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NordVPN and Surfshark Are Merging, Continuing VPN Consolidation Trend (cnet.com) 22

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: NordVPN and Surfshark have finalized a merger agreement between the two VPN providers, the companies announced Wednesday. Though the specifics of the transaction aren't being released, the finalized merger agreement follows months of negotiations between the two companies that began in mid-2021, according to a joint press release issued by Surfshark and Nord Security, NordVPN's parent company. Surfshark and NordVPN had been rivals in the ultra-competitive market for VPNs (virtual private networks) prior to the merger, but are now joining forces to "solidify both companies' offerings in different market segments and diversify the geographical reach," according to the press release. More consumers have turned to VPNs in recent years to counter increasingly invasive digital tracking from search engines, ISPs and advertisers, as well as to circumvent local content restrictions and censorship.

But the merger of two of the industry's top names -- both of which have long been among CNET's top VPN picks -- highlights the continued trend of consolidation in the VPN industry, which finds more brands under the umbrella of just three big companies -- Kape Technologies, Tesonet and Ziff Davis -- making it more important than ever to understand which entities are ultimately controlling the data sharing and privacy policies that underpin VPNs. The merger announcement follows the news just days ago that Surfshark was developed with the help of Tesonet, the same Lithuanian business incubator that helped NordVPN in its early days. While the Tesonet-NordVPN relationship was already known, the ties between Tesonet and Surfshark had been previously undisclosed. That changed last week after a report at Lithuanian news site Verslo zinios.

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NordVPN and Surfshark Are Merging, Continuing VPN Consolidation Trend

Comments Filter:
  • by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Wednesday February 02, 2022 @09:15AM (#62229967)

    ...nothing to see here.

    Tell me, when every VPN provider is owned by one or two mega-corps, will we still ignorantly call it a private network, or will we be too busy convincing ourselves that monopolies technically don't exist according to Greed?

    • When it's one or two megacorps there will be only one or two to sub-uh-poena or shut down.
      • Shut down? Well, not sure what's worse with that suggestion in the long run; All Your VPN Are Belong To Us...

        ..or VPNs being made illegal.

  • OpenVPN + FreeVPN. Google it.
    • If it is free, who pays the infrastructure? Or you are the product?

      • Re: (Score:2, Redundant)

        by williamyf ( 227051 )

        If it is free, who pays the infrastructure? Or you are the product?

        The venture capital firms and/or shareholders pay for the infrastructure of that VPN provider, in the hope of "[i]someday[/i]" cash in big, either by IPO, or by being acquired.

        Once you become the product of the VPN, is time to move to the next shareholder subsidized free VPN.

        Living the shareholder subsidized life means some minor inconveniences like that.

        The same applies to delivery apps, ridesharing services, grooming clubs, meal ingredients delivery apps, ligeries delivery apps, etc.

      • After the stories about Crypto AG, I've just assumed that it's a 50/50 chance that the major VPN companies are CIA or NSA fronts.
        • Probably so. Using a VPN to hide traffic from govs is shirley pretty foolish, but the commercial surveillance and identity modellers for the ad business are scarier to me.

        • by williamyf ( 227051 ) on Wednesday February 02, 2022 @12:19PM (#62230559)

          After the stories about Crypto AG, I've just assumed that it's a 50/50 chance that the major VPN companies are CIA or NSA fronts.

          If spying is inescapable, I can only say the following:

          As a Venezuelan living in Venezuela, I can say that I'd rather be spied by the CIA, Mossad or MI5, than be spyed by the SEBIN, G4 or O.

          I guess for other countries it would be the same, you would have your preferred agencies, and your "must avoid at all costs" agencies. Just choose a VPN provider that aligns with that.

  • > More consumers have turned to VPNs in recent years to counter increasingly invasive digital tracking from search engines

    searching google via vpn while being logged in gmail. Right. That definetely works.

    More "customers" turned to VPN to hide their exploits. NordVPN was enabling more spammers and botnet masters in 2021 than it did before.

    • > searching google via vpn while being logged in gmail. Right. That definetely works.

      That's definitely every VPN user out there.

  • Can't wait!

  • ...so the FBI's resources aren't stretched so thin running TWO front companies.
    Save the taxpayer's dollars and consolidate!

Some people only open up to tell you that they're closed.
