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jpeg2000 Allows 200:1 Wavelet Compression 241

Polo writes "Here is an EE times article about the ISO JPEG2000 standard that has been finalized and allows a new wavelet compression scheme that gives good results at as much as 200:1 compression ratios. It looks pretty promising. It is royalty-free, but there is also discussion about a second standard that allows third-party, royalty-based extensions. I wonder if motion-jpeg with wavelets could fit a movie on a CD or something."
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jpeg2000 Allows 200:1 Wavelet Compression

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Since we have a good, new compression technology, how about some of us slashdotters get together, and make two protocols: A working high-definition CD format, and a DVD-ROM replacement. The high-definition format would probably have regular CD tracks, then compressed audio tracks, on a rock ridge format. So, the CD would work in normal CD players, then stick it in a high-def CD player, and off you go for better clarity. For video CD's, someone else can figure out that, as I don't know squat about movie formats.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you downloaded [luratech.com] the plugins for Netscape or MSIE (Mac / Win / Linux x86), you could test [luratech.com] their claims as to how well it compresses.

    What I found interesting was the required HTML:
    &ltEMBED SRC="eisbaer.lwf" width="384" height="256" limit="29491.2" type="image/x-wavelet">
    It supports the obvious width and height, and allows you to set a limit on the number of bytes transferred - that kicks ass. It's obviously loading the image progressively, and you can see this happen (with the plugin) if you enter the URL of an image directly into your browser. On the downside, the browser won't report its ability to handle .lwf images in the HTTP_ACCEPT variable - now you're stuck using Javascript to test for support. Bummer.

    Barring whatever patent issues there are, it's still quite a nice implementation.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hi, I have a little background in signal processing/image compression/etc, so I thought I might thrown my 2c in. While I haven't looked at the spec in detail, these are just a few points on wavelet compression v. the 'original' JPEG: JPEG is based upon a variant of the Fourier transform, called the discrete cosine transform. Now, as one of the previous posts mentioned, this class of transforms has poor localisation, and to overcome this, JPEG breaks up the image into 8x8 squares. The coefficients from each block are quantised and arithmetic (or Huffman) coded. This is OK, so long as you don't compress it too much. But as you increase the compression ratio, you get really REALLY yucky 8x8 artifacts - any square that has detail in it ends up looking like a little checkerboard, or full of stripes. Sharp edges develop 'ripples' for a few pixels on either side. Try it and see - the sharp edges of these 8x8 squares form an ugly and very noticable 'grid' in the image. (Also, these are pretty much the same blocky artifacts you see in things like heavily compressed quicktime and realplayer files, etc.) Wavelets are *much* better. It's a little difficult to describe why they compress images so much better without going into the maths, but there are good reasons why the compression artifacts are less bad: First, there's no sharp division of the image into squares, which immediately gets rid of the worst problems of JPEG. Wavelets are kind of fuzzy, so even when you go up to very high levels of compression, the artifacts are much less obvious to the human eye. Wavelets also have excellent localisation, which means that sharp features compress more, without the 'ripple' artifacts of JPEG. How much better compression do wavelets offer? It depends somewhat on how much you want to compress the image - 'somewhat smaller' is about right for high-quality, 'a few times smaller' is probably a good answer for your average quality image, but wavelet-based compression has more 'headroom' in the heavily-compressed end of things, where 'many, many times smaller' is probably a better answer, for images of equal 'quality'. To address the question of efficiency, I'm pretty sure wavelet transforms are comparable or faster than optimised 8x8 DCTs. DCTs and FFTs larger than that are MUCH slower than wavelet transforms. (wavelets are order n in the image size; FFT/DCT are both n log n) On the issue of motion-JPEG2000 being better than mpeg - don't think so. MPEG is clever enough to utilise redundancy between images, so I don't think any still-image compression scheme can even come close. (so no, you won't get your DVDs onto CD-ROMS ;) On the other hand, (IMHO) video is much more in need of wavelet compression than still images, although for video wavelets are only the first step. There is still a hell of a long way to go in video compression. A REALLY long way ;)
  • WAVELET VIDEO COMPRESSION is FAST (NeXT's NeXTTime in 1992 demonstrated that).

    Although 10's of millions of dollars have been lost looking for patentable efficient wavelet video compression, and some companies died trying (Captain Crunch chip of Pro Audio Spectrum), wavelet video has always been way faster and more pleasing with artifacts than cpu-hostile DCT stuff such as MPEG.

    Steve Jobs showed a 4.5 megabyte file of Lucas's "Wow" montage demo playing from a 486 chip PC clone in wide screen format being consumed at about 400 K sec i think, with stereo 44.1 Khz dolby sound and 10,000 observers in Moscone in San Francisco dropped their jaws simultaneously before eventually bursting into standing ovation.

    Since that day i thought NeXTTime would take over the world. It never did. Mysteriously. The NeXT Dimension went with a problem-filled C-Cubed DCT chip and a i860 instead of mostly NeXTTime. And NeXTTime codecs never can to the mac, though i think a decoder is hidden in Rhapsody DR1 powerpc in the player app.

    Wavelets are real they are exiting. They do take a little more time to decode thatn some techniques because they are very SYMMETRICAL. For example encoding at 2:1 time instead of typically 63:1 cpou time as with current compression schemes not based on Wavelets.

    Wavelets are great for very very low bandwidth because it looks like fuzzy videotape, instead of wierd JOEG artifact cubic shimmering near edges of objects.

    Wavelets are the greatest thing ever discovered (or rediscoverred) in math since 1988 or so, but sadly its a patent-filled litigious mess besaddled with snake oil selling fraudulant hucksters.

    One time a southern university announced a proprietary video compresion breakthrough, and distributed object code that was quicky reverse engineered and shown to be existing stock wavelet code!

    All those fraudulent "fractal" compression companies that went public on the sleazy Vancouver Canada stock market did not help bring honor to engineers trying to make wavelets work.

    The hubble telescopre stores stare fields with wavelets (monochromatic). And i am aware of other uses. But only about 7 or 8 different programmers have ever shared public domain wavelet libraries. Dr Dobbs had two nice wavelet articles WITH WORKING SOURCE CODE.

    Alas, that was many years ago. Wavelets seem to be discussed about as much as Neural Network code (the BackPropagation Hopfield type and relatives).... ie.. that is harldy at all. Its like a passing fad that never caught on.

    Fractal-labelled compression existed. Berkely Systems (AfterDark Screensaver fame) used a 3rd party fractal compresser with thier static slide show Marvel Comics screensaver. But Fractal compression has been a CNN news scam multiple times, otherwise.

    I wish NeXTTime was better well known. if so i am convinced thousands of firms would have spent more money trying to replicate the dream.

    Frequency compression that preserves both time and frequency information when given more cpu is absent with FFT and FFT is our grandpappy's crap (crica 1954 for computer usage). Wavelets are the most exciting thing i have ever seen and

    This JPEG compression trick to add a GPV style intellectual virus into the reference source by requiring patent liscen is repulsive. I hope someone, somewhere, who is well versed in mother functions, wavelets, colorspace perception, etc, will donate some time to help code a PATENT FREEE version of the proprietary scam JPEG 2000 proposal. Maybe the nice guys who work on BSD could bone up on wavelets and help out.

    I do not want to have a GPV on my code and i want a simple reference source example i can honestly build up from and happily optimize and contribute BSD-style code back to humanity to share. But if its like the 4 different patents that infest teh ridiculous MPEG-4 audio AAC stuff, then ISO and IEEE etc, need to adopt a strict definition of prepetual cheap or free patent liscensing for ENCODING AND DECODING and not just decoding.

    This kind of cocktease just makes me mad instead of happy, because it means more delays in the world benefiting from wavelet compression. Of course wavelet audio compression is needed for mp3z collecting, much more than ho-hum static image wavelet compression implemetations such as bloatware clouded-up JPEG is needed by mankind.

