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XIG Releases Commercial OpenGL X-Server 91

Ansgar Philippsen writes "XIG has released a first version of their hardware accelerated OpenGL X-Server. They offer a gamers edition (full screen only) and a professional edition (all goodies included). They support a wide range of chipsets. I would be very curious to see some comments if anyone has tested this product, especially under non-gaming conditions, e.g. a scientific OpenGL app running in a window. Additionaly, a comparison to XFree's upcoming 4.0 version will be very interesting. Unfortunately, I could not find any details on their implementation. XFree and PrecisionInsight have released a great amount of detail on their DRI/GLX implementation, and it sure would be nice to see how XIG did it." Interesting points: This is of course not open source, and at $99 for the game version and $250 for the pro version, its not cheap, but it does support several cards that aren't supported under XF86 (like my Number 9 Rev 4 for example).
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XIG Releases Commercial OpenGL X-Server

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