
Writing Permission Forms for Network Analysis? 21

Jacob asks: " I have recently left a consulting/training firm to work in the public sector as a contractor. Part of my job functionality includes analyzing network traffic and security. This of course includes using products such as ethereal, snort, ntop and other network sniffers/analyzers. While working as a consultant I was legally covered by the company in which I worked for. Since I am no longer working for that company I do not have that same protection and I am worried about the possibility of being accused of 'sniffing passwords' or 'viewing confidential data' as a result of a normal network analysis. What is your experience in creating a legally binding contract or permission forms to perform network analysis and/or security audits?"

Slashdot Turns 5 692

As much as I avoid discussing Slashdot on Slashdot, I figured I'd just take a moment to say that Slashdot is 5 years old now. I've written a Journal Entry with a few more comments on the subject. And yes we know we jumped the shark about a week after we registered the domain name, but we just don't care! Here's hoping we're here 5 years from now doing exactly the same thing with the same folks. (As a side note, due to a data importing bug, we really don't know exactly when we made our debut, but I spent september 97 putting the site together... and when we went live, we didn't even have comments for the first week or so!)

SETI@Home - What's Been Happening w/ Team Slashdot? 34

StArSkY wonders: "I just had a quick look at the Team Slashdot page on the SETI site, and it looks as though only about 10% of the names are still active participants. Does Slashdot have limited patience? Have the Men In Black movies dulled our sense of commitment to the search for alien life? Or do we just rebuild our PC's too often and forget to reinstall the SETI client? For those of you who are interested, 'Team Slashdot' is currently ranked 27th in total results returned, and when I was typing this, we only needed another 6003 results to reach 1 million. Now that would be a huge achievement. So all of you Slashdotters out there with dormant SETI accounts get fired up, install the client, and get back to using those idle CPU cycles." not two days later, cybrpnk2 writes in with this update: "This week Team Slashdot becomes only the 28th registered group to process one million work units (basic blocks of radio data). Since the entire SETI@Home project has processed only around 600 million work units total, Slashdotters have made a pretty significant contribution to the overall project. Kudos to all involved, particularly slashdotter Mike Hardy for his team-leading contribution of over 23,000+ work units." A big hearty "Thanks!" to all current and future members of Team Slashdot. You guys rock!

Linux Solutions for Zip Codes and Congressional Districts? 30

davidmcn asks: "There is an overabundance of solutions available for the Microsoft brand of operating systems which allow the mapping of zip-codes to congressional districts. However, I work for a small consulting firm that works primarily with Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL, and would like to find a way to take address information, and create mailings based on Congressional Mappings. Does anyone know of a solution that is available for a linux enviroment? Even something as simple as a list of Congressional Districts and all zip codes underneath them would suffice."

Slashdot Readers Visit Meatspace 423

Several readers sent in notes about their Slashdot Meetup experiences; we'll start with tuxedo-steve 's report from Melbourne: "Just a quick wrapup from the Melbourne, Australia /. Meetup. We ran into problems due to the assigned meeting place being closed at the scheduled meetup time, but ended up getting a fair few people (20-30 probably) herded up before moving to a bar that would provide us with service. A good night ensued, fueled by tech-related conversation and a fair amount of beer for those so inclined. For those yet to have their meetup, be sure your meeting place is going to be open!" Below are a few more local reports -- feel free to add yours in the comments.

Slashdot Meetup Reminder 258

Just a little reminder that Slashdot meetup is today! Sorry to the folks on the other side of the dateline for not posting this earlier. Check it out at slashdot.meetup.com we've had some 5000 people register all over the world so we thought a reminder ping was in order. The original story is available too. We won't be there this month as we're at OSCON today. But we'll be there next month perhaps. If you do go to a meetup put in a submission about it and we'll do a wrapup tonight or tomorrow sometime.

Slashdot Effect, Live and In Person 428

Thread writes "This group is getting together slashdot readers all over the world. Check out slashdot.meetup.com to meet up with Slashdot readers in your town." The meetup.com site is pretty much brand new, and it's a fun idea. We thought this was kind of a cool idea and something a bunch of people have asked for in email and in past stories so we thought "let's see what happens."

Would You Attend a Slashdot Convention? 135

J.J. Lee asks: "I must say that I'm truly touched. I've just read some of the peoples' response to the System Administrators - College or Career? posting and I found it very encouraging that people have posted selfless, useful, encouraging and helpful advice to a complete stranger. I've been a Slashdot devotee for about a year now and I know this wasn't the first time I felt proud to be in such a community. The responses (for the most part) were well though out and had a genuine concern for this young fellow. Would the Slashdot community be willing to come together for an annual convention or event? If so, what would be the theme and what talks would a convention like this have? Just thought it might be great to meet some people and get to know each other on a non-virtual level." I've been doing Ask Slashdot for somewhere close to 5 years, and it's been one of the best experiences of my life. I sure wouldn't mind meeting some of the faces behind the nicknames (particularly this "Anonymous Coward" chap), what about you? If not a huge convention, would local get-togethers be more your speed?

