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The Courts United States Technology

Open Technology Fund Sues Administration For $20M in Missing Funds (axios.com) 25

The Open Technology Fund (OTF) is suing the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) over roughly $20 million in congressionally appropriated funds it says the government is refusing to provide, Axios has learned. From the report: There's bipartisan uproar from Congress over the funding that OTF says is being withheld. The USAGM, whose new CEO is seeking to replace OTF leaders with Trump loyalists, is required by law to provide the funding via federal grants, but it has given shifting rationales for why the money has been held up. The OTF is a government-supported nonprofit focused on advancing internet freedom. Without funds, it can't support work by activist journalists in places like Hong Kong and Belarus, where authorities are increasingly cracking down on internet freedom. The lawsuit, set to be filed Thursday in federal claims court, alleges the USAGM breached its contracts with the OTF in three ways:
It withheld about $9.4 million in funding that it owes under OTF's 2020 grant agreement.
It withheld an additional $9.8 million in prior OTF program grants held by Radio Free Asia, OTF's former parent organization.
A USAGM senior adviser "engaged in transparently pretextual efforts to force OTF into breaching its grant agreement."

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Open Technology Fund Sues Administration For $20M in Missing Funds

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  • Not surprising (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by quonset ( 4839537 )

    The con artist has a penchant for admiring dictators. Look at how in the last 3 plus years he has never said a single bad word about his Russian handler Putin. When challenged about Putin killing those who oppose him, the con artist went out of his way to defend Putin while condemning the U.S.

    The most recent instance of the con artist's traitorous activities was when he was informed Russia had put bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, paid to the Taliban. What was the con artist's response? No one e

  • We need it for our OS/2 Open Source Clone !!!!! Contact me if you want to help !!

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
