ED-209 Patrols University 109
Joel writes: "A security robot called Marvin is patrolling the corridors of Waikato University (New Zealand). Science students at the university's mechatronics laboratory built the 1.5m-high Machine, which runs on two 12-volt car batteries and can patrol the university corridors at up to 35 km/h."
Indoor GPS? (Score:1)
Statement 1 + 2: They are planning to receive GPS signal inside a building. I will be quite interested about how they implement this. I do not have a GPS device, but I strongly doubt whether the signal can penetrate through....
Suggestion (Score:1)
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:1)
Ah, the old "no one could be that crazy/stupid/fanatic" line of thinking. I live a rather sheltered life, and even I know better than that. There's always someone crazy enough.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
I believe that's the TURING test, not the turning test
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
More MARVINs (Score:1)
"Our" Marvin just doesn't have a function whatsoever
The other Marvin [utwente.nl]
Oh No! (Score:1)
Ah! Get rid of humans? Why, this is a threat to Mother Earth! They obviously do not know what they are doing, they are foolishly tampering with the delicate balances of nature! I'm sure if something goes wrong, they won't have to means to make it right. Is this where the eco-terrorists step in?
Hey, makes about as much sense as torching car dealerships (which is to mean: none)
Re:Unfortunatly he got fined... (Score:1)
This is too good... (Score:1)
Re:Begs the question... (Score:1)
Still haven't fixed him. (Score:1)
and he's worked out that if he sticks his right arm in his left ear he can electrocute himself. Fatally.
But seriously, hasn't the DoD been using robots like this for surveilance in Government buildings? I recall when I was working for the US Army Corps of Engineers that in some buildings there were painted tracks on the floor that were used as "tracks" by both mail delivery robots and robots that were essentially mobile surveillance cameras. It's sounds like Marvin is a bit more autonomous (since he uses GPS rather than a fixed painted track), but it still sounds like essentially the same idea.
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:1)
But I do agree with you, security cameras are still best... for the time being.
Dumb Statement? (Score:1)
Re:ED-209... (Score:1)
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:1)
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:1)
- Steeltoe
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
The rest comes as a word macro...
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
#define idle mopping_floor
I recognise those corridors... (Score:1)
Now why didnt I major in electronics?
OT: Not very cool at all... (Score:1)
Re:ED-209 (Score:1)
the publications link has a list of Master Theses which seem to be part of the project - e.g. "Laser Range Finding for an Autonomouss Mobile Security Device"
Re:There are no bad posts, only bad posters (Score:1)
I agree. The article over-hypes the whole thing a bit. My favorite excerpts:
"[the robot] is not far from thinking like a human"
"But Marvin will soon be learning for himself, so he doesn't need his creator"
"His voice recognition will be advanced, so that he accepts commands only from his creators."
"Once Marvin is completely functional his skills can be applied to anything."
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
When was the last time you flirted with a chimp?
I don't think (Score:1)
Re:I can just see it now... (Score:1)
Re:Unfortunatly he got fined... (Score:1)
Is you handheld GPS unit 1.5 metres high?
Re:Indoor GPS? (Score:1)
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:1)
Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
Step 2: give robot the ability to learn and adapt, sensors to detect intruders and communications equipment to contact backup (ie campus rent-a-cops with whistles)
Step 3: strap a frickin' laser beam to the robot (or other energy-based weapon systems)
Step 4: run away screaming "why god? why?" when robot goes berzerk and mows down an entire class of "intruders" after straying too close to the water fountain and shorting itself out.
I'm just kidding, a patrolling robot is cool, it frees up a normal guard from having to walk the same hallways all the time.
But doesnt it look really unstable? one kick and that thing is helpless on the floor calling for help because it's "fallen and can't get up". I'm all in favor of a smaller, tank-based design.
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
go up on the roof if you want, I dont care. The robot is designed to patrol the HALLWAYS. I imagine the building has an elevator system to get to the upper floors to have a look around.
and the article said the thing has a laser range finder. I just took it one step forward and said "why not put some type of energy-based weapon system ala Star Trek on it?". The "frickin laser beams" comment was straight out of Austin Powers, duh.
Laser "dazzlers" are being tested by the military, as are large laser missle defense systems. Yeah they're only prototypes but they're making progress.
you're probably that guy at the party who likes to analyze the logic behind people's jokes too right?
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation! (Score:1)
OT: ED-209. (Score:1)
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
Big Whoop about the robot thing. Michigan State University's engineering building has had a robot touring it's halls since I started going there (1995). Of course it's better now and moves around by itself. I don't think it had the job of security, but it was cool, especially since it runs linux!
