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GnomeWare on Copyleft 36

NiftyName writes "Finally, the new shirts/hats are up on copy left. I've been waiting for these for a long time now! " And they look cool too-while you're over there, buy some of the Slashdot stuff too. I've looked in your closet. You need it.
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GnomeWare on Copyleft

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'd rather have a GNOME polo style shirt, with just the foot (no words).

    It would be cool to have a slashdot t-shirt that was just a stylish "/.", i.e., no words either. I don't really want the "News for Nerds" banner across my chest. I'd rather leave people curious, and anyone who know what it meant would amused. Kind of like a mason's ring ... I like it, the "mystical order of slashdot".

    Oh, and I want a GNOME decal and slashdot logo decals for my car. And a GNU decal. And an emerald ring with a gold "/." on it.

  • by Hemos ( 2 )
    Careful planning.
  • by Hemos ( 2 )
    much less prince, i occupy the space formerly known as your closet
  • I'm not sure you can stylize a line and a dot very well on a shirt. Put it inside a circle, perhaps, like a sort of stamp. The same approach would work for the ring.

    A black circle with gold trim, and a gold /. in the center. That'd sure bring some contrast to the white background and blue-green foreground of the web pages.
  • Well, after all, GNOME is a GNU project; you'd kind of expect them to call it by that full name. :)
  • Posted by newfie:

    The Gnome t-shirt and hat is pretty kick ass I must say. But if only they made some sweat shirts for people that are living in colder climates :)
  • ...for Polo-style shirts.


    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
  • Shouldn't that be gnomewear?
  • Remember what I said about looking in my closet. I really think you should stop that the last time you broke my voltron!
  • I think because KDE positioned itself as a very businesslike desktop. It's more useful but also more boring than Gnome. Gnome is, well, a work of art.

    I'm not going to knock KDE (it's awesome), but Gnome has me hooked. Warts and all.
  • no, definantly gnomewhere :)
  • Have we come up with a new word for our type??? Shall we be called gnerds??? :-D
  • Then I can wear some geekware to work.
  • by JanneM ( 7445 )
    But Gnome is not necessarily tied to Linux... You can (if my memory servers) surn it on xBSD and Solaris as well.

    Better to leave the entire GNU/Linux thing out. Just the foot; that ought to be enough.

    As for Slashdot shirts, I would like a design on a black shirt of a 'slashdot green' circle with a white, somewhat blurry /. in the center.
  • by Griim ( 8798 )
    The t-shirt says GNU/Linux on the back! That's just a little too politically correct for me. Nothing against the people who feel they have to call it GNU/Linux, I just feel that's a little excessive. The hats are cool though :)
  • If you guys are coming to Comdex down in Chicago, (or if Copyleft is there) I'll pick up some new clothes. ;) Btw, polo shirts would be a good idea also.
  • The Bigfoot foot:
    • is a right foot.
    • has three toes.
    • is two dimensional.
    • is a "normal" foot.

    The Gnome foot:
    • is a left foot.
    • has four toes.
    • is three dimensional.
    • is shaped like a "G".

    Is that still similar enough to infringe on a trademark? I have no idea about trademark law, but it seems a bit silly.
  • I'd love to have a GNOME hat... those really kick ass :)

  • Are you thinking of OctobrX? He is the site owner. In any case, if you hate the people running a site so much, why do you bother returning?
  • Too bad they don't have any shirts other than T-Shirts... I can't get by wearing a T-Shirt to work but if they did the same kind of designs on polo type shirts I'd buy a couple.
  • Will any polo shirts be available in the future? I'd wouldn't mind having slashdot and gnome polo shirts.
  • If you like Linux Journal, they have a polo shirt with their logo on it. I'd rather have a Slashdot or GNOME polo though. How about it guys?
  • by Friddy ( 29050 )
    this is a joke right?
  • It would be cool to have a slashdot t-shirt that was just a stylish "/.", i.e., no words either.
    I agree with you 100%. I would have bought their shirt with the Copyleft logo on it, if it didn't have the whole GPL on the back. I don't have anything against the GPL, but putting the whole license on their is too blunt. I need subtlety. A shirt with just the backwards (C) would have been great.

    did you hear that copyleft?

  • They should of had thier 'Grand Opening' of Gnome products when they had a little bigger selection to choose from... Oh well, you can't have a gnome and beat him too :-)
  • yep. the copyleft t's are going to stop having the gpl on the back with our next batch and we're doing 3 new /. designs in a little bit (after the current inventory starts dwidling).

No problem is so large it can't be fit in somewhere.