    This announcement looks like its about one year premature, and the crap thats downloadable today looks like a race to make money of a proprietary codec. No thanks. Keep yOur image destroying digital fingerprint fascist crap out of my eye space. Photshop 5 was slowed down to scan every file opened for copyright infringement hinted at by watermarks.. as if that app is not slow enough with its long history of insane file formats and pathetic 32Kilobyte file read requests.

    When i get this mad i seem to ramble on a million topics... and get quite tangential. Sorry about that. Lets start a new source tree and in 3 years i bet we will get firsther than the JPEG 2000 attempt and we can make it fast and free! what do you think? Maybe the concept of programming itself is patented so maybe we can't program anymore in the US though. Hell this ACTUAL patent for playing with my cat I have violated routinely http://www.patents.ibm.com/details?&pn=US05443036_ _ you probably violated that cat-light patent too. Well there are probably about 1000 mathematical programming patents and only a few cat-light patents holding back society.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Open standard, lots of whining for support and zero open source development. And microsoft is laughing all the way to the bank.

    If there was money to be made selling individual software licenses for the linux platform somoene would step in... but the big ones dont even try cause of linux hostility to commercial software. (and the rest of the free OS's dont really count, no user base to speak of) And the common saviour for handy app's, shareware, has never worked in the open source OS world.

    Free software (in either sense) doesnt work for everything, and the biggest hurdle for open source platforms is their anomisity to other forms of software... for some kinds of software the only way it gets written is if somoene ends up paying for it. Not support, not porting, or any of the other oft quoted open source way's of making money with software... just good old buying a single copy with full copyright restrictions intact.

    Maybe RH&VA can spring in with their hoards of Ill gotten booty to fund what otherwise normal developers would do on their own... but since there wont be a big tangible pay off from open source development I doubt their investors would appreciate it.
  • If movies become this cheap to distribute on the net, the same thing will happen to them that is happening to music. Music is starting to break free from the recording industry. Movies will do the same from the big studios. Yes, they will still make money on the really big productions. But it is going to become easier from small film makers to tell their stories. This was inevitable. The price is falling on communicating your ideas to the world in many forms. I wonder how it will change our world in ways that we haven't even guessed.
  • by Yarn ( 75 )
    Thats what you get when you combine X's middle button pasting, a slightly dodgy middle mouse button and not previewing your comments

  • They have a patched version of XV [luratech.com] on their page, and I've been playing with it for a bit. Its almost lossless at 25:1 compression on a Q3 screenshot I have.
  • Off-topic "guide to Slashdot" post: if you see a whole bunch of words in italics and/or enclosed in quotation marks in the posts, they are the words of the person who sent in the story, not of the Slashdot author who posted the story.

    In this case, um... Lucas [mailto] has me especially baffled. I didn't see any mention of intellectual property above, just of a technical standard that would allow packing more data into a given amount of bandwidth or storage capacity.

    I would think the biggest market for such a thing, if applied to motion pictures, would be the manufacture of lower-cost video players, not movie piracy. The ability to pack a movie onto a CD would allow movie distributors to bring prices on their product down to the point where piracy simply wouldn't be worthwhile.

    If you're going to extrapolate effects of this technology, I'd say it would be better to look at what it could (potentially) do to the video rental business, not how it could be used to steal intellectual property. I mean, if you could *buy* a movie CD for $7 or $8, who'd rent one?

    - Robin

  • > drop the patent (I don't know if this can be done)
    I am not a lawyer, but a patent can be "dropped" quite easily. Once the patent is active, its owner has to pay an annual fee, which is pretty high if you want the patent to apply world wide ("world wide" = in those countries where 95% of the global market is). If you don't pay the fee, the patent is no longer valid. This is actually done very often, because usually after 5 - 7 years, upholding a patent is not worth anymore. Either the technology is outdated, or some new patent has made the old one obsolete, or the revenues from licences with other companies no longer cover the costs - there are many reasons for dropping a patent.
  • For instance you can't losslessly compress white noise using any known method.

    This sounds flat out wrong to me. You can take white noise and apply a Huffman scheme to it.

    Fundamentally you are always limited by mathematics: if you have a 1 to 1 matching function, your domain and range must be the same size. A lossless compression scheme is a 1 to 1 matching function, mapping the original image data to a unique "compressed" image. So you're stuck. Now, most images that we're likely to compress have the sorts of patterns that allow us to do some compression, so generally we don't have to worry about that.

    What is often missed regarding lossy compression, however, is that that nature of the loss is very significant in the perceived quality of the compression. For example, one problem you often see in compressed video is changes in parts of the image that shouldn't change: the viewpoint is still, a wall is still, but compression artifacts on the wall are different from frame to frame. Software that evaluates the effects of losses on an image, taking things like this into account, would be good -- as would compression software that does likewise.
  • Well as far as I know, the DCT is hundreds of times faster than the wavelet transform. Compare the CPU usage during mp3 compression to the CPU usage during noise reduction and you'll see the mp3 compression infinitely less intensive than the noise reduction. The heart of the noise reduction filter is a wavelet transform. Mp3 compression uses a DCT plus FFT. When they switch to wavelet based compression you can forget about making movies in software. Nevertheless if they offer a no-cost implementation Linux will be the first platform to support JPEG 2000 in Quicktime.
  • MP3 is/was a great intermediate technology, and in many cases is "good enough", but one area (of many!) where mp3 falls down/goes boom is low bitrate encoding (ie: I'm aware of at least one technology in the works to handle this (and in so doing, help alleviate somewhat with other things mp3 doesn't handle well) that's potentially destined for open source use. I would expect there's more in the works I'm not privy to.

    Basically, .mp3 will do fine until something better comes along that's supported... then it'll go the way of the LP, the 8 track, etc. For support, all one needs to do is get the major players onboard (nullsoft, real, the xmms gang and maybe mung$oft) and everyone else will pick it up for fear of being left behind.

    rickf@transpect.SPAM-B-GONE.net (remove the SPAM-B-GONE bit)

  • hehe...

    we need a hardware decompressor for this... so we can put it on a video card and do 200:1 texture compression :)

    if the decompressor was fast enough, just think, it would be a way around the bandwidth current bandwidth limitations... if you can transfer blah gigs of data to your videocard 200 times quicker, that leaves quite a bit of time to do decompression of it and keep up (or be faster with later implementations..)

    hrm.. 200x32meg = 6 gig of textures :) yes, cowboyneal *could* store all his porn in his vram :P

    smash(err.. i assume he has less than 6 gig... or he needs help ;)
  • maybe this is why the paranoia about people copying DVDs is so great ;)

    lets say we have an 8 gig dvd. assuming it gets average mpeg compression .. maybe what.. 10 to 1?

    8 gig = 8,000 mb / 20(20 times better than 10:1) = 400mb.

    still not quite 0 day warez, but the modem download time would be mere days as opposed to weeks ;) copying to CD would be basic.

    besides, i am pretty sure you could get way better than 200:1 on motion video... if you compare the quality of mpeg stills to jpeg stills, mpeg is much more lossy... because it moves you notice less.


  • White noise, by definition, has no redundancy.

    hmm... by that definition, I doubt you would get white noise in many pc files.

    the reason for this would be quantization (i guess):

    for example, say you have an image file greater than 4000x5000 pixels in 24 bit color. that is 20 million pixels. 24 bit color only allows a total of 16.7 million colors, so at least a *couple* of the pixels must be redundant :) looking at it on a byte by byte level (1 each for RGB), each byte can only have 256 different values, so if you have more than 256 pixels, at least 2 of them must have the same value.

    in the "real world" you could definately get white noise... but due to computers being digital, there is only a maximum resolution you can work with...

    smash (over-tired... hope that made some sense :)
  • Well, naturally they had to convert all three results (including the 3 meg original) into 256 gif (or better yet, jpeg uncompressed)
    because I doubt your browser can show JPEG2000 files. They had to put the results into a framework you could see.

