Robo World Cup Underway 75
daveb writes "According to newswire the Robo World Cup discussed last month is now underway. There's fuller details and streaming quicktime video at the robocup2000 home page"
You can now buy more gates with less specifications than at any other time in history. -- Kenneth Parker
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
Re:OT Re:One question . . . (Score:1)
Some things will never be understood.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Re:Robocup + Battlebots (Score:1)
Kids can play too - RoboCup Jr (Score:1)
There's a piece about kids programming Lego Mindstorms at last years RoboCup in Sweden, where they found that 7-14 year old non-nerd non-geek children were able to program them to score a goal in ~30 minutes or so. Here's the link [daimi.au.dk]. If only they had that kind of fun when I was that age...
Re:And keep in mind... (Score:1)
As an alum I'd love to see this get more widespread exposure --wish it existed back in my day!
soccer of course (Score:1)
It's also nice the police beating the crap out of ppl from horses with BIG sticks...
Robocup intelligence (Score:2)
In the F-180 league, anyways, the AI is not done on the bot itself. Teams get a camera mounted above the playing surface which sends the image to the computer. The computer then makes the decisions and sends the info to the robots via RF. Color markings on top of Yale's bots help with identifying bot orientation as well as identification; after all, you need to know which bot you're looking at and which one you're going to move!
This year the rules changed to make the walls at a 45 degree angle to discourage bounce shots; I believe the intention is to do away with walls completely in future comptetitions. Next year the competition is in the US somewhere.
It's really cool to see these boxes on wheels driven by vcr motors chase after the golf balls. Maybe not as thrilling as Robot Wars [robotwars.com], but thrilling nonetheless.
Re:Finally, something closer to real robots (Score:1)
Simulation: Pure agent based AI programming: 11 agents vs 11 agents kicking the same virtual ball. The league with most participates because people can concentrate on cooperation, learning etc without worrying about screws and bolts. Also the cheapest!! (no hardware)
Small-Size: Overhead camera observes the pitch (size of ping pong table). Bottom line is that there is an external computer that grabbs the frames from that camera, parses it for the relevant information, decides for ALL of the robots and then sends out the commands. Implementations (agent-based vs centralized computation) vary, but then to be the first.
Middle-Size: Autonomous team of 4 robotic agents. ALL sensing must be done in _each_ robot. Communication among the robots is allowed (via wireless), but not with external sources! Scientific Areas range from Obstacle Avoidance to Self-localization methods (ie, finding out where a robot is in the pitch...)
Re:Soccer.... what a waste (Score:1)
The few teams that do not use Linux, such as Sharif CE or U. Minho, are hardcore DOS fans that are forced into writing drivers for the wireless network and/or Bt848 frame grabber.
(One of the best experiences was doing tcpdump and seeing loads of IP's (from the various robots) using a wireless channel... )
Soccer vs. Battle to the Death (Score:2)
Battlebots = Violent radio controlled bots beating the crap out of each other with axes, chainsaws, and spikes...
This is a no brainer.
Go Soccer Bots! (Score:1)
I wonder.. (Score:1)
robot porn? (Score:1)
just my $.015
Re:Future Impact (Score:2)
Professional wrestling is another manefestation of this, but in such events, we can only suspend our disbelief so long. Thankfully, we now can turn to robots to live out our fantasies of war without the ill-effects. Watching two pieces of metal, plastic, and silicon smash into each other, send parts flying, and in all essence, 'kick ass', gives us that satisfaction. We want to be the ones tearing up the opposition, but since we no longer have a society where that is acceptable, our surrogates will do it for us.
Will there be human vs. robot competition? Yes, but it will be on the level of chess matches or lame American Gladiator type of stuff.
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:2)
Should I insert a smiley here?
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
Thank you CBC for providing relatively non-biased coverage..
Re:Robocup + Battlebots (Score:1)
Re:Wohoo - Melbourne :) (Score:2)
It's meant to be an Multimedia Festival. Instead this year we got Telstra BigPond, Creative, and 3dfx, a couple of small shop graphic firms, and a bunch of noname small PC shops hawking goods. I was HUGELY disappointed...
Mindrover (Score:1)
Check out http://www.cognitoy.com
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:2)
Quite possibly due to it only being held every four years ;-)
Re:And keep in mind... (Score:1)
Re:Robocup intelligence (Score:1)
(with winning Middle-size team)
RoboCup 97: Nagoya : Dreamteam ISI/USC (USA) and
Osaka Trackies (Japan)
RoboCup 98: Paris : CS Freiburg (Germany)
RoboCup 99: Stockholm : Sharif CE (Iran)
EuRoboCup 2000: Amsterdam : Sharif CE (Iran)
RoboCup 2000: Melbourne : [place your bets..]
