 66%.

                      Also, Facebook is aligned with Microsoft, which powers 30% of all internet searches (Bing + Yahoo). I hardly thing 66% is enough to harm users who have a 30% competitor as an alternative. The bolding is there to remind folks that anti-monopoly enforcement is only there to protect consumers, not to protect companies who are expected to be competing.

                      Apple's 82% share of tables and 76% share of the music player market must really bother you, right?

            • by ilguido ( 1704434 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:52PM (#38700852)
              What? She's got no G+ page, search "Katy Perry" on Google and tell me what you see.
              I just did it and I see: wikipedia, KP's offical site, mtv, her twitter account, a fan site, an english newspaper with an article about her, a couple of pictures (not from G+) and some more news. The only thing related to Google is a couple of youtube videos...
            • by Demonoid-Penguin ( 1669014 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @08:20PM (#38702002) Homepage

              It's a big deal because Google is promoting her Google+ page, while not Facebook's. That's the whole issue.

              Didn't you say she *doesn't* have a Google+ page?

              Your argument is unclear - are you proposing that search engines are a public utility? Will the gubment take ownership? Who'll be footing the tax bill? Will this result in new legislation that gets applied to every search engine or index?

              I'm guessing you live in a country that considers itself the boss of the world.

              While you're lobbying for truth and justice - please prosecute Bing for not indexing my sites as fast as it indexes others - oh, and how about that Facebook search index? Twitter put up those nofollow tags... Can you whinge for me because I'm forced to use Google and it's not fair!

          • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:19PM (#38701582)

            I don't know who this Katy Perry person is (relative of Rick Perry?), but I'm guessing that the majority of people who want to find her Facebook page search for it in Facebook, not in Google. I don't have a Facebook account, nor do I really care about anyone's Facebook pages, so I never bother to click on Google links to Facebook accounts when they do crop up; more often, I use Google to find Wikipedia entries and official web pages for people. I'm guessing most people select the tool that seems right for the job: Facebook for searching Facebook, and Google for searching the web in general.

            If enough people think that way, and if Google's rankings are based in part on user behavior, Facebook isn't going to rank high for Katy Parry, but Wikipedia and any campaign (candidate's daughter/spouse?) or official web page should.

            • by swalve ( 1980968 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @10:31PM (#38702898)
              You kind of answered your own question. If you want wikipedia entries, why don't you go right to wikipedia? The answer is, because it is nice to have google as a sort of commandline search that you can get all of the other places information exists about your query. The question and trouble is that facebook came up in search results before google+ and now it doesn't. Seems like a thing to investigate.
          • by Paradise Pete ( 33184 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @08:08PM (#38701906) Journal

            If I'm a facebook registered user and I'm looking for her facebook profile, I'd search Katy Perry on facebook, not on Google

            Good point! If you already know where to find the content you're seeking then Google is doing nothing wrong by omitting that result.
            So what if Google shapes results to hide things it doesn't want its uses to see? What harm could that possibly do? It's not like North Korea or China.
            If your Aunt Tilly thinks "the internet" is what can be found through a Google search that's her own fault! It's not like very many people think that way.
            People have to take responsibility for knowing what's out there! Depending on Google for searching "the internet" is just plain ignorant and lazy!

        • by metamatic ( 202216 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:12PM (#38701512) Homepage Journal

          I just checked and Katy Perry's facebook profile is indexable.

          Well, I just checked Facebook's robots.txt and it says

          User-agent: *
          Disallow: /

          • by mab ( 17941 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @10:24PM (#38702852)

            User-agent: Googlebot
            Disallow: /ac.php
            Disallow: /ae.php
            Disallow: /album.php
            Disallow: /ap.php
            Disallow: /autologin.php
            Disallow: /checkpoint/
            Disallow: /feeds/
            Disallow: /l.php
            Disallow: /o.php
            Disallow: /p.php
            Disallow: /photo.php
            Disallow: /photo_comments.php
            Disallow: /photo_search.php
            Disallow: /photos.php

        • by fwoop ( 2553110 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @08:22PM (#38702024)
          Even so, how does Google know that the current user is (a) a facebook user and (b) has Katy Perry as one of his/her friends. Facebook doesn't share that information with Google. Facebook wants a walled garden vs giving users what they want. Google now knows who is in your circles and can give you better results as such for the entire internet as well as your circle of friends. Already there are bloggers who have written about how useful the new search is. [thomashawk.com]