    Naturally, no, not in my case either, but it can display 24-bit JPEGs and PNGs. There's no leap of logic that can explain why the image had to be converted to an 8-bit gif (unless, of course, you're afraid that someone will connect to EE Times via an old copy of Mosaic :^)
  • ...add it to imlib? So we can use the images in X and X alone??? Why not use the software NOW? It's there, for download.
  • what characteristics of full-color images makes them especially susceptible to wavelet compression, versus say, a text file or an executable binary?
    I'd guess perhaps the fact that it's OK to perform lossy compression on an image, and that people see image compression as 'good' if most of the main image features are there (that is, good enough that a human observer won't immediately notice a difference). You wouldn't be too happy, I suspect, if you decompressed a text file and found that gzip had trimmed it down to something resembling Cliff Notes :)

  • You forgot to mention that there is a version of the free MrSid viewer for Linux. My whole State's [NY] recent aerial photos are being distributed in this format.

    The LuraTech Software Product are licensed to users, not sold. The license issuer retains the right of use of the enclosed software and any accompanying fonts (collectively referred to as LuraTech-Software-Product) whether on disk, in read only memory, or on any other media. You own the media on which the LuraTech-Software-Product is recorded but LuraTech and/or LuraTech's licensor(s) retain title to the LuraTech-Software-Product. The LuraTech-Software-Product in this package and any copies which this license authorises you to make are subject to this license.

  • If Redhat turns around and buys LZW for $20m from Unisys, then Redhat is just justifying software patents, which are a Bad Idea.
  • For those interested in code: you can find the GPL'ed C++ code for performing integer wavelet transforms I (and a few colleagues) wrote for my Ph.D. at http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~wavelets/ [kuleuven.ac.be]
  • by Oestergaard ( 3005 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:57PM (#1412963) Homepage
    That was pretty much about time someone took the wavelets into image compression.

    I worked with wavelet transforms (Daubechies wavelets) a year and a half ago, and back then it was pretty clear that it would be possible to compress images and sound much harder using the wavelet domain rather than the Fourier domain.

    For those who don't know, the trick is:
    JPEG/MPEG/MP3 uses Fourier transform to transform the image/sound data into their spectral components. But this spectral representation of the data does not say anything about the _locality_ of the frequency components. Therefore representing spikes/discontinuties will require a very large number of frequency components when using Fourier domain, which in turn leads to poor compression. You can see this problem by drawing a few sharp lines in an image and compressing it hard with JPEG.

    Wavelets on the other hand, represent both an equivalent of the frequency component, along with locality information. Spikes/discontinuities can be approximated well using only a few wavelets. This in turn leads to good compression.

    Another nice thing about wavelet compression is, that wavelets tend to represent discontinuities well, even with hard compression (eg. a lot of missing or roughly approximated wavelet components). Therefore a very hard compressed image will still have fairly sharp edges, completely contrary to JPEG compression. This is pretty important if you compress a picture holding text.

    Anyways, someone is now working on JPEG with wavelets... What about sound and video ?? There is no reason as to why wavelets should not provide equal improvements in both audio and video.

    My personal conspiracy theory is, that there exists a *LOT* of expensive hardware that can do Fouries forwards and back to allow real-time encoding and decoding of MPEG movies in good quality. The companies producing these devices will lobby any standards-organisation to *NOT* consider wavelets and stick to good old Fourier. If this holds, it will take a few years until we see Wavelet compressed video :)
  • Since the comparison in the EE times article is so useless, I decided to do my own testing. I started with the JPEG2000 applet on the NexImage [ltswww.epfl.ch] site, and the example they gave there.

    I found that the comparison on their site was biased rather strongly in favor of JPEG2000, in two ways. First, their JPEG encoding for comparison was notably inferior to libjpeg 6b with Huffman table optimization. Second, the comparison at very high compression ratios is not particularly meaningful. When compressing at 96:1, there is virtually no image detail present above half the original image resolution. Thus, scaling the original image down prior to compression (the usual practice with JPEG images) produces good results with standard JPEG.

    When these biases are removed, the quality gap between JPEG2000 and JPEG narrows substantially. JPEG2000 is somewhat better, most noticeably in its relative lack of chroma bleeding, but the margin is quite slim. My recommendation is to make up the difference by using a little more bandwidth and/or storage.

    I've prepared a summary of these results, with example images, on a comparison page [levien.com]. The page is on the slow side of a DSL, so please be gentle :)
  • There's an enlightening discussion of JPEG2000 in the gimp-devel archives. See the or iginal question [mail-archive.com] posted 9 Dec 1999, as well as the followup, particularly th is reply [mail-archive.com] by Nick Lamb.
  • by raph ( 3148 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @09:05PM (#1412966) Homepage
    Here's a relevant quote from the slashdot discussion [slashdot.org] on April 23, posted by Frank Warmerdam:

    Folks ... I contacted Tom Lane of the Indpendent JPEG Group and he says:

    Nothing is happening within IJG; we are waiting to see what emerges from the ISO JPEG committee, and in particular whether it is (a) patent-free and (b) enough better than JPEG-1 to be worth a universal upgrade cycle.

    On point (a), I have made my views quite clear to the JPEG committee, but I dunno whether they are listening. There will not be an IJG implementation of JPEG-2000 unless it is freely distributable and freely usable under essentially the same restrictions (ie, none to speak of) as our current code. Patent licenses are a show-stopper. But from what I've heard, all the proposals before the committee have some amount of patent encrustation.

    On point (b), the poor track record of progressive JPEG has left me unenthused about pushing incompatible standards that offer only marginal or special-purpose improvements. JPEG-1 took the world by storm because it was an order of magnitude better than anything else available. Unless JPEG-2000 is that much better again, it faces at best an agonizing uphill fight; the world might be better off without the ensuing confusion. (I have not heard anything about what performance improvements they actually expect to get ... but I am suspicious that we are going to see percentage points, not integer factors.)

    So, I'm waiting and watching.

    Maybe I'm just being too cynical, but I think that one of the major points of the JPEG2000 effort is to fix the "bug" in the original JPEG (or at least the universally implemented arithmetic coding-free subset) is patent free.

    And basically, I agree with Tom's assessment here. While JPEG is far from perfect, it is "good enough" for photographic images, and the massive increases in bandwidth and storage capacity kinda make high compression ratios irrelevant.

    Finally, a 200:1 compression ration is pretty meaningless without some kind of context. A much more meaningful comparison is how many bytes are required to get the same quality image as some other compression standard, such as the original JPEG. The figure itself reminds me of when Triada [triada.com] was hyping their 200:1 lossless compression. Joe Bugajski gave a talk on this at Berkeley, and started waxing raphsodic on the incredible stuff that the Library of Congress had in their collection. Books and audio materials were fine, but when he got to the Stradivarius violins, my fellow grad students just broke up laughing. It's not hard to imagine 200:1 compression of that, but uncompression is tricky at best :)
  • by raph ( 3148 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @09:18PM (#1412967) Homepage
    The comparison in the EE times article is rigged to the point of almost being faked.

    Basically, what they did is take a high resolution image and compress the shit out of it with both original JPEG and JPEG2000. Yes, JPEG does poorly at such high compression ratios.

    What they neglected to point out, however, is that you can get excellent results from just shrinking the image. From what I can tell, the test image is displayed as a GIF shrunk 3x from the original "3 MB" image. A very reasonable thing to do, if you want a 19k target file size, would be to first shrink the image 3x, then compress it 17:1 using plain JPEG. I tried this, and got results entirely comparable to the JPEG2000 example (the problem with my informal test is that the GIF dithering artifacts are noticeably softened, which is basically a problem with the fact that they presented the image as a GIF instead of true color).

