
Slashdot Downtime on Saturday

So everybody remembers a few weeks ago when we tried to move the server, right? Well tomorrow we're going to finish the job (/me crosses fingers). VAResearch shipped us a CPU:It's a dual CPU box, this was #2, but since we're still waiting for #1, this one has been promoted. Tomorrow probably 11ish (I need to sleep in!) we'll be down for awhile. The existing machine is getting gutted for parts needed to complete The Mystery Project (which will be ready in the next couple of weeks even if it kills Nate and I *grin*). Things are going to be hairy around here for the next week or so as Hemos, Dave, and I are moving, hang in there, things will get back to normal.

Ask Slashdot:Linux-Friendly Components Vendors?

bleachboy writes "We all know about VA Research and their fine complete system solutions for Linux, but I am the type of nerd who likes to put my computer together piece-by-piece. Can anyone recommend a hardware vendor (i.e. mobos, memory, cpu's, etc) who is known to be Linux-friendly? Not that it matters particularly when buying piecemeal hardware, but I like to support companies worthy of support! :) "

Slashdot Turns 10 Million

We scored our 10 millionth hit last night ladies and gentleman. It was a Linux 2.0.32 box at 9:49pm. The user was viewing the MS Terraserver Crashing Article, and they came from Anyone wanna step up and take credit? Slashdot is now clipping along at over 2 million hits/month. If you feel this warrants a bit of a party, join me on irc.slashdot.org today in #10million.

Ask Slashdot:Trouble with Glide

Kevin Way is having trouble getting his Diamond Monster 3D to work properly under Linux. It's kind of a strange situation. Hit the link below to read his description and see if you can't help.

Forum:GeoCities and Advertising

Several folks wrote in over the last 24 hours about a topic that I noticed, and I'm sure many of you have also. Geocities (hoster of millions of free web pages) has recently begun putting a geocities logo watermark on every page. This is in addition to that window that pops up every minute or two. What do people think? Is this fair? They are giving free hosting to millions, and can do anything they want, but that watermark has angered a lot of people. James S. Baughn wrote His opinions that you should read. Many people are even talking of fleeing Geocities, is it justified?

Ask Slashdot: Linux Game Market

dr. claw writes "Does there exist any source of information regarding the size of the Linux game-purchasing market? I'm in the employ of a major game developer, and I have been unable to find any market research numbers regarding this market. Of course, any big game house is going to want some market research before it shells out the necessary development effort. Perhaps a poll might be able to shed some light on the question? I'm not asking how many people would buy a particular game's Linux port but rather how large the Linux game market is at the present. "

Feature: It's all a Conspiracy

Okay... weds we asked for submissions of weird links for a conspiracy feature to coincide with the opening of the X-Files movie. What happened? Click the link below...

Ask Slashdot:Linux and Hard Drive compression

Ben FrantzDale writes "I am planing on installing Linux on my computer (Toshiba Satellite 200CDS 100MHz Pentium, 40MB RAM, 800ish MB HDD) I am now running Windows 95 using hard drive compression, which gives me 1.3 GB, enough for all my programs. I am wondering if anyone knows what sort of support Linux has for compression, or do I have to get a new HDD or kill windows. Thanks, Ben "

Slashdot makes ZDs Top 100

Nate wrote in to tell us that PC Magazine has put up their quarterly top 100 links online, and Slashdot is officially on the list. I've sorta stopped mentioning Slashdot's awards here, but I figured that this one was worth the time.

Ask Slashdot:Boot Parameters

We've got an easy one today. Jeremy Lepel writes " A friend and I have recently updated our kernels from 2.0.33 to 2.0.34. I had ppa support included in the kernel in 2.0.33 and he had it as a module. With the recent upgrade we've both included PPA v1.46 into the new kernel, but neither of us have been able to get the damn thing to work. I noticed during the boot process that it probes two of the parallel ports and then the scsi reports no paritions found. I've set my parallel port to match the 0x278 which is being probed on startup but this didn't change anything. I read in the README.ppa about a "lilo/loadlin command line" where you set "ppa=0x278,0" but I can't figure this out, either. Any help would be appreciated!"

