
Slashdot #1 on Distributed Key Processing

Well, almost everyone on the planet wrote to let us know that Slashdot has passed Team EvangeLista in daily key processing rates. With the latest stats, it shows it's only a matter of time before we crush and destro-er, pass the competition overall.

San Francisco Power Down

So as many of you might already know, the whole Bay Area was without power for 6 hours. And as some others of you might know, San Francisco is where UPNetworks is. And many of you probably know that UPNetworks is where Slashdot is hosted from. But notice that we stayed up? I find it terribly amusing that they have 7 days of backup juice over there. Maybe I'm just slap happy from spending a day in a dark room with all those chemicals. Anyway, thanks to Jesse for the link, and the tails of woe from out there. And thanks to UPN for being cool and keeping juice & bandwidth to our beloved server throughout the outtage. On with the real stuff now.

T-Shirt Update

A couple of you have been asking about the t-shirts. Here's an update:
Thanks to everyone who ordered slashdot and copyleft shirts. To make our lives simpler we are shipping whole orders, so we had to wait until our inventory was replenished, which is now the case except for the "Don't Fear the Penguin Shirts", so if your order had one of those it will be a few days yet. Your credit card will not be billed until we pack and ship your shirts at which time you'll receive an email confirmation. We apologize for the delay, which we anticipated but had no way to avoid. For order status email questions@copyleft.net. And please don't hassle the slashdot guys about the shirts.
And if you do want to buy some shirts for the holidays, check out Copyleft.

Slashdot moves up RC5 ranking

Well, almost everyone on the planet wrote to tell us that we are now #2 in the RC5 rankings. And with last week's news that Distributed was going Linux, things seem to be cruising along. Except for the sheer size of those blocks. *sigh*

Slashdot Needs Advertisers (Blatant Plug!)

So over the last few months we've grown again. We now are completely saturating the T1. But no fear! Greater bandwidth is just around the corner. Unfortunately, all this extra speed is going to cost us more money, <PLUG> We serve up like 1.5 million pages a week, and we need to start selling more ads to keep going. If you're interested in having an ad shown to the Slashdot audience, you should contact hemos@slashdot.org and ask for the rate card. Our rates are cheap (and even cheaper if you're a Linux company, or buy a lot of impressions) and we've got a great reader base of technically savy readers.</PLUG> Allright, I totally feel like PBS and don't ever want to do this again *grin*, now back to the important stuff.

Welcome to Slashdot

Welcome to Slashdot, wherein a technologically challenged media critic comes nose to nose with an army of Linux Geeks and lives to tell the tale...

Slashdot Comment fun Continues

Hit the link below to read a few notes regarding the default threshold, anonymous posting, and the various modes available for comment display. Its fun and exciting for everyone. Or maybe not.

SlashNET Forum Log

I've attached the logs from last nights IRC Forum on SlashNET. Next time around we'll have somebody interesting to talk to, but if you're curious what I have to say about things, go ahead and click the link. It was nice talking to everyone, we'll do this again sometime I'm sure.

SlashNET Forum (And Important Comments Note)

Last minute reminder that your chance to throw virtual pies or virtual beers at my head is today at 6pm (My time:EST) on irc.slashdot.org in #Forum. I'll answer questions about Slashdot or whatever people are interested in. It'll be fun. Next note that I made a significant change to the comments display system last night. This change isn't necessarily permanent, and is definately open to alteration. Some of you have noticed and emailed already about it. Click the link below to read my description and explanation. I'm going to give it a few days, and put it to a poll.

Jon Katz discovers Slashdot

So Jon Katz wrote up a pretty nifty write up of Slashdot. Check it out if you're interested. Its a pretty glowing piece, so everyone pat yourself on the back and then go about your lives as usual. Speaking of Slashdot, just a quick reminder that we've got that IRC forum tomorrow on SlashNET at 6pm eastern. It's your chance to request features that are probably already on my TODO list but I won't have time to write until after graduation or complain about AC posting or cookies and whatnot. Wesley Crusher questions will get you /ignore'd *grin*.

Slashdot Mugs

My-Mugs has set us up a page where you can go and order Slashdot Coffee Mugs. So if you want to help keep Slashdot chugging, or just want to drink more coffee but are to lazy to clean any of your existing cups, check it out. Either way is fine by me.

SlashNET Forum on Saturday with CmdrTaco?

The Opers on SlashNET (the Slashdot IRC network:irc.slashdot.org), desperate for something productive to do, have been planning to run regular forums for awhile now. For some reason, they've decided that the first victi.. err, guest, to be me. Presumably nobody more interesting was available. So I'll be online on Saturday at 6pm Eastern (who am I kidding? I'm normally online, but this time its official) to answer any questions folks have about Slashdot. This is all you ACs chance to insult me in realtime instead of in the comments section! And the rest of you can ask real questions about moderation, scoring, why cookies don't work, or whatever else comes up. You can get some help connecting over at the SlashNET Homepage. Hopefully next time we'll get someone interesting.

Slashdot Overload!

So I was greeted this morning to a crazed server- with almost 400 comments, every httpd fork was serving up the MS Memo story and bringing the server to its knees. I think I know how to solve it, and will work on that after classes are done today, but in the mean time, I've disabled viewing replies off the article. I'll reenable it tonight and you guys can read it then. Sorry about the hassle.

Assorted Slashdot Notes

Assorted odds and ends to babble about late on a friday night. Read if you feel like it. Ignore if you like. Updates on Slashdot's code etc.

What's that 'Jobs' Link?

Just figured I'd quick explain what that jobs link is over on the left hand side of the page. There are 3 or 4 extremely common feature requests for Slashdot, and a service to help find jobs is probably #3 (after AC filtering and a mailing list, which both are coming as well). So click that thing if you're interested in employment. I'm not in charge of it, it's run by Developers.Net, I'm merely throwing it up here because of the huge number of people who asked for something like this on Slashdot. So if you're an unemployed bum, and want to alter that have at it.

Slashdot Notes

I've got several misc. comments to babble about related to Slash, Slashdot, and whatever else I think of before my ISP times me out (this will also answer the mystery of the (score:x) thing that several of you have emailed about), so click the link below to read it if you're interested.

Slashdot mentioned in British national newspaper

Tarcus writes "The Guardian national newspaper in Britain mentioned Slashdot in the supplement "The Editor" on Saturday October 10th. There's a link on their "Sites we like" page The entry in the paper and on the page runs: If you are not technically inclined, look away now. Slashdot is the place where the IT industry's insiders, and would-be insiders, discuss the latest technical news. If your company's internet team read Slashdot, they're probably pretty good at their job. That said, they won't have much time to do any work because they probably spend their whole day reading and sending messages to Slashdot. "

A Comment About Content

Ever since Chips & Dips I've tried to reserve 5-15% of Slashdot stories for humor. So today I posted something pretty tasteless. Something that was obviously a hoax. Something that anyone who bothered to look at the link would know was a fake. It was funny, but I didn't flag it as humor because then nobody would have fallen for it. I won't do that any more. The flip side of that is that I can't post hoaxes any more without flagging them as humor. Takes a lot of the fun out of my day, but I guess I'll always have the huge number of hate mail from today's boner to keep me warm at night. It bums me out to know that I can't post something on my own web site, but I guess I'll get over it. It's probably for the best. In the future I guess I'll put that sort of stuff on Taco Hell.

Slashdot:We're Baaack

Allright, we're back in business. Long series of calamities that I won't bother to explain here. It might be a hard drive problem, so I'll be making backups every 30 seconds from here on out. Hopefully we won't have any more of these little unscheduled interuptions for awhile.

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