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Google Businesses

Google Relaxes Work-From-Home Rules To Let More Staff Be Remote ( 73

Google is giving its employees more flexibility to work from different locations or entirely from home, taking a more lenient policy as the Alphabet company prepares for a return to office life after the pandemic. From a report: Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai outlined the plan to staff in a note Wednesday morning. The influential Silicon Valley giant, one of the first to send employees home in 2020, has slowly opened its offices, but said its employees can work remotely until September. Google has rearranged offices to create more features for what it calls a "hybrid" return to work. In the email, Pichai said he expects about 60% of Google's staff will work in the office "a few days a week." Another 20% will be able to relocate to other company sites, while the remaining one-fifth can apply to permanently work from home. Google's parent, Alphabet, ended the first quarter just shy of 140,000 direct employees.
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Google Relaxes Work-From-Home Rules To Let More Staff Be Remote

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  • HSBC has said it will only hot desk. And less travel. The real lesson here is how we need to educate people for the 21st century, when everything changes. Remote learning in high school may seem like a waste of time, but maybe what employers are going to want is self discipline rather than what is taught now, which is being in a certain place at a certain time and then blindly following directions.

    In the 1970s many middle age men in the US had no work because it was assumed that everyone would be mass pr

  • Will Google send an award-winning chef to prepare lunch for you if you work from home?

  • Im glad my job cant be done by remote workers.
  • This article seems a little like "doublespeak" or "newspeak" in that it seems to talk about relaxing rules to allow more working from home, but instead seems to talk about rescinding the rules that allowed more work from home (when the majority worked from home) to forcing the majority (60%) to work from the office, allowing 20% to transfer to another office location and allowing, (at most) 20% to stay in a (primarily) work-from-home position.

    Seems like Google moved toward the mediocrity standard like so many of their high-standard predecessors. They advertise and promote that they only want the top-end of the talent pool -- even throwing IQ tests at potential candidates, then after having it's hand slapped a few times for poaching at local competitors' (apple, intel, et al.) had to start hiring from the mid-bracket (requiring more hand-holding, leadership and managerial staff to encourage similar productivity).

    Now they believe that the mid-bracket needs more personal attention to be productive (i.e. needs more time in the office) -- 60%, eh? wow, they had to hire than many from the "mid-bracket"...

How many QA engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 3: 1 to screw it in and 2 to say "I told you so" when it doesn't work.