    So the bottom line is that JPEG2000 performs a lot better if you're doing something stupid with it, but take the claims of dramatically better compression with a grain of salt.
  • by toni ( 3262 )
    Actually all European DVD's I have seen have AC3 5.1 audio.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about the patent issue. I must plea ignorance about the details of wavelet compression, but if it's anything like the Fourier transform or any other integral transform, then it should be rather easy to implement...I don't see how a company can patent an integral.
    the problem is that apparently the current j2k proposal does require patents to implement. the fact that wavelets are indeed mathematical no longer appears to matter to the patent office with their more-is-better attitude.
    Besides, the bottom of the article says that companies have already agreed to make all parts of JPEG2000 part 1 royalty-free.
    for what duration and with what conditions, and what developers? i am not reassured.
    Give a group a hackers a few weeks, and I'll betcha that there will be free implementations of everything available with part 2.
    maybe so, but that doesn't really solve the problem because you would not be able to distribute the resulting software legally, so a company like redhat/netscape would not be able to incorporate it into their products. sure it could float on the fringe, but it's gotta be standard!

    information is free.
    the only question is:

  • I'm still an undergrad, a dangerous state: not educated enough to really know what I'm talking about, but educated enough to think I might. ;-)

    Anyway, I'm curious: I understand that current JPEG uses Fourier transforms (a full integral transform, or a Fourier series?) to get a spectral representation of the image data, then drops subtle information from that transformed data to get a similar image from the reverse transform.

    So I assume the new JPEG (aside from all the quicktime-esque formatting overhead) uses the same technique, just with a different complete set of functions, the wavelets.

    So my first question: is there anything about the above that I'm misunderstanding?

    And my second question: What are wavelets? Bessel functions? Something I haven't heard of? Is there a simple formula, or a simple ODE generating wavelet solutions, that I could look at or plug into Maple? I gather that whatever they are they approximate discontinuous functions with much better convergence than sines and cosines... but that could describe a lot of things.
  • If you can't compress an 1MB TIFF (uncompressed) to a smaller JPEG than 800kB, you have a problem. For those ultra-high quality things you'll never need anyway, try changing your subsampling options, if your JPEG software can do it (GIMP 1.1.7 (?) and upwards can).

    Remember, MJPEG (which is basically only a lot of baseline JPEGs streamed together, optionally with some audio and hooks for hardware cards) usually compresses 3:1 for broadcast video (perhaps slightly more, if your TV station is really big).

    /* Steinar */
  • As I said, you should check your software. libjpeg (and thus cjpeg, and to a lesser extent the newer versions of GIMP) has some nice `wizard' switches that may help you a lot. Again, I won't believe you until I actually see a real-world example (and not the stupid GIF that was in that article).

    /* Steinar */
  • First: The page you give me doesn't have anything to do with JPEG2000, it's some kind of proprietary wavelet compression (even worse than JPEG2000 with all the patents it _perhaps_ will have :-) ). Second, since I don't run Windows, I'd be happy if you mailed me the BMP image (possibly gzip or bzip2-compressed) -- thanks.

    /* Steinar */
  • IIRC, when the original JPEG standard came out it specified how to compress images, but not a file format to store the compressed data. So there were some JPEG programs that wouldn't read or write files produced by other JPEG programs, because the file format was different.

    Eventually people created the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) and this is what modern 'JPEG' files are stored as. I hope the standards body has given some thought to file formats this time round.
  • Okay, it has been shown that CSS does nothing to protect copying, per se, of DVD content. However, it does prevent format conversion, and arguably this is what the DVD CCA is most worried about.

    If a DVD can be decoded with DeCSS and converted into mjpeg2 with mp3 audio, the result could possibly be stored on a single CD-R. This would make content copying considerably more convenient and less expensive than having to use DVD-R.

    By no means does this justify any injunction against DeCSS, but it does prove RMS' maxim, "information wants to be free". Ultimately, it will be.

    Copyright cannot be enforced by technical means, it has always relied upon good faith, combined with legal remedies against those who are caught in violation. Nothing prevents me from taking apart a copyrighted book, scanning it page by page, and reprinting it or transmitting it electronically, except my ethics and respect for law.

    DVD should expect nothing more, nor less, than the same.
  • Well, someone didn't read the article...

    JPEG2000 part one will be the plain-vanilla royalty-free version, but part two can include various types of third-party extensions that may or may not involve royalties. "Part one will satisfy 90 percent of the applications developers, but it will be 90 percent more work to engineer that last 10 percent of the job for special purposes in part two," said Barthel.

    Most of the spec is open!


  • Compiled binaries can indeed be compressed.

    However the compression technique has to "understand" your binary, wavelets would not be a good choice.

    Just so that people understand. A compressed file is a concise description of the original file. A compression technique is an agreed upon way of describing things. And, just as you would use different methods of description for describing a book and a painting, different compression techniques are appropriate to each kind of signal.

    And to clear up another piece of confusion. Lossless compression means that you have a complete description, you can recover the original exactly. Lossy compression means that you have an incomplete description. You have a description of an approximation of the original, the distinguishing details got filed in the circular file.

  • Anything is as compressible as you want with lossy compression. :-)

    That said, our visual perception of white noise is itself a highly lossy form of compression, therefore it is easy to fool.

    Incidentally wavelets are widely used for "denoising" because they are able to handle both smooth regions and sharp boundaries. Therefore they are much better at concentrating the sharp edges into a relatively small number of big components, so that you can distinguish a sharp edge from white noise. Fourier transforms don't do a good job of telling the two apart, and are therefore frequently unsuitable for denoising.

  • by tilly ( 7530 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @06:40AM (#1412979)
    It doesn't matter if some of the pixels match if which ones do is random, so it is at least as hard to specify per pixel what it matches as it is to say per pixel what it is.

    Understanding it that way could be complex, let me give the direct definition for a binary signal.

    A source of a stream of 1's and 0's is a white noise generator if each digit is randomly (50-50 odds) and independently a 1 or a 0. The resulting signal carries the maximal information/pixel possible, and hence there can exist no compression method that is an overall win in compressing white noise.

    What does this look like? Start tossing a coin and record what comes up! (OK, that is not perfect but it is close enough.)

    As an image it looks like..static.

    When played, the noise sounds like..static.

    Any signal with a large amount of information/bit looks like white noise and hence looks like..static.

    It is a fundamental fact of information theory that white noise (which resembles static) is identical with a perfectly encrypted signal is identical with a perfectly compressed signal.

  • by tilly ( 7530 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @01:39AM (#1412980)
    White noise, by definition, has no redundancy.

    Many things that look like white noise are not, but white noise itself?

    Incidentally static is what white noise sounds like, and any efficiently compressed signal looks like white noise, which is why a modem sounds like static. :-)

    Another interesting fact - a compressed file is a pretty good source of random data, and a compressed encrypted file is substantially more secure than a file just encrypted with the same algorithm. OTOH an encrypted compressed file is a PoS. The encryption messes up the attempted compression.

  • Check out DjVu [djvu.com] (pronounced deja-vu) by AT&T.

    It compresses a high resolution full color scan of a magazine page by 1:200. And I am talking about real-life performance here, not ideal cases.

    The trick is an algorithm which automatically separates text and line art from continuous tone images and compresses each one with a different algorithm. The continous tone algorithm is wavelet based, of course. This is mentioned in the JPEG2000 article as a possible future extension but DjVu has been doing it for almost two years now.

    They have a Netscape plugin for viewing this stuff and the compressor is free for noncommercial use. It supports linux and many other operating systems.

    There are many compression schemes better than JPEG being promoted by their inventors. I believe JPEG2000 will probably be the winner for a very simple reason - the name JPEG.

  • Looks sweet.

    We need to get support for this in gimp, ee, etc...

    It'd be cool if these beat commercial packages to the punch.
  • by kzinti ( 9651 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:59PM (#1412983) Homepage Journal
    Hang on, isn't that a 256 color GIF they used for the comparison?

    Yeah, I noticed that too. Kind of like those TV ads that show an HDTV picture... they don't look too impressive on my ordinary TV set.

    My guess is that they used GIF so they could control the color palette and make the presented images appear to approximate the image appearance. In other words, it's a demo.

  • That is why these 'compression' techniques are always better labelled as 'compression-approximation' techniques.. :-)

    You won't be able to compress your compiled binaries with this compression. :-)
  • I don't think you'll ever find a lossless compression technique doing anywhere *near* 200:1 on a compiled binary.
    None of the techniques used to compress video/audio are useful when compressing data becuase they are all just lossy approximations of the data.
    I guess my point was that white noise video/audio signals are just as compressible as any other video/audio signal.
  • I thought this article might be a good place to mention AT&T's DjVu [att.com] image format. I have been working with their DjVu tools to develop quite a few web applications and they are phenominal. The format takes an image (it is designed for scanned documents) and creates an IW44 (wavlet compressed) background layer of the image and then creates a non-lossy overlay foreground layer to compress foreground components like text and lines.

