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Perv-y Material Heralds Move From Silicon 45

RalphTWaP writes "The Register has posted this report about the successful use of perovskite oxides as a replacement for silicon oxide in chip manufacture. As the Reg reports, the journal Science contains the original article. Best of luck getting at it though. Perhaps that kind of thing is what this other article was talking about."
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Perv-y Material Heralds Move From Silicon

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    The main property of this substance is that it 'meshes' well with silicon on the molecular level, as well as its unusually high electrostatic resistance. It will just (maybe) replace SiO2 insulation on silicon wafers. It is NOT, however, a Si wafer replacement, like Germanium derivatives.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 26, 2001 @09:12AM (#2191943)
    As someone who works in this field I thought I might throw in my two cents.

    [For the nosy kind of people who like qualifications: I'm a collaborator of Dr. McKee. See for example Lin et. al., "Epitaxial Growth of Pb(0.2)Zr(0.8)TiO3 on Si and etc.", Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 2034 (ref. 27 in the Science article) on which I am an author.]

    First, this technology is not enormously new. It's gotten into Science now, which makes it more high-profile, but it dates back at least to a publication in 1998 (McKee, Walker, and Chisholm, "Crystalline Oxides on Silicon: The First Five Monolayers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3014).

    People have been trying to put perovskite oxides on silicon for quite some time (see, e.g., Refs. 12-15 in the PRL paper), for various reasons. [By the way, the prototypical perovskite oxide has the form ABO3, where A is a 2+ cation and B is a 4+ cation; the structure is cubic with a unit cell consisting of A at the vertices, O centered on the faces, and B in the center of the O tetrahedron. They're named after the original "perovskite" mineral, CaTiO3. It has nothing even remotely perverted about it. So get your mind out of the gutter.] One of these reasons is, as the article mentions, gate dielectrics (insulators) for field-effect transistors. A field-effect transistor consists of a conducting channel, usually made out of a semiconductor. By applying an electric field to the semiconductor you can enormously change the conductivity of the channel. However, you don't want the electrode you use to apply this field to short to the channel, so you have to put an insulator in between. There is a lower limit on the thickness of the gate insulator imposed by the desire to limit the leakage current between the gate electrode and the channel. By switching insulators, you can extend this limit.

    Another use is for capacitors in DRAM. A DRAM cell works by either storing or not storing charge in a capacitor. The capacitor has to store a certain charge (~10 000 electrons) to be reliably read as on or off. If you recall the definition of capacitance Q = C V and the parallel-plate capacitor equation C = epsilon A / d (epsilon is the dielectric constant and depends on what material you put in the capacitor; A is the area; d is the spacing between plates; V is the voltage across the capacitor), you realize that there are four ways to increase Q: increase V, increase epsilon, increase A, decrease d. V is set by the operating voltages in the device, and there's a lower limit on d, again, due to leakage. You want to decrease A as much as possible to squeeze more cells on the chip. So one attractive thing to do is to switch to a material with greater epsilon. Perovskite oxides give you that opportunity.

    Perhaps the most exciting use of COS at the moment is to integrate ferroelectric materials with silicon. Ferroelectrics (e.g. BaTiO3, (Pb,Zr)TiO3, both of which are perovskites) are materials with a permanent electric polarization, just like ferromagnets have a permanent magnetic polarization. You can use this permanent field to store data by switching its direction (hence the notion of a 15-year state in a processsor). One particularly attractive way to do this is to replace the gate dielectric in a field-effect transistor with a ferroelectric. Since the ferroelectric has its own built-in field, the transistor remains on or off without your putting in a gate voltage, and even when you power down the device. Hence you can set the state of a processor built from these things, walk away, and come back years later and it will still be there. These materials are also candidates for use in devices to replace Flash memory and that ilk.

    I'd go on but I'm supposed to get back to work :-). Suffice it to say that there are zillions of other interesting properties you can get from various perovskites. The famous 1-2-3 superconductor YBa2Cu3O(7-x) is a modified perovskite structure; colossal magnetoresistive materials like (La,Sr)MnO3 have been studied for use in hard drive read heads; (Pb,Zr)TiO3 is a so-called piezoelectric material-- moves when you put a voltage on it-- so you could use it for nanomachines... etc. etc. Silicon, of course, is silicon. So it's a cool thing to put them together.