          And if you think this is evil, then will you say the same when Facebook does the same thing? When Microsoft does the same thing? Facebook is going public and you can be sure they will expand into general search, what do you think they'll do with all the information they have on their users? Especially given the low margins of facebook advertising compared to search advertising, it's only a matter of time until Facebook gets into search and leverages their social data. If anything, Google is guilty of pioneering this new way of searching. Users want this. They wanted Google providing search results using Twitter data then Twitter refused to share data with Google, so Google created their own network to give users what they want. I don't see a problem here.
      • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:09PM (#38700506)
        In fact now that I think of it, the best idea would be cut Google in half or more pieces. Their advertising as single company, their search engine as single company and rest of their services as single or other companies. That way the individual companies can concentrate on what they do and aren't tied to each other. Just like was suggested in Microsoft's case.
      • by bonch ( 38532 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:17PM (#38700582)

        The complaint--if you had read the article I linked--is that her Facebook page is crawlable, yet it doesn't show up in the results. Another example given is Britney Spears, who does in fact have a Google+ account, and it even lists her Twitter and Facebook accounts on it! Yet those links don't show up in the search results either.

        • I suspect that the problem is that Katy Perry's Facebook PageRank is significantly below that of her Wikipedia page, Twitter page, or website, since almost nobody links to a Facebook page when talking about a celebrity (outside of posting on Facebook). The Google+ page would show up when you have a Google+ account and are searching, because you might want to follow that person.

          Twitter single-handedly shut down Google's Realtime Search in 2009, and Facebook refused to give Google access to Facebook data unless Google essentially handed over the control of any type of social search to Facebook. Google wanted to index both of them. They didn't have any big desire to show up in results. Remember that.

      • by Intropy ( 2009018 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:35PM (#38700718)

        I stand corrected. A poster noted that Katy Perry's facebook page is indexable. I confirmed this by searching for it on Google, which found it.

      • by LordLimecat ( 1103839 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:10PM (#38701492)

        No, what would be FAIR would be for them to link to her Twitter and facebook account.

        Oh wait, didnt Twitter and Facebook tell google to shove off? Oh yea. Sour grapes, anyone?

      • by dissy ( 172727 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:53PM (#38701798)

        This should be pretty easy for Google to fix.

        We can look at the precedent set by the Microsoft antitrust case and use the same conclusions made there.

        When you go to the Google search page, it can check for the google cookie, and if it doesn't see it, show a screen as such:

        "Hello, we noticed you typed google.com into your browser. The courts have forced us to ask you if you are really really sure you meant to go to google.com when you typed google.com. Are you absolutely positively pinky-swear sure you didn't mean to reach one of these other search engines when you typed google.com?"
        (Insert list of links to other search engines)

        According to the results of the Microsoft anti-trust case, this would put them in full compliance once again.

    • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:01PM (#38700448)
      Completely agree with you. One should also read this article about the supposed openness of Google [seobook.com], or lack of it. Google is becoming extremely aggressive in their moves, and FTC is completely correct in investigating the company.
    • by symbolset ( 646467 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:28PM (#38700658) Journal
      Microsoft paid a lot of money to get their lawyers into the FTC and the DOJ. It would be passing strange for these to not go after Google. It doesn't matter, because they still have to operate within the law.
      • by hedwards ( 940851 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:35PM (#38700714)

        Well no, Google being investigated for antitrust regulations was bound to happen the moment a Democrat was elected President. The real question is what precisely they decide to do about it. As has been mentioned, they can't break the company up, doing so would be nonsensical compared with breaking up a company that has a physical presence or exists in multiple markets making money.

        They'll ultimately almost certainly be stuck with monitoring Google for some period of time and banning a small number of practices. Ultimately it's not likely to change much and that's assuming that the agencies decide to move forward with enforcement which they might not.

    • by Fri13 ( 963421 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @11:18PM (#38703138)

      1) Google is not only one who is doing the filter bubble around person (Search Tedtalks about subject) as does Microsoft and Yahoo and almost everyone else do same thing.

      2) I made search "Kate Perry" and I got relevant pages in front page (I have instant search in use so I get only 10 results per page) like facebook entry. If you would know the filter bubble, you would know that it depends who, with what browser, with what computer and from where the search has done. Different people gets different results. Even a researched can get totally different results with dozens of friends than what millions of other people gets.