RoboCup 2001: Seattle
RoboCup 2002: Somewhere in Japan [?] (Osaka?)
RoboCup 2003: [?]
RoboCup 2004: Lisbon
Re:More Robots (Score:1)
- Isaac =)
Aibos are *bad* at soccer (Score:1)
I checked out a couple of RoboCup games yesterday ... the "legged league" seems to get all the attention because the players look like cute little doggies, but from what I saw their most outstanding feature was the ability to fall over amusingly (although to be fair they do get up again pretty quick).
The f-180 and f-2000 leagues (robots with wheels) are way cool though... the game between Sharif University from Iran and Melbourne's RMIT United yesterday had everyone on the edge of their seats yelling "go 17!" and "get out of the goal 23!". Seems unfair though that when bits fall off the robots they just get removed from the field ... shouldn't they be allowed injury time?
Re:Your Sig is Retarded (Score:1)
Re:Wohoo - Melbourne :) (Score:1)
yeah, everything sucked except the free coffee and donuts and the robosoccer. oh, and those multimedia armchairs.
Robot World Cup (Score:1)
The next thing you know, they'll be building cars! (grin)
No way, man! (Score:1)
Forget Soccer.. (Score:1)
Hi-res links? (Score:2)
Aibo's playing soccer.. how cool is that.
Robo Fans (Score:1)
-- "Almost everyone is an idiot. If you think I'm exaggerating, then you're one of them."
This is a terrible idea! (Score:2)
fun with bots (Score:2)
Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
Umm... what about the Olympics??
-- "Almost everyone is an idiot. If you think I'm exaggerating, then you're one of them."
Wohoo - Melbourne :) (Score:2)
In fact, I'm heading in there tomorrow, and might check out RoboCup while I'm at it.
More Robots (Score:2)
Soccer.... what a waste (Score:1)
Robot fighting! Nothing better than watching a giant razor cut through another robot sending shrapnel all over the battlefield.
One question . . . (Score:2)
Are we going to get this every year?
This isn't the first time the competition has been held, and it's been getting a couple postings to the front page on /.
I guess it's not as bad has getting three stories linking to a dot matrix symphony, but . . .
Re:More Robots (Score:1)
Re:Paths to karma gathering....negative karma (Score:1)
Re:Forget Soccer.. (Score:1)
Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire. Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.
-- "Almost everyone is an idiot. If you think I'm exaggerating, then you're one of them."
Battlebots (Score:2)
Robowars (Score:1)
Re:Soccer.... what a waste (Score:1)
Watching robots that were designed specifically for moving a sphere around sounds less exiting to me.
Now, get those robots to kick the crap out of each other, and you've got something to watch. [robotwars.com]
Re:Robo Fans (Score:1)
I've always considered ManU fans to be robotic (ie mindless automotons).... ;)
Wir sind die Roboter... (Score:4)
Re:Wir sind die Roboter... (Score:1)
Viva La Machine!
Two types of robot soccer (Score:1)
One competition uses a global camera mounted above the field of play. The computer tells the difference between each robots by the color on the robot.
This competition states that the camera must be mounted on the robot itself.
Re:And keep in mind... (Score:1)
I found the link [utoronto.ca] for one of the groups who did this,
and the assignment page here [utoronto.ca].
Finally, something closer to real robots (Score:2)
Dictionary definitions vary, but to me a robot is an autonomous unit. These are close - I gather (though I wish I could find official rules somewhere) that these are controlled by an off-field computer but at least their behavior doesn't seem to be modified by humans at runtime.
Nothing like "Battlebots", which has gone by other names in the past and is really just a bunch of destructive radio controlled cars and IMO shouldn't be allowed to use the term "robot" at all. Mildly entertaining to watch, but it has nothing to do with the field of Robotics, which to me is the interesting bit.
Re:Robots, Life, the Beginning of the Universe (Score:1)
Perhaps the greatest advantage the humans had over their dwarven and elvish foes; the humans WEREN'T IMAGINARY CREATURES!
if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
Do it yourself RoboCup (Score:2)
The Tyrrany Begins.... [fearbush.com]
AI Magazine article on Robocup (Score:1)
It also had an article about the Sony Aibo league as well.