Anywho, I have to leave for work now. The grammar nazi has a busy day ahead of him.
Re:I can just see it now... (Score:1)
Davros... (Score:1)
"Get Rid of Humans" is just the kind of thing that makes me worry. I just wish they would have rephrased this bit...
Can it pull open it's own head? (Score:1)
Just watch out for flash photography...
ED-209 (Score:1)
ED: "You have two seconds to put down the pot"
Student: "But, man, like, duh"
ED: "One."
Student: "Ok, ok, it's done."
ED: "Zero. (sound of guns spinning up)"
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
I can just see Bender coming upon the supine robot and, after a quick glance, kicking it whilst it's down!!
- Needs more Futurama
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
Just what I want, a fireplug-high gizmo flying down the hall at 20+ MPH. At least this way it will injure you uniformly all over instead of knocking your feet out from under you and breaking your neck.
I'm guessing they'll end up with some injuries if they ever set the speed up to eleven....
Re:Dale Carnegie? (Score:1)
Enough kiwi hunting for today. Maybe some other slashdotter can find more info, I'm giving up.
Ron Obvious
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
Go buy some survellience cameras from the Tampa Bay Police if you want to know that sort of thing!
Ron Obvious
Re:ED-209 (Score:1)
However, none of the publications are downloadable, and all the most recent ones are from "Seventh Electronics New Zealand Conference, Lower Hutt, August, 2000", which I doubt my library has a copy of.
And please, don't offer to sell me a copy, dear slashdotters, I'm not that interested... anymore...
Ron Obvious
Dale Carnegie? (Score:1)
As in, how to win friends and influence people? At 35 km/h?
Another question: Anyone got a link to the people doing this research to find out if this thing is more than a toy? I mean, we had an automated post-cart at the company I used to work at in the 80's... Is this really much more? I've found the URL for the Univ. where this supposedly was developed: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/ [waikato.ac.nz], but, although they have a search page, I've yet to find any mention of their "mechatronic lab" or this project --- but then, I have only begun to search...
Ron Obvious
Re:ED-209 (Score:1)
Or is that what the moderators find informative these days?
Anyone got a real link about this 'bot? I'm surfing around it's University in another window but have yet to find this "mechatronic lab"...
Ron Obvious
Going Straight (Score:1)
My mistake.
ED-209 (Score:1)
"I'm not downloaded, I'm just loaded and down"
Re:Dale Carnegie? (Score:1)
As in, how to win friends and influence people? At 35 km/h?
Just a note ... The Dale Carnegie who wrote, "How to Win Friends and Influence People," lived from 1888 to 1955.
Marvin is a WB character (Score:1)
Marvin the Martian:
Marvin of Hitchhiker's Guide:
A way to pick up chicks... (Score:1)
"Get lost geek"
Geek turns to second geek.
"Did marvin at leask get an upskirt shot?"
"Ya..... heheh.... coool"
Voice regognition (Score:1)
Unless they have a cold. Den bwe are sqwood.
Feel sorry for the temp. cleaners (Score:1)
I feel sorry for the temp. cleaner who takes over the regular persons job
Hey mechanical dude, I'm just filling in for
Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! [ZAP]
Big pile of ashes left for the supervisor to sort out the next day.
Re:Robots need love too (Score:1)
Kick it over (Score:1)
There are no bad posts, only bad posters (Score:1)
"Hey Maw, thur gonna use them new fangled neural networks on that robot!"
How about sticking to links for people who hack into their TIVOs and put extra drives in them so that they can record all of their favorite shows and then watch them on their laptop via an 802.11 connection from the hammock in the backyard.
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1)
Re:Did they program it to say... (Score:2)
*click, whirr*
How to trick Marvin the Robot (Score:2)
You have:
a bathrobe
a screwdriver
no tea
>show Marvin tea and no tea
Re:Not far from thinking like a human? (Score:2)
I'm more concerned about the Dalek quote. I mean, what good is a robotic security guard if it can't vaporize things?
Does it have manipulators? Can we at least duct-tape an acetylene torch to its arm or something?
I am disapointed. (Score:2)
This has to be the lamest robot "story" on the planet. Similar "security" robots have been built by companies and individuals for years. I remember several companies in the 80's doing this, when robots were the "thing" of the "future".
GPS? Why GPS? A white or black line (or even one done in a flourescent "invisible" paint or something) would be much cheaper for navigation. In a new building, a buried wire under the floor or carpet could be used. Coded tags at doors could further aid navigation (UPC or IR "active" tags).
