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Microsoft Operating Systems IT

Microsoft Fights Back Against Windows 11 Leak 96

Mark Wilson writes: Just a few days ago -- before it has even been officially announced -- Windows 11 leaked online and remains available to download from numerous sites. The Windows 11 ISO torrent spread like wildfire, and now Microsoft is fighting back. The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers. The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.
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Microsoft Fights Back Against Windows 11 Leak

Comments Filter:
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @10:43AM (#61506556)
    Nothing like duplicating most of your post to make it look longer.
    • Under the definition of Redundant it says: See Redundant
      • by v1 ( 525388 )

        anything worth saying is worth saying twice, again

        • Now that this Windows 11 ISO is available to download, I think I'm going to finally ditch Linux and go back to running Windows. Why? Well, after many years of using Linux, I have this nagging feeling that I'm missing out. Say what you will about Microsoft, but their operating system is the only one with with Windows Genuine Advantage. Times are tough, and I need every Advantage I can get. Windows delivers!

      • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

        Likely nothing will come of this. However, *if* this ever catches the eyes of Microsoft's Lawyers... well, then that's a different story.

    • by dark.nebulae ( 3950923 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @10:59AM (#61506606)

      That's msmash for you, the least adept editor that Slashdot has!

      • by ytene ( 4376651 )
        I can't get past their name without being reminded of this [].
      • msmash clearly has some financial stake in Slashdot or other controlling pernicious influence because no profession outfit would tolerat the low quality posts (so bad they're obviously passive-aggressive sabotage) without some reason (and none of the possible reasons are good).

        Fire msmash, who adds nothing to Slashdot, or if that may result in some sex discrimination lawsuit then a payoff and role change to keep that person from continually beshitting the site would be considerably better than nothing.


    • It's the next step. Duplicate posts are not enough, they're now considered totally standard. Triple posts are the new duplicate posts, and now posts are gonna have repeated sentences.
      • It's the next step. Duplicate posts are not enough, they're now considered totally standard. Triple posts are the new duplicate posts, and now posts are gonna have repeated sentences.

        My reply looks bigger because I quote yours.

        • It's the next step. Duplicate posts are not enough, they're now considered totally standard. Triple posts are the new duplicate posts, and now posts are gonna have repeated sentences.

          My reply looks bigger because I quote yours.

          My reply looks bigger because I quote yours.My reply looks bigger because I quote yours. It's the next step. Duplicate posts are not enough, they're now considered totally standard. Triple posts are the new duplicate posts, and now posts are gonna have repeated sentences.It's the next step. Duplicate posts are not enough, they're now considered totally standard. Triple posts are the new duplicate posts, and now posts are gonna have repeated sentences. My reply looks bigger because I quote yours.

    • Typical of Mash, can't do anything right, just cuts and pastes.

    • I feel like this is one those "but which website? There are so many?" situations.
    • by jamesjw ( 213986 )

      Nothing like duplicating most of your post to make it look longer.

      I say we give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe the story was posted from the leaked version of Windows 11 and that the duplication is a feature rather than a bug.

  • Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers. The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

    Wow, a dupe in our summary. Glad I didn't have to wait.

  • Well yeah. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @10:45AM (#61506566)

    I would say that unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.... but slashdot editors, not so much.

  • If you put the bar on the left it would look like Gnome 3.
  • Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

    • Not only that, but unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

      • In addition, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.
        • Now that you mention it, I gotta admit that unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

  • Just a few days ago -- before it has even been officially announced -- Windows 11 leaked online and remains available to download from numerous sites. The Windows 11 ISO torrent spread like wildfire, and now Microsoft is fighting back.

    Spread like wildfire. When was the last time the line stretched out the door and around the corner?

  • by flogger ( 524072 ) <non@nonegiven> on Monday June 21, 2021 @10:49AM (#61506582) Journal
    few days ago a slashdot article caught my eye. Unsurprisingly, the editors didn't proofread the submission. So, the slashdot article caught my eye, and unsurprisingly, the editors didn't proofread the submission.
  • by xack ( 5304745 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @10:49AM (#61506584)
    Like the home version coudn’t be installed offline which is a major bug since many homes still don’t have internet access especially in rural areas yet need computers for school. Also it woudn’t install on Threadripper cpus either.
    • How many people are going to install Home version on a several thousand dollar computer? At least go pro.

    • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )
      Maybe they consider that a feature? I hope not, but hope is a silly word
    • by Merk42 ( 1906718 )
      Wow an unreleased beta was full of bugs?!
    • prototypes are just that, prototypes. For reference see SN8,9,10,11,15 and 16. []

    • by leptons ( 891340 )
      >Like the home version coudn’t be installed offline

      Not sure why you assume this is a bug, it may very well be a feature, or an alpha-release feature meant to track people installing a leaked alpha.
    • Screenshots I've seen show "Other sign-in options" on the Microsoft Account screen that comes after connecting to the Internet. On that screen, there's an option to create an "Offline Account" (local?). But it wasn't clear how to get to that step without having Internet.

  • by Virtucon ( 127420 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @11:01AM (#61506616)

    Sorry but Microsoft has nobody to blame but themselves for this and it doesn't say much for the state of their internal security.