It turns out there's a simulator league, an Aibo league (which was demonstration only) and a handbuilt league-of interest, the Aibo league used vision systems integrated in the Sony testbed-the article mentioned that the dogs can recognize and track points in space using YUV colour processing. One handbuilt entrant included custom chasses with built in Toshiba Librettos as main processors, others used embedded boards.
Anyways, an interesting read if you can find at your local university library. It's published by the AAAI, but they're not online... :(
Watch stuff go boom (Score:2)
Toronto area Lego Robotics Event (Score:1)
Check out our webpage. http://peach.mie.ut oronto.ca/events/lego/lego-091600-rules.html [utoronto.ca]
Re:Watch stuff go boom (Score:1)
Re:Do it yourself RoboCup (Bad Link) (Score:1)
Re:Wohoo - Melbourne :) (Score:1)
Re:More Robots (Score:1)
Re:More Robots: Mainstreaming (Score:1)
Robot sports are making their way into the mainstream.
High school geeks can compete in FIRST [usfirst.org] robot competitions through a school club. The radio controlled robots which are programmed in modified BASIC are made to pick up balls and place them in their goal. The team with the most balls wins the match. The competition was aired on the NASA/Government channel.
Some sort of robot fighting event was on pay per view a few months ago too.
Re:I wonder.. (Score:1)
This could get interesting... (Score:1)
Then it would be more like real life soccor (football or whatever you call it in your local)!
And keep in mind... (Score:4)
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
You're forgetting that every year, less and less people watch the Olympics. Apparently, when people don't watch them, they fail to remember that they exist.
Anyway, it probably will be more interesting than the Olympics.
Re:Robot World Cup (Score:1)
Cars? Whaddya mean by cars? I thought they was called "horseless carriages"!
In my time, we had to manipulate the ino^H^H^Hwheels with magnets!
this post was brought to you by Andreas Fuchs.
Descriptive subject lines are for ninnies. (Score:2)
Several teams from my school have been working on this for a couple of years now. They've got a page up at this link [usouthal.edu].
Interestingly -- to me at least -- they aren't actually working with robots, but rather software automata that can somewhere down the line be used as the brains for autonomous soccer playing robots. To that end, they set it up so they can play a server and students can all write their own soccer playing clients that work together on teams. They're amusingly bad, but encouraging as well -- you can see where things might lead.
The home page [usouthal.edu] for the research groups has some neat stuff as well. Whoa -- they even link to my old project []! Ain't that nice of them... :)
Anyway, point being is that RoboCup is a big, worldwide research effort and it's not all just hardware. Interesting stuff...
Re:Descriptive subject lines are for ninnies. (Score:1)
Re:Most interesting sporting event?? (Score:1)
Re:More Robots (Score:1)
I had great expectations for the premiere of BattleBots, but the first show kind of disappointed me. Sure, the few minutes of robot action were neat: robots spinning, buzzsaws cutting, ramrod whacking action. However, the rest of the show was completely fluff. Annoying fluff. For example, when they were going to "show how the robots worked", instead of demonstrating the mechanics of the robot "Discovery" style, they flashed through a collage of insider buzzwords designed to stupify and astound their audience. I guess they were trying to impress us with the technical wizardry of the combatants, but I'd rather see a more clear-cut demonstration of the actual robot strategies. Hopefully, as the show progresses, they will have more battles and offer a more genuine peek into the workings of the robots. They can't maintain an audience on filler for long. (can they?)
--David M. Moore
Kenny Baker (Score:4)
Here we go (Score:1)
Aibos.. (Score:2)
Anyway, he hands me the pink ball that the dog supposedly liked and said, "Here... show this to him, and he'll try to play football with it" (or something like that). So I hold the ball out the robotic critter, and suddenly it spins around, its eyes glowing red, and it rears up on its hind legs and paws furiously at the air, making distraught noises.
I'm sure "Satan mode" is not included in the user manual...
Anyway, let's hope they're nicer to the referrees.
BTW, I eventually got it kicking the ball. (sidenote: to be really mean, show it the ball, let it set up for a kick, then snatch the ball away. The aibo will follow through on the kick, then get all depressive because it didn't kick the ball.)
Robocup + Battlebots (Score:2)
Or perhaps even a mod'ed potato cannon to fire the ball.
OT Re:One question . . . (Score:1)
I'm new here, so I guess I haven't had to live through seeing the same story put up over and over. With that one caveat, I am not saying your point isn't worth considering, but because I am new I haven't seen this story and was glad to have been clued in on it.