  • I'd imagine that this would only save RAM state on sleep, the only change would be that sleeping wouldn't consume as much energy. Powering off the machine wouldn't even have to clear the RAM, just make the CPU lose it's state. On the Intel, this just involves asserting the reset pin. Then, the processor will go through it's normal boot routine, completely ignoring what's currently in memory.
  • by laertes ( 4218 ) on Thursday July 26, 2001 @08:04AM (#2191945) Homepage
    The slashdot editors don't even mention that this new material would hold processor state for up to fifteen years. One thing I wonder is whether you can make RAM using these same techniques. Storing processor state without storing RAM would be pretty much useless--few tasks can be done solely inside a CPU's registers.

    The Register article is woefully short on details, so it's impossible for me to say whether or not a perv RAM system would be inappropriate. (name aside) I would have liked more information, but the supposed like to the journal "Science" just led back to slashdot. Then again, maybe IE is being flaky.

  • Great! By then, maybe Microsoft will be able to fix the bugs in 2k...
  • by Christopher Thomas ( 11717 ) on Thursday July 26, 2001 @08:49AM (#2191947)
    If the internal fields remain 'for 15 years' then the power consumption of the chip should hopefully be lower, since the cache shouldn't need power refresh.

    Caches already don't need (much) power to refresh. They're made of CMOS SRAM, which means that they only dissipate a lot of power when their state changes (ideally they'd dissipate none when the state isn't changing, but there's leakage current across gates and across junctions to the substrate).

    Caches are power-hungry because any access has to a) do a tag lookup and b) propagate itself across the entire cache. There are tricks you can use to reduce the power cost of this, but this will still dominate by far over static power requirements.

    Heat generation within both caches and the chip core is mainly caused by changing states and shuffling information around, not by maintaining an existing state. I've been studying this for a few years now :).
  • by Hanzie ( 16075 ) on Thursday July 26, 2001 @08:04AM (#2191948)
    If the internal fields remain 'for 15 years' then the power consumption of the chip should hopefully be lower, since the cache shouldn't need power refresh.

    This might also increase clock speed from heat issues, as well as no need for dead refresh cycles in the cache.

    I wonder how much the new stuff costs. Hopefully its dirt (sand) cheap.

  • Something Stephen Wright like:

    I put yttrium barium copper oxide and perovskite oxide in a room and let them fight it out.

    Poliglut []

  • Here is the Abstract:

    "We show that the physical and electrical structure and hence the inversion charge for crystalline oxides on semiconductors can be understood and systematically manipulated at the atomic level. Heterojunction band offset and alignment are adjusted by atomic-level structural and chemical changes, resulting in the demonstration of an electrical interface between a polar oxide and a semiconductor free of interface charge. In a broader sense, we take the metal oxide semiconductor device to a new and prominent position in the solid-state electronics timeline. It can now be extensively developed using an entirely new physical system: the crystalline oxides-on-semiconductors interface."

    URLs Abstract [] and article [] (subscription may be required...)

    My summary:
    Oak Ridge National Lab scientsts demonstrate "crystalline oxide semiconductors", that are a combination of Ba-SrO and SrTiO3 on Silicon or BaTiO3 on Germanium. The cool thing is it looks like this will enable germanium field effect transistors that could switch faster than the 210 GHz Si-Ge transistors that IBM can now produce.

  • I think we're talking about sex in general
  • The "Science" link is actually to slashdot's home page...

    Here's a working link... /5529/468 []

    ... okay, it's not REALLY working. You have to buy access! Wasn't there a protest by scientists about this kind of thing?

    - - - - -
  • See the above post "a few bits from an insider" by AC, and note the part about ferroelectric materials.

    What got MY attention about this is the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 has a perovskite structure, and I seem to recall being told that a similar material (slightly deficient in oxygen) is a semiconductor. This same technology may lead to the integration of Josephson junctions into microchips.

  • It's a feature. You too can have that Blue Screen of death for 15 years! Yes, you heard us right. We guarantee the last state you were in will be saved for 15 years....
  • by SuperguyA1 ( 90398 ) on Thursday July 26, 2001 @08:10AM (#2191955) Homepage
    As the Reg reports, the journal Science contains the original article. Best of luck getting at it though.

    I suppose it is hard to get through with the wrong link:)

    Try this one [] instead(Reg required).

