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EU Technology

TikTok Faces EU Data Probes Into Children's Safety, China Link (bloomberg.com) 13

TikTok faces two investigations by the Irish data watchdog following intense scrutiny for months over concerns that children's data isn't safe on the platform. From a report: Ireland's Data Protection Commission, said on Tuesday it opened two "own volition" investigations into ByteDance's TikTok amid worries about the way it handles its users' data. The Irish regulator became TikTok's lead European Union data protection authority in December. The first probe will look into TikTok's processing of data by its underage users and whether it's in line with the EU's strict protection rules. The second follows concerns expressed by the Irish privacy chief, Helen Dixon, that some EU user data could be accessed by "maintenance and AI engineers in China."
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TikTok Faces EU Data Probes Into Children's Safety, China Link

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  • Protecting peoples data is not about children.
    Also, the internet is dangerous for privacy, and using children for rules is the first clue that maybe this is not in your interest.
    • by shanen ( 462549 )

      What is that supposed to mean? Your content, not your Subject, which is sort of promising. Perhaps of intrigue? Best guess about your content is that maybe you might mean appealing to "the children" to justify broader rules? Is that close?

      As regard TiqTok, I recently started trying to figure it out. Just came off a 10-minute session. My current theory is that it makes no sense except as some kind of psycho-weapon, but who is the target and why? (And I'll bet donuts to dollars that there will be little insig

  • Because most of the content on that site seems to require that level of mental and developmental incompetence:

    • by shanen ( 462549 )

      Mod parent funny. Well played question, and I concur with your suggested answer.

      However, don't forget that it's "the content" that was somehow selected for you to see (unless you're watching over someone's shoulder).

      Returning to the psycho-weapon theme, your answer could be one explanation of how the weapon is supposed to work?

  • All the EU data protection regulators complain that Irish one does not do its job properly and finishes almost no inquires (effectively blocking local enforcement against eg FB or google). This is likely attempt to show "we are working" by bringing case against company that is not that influential.

Power corrupts. And atomic power corrupts atomically.
