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UK, US, and EU Officially Blame Russia For Cyberattack Targeting Viasat ( 24

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Sky News: The UK, US and EU have formally accused Russia of being behind a cyber attack targeting a satellite communications network used in Ukraine. Businesses and individuals using routers made by Viasat, an American business that provides broadband-speed satellite internet connections, were knocked offline just before tanks began to roll into the country.

"The cyberattack took place one hour before Russia's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, thus facilitating the military aggression," the EU said in its statement. "Although the primary target is believed to have been the Ukrainian military, other customers were affected, including personal and commercial internet users," the Foreign Office added. As a result of the attack 5,800 wind turbines in Germany were knocked offline as they depended upon Viasat routers for remote monitoring and control. The company said in total tens of thousands of its terminals were effectively destroyed and needed to be replaced.
UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said: "This is clear and shocking evidence of a deliberate and malicious attack by Russia against Ukraine which had significant consequences on ordinary people and businesses in Ukraine and across Europe. We will continue to call out Russia's malign behavior and unprovoked aggression across land, sea and cyberspace, and ensure it faces severe consequences."

The attack was described as "yet another example of Russia's continued pattern of irresponsible behavior in cyberspace, which also formed an integral part of its illegal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine," in the EU's statement.

"Such behavior is contrary to the expectations set by all UN member states, including the Russian Federation, of responsible state behavior and the intentions of states in cyberspace. Russia must stop this war and bring an end to the senseless human suffering immediately," the EU added.
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UK, US, and EU Officially Blame Russia For Cyberattack Targeting Viasat

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  • but do what exactly?
    Russia and China continually do state sponsored cyber attacks.

    Everyone just says "naughty naughty" and does jack shit.

    well - they *might* do something again Russia, but China ..nothing.

  • And whaddaya gonna do about it?
    • by eth1 ( 94901 )

      And whaddaya gonna do about it?

      Well, if it was a Russian military op, and it hit members of NATO...

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      Same thing Russians are doing about similar assistance by West to Ukraine. Forms of warfare that aren't a direct military confrontation.

  • Yelercake and amunamum tubes what yoall say den? Yupper. Chanie be a dick but youda sucka sucka.

  • less bark (Score:2, Flamebait)

    more bite!

    Russia is attacking fertilizer, food supply, and free people. Ukrainian’s are fighting their neighbor but its WWIII by another name.

    The world will see loss of food staples, food products, fields will fallow, other land not in production will be for its fertile soils and freedom will be a price paid during Russia’s special operation.

    Putin legacy will go down in history that his one special Russian operation is all it took to change the free world. What remains after? Once Putin is gone,

  • The 'West' may not be at war with Russia, but Russia sure as hell is at war with the ' West', and has been for a while now. I guess that Moscow is going to have to set out to 'liberate' Russians living in Alaska before we do anything about it.
    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      West has been in war with Russia for at least as long if not longer from their perspective. Everything from economic warfare of the 1990s, which caused mass starvation in a net grain producer nation, to never ending sanctions regime that went from Cold War to today.

      It's our mutual inability to shed this sort of thinking that lead to events of today. Russians have their grievances, we have ours. For all the moaning about people being able to transcend geopolitics, geopolitics became fate in the end yet again

      • by DVLNSD ( 9457327 )
        Could you please provide sources for those ridiculous claims?
        - mass starvation of 1990s
        - most invaded nation in known history
        • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

          When you are so desperate to be a contrarian, you fail to google the first one, and to misstating the second claim entirely.

          Ironically, the most invaded nation is Poland. Largely because both Germany and Russia share the same problem of security, and Poland is stuck between the two.

          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by DVLNSD ( 9457327 )
            Well, you see, the problem is that I was born in USSR and lived there at the time. I can assure you that I didn't suffer from malnutrition or starvation.
            And how is your previous statement of russia being most invaded nation in history related to misplaced irony of Poland suddenly taking that crown?
            russia always needed external enemy and some sort of war to keep control over it's population. Unfortunately, veterans of WWII are dying out and it is getting harder to fool population with fake ones. That's w
            • And how is your previous statement of russia being most invaded nation in history related to misplaced irony of Poland suddenly taking that crown?

              Technically they said that Russia is the second most invaded nation, then said Poland is the first. It was still a wildly incorrect statement, just not for that reason. It also is in no way responsive to what I said in the parent post, but if you can't make an actual point, you can always just wave your hands around and scream about how awful the West is.

  • It's the first thing the US, or any country with the capability, also does when invading a country, tyring to disable communication etc.
  • Assuming this story is true, the Russians wouldn't have found it so easy if the NSA hadn't inserted backdoors into the routers.

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