  • Let's say you do make RAM out of this stuff. Now let's say your box hangs so badly you must power it off. Would you want it to return to the same state? What mechanism could be used to reset the RAM?

    Current motherboard designs will work just fine. When you turn on or reset the motherboard, it resets the processor, so even if it and the RAM maintained state, the instruction pointer wouldn't be pointing at the same place, but rather at some location mapped to ROM, which would start the POST, etc. From that point, it clearly wouldn't matter, because your BIOS is going to be written such that it doesn't randomly execute unitialized memory.

  • The material used by Motorola was SrTiO3© The key was their use of Molecular Beam Epitaxy to make the thin films© The real problem with ceramic materials on silicon is atomic defects caused by the crystal growth process© There are several techniques such as sputtering, chemical vapor deposition, and others, but they have trouble making defect free films©
  • This is nothing new. Check out MRAM. Its a rather interesting concept for incredibly high-speed non-volatile memory. You have a layered compound which can polarize - but it has a different resistance based on its polarity. You have sense lines which run through the material to measure the resistance. You have "write" lines on the top and bottom which run current over it - depending on the direction of the current flow, you can change the polarity that way. It effectively acts like a hard disk with no moving parts, and is thus incredibly fast, taking almost little power on reads and moderate power on writes. It takes no power when it is doing neither. The current research is into making it be more data-dense.

    Several major companies have a lot of money invested in this, with IBM leading the pack last time I checked.

    -= rei =-
  • This is good news for laptops. A lower voltage means a much longer battery life. Also, that would mean there is no need to suspend to the hard drive when moving the laptop around for extended periods of time; it would be stored automaticly if the power supply gets interupted.
  • Let's say you do make RAM out of this stuff. Now let's say your box hangs so badly you must power it off. Would you want it to return to the same state? What mechanism could be used to reset the RAM?
  • McKee's choice of material is fortuitous for another reason: perovskite oxides can retain internal electric fields for 15 years whenever the power is cut. That could allow a processor based on the material to retain its exact state whenever the power fails. Put the power back on, and the chip picks up where it left off.

    But only if you turn it back on within 15 years!!

  • That's why they noticed the "science" link really pointed to Slashdot ...

    I wonder how hard it would be to get a goat-lovin' link into a posted article ...

  • Okay, I can see that the article poster want to get people to read the article, but I can't see any reason to use the word "Perv-y" in this case. Oh, because the material's called perovskite oxide? That's lame.

    If you're really sad enough to have to seek innuedos in such a way, then this text (from the other useful link out of the four included) "Specimens can remind one of darkly colored cubes of galena. But galena's better metallic luster, greater density and perfect cleavage will give nobody any trouble in permanently confusing the two." should provide more joy.


  • a seach in google [] came up with this article [] where ramtrom is named a a company that uses this.

    Not that i understand it....really.....

  • They are not referring to a THERMAL insulator, they are referring to an ELECTRIC insulator! The former is a poor conductor of HEAT, the latter is a poor conductor of ELECTRICITY.
  • slashdot == science magazine...guess all this time my $99 subscription has been going to slashdot all the time...Hmmm....
  • This is insulator in terms of electricity, not heat. Two different things.

    What they mean by "super efficient insulator" is that the these dielectric materials are low-loss. In other words, the stored fields will not be degraded by the absorption mechanisms in the material like typical electrically insulating materials.

    Thermal conductivity of a material is related, but not as close as you might think.
  • That is not quantum interference, its related to the uncertainty principle.
  • I'm not sure if it's possible, but wouldn't it make sense to create low-power PDA's out of this stuff? Machines that could hold their states without power would be amazing coupled with displays that can hold an image without power (electronic-paper, etc). Then you could have a machine that only uses electricity when things are changing, and uses almost no electricity otherwise. There wouldn't be an off button... no need. The the instant you've hit a key the processor would kick up and handle anything that's needed. Then the instant your done the electricity would turn off again. You could pick one up, do a few things (while the processor is only on when it's actively computing... in between key strokes it would actually be turned off) and just throw it down when you're done, cause it's been in off mode from the moment you stopped typing.

