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Google Android

Google and India's Jio Platforms Announce Budget Android Smartphone JioPhone Next (techcrunch.com) 2

Jio Platforms, run by India's richest man (Mukesh Ambani), and Google on Thursday unveiled the JioPhone Next, an affordable Android smartphone, as the top Indian telecom operator and the American giant make further push to expand their reach in the world's second largest internet market. From a report: The Indian firm, which secured $4.5 billion investment from Google (and another $15.5 billion from Facebook and others) last year and shared plans to work on low-cost smartphones, said the JioPhone Next is aimed at helping roughly 300 million users in India who are still on 2G network upgrade their gadget to access faster networks. The phone, which is "powered by extremely optimized Android" mobile operating system, will first launch in India on September 10 ahead of the festive season in the country, and will eventually be made available outside of India, said Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, at its annual general meeting Thursday. The JioPhone Next will be an "ultra-affordable 4G smartphone," claimed Ambani, though he didn't reveal the price or the hardware specifications of the handset.
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Google and India's Jio Platforms Announce Budget Android Smartphone JioPhone Next

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  • They announced a "budget android smartphone" but didn't announce it's price. What?

    No, they announced their intention to announce a "budget android smartphone"

  • I was using $50 Android phone (512mb ram, 4gb flash, Android 6.0) for 2 years and it was surprisingly usable. When done right, it was even fast but you had to develop for it, knowing that app will run on slow phone and optimize accordingly. I even made 3d racing game that ran 50fps on it (https://youtu.be/okg61OOFUdQ). The only issue was crapware that could not be uninstalled so I was constantly low on storage. I'm still using that phone as spectrum analyzer and 2 channel signal generator.

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
