
The Future of Slashdot (Very Important!)

These last few months Slashdot has been growing at an amazing rate. We've been getting 20-25k hits a day recently. As the site grows, I begin to think more and more about the site, its future, and myself. Recently I've been approached by several companies and people who see great Potential in the site. At the same, I am torn apart by my desire to continue maintaining the site as a hobby. Follow the link below to read my opinions and some options about the future of the site.

Slashdot Headaches

I just wanted to explain yesterday to ya'll quick a second. For 4-5 hours yesterday Slashdot was a bit under the weather. I'm not exactly sure why it died, except to say that we got linked from somewhere fairly sizable since we were getting several times the usual number of hits. Probably due to my Netscape Editorial or something. Anyway, I guess that means that the time to start thinking about hardware upgrades has moved up a bit.

Slashdot Content Stolen

Well they say that immitation is the most sincere sort of flattery, but blatantly stealing isn't flattery, it just makes me irritable. It seems that Mr. Philip Saunders has decided to start stealing most of Slashdot's articles. Think I'm kidding? Check out this link to what philip calls "Lord Cyric's Linux "News" Page.

The page basically takes all of my icons, and most of the better Slashdot articles, makes some or no modifications to them, and reposts them- after stripping out the names of Me and the other fine authors who write for Slashdot. After all of this, Phillip doesn't even Link Slashdot back. If you appreciate what I'm doing here, and think what Phillip is doing is tacky, send him email at p.saunders@agsm.unsw.edu.au and ask him to stop. Or at the very least, credit his sources.

Thanks to Scoop for alerting me to this. Scoop is the way cool guy who maintains Fresh Meat, the best source of Linux Software Update information.


Slashdot User Abuse

Allright I hate to do this, but I want to appeal to Slashdot User's sense of decency. Recently the signal to noise ratio on the User Talk Back section of each article has got really bad. The swearing, the stupid comments, the name calling.

Please play fairly kids. I like reading the comments- most of the time reading you guys comments really makes my work seem worthwhile, but when I see crap posted I feel like I have no choice but to just remove that feature from the site. Don't make me do that guys- think before you post.


Slashdot Bug Fixes

Well I hopefully have at least temporarily fixed some of the speed problems that Slashdot users have been complaining about. My page generation script was originally executed each time a user hit the homepage. This was fine until I started getting 10,000 hits per day. This problem will come back when we get to 20,000 hits per day, but maybe by then Sun or Digital will donate a nice machine to the cause (can anyone pull some strings for me? :)

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