    The net result? 300 dpi full page scans in under 50K! When you print them, they are true enough to the original to justify the difference between a 5MB TIFF and the 50K DjVu.

    I'm very glad to see some of the same technology being adopted into JPEG. I'm kind of dissapointed that the spec doesn't seem to allow the mixing of compression algorithm's inside of one image, which is what most all of the very very good compression methods seem to rely on -- the fact that different information in the same chunk of data can be optimally compressed in different ways. I mean, depending on the image, JPEG in some cases can smear wavlet-based methods into the dirt.

    Just some food for thought...

  • So when is this expected to become mainstream?
    Judging by PNG, it becomes plausible when the current versions of Netscape and IE mostly support it such that it's not an <embed src=... tag, but an <img src=... tag. It becomes mainstream when all the features are correctly supported in the last couple of versions of Netscape & IE, and in the latest versions of the next half-dozen most popular browsers, and when you can insert it into a Word Document without it looking "weird". This hasn't happened for PNG yet. Mind you, my website uses (hosts) only JPGs and PNGs. If you can't view the PNGs, whatever, I've put in width=, height= and alt= attributes for most of the images - you wont miss anything important.

    When IE-whatever supports JPEG2000, I'll move to them on my website - but only 'cause I don't have to make a living from it.

  • The article states that jpeg images use the fourier transform. They don't. Jpeg images use the discrete cosine transform (DCT).
  • Here is why it hasn't cought on. The C code to decode an animated GIF89a is about 600 lines (14kB) including all the file handling and error checking. The memory overhead beyond the resulting pixels is about 1.5KB, 1KB of that being the RGBA colormap. Adds about 10-15kB to your resulting executable code space.

    The code for zlib, which is only a part of .png is 9k lines (309kB), and the libpng code is another 23k lines (798kB). Memory useage is rather large, and the executable swells just a wee-bit. Sure it has all kinds of nifty extentions, but it's all just a block of pixels in the end.

    Some of us still think about things like memory usage and code size. And dont forget at least a few bugs in all that code.

  • If you mean Starfleet Academy, those cut scenes looked pretty dire (the colour was terrible).

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • by ralphclark ( 11346 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @12:27AM (#1412991) Journal
    The inventor and holder of the patents for fractal compression is Iterated Systems [iteratedsystems.com].

    I'd thought they'd had these techniques rolled into JPEG and MPEG already but it looks like you're right, they've kept the techniques for their own products.

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • by SurfsUp ( 11523 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @11:28PM (#1412992)
    I remember reading about fractal compression, which was supposed to blow JPG away. It was in the early 90s, and obviously it didn't have much effect on the industry.

    Because the inventor held onto the patent too closely. Fractal compression works... encoding is horribly slow but decompression isn't too bad at all. Compression ratios are amazing, better than wavelet I think. But if the inventor ever wants to see it in widespread use, he has to let go and make it free.

  • I respectfully disagree. They did not shrink the image to reduce the target file size, but to make it web-compatible. Of course, shrinking the image reduces the target file size, but that is not what they wanted to achieve. The point is to keep the target file size low while maintaining a high resolution.

    Of course, shrinking the image after the JPEG2k compression/decompression may have concealed some compression artifacts. Therefore it would have been a good idea to provide a detail at full resolution.
  • There are some examples using a java applet to render the actual jpeg2k image clientside, which makes for a more impressive demonstration.

    http://ltswww.epfl.ch/~neximage/de coder/applets/ [ltswww.epfl.ch] They're very slow, though.
  • I might be jumping to conclusions here, but... The only point to data being digital is that it doesn't lose quality as it's being copied. Therefore, you'd really not want to put a VHS tape on to a CD, if you could help it. Which would mean that the real market for such a format - (Motion JPEG2000) - would be for transfering video from DVD to CD. That fucking sucks...

    Yeah, DeCSS needed to be created so that Linux users could watch movies, but now witness the rush to create a method which enables people who don't own DVD players or DVD discs to be able to watch DVD on their CD drives. And everyone here said the all that DeCSS was solely to enable the viewing of movies on Linux.

    I'm only ranting like the because that seems to be obviously what Roblimo or Polo meant when they mentioned the fitting of a movie onto a CD. Seems no one here respects IP anymore... Yet they don't criticize themselves, or their forum. Just others. For instance why isn't slash GPLed? Because IP is real, and there is value to it... Just as the movie industry puts up huge amounts of cash in hopes that they can convince the customer to see a movie, Rob had been donating his time until the IPO to make this site as it was and knows that if anyone could use his SW, he'd be at a competitive disadvantage... he'd essentially be doing R&D for potential competitors...

    Whoops... Didn't mean to go that overboard.

  • I find it strangely disturbing that the ISO would resort to year version numbers [slashdot.org]. Aren't they supposed to be one of the few non-commercial, 'above the hype', good-of-the-state-of-the-art entities out there?
  • For instance you can't losslessly compress white noise using any known method. This sounds flat out wrong to me. You can take white noise and apply a Huffman scheme to it. (Emphasis mine.) Compression works by recording patterns instead of writing them out each time. If the data doesn't have any patterns, it is changed slightly so it does. But this changing is lossy and that's not what we're talking about. By definition, white noise doesn't have any patterns. If you run it through a lossless compression scheme, you'll get the same data plus the compression overhead. So TimoT is correct. Lossless compression of white noise is impossible. cheers, sklein

  • Image authors will also have the option of saving the picture in lossless format for archival storage.
    This is great! It means I no longer need to keep all of these uncomressed BMP files lying around.

    You still use bitmaps for that? Why not PNG? With PNG you may not even have to keep a separate master copy. Welcome to the present!


  • I made a 19k jpeg in Photoshop and it looks very different:

    http://www.ratloop.com/~gonz/hoax/ [ratloop.com]

    Obviously the author has left something out...

  • by warlock ( 14079 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:43PM (#1413000) Homepage
    Hang on, isn't that a 256 color GIF they used for the comparison?

    Anyway... it sure looks promising, but I'm not really impressed by that 158:1 result on this particular image, most of it comprises of a gradient that should compress rather well with their scheme. I'd like to see results with images containing more detail.

  • by Grond ( 15515 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:54PM (#1413004) Homepage
    I haven't bothered checking out the spec in its entirety, but I've got to wonder about a few things:

    1. Is the 2:1 5/3 'mother wavelet' truly lossless for any and all inputs?
    2. What kind of 'average' compression can we expect? One poster already mentioned that the example had a simple gradient as a background which would certainly compress well.
    3. How CPU intensive is it to decode these things? Will MJPEG2000 (or whatever) practically require a hardware decoder for DVD-quality playback?

    Anyone care to comment,refute, or otherwise flame? *g*

  • I'm no expert, but I've been working with the FFTW [fftw.org] - "the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West" - and it's really kick-ass fast. I've been wondering what kind of FT algorithm these image-compression guys tend to use. I figure, a faster FT means less time required to compress and decompress data, which in turn means that more detailed data that once was unfeasibly large and slow to process will not cease to be large, but may cease to be slow. May this yield a feasible alternative? FTs are "the workhorse of DSP" - a very well-known and familiar technique. So why not? (I'm sure there's a damn good reason why not...)
  • Yeah, I know. I read the article. I was just thinking out loud. Sorry :)
  • Wavelets CAN be theoretically best, depending on the type of the information. Each basis is best at encoding things that look like the basis vectors: thus the Fourier basis is best for encoding sine waves. And for pictures that have localized bumps (like most normal pictures), wavelets that have localized bumps will do best.

    Oh, and best here can be rigorously defined: just plot mean squared error vs number of components. The lower, the better.

