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Google Android Businesses

Google Lowers Play Store Fees To 15% on Subscription Apps, as Low as 10% for Media Apps ( 7

Google is lowering commissions on all subscription-based businesses on the Google Play Store, the company announced today. From a report: Previously, the company had followed Apple's move by reducing commissions from 30% to 15% on the first $1 million of developer earnings. Now, it will lower the fees specifically for app makers who generate revenue through recurring subscriptions. Instead of charging them 30% in the first year, which lowers to 15% in year two and beyond, Google says developers will only be charged 15% from day one. The company says 99% of developers will qualify for a service fee of 15% or less, as Google is also further reducing fees for specific vertical apps in the Play Media Experience Program. These will be adjusted to as low as 10%, it says.

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Google Lowers Play Store Fees To 15% on Subscription Apps, as Low as 10% for Media Apps

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  • I received an email saying that for this 15% to apply to my app, I had to explicitly apply in the Developr Console. But I was never able to find where in the console to apply. Does anyone know where to find the form?

  • Can't wait to see how Apple tries to spin this. No doubt they'll claim that "lower fees increase the presence of scamware/malware apps, and so our higher fees protect our users blah blah blah"

    • Apple doesn't have to. I am so sick of Google, that there is little chance my next phone will Android. I just got sent on another side trip by Google maps yesterday. Which almost caused me to miss a doctor's appointment. But hey, let's pretend that Google is still a real company. The smart response by Apple would be to RAISE prices because the competition is clearly selling a sub par product.
  • Media definition (Score:4, Insightful)

    by RegistrationIsDumb83 ( 6517138 ) on Thursday October 21, 2021 @03:13PM (#61915113)
    Huh, Google doesn't consider games 'media.' Looks like this is more paltry concessions to appease the regulators while not actually doing anything to harm their golden goose.

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