The Venture Cafe 128

Victor Cruz writes "If there is one thing I can't stand, it's watching a bunch of rich, fat, overpaid, overhyped dot-con executives blathering on and on about some "business lessons" they supposedly learned while they were out wasting millions of dollars of venture capitalists' money. When I came across Teresa Esser's new book, "The Venture Cafe: Secrets, Strategies, and Stories from America's High-Tech Entrepreneurs," I thought it was going to be that same thing all over again." Read on for the dramatic conclusion!

Slashdot Subscription Update 618

A few things have changed in the Slashdot Subscription System since we originally announced it a few months ago. Most important to many of you is that we now can directly accept Credit Cards in addition to paypal. We also added some control to allow subscriptions to be time based instead of page view based. Read on to see how.

Slashdot IRC Forum 428

The IRC forum with CmdrTaco and Hemos is now complete, and a log has been posted. They answered quite a few questions about Slashdot's subscription system, bigger ads, and other assorted stuff. Don't miss the question about pop-up ads.

Slashdot IRC Forum Today 356

Hemos and I are going to try to answer questions today at 3:00 PM EST, on irc.slashnet.org in #forum. Specifically we're going to try to keep the questions on the subject of subscriptions. There are a lot of misunderstandings about a few things, and we wanna clear them up. We'll post a log in this story after the forum is done. Any questions can be /msged to Questions the bot and forum discussion can be had in #forum.d.

Running Weblogs With Slash 168

Two Slashdot (and Slashcode) readers -- Alex McLintock of Openweb Analysts Ltd, and Dave Aiello of CTDATA -- have graciously contributed their impressions of the new O'Reilly book Running Weblogs With Slash. Since the Slash code is now used to run sites covering a huge number of topics (fly fishing, mountain biking, "news for nerds," etc.), it's time there was at least one printed reference to it.

Slashdot Code Update 569

You will likely notice a variety of changes in the comments system if you are logged in. Most of these changes surround the new 'Zoo' system which implements (among other things) a sort of killfile function, and much more. Logged in users have the ability to flag each other as Friends or Foes, and assign bonuses and penalties appropriately. So if a user annoys you, you can easily not read their comments any more. If you notice any bugs, feel free to submit them or let krow or me know.

Slashdot Updates 1057

It's been a long time since I posted an update about Slashdot but a few recent changes warrant me doing it. You should see the OSDN Navbar atop the page now. I don't like it any more then many of you, so if you log in, there is an option to disable it. (Click the 'X', or look in Preferences:Misc) A few more notes follow including the lowdown on subscriptions, formkey bugs, and AC filters.

Slashdot in Politics? 422

Michael "Codetalker" Obersnel asks: "I was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas on how to turn all that passionate talk on Slashdot (how I love it) into a political force that people will pay attention to. Like a lobby group or something similar. It seems that people tolerate the DMCA and spam enough to complain about it but not really do anything about. I think we could change that with some organization and a cohesive front. I'm not suggesting that Slashdot itself be responsible, only that the community take part. Like a micro-payment system to hire lawyers for topics we are interested in or some sort of petitioning system. I know I'd pay a buck to overturn the DMCA, free Dimitri, outlaw spam, protest license problems, protect the GPL etc."

Handling the Loads 890

On Tuesday, something terrible happened. The effects rippled through the world. And Slashdot was hit with more traffic than ever before as people grabbed at any open line of communication. When many news sites collapsed under the load, we managed to keep stumbling along. Countless people have asked me questions about how Slashdot handled the gigantic load spike. I'm going to try to answer a few of these questions now. Keep reading if you're interested.

Welcome to Slashdot 2.2 353

Welcome to Slashdot, now running Slashcode 2.2. Since we never upgraded Slashdot to 2.0, this is a huge deal. The changes are numerous, but non-obvious unless you happen to be a fairly frequent user who actually hits most of the functionality on the site. Read on for an executive summary of major features and random props to folks that made it happen.

Slashdot Prepares Switcheroo 207

We're planning on making the final switch from Slashdot to Banjo tonight at around 8pm my time. User preferences changed after 6:30pm will be lost. Comments won't be. Around 8pm, Slashdot will stop providing dynamic pages: only the static homepage will be visible until we we complete the transition, which will hopefully take only however long it takes for us to incrementally update all the critical data. We should see you by 9.

Help Stress Test The New Slashdot 280

Here's you chance to generate wasteful http traffic without even having to run unpatched IIS! We're ready to test Banjo, our new fancy setup w/ new code and new hardware. We plan to keep testing until we think the system is ready. You are also welcome to submit Bug Reports, although it would be helpful if you skimmed the list of bugs before submitting new ones so we don't have 300 of you tell us that your user info page has other people's comments listed on it again. The new hardware is mostly in place, but the code hasn't been fully optimized yet, so run your wgets... write your bots... whatever makes you happy, but please don't be malicious: just try to load and submit web pages. And don't be surprised, its gonna go up and down like a yo yo as we fix things.

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