Nomadic Technologies [robots.com] used to sell research robots with this kind of use in mind (sadly, I just found that they stopped production).
IRobot [irobot.com] has a research robot that seems ideal for this as well.
Of course, nothing would beat Odetic's Odex-1 [inebraska.com] for the "scare" factor in security - too bad this 80's robot never went into production...
Now, homebrew bots - that is where the action is:
Karl Williams [golden.net] seems to have many projects of the type that would make interesting security platforms - or at least something to build off of (mount the vortex cannon or coil gun onto the home drone - yikes!).
This [wizard.org] machine might even be better for security - simply because it could be smaller and faster for such a job.
The truth is that there are a lot of homebrew and commercial robots that can easily do what this robot does - probably at a fraction of the cost (actually, some of the commercial bots are quite expensive). There were many robots built in the 80's that were capable as well.
That is the article I want to see. Somehow I was hoping for a two legged chicken walker (not ED-209 sized, but something) patrolling the halls, maybe packing low powered pea shooters for "defense" (actually, one homebrewer managed to build such a robot with a "pea-shooter"-style, multi barrel "gun" - it couldn't hurt you, but it could knock over empty pop cans - I wish I had a link to it - probably do, but it is buried in my link list somewhere deep).
Oh well...
Worldcom [worldcom.com] - Generation Duh!
Angry AIs and exterminating people (Score:2)
Okay, side note: when you're responding to a sentence with two phrases, and you're disagreeing violently with one of them, don't use pronouns. "Anyone who says what" -- the part about the Daleks or the part about the thinking? I either strongly agree with you, or I thnk you're an idiot, depending on which one you meant.
I remember shortly after the Matrix came out, some folks in a newsgroup were discussing how such a malevolent AI could come about in the first place. One suggested some bad code someplace. Another responded with, "It's extremely unlikely that an AI could turn hostile due to sloppy programming. On the other hand, that fucking paperclip in Word 97 seems to do whatever the fuck it wants."
Re:GPS indoor (Score:2)
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:2)
Do you mean like this one [slashdot.org] ?
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:2)
Watch The Tram Car Please (Score:2)
Watch The Tram Car Please
Cost / benefit (Score:2)
Robots are fine when you have something repetitive that requires physical presence. Such as cleaning. There are cleaning robots, wich I think is much more useful than a walking-camera.
Unless, of course, you give ED-209 some real ammo. Now you're talking a different ball game.
Re:Unfortunatly he got fined... (Score:2)
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:2)
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
Neither can any other college security guard that I've seen.
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:2)
Re:Angry AIs and exterminating people (Score:2)
I agree with the sentiment though, this robot is a very small machine, it _does not_ think anything like a human (the dubious quality of some human thought notwithstanding).
Re:Where's the weapons? (Score:2)
I doubt that it could climb the ladders into the utility rooms.
Regarding your comment, Rackemup, how exactly is a laser beam a weapon system? I've never seen a laser beam used as a weapon. Perhaps one could use a laser beam for some sort of weapon guidance, but nothing energy based.
Re:Are you sure? (Score:2)
Are you sure? (Score:2)
That's a pretty bold and all inclusive statement. I'll expect him at my door soon to help satisfy my..er, needs.
Re:Indoor GPS? (Score:2)
Re:Multipath (Score:2)
Re:GPS indoor (Score:2)
Reminds me of another set of robots patrolling... (Score:2)
-- .sig are belong to us!
All your
I can just see it now (Score:2)
*gasp!* (Score:2)
The original BOFH, back yet again to make people's lives miserable! Er..wait..I mean good..er..no I mean bad..er..I dunno whether this is good or bad! I guess good as long as the robot doesn't freak and kill people. But Marvin's a cool name..
Re:Still haven't fixed him. (Score:2)
Sounds like this 'bot is at least a small improvement on those wonders of yesteryear, but I found the article quite low on details to convince me that it's really newsworthy. And surfing around it's creators' web site(s) didn't prove terribly informative either... (see my other postings)...
Ron Obvious
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:2)
Re:Not far from thinking like a human? (Score:2)
Hang on... we're talking about thinking like a human security guard here. I can just see the code now.
Patrol_Corridors();if (TimeSpentPatrolling > 30) {
This post is about truth, beauty, freedom, and above all things, Karma
Re:Unfortunatly he got fined... (Score:3)
Did they program it to say... (Score:3)
...something along the lines of:
``Here I am with a brain the size of a planet and I'm on the lookout for students cooking in their rooms. I'm so depressed...''
