
Comment And Samsung GearVR has sold more than both.. (Score 3, Interesting) 60

I wonder if people running a GearVR (or even cheap cardboard), and running a VR tool such as Vridge/Riftcat come up as in those STEAM tech specs, and if it's enough to skew the results? You may laugh, but GearVR is the gateway drug that will push VR forward. Don't think it's just a cheap "Cardboard" knock-off. It's got oculus positional electronics in it, and coupled with a new Galaxy/Note, you actually get a HIGHER resolution than an HTC Vive or Rift. Sure, it's missing positional head-tracking and room-scale, and only 60fps, and not 90fps .. and is a bit technical to set up with vRidge and some webcams, but for close to $nothing$ you can get quite an immersive experience. (Vridge allows HTC Vive / oculous shimming through GearVR) If you're a nerd and own a Galaxy8 or note8 - go get a GearVR, download vridge, dust off a couple of old ps3 move controllers, and you've got a cheap Vive/rift roomscale VR system.

Comment Re:Turnover tax? (Score 2) 253

That's just a risk of doing business. A tech company with losses so heavy that it cannot pay a ~2% turnover tax likely wasn't going to survive without paying tax either.

Besides, if I understand the article correctly, this is an offer to the mentioned four tech companies as an alternative to thorough legal probing into their tax avoidance constructs, so they're free to reject it. And as far as I know all four are making a profit.

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