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Yahoo! The Internet

Yahoo Deletes Journalist's Pre-Paid Legacy Site After Suicide 403

New submitter digitalFlack writes "Apparently Martin Manley has been a popular blogger and newspaper journalist for many years. For his own reasons, no indication of illness, he decided sixty years on this planet was enough. He designed a 40-page website with sections such as: 'Why Suicide?' and 'Why Age 60?.' Martin planned his suicide meticulously, but to manage his legacy, he picked Yahoo. He even pre-paid for five years. After he left this mortal coil on his 60th birthday, Yahoo decided they don't want his traffic, so they took the site down. Sorry, Martin."
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Yahoo Deletes Journalist's Pre-Paid Legacy Site After Suicide

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
