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Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Led Illegal Purge of Male Employees, Lawsuit Charges ( 566

A prominent local media executive fired from Yahoo last year has filed a lawsuit accusing CEO Marissa Mayer of leading a campaign to purge male employees. "Mayer encouraged and fostered the use of (an employee performance-rating system) to accommodate management's subjective biases and personal opinions, to the detriment of Yahoo's male employees," said the suit by Scott Ard filed this week in federal district court in San Jose. From a MercuryNews article: Ard, who worked for Yahoo for 3 and a half years until January 2015, is now editor-in-chief of the Silicon Valley Business Journal. His lawsuit also claims that Yahoo illegally fired large numbers of workers ousted under a performance-rating system imposed by Mayer. That allegation was not tied to gender. Yahoo spokeswoman Carolyn Clark said Yahoo couldn't comment on pending litigation, but she defended the company's performance-review process, which she said was guided by "fairness." "Our performance-review process was developed to allow employees at all levels of the company to receive meaningful, regular and actionable feedback from others," Clark said. "We believe this process allows our team to develop and do their best work. Our performance-review process also allows for high performers to engage in increasingly larger opportunities at our company, as well as for low performers to be transitioned out."
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Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Led Illegal Purge of Male Employees, Lawsuit Charges

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  • Cue the feminists (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:43PM (#53032301)

    Cue the feminists to start pointing out that it's impossible to be sexist against white males because we all site at the top of the power hierarchy. Cue the feminists to also call this guy a whiner and tell him to suck it up.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Dude. There are no feminists on this web site.

      • by BarbaraHudson ( 3785311 ) <> on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:26PM (#53032733) Journal

        Dude. There are no feminists on this web site.

        Actually there are - both male and female. However, achieving equality isn't in the SJW's agenda, and the definition of feminist has been transformed into something ugly and repulsive to many of both sexes.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Dude. There are no feminists on this web site.

        LIke hell.

        I bet some of them are even female.

        The others are pussified sitzpinklers who wonder why all the HAWT women go for masculine MEN.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Cue the butt-hurt misogynists to immediately start making strawman arguments about what feminists are supposedly going to do.

      Oh, wait, no need to cue that. It started with the first goddamn post.

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:45PM (#53032313)
    Because if they were fair they would have lead to her own termination.
    • The story of Yahoo!'s downfall can be repeated on a much grander scale, if we elect a woman simply because she is a woman [].

      • by jbssm ( 961115 )
        Problem is that now the only option is some egomaniacal orange troll. You should have thought about that when Hillary was playing her tradicional gender card against Sanders and you felt for it. Now it's a bit too late.
    • This might be true, but I doubt anyone could have saved Yahoo. I think the best thing would have been a temporary surge in the stock price so some investors might get rich, but nothing more. And this is what happened. The sad thing is that Yahoo search still sucks compared to Google search. This, at least, I expected Marissa Mayer to fixed. Regardless, I think Yahoo would have failed anyway.
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by slew ( 2918 )

        This might be true, but I doubt anyone could have saved Yahoo. I think the best thing would have been a temporary surge in the stock price so some investors might get rich, but nothing more. And this is what happened.

        The sad thing is that Yahoo search still sucks compared to Google search. This, at least, I expected Marissa Mayer to fixed. Regardless, I think Yahoo would have failed anyway.

        FYI: Since 2009, Yahoo search has been powered by Bing (MSFT)...
        Bing/Yahoo is pretty good now for non-obscure stuff (for obscure tech stuff Google is still way better), but I'm guessing in your mind, the only thing to "fix" it compared to Google search is for Yahoo to roll back the clock to 2004 when Yahoo search was actually powered by Google.

    • by ourlovecanlastforeve ( 795111 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @03:17PM (#53033675)

      As a guy who worked in customer service for 15 years and one who spent several years doing it at Yahoo I can tell you that those employee evaluations are nothing more than permission slips to fire employees when they are no longer needed instead of laying them off.

      They are intentionally designed with metrics that are impossible to meet and the targets are open to interpenetration by managers, which creates an ever moving target that can't be hit.

      It is just like in Office Space where the boss asks the waitress "what do you think of a person who just does the bare minimum."

      Meeting expectations is never enough. No matter how good you are, when it comes time to reduce staff you will be eliminated and you have no recourse because the numbers they made up say you performed poorly.

      But it's not just Yahoo who does this -- rather it's been the practice at every company I've ever worked at.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:51PM (#53032365)

    In the UK civil service they introduced a performance management system with bands:

    Must improve

    A certain percentage of employees must be in each band.