    Also, there are fast wavelet transforms. In fact, some of them are O(N), rather than O(N ln N) as for the FFT. Again though, depends on the wavelets that you're using.
  • Cool. By the way, most current browsers only need the URL once in a A HREF= tag, so the url would be:
    http://www.luratech.com /products/download/download15_e.html [luratech.com].

  • Well, naturally they had to convert all three results (including the 3 meg original) into 256 gif (or better yet, jpeg uncompressed) because I doubt your browser can show JPEG2000 files. They had to put the results into a framework you could see.

    What disturbs me is that the '19K jpeg' example on the bottom is in no way or form what would happen if you tried to compress the top file down to 19K in jpeg. It's like what you would get if you reduced the original file to 25%, shoved it down to about 16K in GIF compression, then blew it back up 400%.

    With that and degrading the original source image down (by converting it to 8bit GIF) far more than (presumably) JPEG2000 compression degraded the second image, before it too was degraded into 8-bit GIF, this demonstration is useless...

    They need to give us two 3 meg files: one souce file, and one file that has been JPEG2000 compressed, then saved as a full-size source file (in BMP, PICT or some other lossless mode) so we can do our own comparisons...

    Kevin Fox
    www.fury.com [fury.com]
  • by Wojtek ( 21973 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @09:05PM (#1413017) Homepage
    I've been working with wavelet compression for a few years now as a demoscener (No i'm not unreal. That's a different Wojtek) and it has it's advantages and disadvantages. All in all it's a good thing. I'm not a lawyer but if they can get around any patent issue's that crop up this should be a decent system. Wavelets have a distinct advantage of holding up very well in very active images with lots of contrast. (Such as those nice textures you see in all the demos and games)
  • What we really need is /usr/lib/libjpeg2k.so.1
  • by Rombuu ( 22914 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:59PM (#1413020)
    Seeing a story like this makes me wonder what the time lapse is going to be between the time a standard is issued and the time it can actually spead into wide usage. Look at PNG, which has been around for around 4 years now. Sure, some people can view PNGs in their browsers, but support is still imcomplete in most implementations despite its both technical and legal improvements on the ol' GIF format. Its still not to the point where a mainstream web site would want to use it for fear of shutting out some users.

    Lets see here you need updated graphics programs (I'm sure GIMP and Photoshop, et al can have this fairly quickly). You need updated browsers (should be rather easy for Netscape/Mozilla, and technically not to difficult for IE, depending on whenever MS wants to get around to it). I'm still thinking 2 to 3 years before you seed wide usage, which is unfortunate becuase the big advantage is for those of us still stuck using lousy POTS lines to connect to the internet. Ironically, those who would get the biggest benefit from this (like be on this on-a-good-day 28.8 line) will probably have broadband access of one sort or another by the time it becomes widely used for the web at least.

    Then again, the whole 28.8 to 56K changeover seemed to happen rather quickly and both required upgrading your hardware, and a dueling set of standards....
  • music is made from waveforms. What you would see on an ocilliscope if you were plaing the audio. It has nothing to do with wavelet technology, witch only applies to images and video

    "Suble Mind control? why do html buttons say submit?",
  • by delmoi ( 26744 )
    DVD disks are not anymore exspensive then CDs.

    The only diffrence between the two is the laser used. DVD drives cost about the same amount. In anyevent, DVD moves cost about as much as audio CDs, so I don't see why putting movies on CD would make them any cheaper.

    "Suble Mind control? why do html buttons say submit?",
  • White noise is extremely compressable :

    pixel = random();

    for the most part, the human eye can't tell the difference between one random function and another. Ture, this is very lossy, but it looks the same.

    This idea has been used in computer graphics by substituting portions of images with "detail" textures which are essentially the high frequency components of a part of the image overlayed with the lower frequency components. The lower frequency components compress very well with convential techniques and the higher frequency components look identitical at all scales.

    So, as far is the human eye is concerned, white noise adds very little information to the picture and it can be thrown away and replaced with software generated white noise.

  • The best thing to do if you want something supported is to create a free library written in C like IJG [ijg.org] did for normal JPEG. Almost everybody is using their code because it's stable and portable.

    That way, all browser creators have to do is link it into their project... At least that works for an additional image file format decoder.
  • There is only a Windows player available, but the nice codec written for low bitrates is basically nothing but MPEG-4, which is a standard. So, a player could be created - see http://www.microsoft.com/asf/aboutASF.htm [microsoft.com].
  • I haven't seen any discussion here of Geographic Information Systems applications, so I thought I'd chime in.

    We've been using MrSID compression on an environmental information system. We've been using sat photos as base layers on maps, and plotting data on top of the map. MrSID is a wavelet compresseion system that is now supported in several commercial GIS packages.

    There are three really cool aspects of wavelet compression.

    First, there is the raw compression; 10 or 20:1. Since we work with satelite photos of entire counties, these can easily be well over 200MB per image. Keeping a bunch of uncompressed images around is pretty awkward, and normally you need a number of them (different seasons or months, leaf on leaf off; black and white/infrared; etc.) With this kind of compression you can burn a pretty comprehensive library of images onto a CD.

    Second, there is speed. You can open up a map of a good size county, and the image loads very, very quickly, but looks very sharp, because it throws out detail too small to be seen. As you zoom in, it clips out the region you can't see, and brings in another level of detail, so the map repaints and still looks sharp. You can easily start with a map 100 miles across, then zoom down to less than a mile across, with individual buildings easily recognizable. With uncompressed images, you could not use the same image to cover the wider geographic areas because display would be very slow. It makes for terrific demos -- being able to zoom from an astronoauts view to the view from a small plane feels like you've strapped on a pair of seven leage boots.

    Finally, there when you go beyond the zoom level where there is no more data, instead of getting sharp pixel boundaries you get smudgy edges -- like you are a little out of focus. This is less distracting and more intuitive than seeing large, blocky pixels.
  • Yow. I just finished reading the dvd thread then this pops up. DeCSS aside, could this do for movie piracy what mp3's did for music?

    OTOH, it could also be a boon for home or low budget movie makers.

    P.S. I could claim "first post", but that would either be wrong or obvious.

  • I am blindly posting this without first trawling through other posts or going through the web on a research tramp, so take it with a grain of salt.

    You can think of all things as functions. An image, for example, is a function of two variables, x and y, which give a pixel location. The function should return a color, and perhaps an alpha value. Fundamentally, one should be able then, to simply write down the formula for an image on a napkin. The image can then be generated by simply filling in the formula over the domain (width and height).

    In practice, however, it is very difficult to derive this function. So we must approximate until it is close enough. As I see it, this is basically what wavelets do. They approximate the function with a series of trigonometric wave functions.

    If you think about movies, now, they are just really frame after frame of images. So you simply have a three-variable function: x, y, and frame #. Theoretically, you should be able to reduce a movie to a function also. and just feed in three variables and be able to render an image.

    I guess you could also represent images and movies as functions which returned matrices. You could probably do some nifty mathematics which would account for areas which stayed the same and would not have to be changed again...essentially 'masking' the new image over and over again with new image matrices.

    Anyway, that is my take. It might not be perfectly accurate, but I've always thought of images, and movies, and data in general (the same procedure can be performed on arbitrary binary streams), as simply functions of position.

    Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
  • There is no optimal image compression

    This is dead wrong for non-lossy compression.. which is obviously what he is talking about (since he mentioned information theorey). He is making two eperate statments (1) you can not do any better with a non-lossy algorithm (but the compression phase is slow) and (2) wavelets degrade better then anyhting else if you start leaving out the big parts (lossy compression).

    You could start spouting bushit about how (2) is subjective, but (2) is not the part of his post which you quoted.. and (2) is probable stil true *enough* in the near future.

  • An example of lossy text compression is the (pretty much useless) "AutoSummarize" command in Word 97. It can take, for example, the entire text of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, and reduce it to "Arthur!" over and over again, with various punctuation.
  • The difference is that PNG isn't proprietary. It can be supported by any Web browser, but some don't because they're old versions. It's good when the standards improve, because then the web browsers don't have to invent their own rules just to make any progress.
  • 1. Is the 2:1 5/3 'mother wavelet' truly lossless for any and all inputs?