      I am all the way for finding a controversial information about subjects. As I do not want to be blinded by my own believes. But it is very difficult thing to do, as wikipedia proofs, people don't care facts, they care only that what most people believe they know. Was topic about technology (mathematics), biology or chemistery.... it does not matter if someone has something different and is it true, as if just public opinion is that it is wrong... it is enough.

      I don't mind if I get to Google search results a information about what my friends have done and shared with me or made public, as long as I can turn that off. (My personal opinion is, that should be by default off). But it is just great, as Google is primarily a search corporation, secondly a advertiser. And if people can find related data from google front page without checking googles other services where is same search bad... it is OK.

      It is just stupid from Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft and others who were offered to include their users public data on Google to deny from that as then Google had no one else to include than own service.

      When google went around the town and asked "Do you want to include your customers data to our search" and they say "No". And after the round only one who wanted was Google itself. Others can not blame than itself from being stupid and greed.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:03PM (#38700456)

    I'm a bit baffled by this sentence: "whether the company is using its control of the Android mobile operating system to discourage smartphone makers from using rivals' applications."

    What applications is being talked about here? I'm assuming with rivals means either MS/Apple, or maybe other search engines and e-mail hosting and so on, but none of that really makes sense. Don't they develop Android in cooperation with the Open Handset Alliance, which includes said smartphone makers? Or is Google requiring certain applications not to be shipped on their phones as a requirement for licensing the Google apps? Does that even matter as long as end-users can install whatever they want on their phones anyway? I don't see Apple or MS offering google apps on their phones.

    I guess I'm missing something, I can't really make sense of that statement. Can someone enlighten me?

    • by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:34PM (#38700704)
      It's especially strange since Apple explicitly forbids people from selling applications that duplicate the functionality of the built-in ones, and also has forced people to pay them for subscription sales. I think Google may be being punished for their anti-SOPA stance.
    • by hedwards ( 940851 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:37PM (#38700736)

      I believe it refers to the restrictions that manufacturers have to agree to in order to be allowed to use the Marketplace. I'm not sure of all the specifics, but the phones have to comply to a set of conditions otherwise they aren't allowed to participate in the Marketplace.

      I can't comment on the merit or lack thereof as I'm not really sure what precisely the issue there is. But I suspect it has to do with the defaults.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:07PM (#38700490)

    Let's see, Microsoft has bing search, upcoming arm tablets with windows 8, azzhure cloud, a lock on nearly 100% of the home PC market, a java clone named .net, proprietary lock-in document formats that are mandated throughout the US government (and most businesses), and the government is looking at google?

    Talk about incompetence. I guess the US is picking on the new kid because Microsoft sent them home crying after the abject failure of the Penfield / Kotar-Kelly solution to the Microsoft monopoly in the 200X's. What an embarrassing fail this government is.

  • by NecroPuppy ( 222648 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:10PM (#38700512) Homepage

    It is three clicks to turn off this functionality.

    Seach settings, select to not use personalized search, and then save.

    Much more clear to use (or not use) than any change that Facebook ever made.

    • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:12PM (#38700540)
      That might be true, but completely irrelevant. They're still promoting their other services over competitors and user changing from default settings has nothing to do with it.
      • by CodeReign ( 2426810 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:32PM (#38700688)

        I don't see how. Google Tweet Deck [google.com] Both Apple and Google mobile markets show up in the search results. If twitter wasn't such a bitch about their site being crawled they would have updates on Google too. I can actually remember going to Google to use their realtime search because Twitter is such a shit site. But now twitter want's out of the realtime show on Google but they are saying it's unfair that Google has their own real time content providers. There are no "competitors" no companies want to take that realtime space, no companies want to share the data.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:16PM (#38701048)

        They're still promoting their other services over competitors

        There's nothing wrong with promoting your services over competitors' services.

    • by bonch ( 38532 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:19PM (#38700590)

      Just like it was easy to use Netscape instead of Internet Explorer, or switch to Linux from Windows 98.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:20PM (#38700600)
      Or you can just not use Google search. With the recent Kenya fiasco [slashdot.org] and all the crap that assholes like David Drummond (the guy who orchestrated the Kenya operation), Vic Gundotra (real names policy) and Andy Rubin (biggest hypocrite ever) are doing, I won't touch a Google product with a 10ft pole.
    • by GillyGuthrie ( 1515855 ) on Sunday January 15, 2012 @05:32PM (#38708072)

      I think you forgot the biggest (first) step - creating a GMail account and logging in.

