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China AI Technology

China's Brightest Children Are Being Recruited To Develop AI 'Killer Bots' ( 73

A group of some of China's smartest students have been recruited straight from high school to begin training as the world's youngest AI weapons scientists. Local media reports: The 27 boys and four girls, all aged 18 and under, were selected for the four-year "experimental programme for intelligent weapons systems" at the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) from more than 5,000 candidates, the school said on its website. The BIT is one of the country's top weapons research institutes, and the launch of the new programme is evidence of the weight it places on the development of AI technology for military use. China is in competition with the United States and other nations in the race to develop deadly AI applications -- from nuclear submarines with self-learning chips to microscopic robots that can crawl into human blood vessels.
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China's Brightest Children Are Being Recruited To Develop AI 'Killer Bots'

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  • by drafalski ( 232178 ) on Thursday November 08, 2018 @10:44AM (#57611820)
  • Shit editors. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Highdude702 ( 4456913 ) on Thursday November 08, 2018 @10:45AM (#57611830)

    Shit editors don't even check the last 10 stories to make sure what they are posting doesn't already have 100+ comments ON THE FRONT PAGE.

    • by Brandano ( 1192819 ) on Thursday November 08, 2018 @10:53AM (#57611866)

      Making a script that checks if an URL has been posted recently before is an impossible task, I guess.

    • by The Original CDR ( 5453236 ) on Thursday November 08, 2018 @11:18AM (#57611966)
      Not to be racist but all these Chinese news stories look alike.
    • Did you check the comments of the last story that was posted? It's a perfect demonstration of why Slashdot needs to drop the ability to post AC...

      • No, it's another one of the "known oppressor oppresses its citizens" so I would expect no less. And I kind of like the fact that there are still places that don't force you to give information to post a comment. Even if it's mostly used for spam and hate. I miss the old Internet.

        • > And I kind of like the fact that there are still places that don't force you to give information to post a comment.

          The problem with that is we now have bots and low effort sponsored shitposters flooding Slashdot. Like I said, go have a gander at that last thread to see exactly how bad it can be, literally dozens of the same post flooding the comments. That's either a bot or a really Patriotic Citizen in action.

          You can miss the old Internet all you want, it sadly won't bring it back. And letting the

    • Shit editors don't even check the last 10 stories to make sure what they are posting doesn't already have 100+ comments ON THE FRONT PAGE.

      The Slashdot editors are hard at work, so please forgive them.
      In the mean time, please, take a relaxing read of one of our latest stories: China's Brightest Children Are Being Recruited To Develop AI 'Killer Bots' []

    • by imidan ( 559239 )
      You must be new here. It's a Slashdot tradition for the editors to re-post stories, even when they're currently on the front page. And it's tradition for us to bitch about them. But enjoy it! Joke about Natalie Portman! Harvest the earlier story for popular comments you can use to karma whore! Imagine a Beowulf cluster of lame iPods, each with less space than a nomad!
  • huh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday November 08, 2018 @10:55AM (#57611876) Journal
    Sort of an Ender's Game ...
  • Are we not waiting until it's off the main page before posting dupes anymore?

    Dupes were better back before dicedot. #cowboyneal
  • Delete this or merge it.
    It's bad enough that almost every article is fucking clickbait to begin with, we don't need duplicate clickbait articles. Seriously this place is going to shit.

  • One thing that I think is going to make China the dominant global power in the mid-to-late 21st century -- besides a massive population advantage -- is their government structure. If they want a cyber-weapons program, that's what they'll get.

    Like it or not, the way things are set up now in China is incredibly efficient. Anywhere else, there would be years of debate over any decision. With both economic and political control, decisions that just can't be made anywhere else are simply made by decree and done.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      China was crippled by corruption and is now slowly cleaning up it's act. The US is now crippled by corruption and it is getting worse. AI in most instance is not smarter than insects and that is pretty much what you strive to mimic for most functions. Of course hive minded insects with limited communications but enabling swarm activities is the goal, no more complex than that. The US can try to solve these problems but the levels and corruption and unlimited greed mean, failure is now the norm, not just bec

  • Certainly this is not [] unique to China or a new [] practice to recruit from schools for armies around the world []. What then is the purpose of this pair of stories, one overrun by trolls, and this one vaguely repeating some of the usual xenophobic fears? One was an accidental honey trap that will allows tracking influence networks on Slashdot, and this one fits into the old tapestry of fear-based propaganda.
  • China's Smartest Students Are Being Recruited To Check Slashdot For Dupes.


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