    Most civil service middle managers are women. And what do you know... the percentage of men put into "must improve" is almost double that of women. 'Cos it's much easier for women to fuck over men than their gal pals. That's on top of the blatant discrimination against men that goes on in customer facing roles - where all the real opportunities and back office jobs are reserved for gal pals of female managers.

    It's a disgrace. It's right there in the stats. Male employees have publicly asked "what's being done to address this" and get fobbed off every time. The Civil Service doesn't BADLY want to answer that question - even though, by the definitions they set up, it is rock solid evidence of discrimination.

    It just goes to show. Women show an in-group preference for other women and try to push out men. Men get little or no development unless they grab whatever chances they can and move onto other jobs... fast.

  • by MMC Monster ( 602931 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:51PM (#53032367)

    She was probably just trying to curtail cost by firing the male employees.

    Wasn't this reported in The Onion?

  • targets are working 60 - 80 hours and H1B!

  • mayer never learned that civilization and all good things are results of males trying to impress women.
    companies should stick to making money for investors through legal means.
    companies should not be engaged in politics and social justice activism and engineering(unless that part of their business, as with some pr or lobbying firms ).

    if investors and employees want to engage in any of that, do it privately with own money.

    but they want to do "good"(usually for their own self interested motivations) with other peoples' money.

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:55PM (#53032415)
    And start a new company that combines their core strengths of incompetency, fraud, and perpetual social injustice. They can name the company "Loss Carry Forward, Inc."
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 07, 2016 @12:58PM (#53032445)

    I need you westerners to explain something about this feminism fart of yours.

    Why is it, and everything along with it, lead by white women?
    White women are unarguably the most privileged class on this planet.
    - Most prefer white women for dating as dating app surveys showcase.
    - Most judicial systems are biased towards white women like no other race or gender on this planet.
    - They are much more likely to get away with anything and everything than any other class.
    - They have the biggest proportion of material wealth given to them for free/without work/without expended effort on this planet unlike any other class. Through history, most luxury resources, animal hides, bling, leathers, every-fucking-thing exploited from colonization, ended up in the rooms and on the bodies of white women.
    - Is there a discussion being had among a diverse group of people? White women always get the lead.
    - For some reason, white women are the "representative leadership" for minority groups that have nothing to do with them. Case in point the LGBT for some reason, albeit the LGBT is questioning their involvement.
    - White women were never prosecuted for their gender alone, or their skin alone. They were never forced to wear veils, they were never forced to mutilate their clits, they were never hanged and burned for being women like homosexuals and blacks were for their sexuality and skin color respectively. The closest thing they ever got was witch burning, though that has nothing to do with gender but more individual questionable practices.

    What the fuck is the point of this social justice shit if justice is being defined by the most unjust privileged class in the world - white women?

    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:25PM (#53032725)

      Pretty much agree with your points, although historically white women did get burnt as witches and treated badly in various ways, they've had a relatively less painful time compared to various minorities throughout history.

      Truth is the social justice stuff is basically a way for big business to sell more shit to white women. In order to do so they have to mock & belittle men/the poor. This is why men are always dipshits on commercials. This is why tiny teenage girls are super-warriors on film. We've built our global economy around conspicuous consumption geared towards the whims of white women and therefore need to construct a media bubble based around boosting the esteem of the ladies.

      Men of course can fuck off. Good-looking rich men are okay as they are aspired to by rich white women. Nerds, fatties, the average-looking, the average-achieving males are basically worthless. Attempts to make them consume like hungry hippos tend to fail so the only thing left is to keep pushing the tat out to the women and hope they keep on buying. Sadly this has resulted in a generation of neurotic females and depressed to shit males, but hey, at least those profits keep coming in.

      • Truth is the social justice stuff is basically a way for big business to sell more shit to white women.

        There's a good reason for this: women in the US today control more money through household spending than men. Women have jobs and earn almost as much as men now, so if they're single, they of course control all their own money, but then if they're married, they also have disproportionate control of the household money (which usually comes from two earners, the wife and the husband). The only time men hav

      • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @02:10PM (#53033193) Journal

        This is why tiny teenage girls are super-warriors on film.

        I thought that was so could cast hot 20-something actresses in those roles and put them in tight and revealing clothing.

    • by ausekilis ( 1513635 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @02:48PM (#53033455)
      As a white guy I'll take a crack at this (and likely be downvoted, but hey...):

      I need you westerners to explain something about this feminism fart of yours.

      Why is it, and everything along with it, lead by white women?