      Interestingly, my brother-in-law just bought a new phone (I don't even know what the heck model it is, but it runs Android). It would not let him sync to his Facebook contacts, he was required to create a GMail account to use the phone. Didn't sound like opting out was possible.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:14PM (#38700550)

    When they started defaulting their logged in users to https, they also hid the referrer from the subsequent page. They say this was for security, but in reality, it was an antitrust action forcing people to either use google analytics or use pay per click. I would like to see that on the agenda as well.

    • by smithz ( 2552942 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:17PM (#38700576)
      Completely true, especially when the referrer information is sent for paid clicks. That's basically Google demanding payment if you want to get that information. That exact issue is also pointed out in this article about the supposed openness of Google [seobook.com] along with other interesting facts.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:24PM (#38700632)

        Why hello there, InterestsightfulantitheDavidSellCTech. It's not like nobody recognizes you, you might as well stop changing accounts and it's not like anybody but you links to this crap article for a dozen times already.

        Anyways, you're kinda contradicting yourself, please choose between your "Google's worse for privacy than Facebook" opinion that went as first post in the article on FB privacy investigation and "Google should remove privacy when you're going for secure search".

    • by Baloroth ( 2370816 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:32PM (#38701174)
      Funny. Wikipedia [wikipedia.org] seems to think that behavior is standard operating practice for HTTPS->non-https connections.

      If a website is accessed from a HTTP Secure (HTTPS) connection and a link points to anywhere except another secure location, then the referrer field is not sent.

  • by Vinegar Joe ( 998110 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:33PM (#38700692)

    Needs to buy some of the same government people Microsoft has.

  • by MacGyver2210 ( 1053110 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:36PM (#38700728)

    That's ridiculous. It seems like these days successful is synonymous with monopoly. What is anti-competitive, exactly, about having a feature that requires someone to sign up?

    • by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:53PM (#38700864)
      They haven'y bought government representatives like their competition (nor should they have to). I think they should move their company headquarters to Canada. It would make an excellent statement about the SOPA and other restrictions coming, as well as the state of the patent system in the US.
      • by bonch ( 38532 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:45PM (#38701268)

        Google doesn't need to buy government representatives--its executives already are the government representatives [cnn.com]. Eric Schmidt is a technology adviser to Obama, Google executive Sonal Shah led meetings on the transitory team, several ex-executives now work in the administration, and Marissa Meyer had Obama personally appear at her house during a fundraiser a week before the FTC dismissed its probe into the Street View scandal.

        But yeah, let's blame it all on a Microsoft conspiracy.

        • representative means congressmen. senators. these make the laws. and no, advisors dont mean shit - whatever the leashholder pays for, is legislated.

          google needed to buy representatives. meaning, congressmen or senators. none of these would happen. or sopa.
        • by fwoop ( 2553110 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @08:41PM (#38702170)
          And yet look at how far SOPA got. And look at the age of that article, and the fact that Obama hasn't been back since 2007, and you realize that now Google is perceived as a political liability, and is vastly outnumbered in Washington compared to the entertainment industry. Actually he came to the computer history museum last September just down the street from Google and he didn't go to Google. But he did visit Facebook last year. These days it's just cool to hate Google and being close to Google is political suicide. Because Google makes a lot of money.

          This is what the FTC probe ended with: [allthingsd.com]

          "“The company also publicly stated its intention to delete the inadvertently collected payload data as soon as possible. Further, Google has made assurances to the FTC that the company has not used and will not use any of the payload data collected in any Google product or service, now or in the future. This assurance is critical to mitigate the potential harm to consumers from the collection of payload data. Because of these commitments, we are ending our inquiry into this matter at this time."
          Big deal.
    • by bonch ( 38532 ) * on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:41PM (#38701240)

      That's ridiculous. It seems like these days successful is synonymous with monopoly. What is anti-competitive, exactly, about having a feature that requires someone to sign up?

      Every Microsoft supporter in 1998

  • FUD (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 14, 2012 @05:41PM (#38700772)

    I would like to see the FTC members investigated for how many of them own Apple or Microsoft products or stock. These companies are desperate to destroy Google, who has done nothing wrong and is driving them out of business, and it wouldn't surprise me that they would stock the government with their fanboys and shills to accomplish this.