    • Security? It is Microsoft.
    • by leptons ( 891340 )
      Apple has leaks too. Hating microsoft is popular here, but you can't act like others don't also have leaks too and be taken seriously.
    • What makes you think it wasn't intentional? Massive pre-launch campaign all for free

      • Intentional leaks are nearly always far more finessed than dumping the Windows 11 ISO on torrent sites.

        • I would never accuse Microsoft of showing "finesse"

          • Of course not, they'd simply accidentally push a Windows 11 release to insiders. I didn't say finessed, just more finesse than what is being demonstrated here.

            The goal of a leak is to drive up interest an attention in the media to promote your big announcement. A wholesale leak does the opposite, it eliminates surprise and reduces interest, and despite what people think about Windows, Microsoft (the company ranked 37 in the Fortune index) is not actually run by idiots.

  • Hot on the heels of the Intern's email goof story, we get a goof on the published summary... But instead of understanding and sympathy/empathy we get some creative snarky criticisms; is this a test? Coincidence? Am I too paranoid?
  • They are going to rename it "Windows Streisand Edition"

  • by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @11:13AM (#61506658) Journal
    I doubt many people care about it, or even want to install it. I wonder if this is a purposely created Streisand Effect on Microsoft's part. "Gorilla Advertising" as it were, in order to gauge consumer interest. Or maybe just to generate interest at all.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Certainaly no one wanted to downgrade from 7 to 10.

      • That's why I stayed on Windows 9.
      • They knew it'd be a hard pill to swallow for many people. That's why they sneakily planted in the screen that pushed you to install 10 in a "system update" for users of Win 7 and 8. And the reason they also made the update free.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by theCoder ( 23772 )

        Windows upgrades are only "free" if your time is worthless. Or something like that :P

    • Hear, hear. If, as it seems to be, its another step into the "mobilization" of PC's UIs I'm in no hurry to install it. I will eventually have to since I want to continue to be able to run Windows software but that's on me.
  • by linebackn ( 131821 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @11:52AM (#61506784)

    I don't believe for one second that this "leak" was any way unintentional. Microsoft has used pre-releases as free advertising for quite a long time.

    Of course, now that it has been out for a while, they are sending out some takedown notices. They have to, or the beta-kids that downloaded it would not feel naughty and special.

    If it were too easy to get it, they might accidentally realize that beta testing is actually WORK.

    • I don't believe for one second that this "leak" was any way unintentional.

      I do. When these companies leak material intentionally they frequently don't just dump the entire product in one go onto piracy sites. It's usually more finessed like internal design documents "accidentally" being left on a public facing server showing off the new design or some shit like that.

      If MS wanted to "accidentally" leak windows they would have pushed the update "accidentally" to their insider program.

      If it were too easy to get it, they might accidentally realize that beta testing is actually WORK.

      Not a good conspiracy theory, MS already has a whole program for testing shit on the public. Or do

  • ...from the Department of Redundancy Department.

  • So when will they finally succeed into resolving this memory leak problem?

  • by UnknowingFool ( 672806 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @12:08PM (#61506844)
    MS should have put all known Windows 11 files on their Linux repository servers. Nobody would have been able to leak Windows 11 if they could not get Windows 11
  • The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

    The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Install Windows 11 Right Now" caught the eyes of Microsoft lawyers.

  • by RitchCraft ( 6454710 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @12:33PM (#61506930)
    How does it feel to have your personal information stolen and shared with others? Not good? Do you feel like you've been violated, like someone is constantly watching you while working on your OS? Sound familiar?
    • MS doesn't steal. They ask you, and you hand it over because of your addiction to their software. MS isn't a thief. They are your pump, promising you your next shot of heroin providing you go out there and make money for them.

  • by dnaumov ( 453672 ) on Monday June 21, 2021 @12:39PM (#61506946)

    achievement unlocked

  • MS could care less about the lost sales to piracy. Do you not think that any pirated copy of windows isn't pwned by both MS and others you are delusional.
  • Can the editors at least READ the fucking summary before accepting it???

    Just a few days ago -- before it has even been officially announced -- Windows 11 leaked online and remains available to download from numerous sites. The Windows 11 ISO torrent spread like wildfire, and now Microsoft is fighting back. The company has issued a slew of DMCA takedown notices to various sites it says are distributing "a leaked copy of the unreleased Windows 11." Unsurprisingly, an article entitled "How to Download and Inst

  • Windows 11 is leaking!

    ["Person" the pumps??]

  • Saw the leak and I don't want 10, much less 11. They'd best start seeding the torrents because I think this one will disappear on it's own.

  • My guess is these "leaks" were actually marketing. What I would be interested in is why MS lied _again_ to all its customers when they claimed not so long ago that there would not be a Windows 11.

    Incidentally, will Win 11 be a lemon? With Win 10 being somewhat ok and Win7 being good, I would say the chances are high MS has screwed up massively again.

  • Reading that summary reminds me of The Gift Shop sketch on the comedy show That Mitchell and Webb Look.

    Reading that summary reminds me of The Gift Shop sketch on the comedy show That Mitchell and Webb Look.

It's not so hard to lift yourself by your bootstraps once you're off the ground. -- Daniel B. Luten