      Most of the "-isms" we love to carry on about in the U.S. stem from some notion of a group of people being underserved or underrepresented in some way. Take a look at the racism/feminism allegations being thrown around in Silicon Valley.

      White women are unarguably the most privileged class on this planet. - Most prefer white women for dating as dating app surveys showcase. - Most judicial systems are biased towards white women like no other race or gender on this planet. - They are much more likely to get away with anything and everything than any other class.

      Yes, the media-popularized form of beauty is largely "white woman", or with features similar to a white woman. There have been studies that show beautiful people are typically seen as more trustworthy, which may account for getting away with stuff.

      I would have to see evidence of judicial systems biasing toward white women. I do know that in custody disputes, the law is typically on the Mother's side... But that's a gender focus, not a race focus.

      - They have the biggest proportion of material wealth given to them for free/without work/without expended effort on this planet unlike any other class. Through history, most luxury resources, animal hides, bling, leathers, every-fucking-thing exploited from colonization, ended up in the rooms and on the bodies of white women.

      Again, would need to see evidence of this. For every Paris Hilton there's thousands of "Women of Wal-Mart". The same is true for every Nicki Minaj.

      - Is there a discussion being had among a diverse group of people? White women always get the lead.

      Not always. Susana Martinez is Governor of New Mexico. Woman? Yes. White? No. Michelle Obama has started a great deal of public discussions about assorted issues. Another example of an extremely influential woman is Oprah Winfrey. One of the most prominent physicists today is Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Musicians? Race and gender are all over the map, just depends on the style of music. Athletes? again, all over the map, but it depends on the sport.

      - White women were never prosecuted for their gender alone, or their skin alone. They were never forced to wear veils, they were never forced to mutilate their clits, they were never hanged and burned for being women like homosexuals and blacks were for their sexuality and skin color respectively. The closest thing they ever got was witch burning, though that has nothing to do with gender but more individual questionable practices.

      Now you are conflating foreign (from the U.S.) religious beliefs and cultural behaviors. Islamic women cover due to their faith, in certain parts of the world that faith is also the government (to a degree), so they will be punished for improper attire.

      In some cultures women are mutilated as part of a right of passage. To say nothing about circumcision, some other modern cultures that will circumcise or mutilate a boy as part of his right of passage into manhood. When was the last time you heard of this happening in any first-world country?

      White women did get prosecuted, for centuries. Just like women in every other patriarchal society. Women were bought and sold for their hand in marriage. Women did not have a voice in government. Women were used as a sort of parlay between kingdoms to promote peace and an alliance. Hell, women are considered unclean for 7 days a month according to the Bible.

      What the fuck is the point of this social justice shit if justice is being defined by the most unjust privileged class in the world - white women?

      Wait, so you're telling me that all the backlash towar

  • Typo in the summary? (Score:5, Informative)

    by UnknowingFool ( 672806 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:08PM (#53032547)
    The title says it was a "male purge" but also says "That allegation was not tied to gender." Reading the article it says women were less than 20% of the chief editors and within 18 months it was 80%. The main plaintiff does not actually single out Mayer but another editor Megan Liberman. Also the summary fails to mention that this lawsuit was about Yahoo News not Yahoo overall.
  • Clearly, the editors do not read submissions, [] since I submitted this story almost 12 hours before msmash posted it.
    • That's because you're a guy and Slashdot prioritizes submissions from women higher. I think you should sue Slashdot for gender discrimination.

  • Yahoo already has a big morale problem and trouble attracting people. I'm sure this kind of gender bias will do wonders for their ability to recruit.

  • "Mayer encouraged and fostered the use of (an employee performance-rating system) to accommodate management's subjective biases and personal opinions

    Just like every performance-rating system ever used since the device was invented? Yeah, that's bad, but courts almost always let them slide anyway. What's new here?

    , to the detriment of Yahoo's male employees,"

    Ahhhh. Now I think I see the problem.

  • Sounds about right (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sgt_doom ( 655561 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:25PM (#53032721)
    Yahoo is so fooked up on sooo many levels, anything is now believable about it, especially ever since Jerry Yang handed over pro-democracy activists to the Chinese government to be disappeared --- effing jackhole, burn in Hell forever!!!! This reminds me of that story in the business section of USA Today back around 2002 or thereabouts, when all the males in an IT department of a corporation were being replaced by foreign visa workers --- the women workers were all quiet about it, until they began replacing them with foreign visa workers, then they started screaming, but the judge ruled against them for whatever treasonous and obscene reason. Since 1999, America has been a net importer of tech services, and around half or more of new IT hires today are foreign visa workers. What's that Martin Feldstein? What's that Obama? You say there's full employment today? Perhaps of foreigners in America, there is, douchetards . . . .
  • I guess Yahoo "transitioned out" all of their technical security staff...