    Nobody is forced to use Google products or services, they choose to do so because of Google's superiority and innovativeness. These charge are absolutely baseless and I look forward to Google being vindicated. Hopefully they file a countersuit afterwards for libel and harassment.

    • by shentino ( 1139071 ) <shentino@gmail.com> on Saturday January 14, 2012 @06:54PM (#38701350)

      For awhile I thought it was their cheeky attitude towards the uber patriotic SOPA and PIPA acts.

      Remember that ex MAFIAA lawyers are now packing the DOJ.

    • by Overly Critical Guy ( 663429 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:00PM (#38701410)

      And people say there are Apple and Microsoft shills on Slashdot? That last paragraph reads like stock phrases from a marketing suit. "...Google's superiority and innovativeness...these charges are absolutely baseless and I look forward to Google being vindicated..." And it gets modded as Insightful!

      I use Google products too, but come on. Google is huge, and if they're overstepping their bounds, they should be investigated just like Microsoft was a decade ago.

    • by Fri13 ( 963421 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @11:51PM (#38703262)

      "Hopefully they file a countersuit afterwards for libel and harassment."

      Google's motto is "Don't be Evil" and so on, Google would not do what you hope...

      As when someone does mistake, it is a mistake. If someone is stupid or greed and sue you because that... it is still not right to sue back from it, but to work harder to be a better one.

  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:08PM (#38701478) Homepage Journal
    Really - ALL of the alleged accusations are practiced daily by other technology companies which have major shares - like ms, apple. Especially apple is almost fascist compared to what others can do with their handsets, including anyone using their software. microsoft even as of now pushes ie9, hotmail, msn through windows. they are even wanting to 'kill' ie6 - it does not matter whether you want it or not, for good or bad measure.

    This 'investigation' comes right at the time when sopa thing heated up, mainly because of google's participation and open anti-sopa advocacy. a major force - imagine if google went 'dark' and educated users for one day about sopa. there would not be anything left in the name of sopa after that day

    so this is a preemptive strike. they are basically launching an investigation, to scare/caution google, so they wont be so vocal about this sopa shit. if they comply, its going to die out. if they dont, the investigation will find that they are doing anti competitive practices and penalize them. everything was fine when google was cooperating with the current administration for realizing their 'technological vision' ...

    corporate bastardry and big media money in action. nothing else.
  • by Danathar ( 267989 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @07:33PM (#38701686) Journal

    As I understand anti-trust laws, It can't just be because somebody happens to be dominant and they leverage that in another product. There has to be something where the consumer is practically speaking unable to choose because of said dominance.

  • Spin much? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Demonoid-Penguin ( 1669014 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @08:30PM (#38702086) Homepage

    From the linked article:- Cecelia Prewett, an FTC spokeswoman, declined to comment on the widening of the agency’s investigation.

    I interpret that to read "declined to comment on *claimed* widening of the agency's investigation.

    I don't equate every investigation launched by the FTC as evidence of any wrongdoing - anymore than I equate a Department of Transport investigation into cars taking off from the lights all by themselves. They respond, by nature, to complaints. The complaints don't have to be valid.

    Hint: automotive industry in trouble - find Fiat guilty (of not catering to fat feet). Rinse and repeat the next time the native automotive industry loses sales to a foreign competitor.

  • by nuggz ( 69912 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @09:23PM (#38702474) Homepage

    Google offers many services that are very good, and are among the best available.
    They SHOULD be high in the rankings.

  • by RightSaidFred99 ( 874576 ) on Saturday January 14, 2012 @10:34PM (#38702912)

    Normally I'd be totally with Google on this, but I believed they've whined about other "monopolies" where the monopoly only exists because people choose the product from among dozens of other alternatives. In other words a make believe monopoly.

    So instead of backing google, I'll go with a Nelson Munz "ha ha".

  • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Sunday January 15, 2012 @09:41AM (#38705210) Homepage Journal

    Personally I think this whole "Personalized Search" concept is stupid.

    Why the hell would I want to search 1-2 paragraph posts by the unwashed masses (including my own) instead of proper ARTICLES posted to the internet? The whole concept is asinine.

    What's next? Searching the insightful wisdom of 140 character tweets? *LOL*

Type louder, please.