    It can be, for instance there's the S+P transform, which is lossless. The compression ratios aren't that much better than with conventional lossless image compression methods.

    2. What kind of 'average' compression can we expect? One poster already mentioned that the example had a simple gradient as a background which would certainly compress well.

    This is totally data dependent. For instance you can't losslessly compress white noise using any known method. For lossless image compression you'd probably see something like 1.5:1 - 3.5:1 on the average depending on the characteristics of the images.

    3. How CPU intensive is it to decode these things? Will MJPEG2000 (or whatever) practically require a hardware decoder for DVD-quality playback?

    It depends, I suppose the coding, where they are looking for the best mother wavelet, is the most time consuming. The decoding is probably done in O(n), since the wavelet-transform is O(n). For comparison the DCT in the original JPEG was O(n log n) so the complexity grew as bigger blocks were processed, which is not the case for the wavelet transform. I can't comment more as I haven't seen the spec either.

  • 3: Wavelets are just cool weight-functions on a regular fourier transform. Weight-functions are often used on General Fourier transforms (using Bessel-functions or such as the base) to make the base functions orthogonal. The nice thing with wavelets is that the 8X8 grids seen in low quality JPEG are gone. low quality compression is just a bit blurry, but never blocky. Since we're still using fourier transforms with wavelets, FFT still works, and we get the n * log(n) performance, and hence the performance compared to JPEG will only be lowered by a constant factor. Not even a large one at that.

    A few points:
    1) A wavelet basis is a set of orthonormal functions that span L2(R) (the inner product space of integrable functions + some other conditions) and are generated from a single 'mother wavelet' by translations and dilatations. The fourier basis also spans L2(R).
    2) The 1D discrete wavelet transform can be implemented with a pyramidal algorithm, where each iteration halves the number of processed elements. Each iteration consists of filtering the sequence with a pair of QMF filters. Less than 2n iterations, O(n)/iteration => the complexity is O(n).
    3) as a sidenote, maybe you were thinking of the Gabor transform, which is a precursor of the wavelets.
    4) Wavelets can be made lossless, basically you just use enough precision so that the errors cancel out during reconstruction and rounding. The transforms used are usually just multiplications with a matrix and the inverse transforms multiplications with its inverse.

  • by TimoT ( 67567 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @10:49PM (#1413066) Homepage
    That was pretty much about time someone took the wavelets into image compression.

    There has already been a lot of research into the subject. The biggest discoveries would probably be the EZW coder (patent status?) and the SPIHT coder (patent pending at least).

    JPEG/MPEG/MP3 uses Fourier transform to transform the image/sound data into their spectral components. But this spectral representation of the data does not say anything about the _locality_ of the frequency components. .

    Actually there an uncertainty attached to the time-frequency representation. The more accurate the knowledge of the time the less accurate the frequency and vice versa. The traditional time-domain representation is on the other end with absolute knowledge of the time no knowledge of the frequency and the fourier representation on the other with absolute knowledge of the frequency and no knowledge of the time. This similar to the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in physics. Wavelet-packet-compression tries to minimize this and find the optimum representation for the information.

    Another nice thing about wavelet compression is, that wavelets tend to represent discontinuities well, even with hard compression.

    Another advantage is the easy handling of edge discontinuities with biorthogonal wavelets. If the transform frames have ends at different levels then even hard quantization won't move them closer together as in DCT/DFT-based compression and consequently there are less blocking artifacts.

  • Am I the only one who thought:
    "What a great way to piss of the RIAA, make the DVD consortium superflous, and archive my multiple gigs of porn on one CD in one fell swoop."


  • Their beef is with Layer-3 and variants because it allows for the easy piracy of music.

    Yes, sir, a wavelet based compression scheme... AFAIK. This is about wavelets.

    VQF [vqf.com] is related to MP3 [mp3.com], and both are related to Jpeg2k (wavelet compression) :-) (the relation to plain Jpeg is just because of the lossy nature of the compression)

    Further along my train of thought: VQF allows 18:1 over MP3's 12:1. Who says it'll stop there? I wouldn't mind some of the thinking that went into Jpeg2k to go into MPEG layer 4 audio :-)
  • by danielhsu ( 78479 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:38PM (#1413072)
    The JPEG committee page has links to more information regarding this image format. http://www.jpeg.org/public/jpeglinks.htm [jpeg.org]
  • 1: Obviously false, since no compression scheme can compress arbitrary input. If such a scheme existed, one could just use this scheme infinite times, and thus compress anything by an arbitrary amount. Losless compression finds patterns in the indata and exploits these, wavelets are fourier transforms, and as such converge to the original image only at infinite filesize. There IS a lossless compression-scheme in J2000 as well, but it doesn't use wavelets.

    2: dunno

    3: Wavelets are just cool weight-functions on a regular fourier transform. Weight-functions are often used on General Fourier transforms (using Bessel-functions or such as the base) to make the base functions orthogonal. The nice thing with wavelets is that the 8X8 grids seen in low quality JPEG are gone. low quality compression is just a bit blurry, but never blocky.
    Since we're still using fourier transforms with wavelets, FFT still works, and we get the n * log(n) performance, and hence the performance compared to JPEG will only be lowered by a constant factor. Not even a large one at that.

    Sorry if this post is a bit mathematical, but most people here have probably studied differential calculus, so you should know what I'm talking about.
  • By the way, I am not completely sure that this is real. Something like this usually pops up every second year, and usually it's fake. I remember reading about fractal compression, which was supposed to blow JPG away. It was in the early 90s, and obviously it didn't have much effect on the industry.

    Wavelet image compression has been around for several years now, mostly in proprietary form. Let me give you one particular link - and no I don't work for them :)

    Lightning Strike [infinop.com]

    Best regards,


  • by Steeltoe ( 98226 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @12:26AM (#1413094) Homepage
    Listen to yourself. What future do you really want? A future run by corporations or a future run by people? I think the answer is pretty obvious, since corporations consist of people.

    Fact is one of them has to lose over the other in the future. Corporations can't grow in power without abusing people, and people can't earn and live out their rights without lost revenue to corporations.

    It's as simple as that.

    In their eyes, the best way for corporations to earn money is to drug us down and make us their drones. Then they can do whatever they want of society. But what is really the point of that? So that a small elite can feel powerful and rich? There should be something else to life than that, and that means power and freedom to the individuals to do what their hearts desires.

    In the future DVDs WILL be copied and pirated, since we're going to count storage in Tb instead of Gb. This could have a positive effect on the movie-bussiness, as they will have to come up with better answers to people's needs. Ie, bigger cinema screens, social aspects of movie-going, physical effects etc. The initiative-takers of this will be the ones who earn money from their ideas. Upstarts and copycats without one creative idea in their mind will as previously, not.

    People that claim piracy are hurting corporations, forget what side is the most human. We don't live this life for corporations to grow on us. The more power you give them, the more numerous and bigger they get. So there have to be some resistance. Call it illegal. Call it perverted, or whatever you like, but I doubt it has ever hurt the bussiness as they claim it have. When they say that, they're thinking about quite a different reality than this one.

    Think about that.

    - Steeltoe

    PS: This is not FUD, it's just to show the extreme that could happen if we suddenly just "gave up", stopped thinking for- and talking among ourselves. In some countries this has already happened, but with governments, which is much more probable.
  • by Troed ( 102527 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @10:08PM (#1413097) Homepage Journal
    I don't get it. Everything you seem to be afraid of already exists.

    DeCSS (or dodrip) + a nice little mpeg2 resizer will make you what's known as a "miniDVD". That's 352*480 mpeg2 with AC3 audio. You'll need 2 or maybe 3 discs for a complete DVD movie, with _really_ good quality. So far they're only playable in very few stand-alone DVD players, but on computers they work really well.

    Dodrip (or DeCSS) + another little mpeg-manipulator will make you a VCD. Worse picture quality, and "only" Dolby Surround, but most movies fit on 2 discs, and are playable in consumer DVD players.