    Something usable like that would be so casual, I can only see it gaining huge acceptance by everyone... think a day-planner type book, where you can interact with it almost the same, but it's also a PDA and a E-Book reader, and a place to jot notes all at the same time, perpetually powered by a solar-charged battery. Awesome.
  • does that mean we're going to start seeing implants made from 'erovskite oxides'?
  • You didn't know that already? *grin*
  • I do want the computer to return to the previous state. I like the memory and the processor to get cleared when I reboot the computer. If they did not, my Windows uptime would soon go from 6 hours to 6 microseconds.
  • Since you sound like you know something about this work, I'd like to ask a few questions.

    1. How does this perovskovite material differ from that used previously by Motorola (see reference here [])?

    2. What will be the primary limitation for bringing this technology into a manufacturable process and how far off in the future is this?

  • This is really old news. Motorola has already demonstrated working transistors using these types of materials, see this [] article from 1999.

    Motorola is the #1 supplier of chips to the the communications industry, makes processors for Macs as well as Palm Pilots and licenses a lot of its process technology, such as copper interconnects and SOI, to AMD, so don't worry this technology is not likely to get lost in the shuffle.
  • I believed quantum interference WOULD occur at such small scales, regardless of the material used (electrons are the same everywhere). Does this material have any properties by which a workaround for the above problem can be achieved? And how the heck does that happen?

  • Shouldn't that be "other RAMifications"?
    Okay, I'll go quietly...

  • We're talking about breast implants, right?

    Screw 3...
  • Of course. The Mac is a limited market. If it is such a good technology as they claim, they'll want to expand their market in order to make more money and maybe help pull us out of the rut in the US economy. If the technology isn't as good as they say or cheaper alternatives that work comparably as well then the technology will probably stay on the Macintosh.
  • You could probably include two power buttons. One that turns off the power without clearing memory and the other that clears memory and then turns off the power. Or you could simply put a jumper switch on the Mobo(or on the back of the computer) that gives the options of (not)clearing the memory when it starts up. I'm sure they would think of something.
  • They've had that technology for years. The only reason it is not in common use is because it is more expensive(and thus out of the question for the consumer.) Static Ram(not all static remains after the power is shut off, MRAM does(Magneto-resistive Random Access Memory) is Much Much faster than Dynamic RAM(always gone after power shuts off given enough time) but the price is through the roof. As computers get really fast and different forms of static ram emerges and the price drops, more people will buy it.
  • Well that and you won't have to replace the damned CMOS battery every 2-4 years ;) A small thing but I can see this being put to use in batteryless CMOS chips first.
  • It would be really cool if the 'holding electrical fields' bit turned out to be easily manageable. There used to be a joke that went "when microsoft asks 'where do you want to go today', they're not kidding. rebooting takes so long that you might as well be sightseeing".
    I've always been a bit cheesed off at the fact that turning on the box takes a good 3 minutes or so (yes, I'm a lame M$ user, although it's pretty much under protest), so I usually go to the loo, grab a glass of water, or do some other quick activity between hitting on and getting prompted for my password, and again between punching in my password and having windows finish loading up. having computers boot up immediately from the word go would be a great step in the right direction. It would also force microsoft to rethink their entire "reboot every time you touch your system" mechanism.
    My question is: does anyone know about any drawbacks to using this pervy oxide as opposed to silicon dioxide? If this perv-suchandsuch oxide turns out to be worth its salt, we'll all end up wasting a lot less time whenever we want to use our computers...
  • That's actually a good point. If my win box hangs, I can reboot it. If the state persists for fifteen years, how will the BSOD be dispelled?
  • One of the touted improvements in the technology is that, unlike traditional silicon based chips, which tend to be britle, the technology makes it easier to create more flexible "chips" that can be bent 90 degrees in a millimeter or less of material.

    One of the potential advantages of this include being able to "print" the circuit while it's flat, then "corrogate" the results making a chip with a larger surface area in a small space, both miniturising the area needed on a circuit board to support the chip, and making heat transfer away from the chip more efficient.

    Another is that the technology can be used on chips where the environment would naturally be flexible, which in some industrial strength situations is a necessity.

    Exciting stuff indeed!

  • do you work for miramax? 40 days and 40 nights? []

  • The material itself isn't the biggest problem, since in COS you only deposit a thin film (10-100 nm) of it. The problem is the deposition technique which requires molecular beam epitaxy (think million-dollar finicky vacuum systems, trained operators, etc. etc.).

"You must have an IQ of at least half a million." -- Popeye