Stop Intruder! (Score:3)
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:3)
"Hello?" I say.
"Who is this?" they say
"It's me I think" I say, having successfully attended a telephone skills course
"Me Who?"
"Is this like a knock knock joke?" I say, trying to concentrate on the cute secretary picking up a jar of paperclips that somehow fell off her desk, via the security camera I located in her office last night.
"uhhh.... I have a problem here" says the slow drawly voice down the phone.
I hit pause on the video; can't concentrate with this voice whining in my ear. "What is your issue?" I enquire politely.
"I can't reach my keyboard from here - its too far away. Can I use a keyboard extension cable?"
I'm puzzled by this... I've done nothing to this particular beancounter moron lately that I'm aware of.
"Perhaps you've shrunk since you last used your workstation?" I suggest.
"No", says the user. "I'm hiding under my desk, because theres a tall white plastic scary robot wandering around."
I think - shit! is Christine Rankin [stuff.co.nz] in the office? Quickly I flick the CCTV on to channel 27, which covers that area of the building to find that its Marvin the new Security Droid (no, too star-warsy) Dalek (no, thats taken too) Big Scarey Robotic Vehicle (yeah) has ended up banging repeatedly against a table.
"I see the problem" I whisper down the phone. "Be very quiet - this unit has fantastic audio tracking techniques."
"errrp" is all I hear
"You need to sneak around your desk, to the rear of the robot, then put your arm around the front and press the button on the front. It's about 50 centimetres above the floor level. Remember - QUIET or else it'll hear you."
God I'm a bastard - the poor moron can't ask me any questions cos Marvin will hear him speak.
"Nod if you understand" On the CCTV I see him slowly lowers his head and raise it again.
"Go to it Tiger!" I encourage.
I can see the pleb clearly on the screen... he is quivvering with fear. He lays the phone handset gently down on the carpet and proceeds to crawl around the end of his desk.
This is amusing! I quickly shove another tape in the video recorder... ya never know when something blackmailworthy will happen...
Beancounter Bob has reached a position behind Marvin. He reaches his hand out slowly and ever so gently presses the button.
Immediately Marvin blurts out "EXTERMINATE!!!" and his head starts to rotate faster and faster. I quickly patch into the office PA system and yell out "RUN FOR IT!!!"
The twit jumps two metres in the air (I know - I measured it later) and runs out of the building screaming "RUN!!! IT'S COMING TO GET US ALL!!!"
Damn that was a good reset routine I slipped into the eprom data files down in the R&D labs.
(major appologies to Simon)
Re:Hmm... (Score:3)
The turning test? The robot is only intelligent enough to go straight then! I hope they have long corridors.
Re:Multipath (Score:3)
Not far from thinking like a human? (Score:3)
Yeah right! Anyone who says this about any AI we have today is full of it.
Re:What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:3)
35kph? (Score:3)
He'll be there forever (Score:4)
"`The first ten million years were the worst,' said Marvin, `and the second ten million, they were the worst too. The third ten million I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline.'"
Robots need love too (Score:4)
How long before he gets bored on the job and starts flirting with the vending machines?
Unfortunatly he got fined... (Score:5)
Re:Cost / benefit (Score:5)
If you want AI and autonomous robots and other (imho) cool tech like that to be developed, there's going to have to be a lot more "useless" stuff like this done first.
I can just see it now... (Score:5)
Marvin: I'm afraid I have been left here to stop you.
Robber: You? Stop me? Go on.
Marvin: No, really I have.
Robber: What are you armed with?
Marvin: Guess
Robber: Guess?
Marvin: Yes, go on, you'll never guess.
Robber: Errmm... laser beam?
Marvin: No
Robber: No, too obvious I suppose. Anti-matter ray?
Marvin: Far too obvious
Robber: Yes... Er... how about an electron ram?
Marvin: No, not one of those
Robber: I know, you must have one of those new Xanthic Re-Struction Destabilised Zenon Emitters.
Marvin: Nice, aren't they?
Robber: That what you got?
Marvin: No.
And so on until the police arrive.
Credit to Douglas Adams.
Re:Robots need love too (Score:5)
How shallow. Looks aren't everything, you know.
Vending machines are like people. It's what's inside that counts.
Guard worth more than the guarded? (Score:5)
This thing is worth $10,000? And it actively seeks out intruders?
(Squeal of robot tyres on floor tiles)
(Rumble of robot tyres on wooden ramp)
(Sound of van door slamming. Squeal of van tires on tarmac. Sound of cash register as Evildoer sells $10,000 robot.)
What ELSE has come from Waikato? (Score:5)