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Having rode the "estrogen units are now in charge" merry-go-round twice

    When you see a woman put in charge of a organization like Yahoo, non-profit organization, or other like entity, if you are a testosterone based unit just leave. Soon as you see it, check out as fast as possible. Do not pass go, screw the $200 for staying, go straight to resume-land.

    Have watched too many times where the upper ranks are "suddenly" being filled with females, many of whom are vastly less qualified than male counterpart. Deci

  • Yes, we get it, she was a shitty CEO. So much so that the company was actually worth less than the amount of total cash it had on hand for a while. Yahoo bad management stories aren't really "news" at this point, so much as supporting evidence. It's still a total sausage farm on the "Shittiest CEOs of the Century" list, which I think proves that boards of directors not only do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender and religion, but also on the basis of ability. They seem to be quite happy to give so
  • by gosand ( 234100 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:51PM (#53033035)

    There is nothing unique about this story. From reading the article, there is absolutely nothing that hasn't happened a thousand times over in other companies.

    Review systems are inherently flawed at large companies. That's how people are able to hang out for years, just hiding in the woodwork. As long as you keep your head down, you can skate by for your whole career. It can take years to get someone fired, as long as they don't do anything terribly wrong. I once came into manage a team and inherited someone that never should have been hired, but there they were 5 years later and had always gotten "satisfactory" performance reviews. Usually it's because weak managers don't want to deal with problem employees. And you can't fire someone unless they have been on a performance plan. So technically they had 5 years with no problems. Nobody wanted to work with this person, they weren't given anything important to do, etc. It took over a year to get them out of there. (they refused to step up and improve). Why so long? Well, you have to wait until the annual review cycle to give someone a review. I joined in Oct, and the reviews were pretty much set for the year and I was just learning the team. So that person couldn't get a "not meeting expectations" until the NEXT year's review. Then you have to put them on a performance plan, and document everything and prove that they weren't meeting expectations. Then and only then are you allowed to fire them. You can try to encourage them to leave, but you can't fire them. If they are lucky, there are re-orgs (as there always are in big companies) and they get a new manager somewhere during this process, and the fun starts again.

    The article talks about upper management changing ratings? Yeah, happens all the time for various reasons. It could have been that they had to fit people into the pre-defined bell curves. (e.g. 10% bad ratings, 80% ok or good, 10% great) As you roll up the ratings for a large organization, management has to do horse-trading and ranking of people. Top, bottom, and middle performers are safe - it's the ones on the edge of great and bad that usually get their rating changed. THEN if you throw in execs with biases, it adds layers of fun to all the built-in BS.

    I have seen men and women get promoted for inexplicable reasons, and I have also seen people fired for no good reason (even despite the process I described above). And then there are the people that are just gone one day with no explanation. The corporate world sucks, and while I only know about this story what I read in the article, nothing in there sounds surprising. Even if it were true that she was doing a male purge, so what? Even in the male dominated IT world, I have seen women get fired because of the boy's club mentality. It's big business, don't try to make any sense of it.

  • First there was 1/2 billion accounts compromised (later raise to a full billion), then spying on messages for the guvmint, and now this. OK so there's some of us smucks with yahoo accounts but we also have many useful yahoogroups for various non-profits and hobbyist groups. Ugh, I hate to abandon all these (probably these might go way of Geocities). There is google groups but seems like they have their share of "baggage." There was usenet....
  • Meh. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @01:58PM (#53033095) Homepage

    These are allegations. Of course the guy alleging them will make them as sensational as possible.

    Funny how so many guys get up in arms about "SJWs" when this guy seems to be a male version of the dreaded SJW.

  • by The-Ixian ( 168184 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @02:10PM (#53033195)

    I for one welcome our new female overlords.

  • LOL (Score:5, Funny)

    by Trailer Trash ( 60756 ) on Friday October 07, 2016 @03:03PM (#53033561) Homepage

    "Our performance-review process was developed to allow employees at all levels of the company to receive meaningful, regular and actionable feedback from others," Clark said. "We believe this process allows our team to develop and do their best work. Our performance-review process also allows for high performers to engage in increasingly larger opportunities at our company, as well as for low performers to be transitioned out."

    Mayer still has a job, therefore something here isn't true.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