Ask Slashdot:Open Source Program Databases

Gregory Seidman wrote in to ask " I would like there to be a public (web) database of open source programs searchable by task/niche in particular." I can think of several, but I'm curious what people's opinions are of these. Some are fairly comprehensive, others are easy to use. Is there a clear winner? There are gold nugget applications out there, but so often they are things you stumble upon... it would be nice if they could be found simply.

Call for Articles

With the X-Files movie opening up this friday, I just wanted to solicit links to articles related to Conspiracies. UFOs. Alien Abductions. Cattle Mutilation. Anything that is X-Filesish is probably worth a gander. Send submissions to Nate. By the end of this week, we'll post a collection of favorites and we can all enjoy the fun.

Slashdot Makes Ditherati!

You know you've "Made It" when you get mocked on Ditherati. If you haven't seen the site before, you should check it out. They post stupid quotes from people each day. It's pretty cool- I'm glad I finally said something stupid enough to grace their pages *grin*.

Ask Slashdot:Computing Comfort

Mike writes "Ok, here goes: Being a geek, I spend a lot of time on the computer. I'm a tall geek, around 6'4". That means the chairs I sit in while geeking are usually WAY too small, and I think it's starting to have adverse effects on my back. I'm not willing to give up computing, so...Who out there has advice on ways to reduce the pains associated with computing? I'm thinking perhaps a better-designed chair would help -- am I barking up the wrong tree here? "

Forgive Me! (Salon and Slashdot)

Tim Doran was the first to warn me, but Salon Magazine has written a little diddy about Slashdot (linking through TCWWWTM *grin*). For anyone who is arriving from Salon, Welcome. This sorta stuff kinda wierds me out, so I'm not really going to say much about it. (On the positive side, after the writing the article, the author of the article decided to get RH5.1 just to see what all the fuss is about :)

Ask Slashdot:Online Shopping Phobia

Nate wrote in to ask about something that I'm sure a lot of people around here have thought about- shopping online. He asks " For quite some time, I have been a big opponent of online shopping. I refused to put any kind of sensitive info across the Internet due to the insecurity of it. Well, they've had 'secure transactions' for quite some time now, yet I'm still paranoid. Is this paranoia justifiable, do I have a better chance winning the lottery than having someone sniff my credit card info, or is it quite safe?"

Forum:Cooler Cases

Recently I've had at least a dozen people comment about case design and modern computers. SGIs look cool, and the NetWinders, MicroServers, and even yesterday's Rock thing are interesting case design. Now I realize that a lot of people don't give two shakes what their case looks like (as long as it is big *grin*) but a lot of other folks seem to desire exotic and strange new case designs. Do people know where we could get cases? Is there a demand? Could the prices be reasonable? I realize that this is a really strange topic, but I've had an amazing amount of mail related to it lately so I figured I'd let you guys have at it.

Slashdot T-Shirts Ready!

Paul is finally ready to start selling the long awaited Slashdot T-Shirts. They are quite simple- the logo that you see next to this article, on a black or white shirt. They look absolutely awesome. They're gonna be $15 (shipping is included if you're in the US, foreign costs extra), and you can order them over at Bright Eye Productions. (Please address any questions about them to Paul)

Ask Slashdot:Stampede

Ok let's be careful with this one... this could erupt into a Distro Flame war, but I'd really like to see some helpful responses to this one, so everyone be careful, and see if you can't help Joe Bowman who asks "I've heard a bit of Stampede Linux and am just curious on whether any people currently running it would suggest a switch to it, and why? Currently I am using RedHat 5.0, and am a Linux newbie. I've been working on Linux servers for about a year, only learning what I needed to know, and just recently have put Linux on a machine at home. The idea of Stampede interests me, though would it be soon for a newbie like myself to give it a try?"

Ask Slashdot:A Fscking Problem

Allright we've got something of a doozy this time guys. Iuri Wickert has written in with a strange problem involving updating his RH system, and a mysterious problem that prevents his drives from being unmounted. When he reboots, it needs to fsck despite being, at least theoretically, properly shut down. Hit the link below for the full details of this whole conundrum.

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