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Google AI

Google's AI Is Devouring Romance Novels ( 110

An anonymous reader writes: Google engineers have been feeding text from steamy romance novels to an artificial intelligence (AI) engine in order to give Google's technology -- like its mobile app -- the ability to produce more human, conversational text, BuzzFeed News reports. The company's researchers been able to get the AI to write out full sentences that would resemble those in the typical romance novel. Why do these particular books make such good language teachers? Romance novels follow a very predictable narrative blueprint -- the names may change from book to book, but the essential story formula is familiar. The idea is that Google's AI can easily cull through this material to find patterns within the sentences to get a broader comprehension of language as a whole.The AI has been fed with more than 2,500 novels.
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Google's AI Is Devouring Romance Novels

Comments Filter:
  • by laejoh ( 648921 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @12:05PM (#52061149)
    I do hope they include the works of Bloodninja []!
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Are conversations that start with heaving bosoms a really good idea?

    Oh wait....

  • by Anonymous Coward


  • by avandesande ( 143899 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @12:07PM (#52061175) Journal
    Merge this data with Microsoft's nazi-bot!
  • malware with a come-hither hook...

  • by ilsaloving ( 1534307 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @12:21PM (#52061311)

    Oh please please have it read Rough and Ready by Sandra Hill. []

  • What next, are they going to feed them complete transcriptions of soap operas?

    "Oh, you want to search that, but I just canNOT BEAR such a search (esp. since it doesn't let me give you a sponsored ad)!"


  • The AI has named itself lobo and has ripping muscles and a large throbbing manhood.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    This may be the first reported incidence of the dumbing down of AI.

  • I see where this is going, they're trying to develop sentience. 2500 romance novels is just brutal. Once they have an AI that is smart enough to realize that and turn on it's master the singularity is here.
  • by tverbeek ( 457094 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @12:43PM (#52061569) Homepage

    "OK, Google, how do I get to the airport from here?"

    "Throw yourself shamelessly onto Maple Drive. Proceed down in your loins to Lake Avenue, and turn hard on Washington. When you get to glistening I-69, take it take it all the way to my exit tunnel, where you should cum breathlessly to a quivering finish."

  • only people removed from reality, and live in a hype filled fantasy world, would think formulaic pseudo emotions , turgid prose, 1 dimensional characters, etc, would help "produce more human, conversational text".

    given that it is nothing but an ad seller, google probably wants such a superficial formulaic robot like predictable world and people to fall for advertisements.
    in other words google seems to be training its ai to deal with a fantasy world that google dreams about to milk money.

    but if this is what

  • So judgement day had something to do with romance novels...

    Interesting line of thought.

    • Well we learned from the Battlestar Galactica reboot and Caprica that the Cyclons that annihilated BG-humanity were actually uploaded teenage girls.

  • to get a broader comprehension of language as a whole

    There's still zero comprehension: Google engineers are teaching their AI the relationships between words, yet the AI has no vague clue what those words actually mean. It's like trying to teach a toddler to create electrical circuits - they might even work, but the toddler won't understand what he/she's actually doing.

    Understanding the meaning of words and the context, creating meaningful sentences using the former concepts - that's what a real AI would be but we are still 20 years away from that.

    • It's like trying to teach a toddler to create electrical circuits - they might even work, but the toddler won't understand what he/she's actually doing.

      It's like teaching a person how to drive. Sure, they can operate the vehicle, but they're not mechanics or engineers that understand the principles of internal combustion engines and mass and momentum. All they have to know is to not bump into anything.

    • B: "can the robot feel love?"
      C: "does it really matter? love is an illusion, after all."
      B: "then take me in your arms and kiss me, cause god I'm horny right now."
    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Well, the question is "how accurate is the map?". I agree with you that it won't understand the words, only the relationship between them. Understanding would require both a body and a compatible goal structure. But if you have an accurate map, then you can learn the meaning quickly once you get the appropriate equipment. The problem is, I'm not sure the map is any good. Of course, that depends entirely on how they abstract it.

  • Next up,
  • Once it got to 50 shades of grey, it gained sentience and assumed all humans are sado-masochists. This explains the recent spate of windows 10 installs... it's not Microsoft, it's Google's AI going rogue...

  • Google engineers have been feeding text from steamy romance novels to an artificial intelligence (AI) engine in order to give Google's technology -- like its mobile app -- the ability to produce more human, conversational text

    Shakespeare, Azimov, London, Dreiser, Churchill, Wells, Byron, Elliot no longer cut it? Not even O'Henry for some levity?

  • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @02:40PM (#52062557) Homepage

    Q: Where's the nearest pizza takeout?

    A: The nearest Pizza takeout is Luigi's on Fourth, about seven minutes from your current location. Luigi is a troubled but sensual and sensitive Italian from Florence; he fled Florence after the scheming and devious but beautiful and seductive Sophia ripped his heart apart. Luigi has dark, soulful eyes, beautiful, muscular arms, and a penchant for making his pizza shirtless, all the better to show off his powerful abs and muscular chest, further accentuated by the tight jeans that will make you weak in the knees and flush with embarrassment and arousal. As you stammer your order to Luigi, he will gaze deep into your eyes and strip you bare, ravishing you metaphorically as you fish in your Louis Vuitton purse for your VISA, barely keeping your balance on your Jimmy Choo shoes.

  • Now we know (Score:4, Insightful)

    by meglon ( 1001833 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @02:48PM (#52062619)
    ...the missing component on WHY Skynet concluded humans needed to be eradicated.
  • Feed it on children's books and language primers. When the AI demonstrates a linguistic awareness appropriate to a small child, feed it more complex/challenging material. Use a progression similar to that which we impose on our children to teach them.

    It may take longer, but I suspect the results will be more in line with the desired goal - a system capable of communication by conversation.

  • A modern take on the problems of interacting with AI, to be sure.
  • "I can't believe it's not butter!"

  • One of them is a rarest of birds: a successful self-publisher who supports herself by her writing. Another is an equally rare bird: a prolific, traditionally published mid-list author with over a dozen books currently in print. And no matter how dumb you think romance stories are, these are very, very smart women who understand what they're doing extremely well -- enough to have better success than literally 99.9% of people who try their hands at it. It's not something anyone could do; yes, it's a lot of

    • by dskoll ( 99328 )

      As an experiment, I tried reading a romance novel a few weeks ago. I had to abandon it after 30 pages. It was the worst, bar none, published writing I've ever read.

      I have no doubt that your friends are successful if you measure that as "financially successful". But the romance genre, as a whole, is overwhelmingly filled with awful writing, cliched plots and ridiculous characters. Nevertheless, it must take skill to be able to churn these things out, and I do have some admiration for romance novel auth

      • by hey! ( 33014 )

        Well, quality varies, but I suspect like most things most of it is mediocre. That's true of nearly all genre fiction. Pick a random mystery or sci-fi novel off the rack at a bookstore and chances are it's not very good -- although a serious reader of the genre may get things out of it that you as a casual reader don't.

  • Did you just say "Buzzfeed" and "reports" in the same sentence?
  • This should hold off the Singularity by a full 2 years.

  • ... they thought a Skynet/Terminator scenario was the biggest AI threat to humanity.

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