    Dodrip (or any other ripper) + some Microsoft software will make you an ASF movie. Picture quality can be anywhere from terrible to better-than-VCD depending on bitrate, sound is good (Dolby Surround). Can be 1 to 2 cds for a whole movie, again depending on bitrate.

    Who in their right mind actually takes the time to copy movies this way?

    The ones living in countries where the cinemas lag 6 months behind the US. The solution is of course to release movies world-wide, both cinema-wise and DVD wise. That'll kill a LOT of the piracy.

  • by wmclay ( 107261 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @11:54AM (#1413101)
    We tried to license Intel's Wavelet compression used by RealNetworks and Microsoft in their video players (look for the "Optimized for Intel" logo), but when we disclosed that our player was a Java based solution, they quickly refused to let us work with them. It seems that no price could get us in the game; they gave us the feeling that it was more important to keep the technology firmly rooted to the hardware than to get a license fee from their IP. Not too much of a surprise, since Intel backed out of the consortium for the Java Media Framework API after v. 1. Too bad all the IP that IBM brought to the consortium didn't have a Wavelet tool kit...
  • I can't comment on the first two, but as for the third: wavelet transforms, like the Fourier transforms currently used, can be represented with matrices. The Fourier matrices can be computed in O(n lg(n)) steps -- where lg is the base-2 logarithm -- while wavelet matrices can be computed in linear time.

    Sounds to me like they have the potential to be faster -- faster if all other things, like the number of transforms required, are equal.

    Anyway, sounds pretty cool. Makes me want to go look up the math.

  • Well, this is too cool. I hope mozilla supports the standard right out of the box. That way I can start designing my web pages with it! On a related note, when the hell will gifs finally die! I'm amazed at how long it is taking for pngs to catch on. If this is any indication, I wouldn't expect to be able to include jpg2000 images on my web site for several years.

  • Wavelet compression of video has been out for a while. Indeo 4 and 5 (but not Indeo 1,2, and 3) use wavelet compression. The Indeo 5 codec for .AVI files is a major improvement over Cinepak, the previous leader in .AVI codecs. Indeo 5 has far fewer annoying artifacts than Cinepak, even at higher compression ratios. Check out my Kick the Crooks Out [animats.com], 15 seconds of Indeo 5 video.
  • by Red Pointy Tail ( 127601 ) on Monday January 03, 2000 @01:55AM (#1413119)
    Did wavelets a few years ago in uni, so I hope I've not screwed up my information in the few years lag, but another few points to add to this excellent summary:

    1) It has been proved that a wavelets can represent the theoretical minimum information for an image. Proof uses the information's counterpart of the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. That's right folks - you cannot get any more compressed than that - it simply isn't possible.

    2) Unfortunately, finding the coefficients for the minimum possible representation is a bit hard on the computation side - so normally certain constraints are made like fixing the angles of the wavelet. However, decompression is pretty much standard in any case - easier. But nothing quite as close as FFT.

    3) JPEG chops the picture into managable bits - you may get discontinuities at boundaries. Wavelets sweep across the picture, from big to small, gradually improving the quality at smaller areas. So you can get a nice smooth degradation of details if you decrease the size of the file - or in other words, if you are downloading incrementally, your picture kinda shimmers in nicely.

    4) Wavelets have a normal like-curve. Normal like curves occur frequently in nature -- for example the human face can actually be represented by very few wavelets - the eyes, nose, mouth, face all fit quite nicely. Probably good for photos.

  • They seem to have a number of utilities to do some playing around with this new format. You can find them here [luratech.com]

    (http://www.luratech.com/products/productoverview/ pricelist_e.html)

    What I can't find is information regarding the patents/etc. regarding the new format - anyone?

  • by sluncho ( 129260 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @09:14PM (#1413122)

    Here are some quotes from an article about JPEG2000 [webreview.com]:

    Since August of 1998, a team within the Digital Imaging Group (DIG) has been developing a rich file format for JPEG 2000

    It surely took a long time to develop it. I hope it's worth it.

    Image authors will also have the option of saving the picture in lossless format for archival storage

    This is great! It means I no longer need to keep all of these uncomressed BMP files lying around.

    Wavelet technology also provides for a continuous download stream of data that allows the user to control the amount of image resolution desired

    This is also great. If I understand it correctly, it will allow you to download 30% of the image and get 30% of the quality, download %50 and get 50% quality or download it all and get full quality. But I might be mistaken.

    Another innovation is that a new standard, "sRGB" will be the default colorspace for this format. In the current JPEG standard, there is no notion of default colorspace. This lack of precision contributes to inconsistent JPEG color rendering

    This is a Good Thing, too. Great for printing.

    The JPEG 2000 standard for metadata also provides for extensibility of the metadata properties. In other words, new functionality can be added without having to rewrite the standard. And speaking of adding information, the metadata catalog can be modified without having to rewrite the entire image file. These abilities make for a very nimble, adaptable image file format

    Well, we don't seem to need this (using different formats is easier). If the format is too extensible, it can lead to the "get-the-latest-viewer-you-moron!" syndrome, like all the problems with the HTML that we have now.

    If all goes as planned, the official schedule for implementation will be released in January 2000

    Other good links:

    JPEG2000 Requirements and profiles document, V.6.0 [jpeg.org]
    SEMINAR ON IMAGING SECURITY AND JPEG2000 [eurostill.epfl.ch] - this is an interesting collection of documents about digital image security and watermarking. These gyus take security seriously!
    JPEG2000 bitstreams [ltswww.epfl.ch] - actual .j2k files for your viewing pleasure (I wish a had a viewer :-)
    JPEG2000 Decoder (Version 2.3.1) [ltswww.epfl.ch] - written in Java, the source is not available yet (it will be)

  • by sluncho ( 129260 ) on Sunday January 02, 2000 @08:52PM (#1413123)

    Barthel said this patented variable-sized window-scanning technique has been incorporated into the JPEG2000 committee draft. Besides LuraTech, Ricoh and several other committee members found bits and pieces of their patented technology in the spec. Barthel said all involved companies have signed agreements that give developers royalty-free rights to part one of JPEG2000.

    The open source community should be very conserned about this issues. We don't want the LZW patent screw-up with the GIF format to happen again. There are two sollutions: either drop the patent (I don't know if this can be done, any lawyers?), or make sure that the software using it can be GPLed forever. The word "forever" is very important, so that we won't have any problems.

    I believe that we should put enough pressure on this standart and make it really free. If the screenshots are real, it is definitely worth it.

    By the way, I am not completely sure that this is real. Something like this usually pops up every second year, and usually it's fake. I remember reading about fractal compression, which was supposed to blow JPG away. It was in the early 90s, and obviously it didn't have much effect on the industry.

    Such advances are really great for the IT industry and the commmunity. I can't wait for downloadable high qualit movies to become available. The next big thing after MP3 will be movies. Either pirated or commercial, movies will be available on the Internet. I can see all the big movie companies making movies available for download for a small charge (even if it's $3 or $5 I will gladly pay it, instead of spending hours looking for the same movie on some pirate site. The Internet will drop the marketing and distribution costs for most of the movies, and it will make it profitable to make the files available, even if the piracy level stays high.

  • I'd thought they'd had these techniques rolled into JPEG and MPEG already but it looks like you're right, they've kept the techniques for their own products.

    ...which is precisely why no one uses the format. Dang shame too, it compresses to an insane level with very little loss of detail, and artifacting takes the form of some blurring at the edges instead of the blocky tiling of overcompressed JPEGs. Fractal images also have no inherent dimension and can be decompressed to any size, like vector formats.

    Scientific American ran a short article (I think about a page) in the early '90s about it. I think it was written by the inventor.

    Mathematically brilliant, but no sense. He didn't realize that by keeping it proprietary, he was limiting its use to applications where it is necessary, as opposed to places where it would be convenient (like the Internet). As long as he sits on his patent (it's a British patent, IIRC), nobody is going to use his format.


If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
