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Australia Transportation

World Solar Challenge To Start In Less Than Two Weeks 26

SustainableJeroen writes "On October 6th, the 2013 World Solar Challenge will start. This year, 43 teams (more than ever before) from 24 countries around the world will compete in this biannual 3000 km road event, which runs from Darwin to Adelaide. In both 2009 and 2011, Tokai University (Japan), Nuon Solar Team (the Netherlands) and University of Michigan Solar Car Team (USA) finished in first, second and third position, respectively. Who will win this year? We'll know for sure on October 13th, the end of the event. Team details (photos, car specifications, links to websites) can be found here."
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World Solar Challenge To Start In Less Than Two Weeks

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  • Re:Roadworthy class (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 23, 2013 @05:07AM (#44922221)

    "A road worthy class might be interesting eventually but we are not there."

    Actually we are there already:
    Solar-powered car from TU/e officially allowed on public roads:

    From the article:
    "Stella, the world’s first and only solar-powered family car, has been approved to use the public roads in the Netherlands by the Government Road Transport Agency (RDW). With this official approval, the team from TU/e have proved that Stella is a fully roadworthy vehicle."

"A car is just a big purse on wheels." -- Johanna Reynolds
