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ZDNet Reviews KOffice 268

Spotted over at -- this review of KOffice. The review isn't overwhelmingly positive or negative -- seems like a rather balanced picture of both what's up to par, and what's still missing, for mainstream acceptance in the Normal Workplaces of the world.
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ZDNet Reviews KOffice

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  • I am glad we are finally getting good Office programs. If it is as good as KDE 2.2, I will begin using it.
  • The article mentions StarOffice and suggests that it is Java based. Is this true? It didn't used to be java afaik.
    • by questionlp ( 58365 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:19PM (#2303689) Homepage
      According to Sun's StarOffice FAQ:

      12. Is StarOffice 5.2 software written in the Java language? Will Sun rewrite the StarOffice suite in Java technology?

      StarOffice 5.2 software includes components written in the Java language, and provides the Java Virtual Machine for running software based on Java technology. However, the majority of the StarOffice 5.2 code is written in C++. Sun does not intend to rewrite StarOffice 5.2 in Java technology. The Sun Webtop architecture relies heavily on Java technology for the interaction between the browser-enabled client and the application services running on the portal.

      The FAQ can be found here: q.html#12
      • oh really? [I admit I'm pretty uninformed] but I was under the impression that it was written with Java - which is why I thought it was so slow and clunky. Hmm... wonder what they're excuse is now? Overall I have no problem with star office... but having loading race between Mozilla and Star office is like watching a tractor pull with all the vehicles stuck in neutral.
    • If OpenOffice is any indication, the help system is Java based. I think another component is Java based but I don't remember it off-hand.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ZDNet Reports: office suite under development for a couple of years less polished than one over a decade old.

    And this just in: ZDNet declared Master of Obvious for the third year running.

  • by Teancom ( 13486 ) <david.gnuconsulting@com> on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:18PM (#2303686) Homepage
    If you don't like reading a three page article by starting on page two, follow the link: *click* [].
    • Click this link [] to view it as a single page?

      What in the hell is the postercomment compression filter, and why in the hell does it try to prevent the posting of a hyperlink to a single page version of a three page article? WHAT is Taco smoking?
  • Cross platform (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mgkimsal2 ( 200677 )
    Unfortunately, I can't get the latest Koffice to run, cause libkprint or something isn't right. A botched kde2.2 upgrade has left my linux box moderately unusable. However, I've used previous Koffice in the past, as well as StarOffice.

    StarOffice kinda sucked with the whole 'desktop' thing, and I was much more eager to use Koffice day to day when necessary. But I've noticed that StarOffice seems further along functionality-wise, and the latest OpenOffice downloads seem to be coming along nicely. They've lost that 'desktop' thing, and the components will all be 'single app' programs - definitely a good move, imo.

    Given that the OpenOffice/StarOffice platform seem to be much more cross platform than the KOffice stuff, could we not see some merging of the projects, if only complementary filters to import/export each others' file formats? Maybe this is being planned, but it's not something I've seen touted. What I like about StarOffice the most is the promise of cross-platformness. I can work on my Windows OR Linux machines (maybe Mac too, haven't checked) without worrying about learning new interfaces or file format problems.

  • Great solution as long as you don't go beyond KDE and KOffice.
    As soon as you do, things will look ugly ... forget about pasting images, text copy/paste works in strange and unpredictable ways.
  • I mean come on. Kivio (=Visio)? Adabase (=Access) in StarOffice. And god awful slow?

    Really, it's quite comforting to see the Linux community attempting the Office suite stuff. That's certainly the way that WordPerfect and Lotus really blew chunks!
  • An office suite that sigfault's is no use, even if you are willing it not to.

    It's heartbreaking. Fingers crossed it's getting stabler by the checkin.
  • by Robber Baron ( 112304 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:26PM (#2303709) Homepage
    M$ Office: $200-300
    K Office: N/C (comes bundled with various distros)

    That in itself is an important feature...
    • by Ghoser777 ( 113623 ) < minus painter> on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:36PM (#2303738) Homepage
      Actually, a lot of linux apps would proabably get more acceptance from the business community if they actually cost something. Business people know you don't get something for nothing; there are almost always strings attached. That makes them a little cautious about Linux.

      Also, productivity could be a more important issue. Even though KOffice functions a lot like it's counterparts in the non-open source world, there are definite differences. Just getting copy and paste to work right is a chore. And any time you use different software, you need training. Training costs money, so biz people would probably defer to something they know does exactly what they need, even though it costs way too much.

    • That depends. If you must communicate with other people using Office then KOffice could be a liability.

      If you need just Word, MS Works now includes the full version of Word for just over $100. But it looks like getting Word2002 is going to be expensive. The Upgrade is dirt cheap at $80 but the new user price is $340. That's just for Word2002 according to icing.htm It's just cheaper to buy Office.

    • except: (Score:3, Funny)

      by rebelcool ( 247749 )
      Lost productivity time due to malfunctioning import filters: Priceless.
      • Lost productivity time due to malfunctioning import filters

        You shouldn't be trying to import a COM serialization (Word's native document format since office97); it'd be almost like trying to import a core snapshot from a program running under debugger control.

        How hard is it for Word users to save as text, RTF, or HTML? Most of these free software office suites import HTML and other standardized formats just fine.

    • It depends on what your time and hassel is worth. If you make $20 /hr and you spend 10 minutes a week trying to figure out how to work around a limitation, the software becomes very expensive very quickly.

      Then again, this is true with all software.

      So, the package that you are more efficient with might cost less even if you initially pay more.
    • by __aahlyu4518 ( 74832 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @04:35PM (#2303890)
      As Ghoser777 pointed out in a response to your post: companies just know there is a catch... and (for now) there is:
      - No Support desk (in the traditional way)
      - No books (Koffice in 24 hours, Koffice for dummies etc). How is their secretary ever going to learn this thing ???
      - No courses. As with the books... How are their employees going to learn ? Want to take classes on MS-Word ? Open the yellow pages and take your pick.
      - Every time a new employee comes to work for the company they have to train that person. Using MS-Office in the company ? 95% of the new employees will know how it works allready... that will save them heaps of money.

      Yeah yeah.. I know.. learn through experience, helpfiles, irc etc etc... That is not how businesses work people ! Learning 'the hard way' really is the hard way... It takes a lot of time, and time is money.
      A good way is for people to get used to it at home and when a lot of people use it at home, they want to use it at their job as well, which will be less of a problem because they don't have to be trained.
      Staroffice/OpenOffice has a better chance than Koffice IMHO, because of the big SUN behind it (which will be trusted by companies more easily) and because it is multi-platform. That way people can use it more easily at home, because most of them will probably run a MS-OS....
      But I guess there is a place for both of the suits... Choice is good, and should be encouraged... It will keep office-creators from getting lazy ;-)

      • Every time a new employee comes to work for the company they have to train that person. Using MS-Office in the company ? 95% of the new employees will know how it works allready... that will save them heaps of money.

        There are so many ways this is just wrong. Word processor should require NO training, and other productivity apps should require very little. MS "training" never ends, but right now KDE's applications follow most of the MS input conventions. Anyone familiar with MS junk will pick up KDE in no time, but will be much happier with the better organization. Those that stick with MS are losing time and money everyday fighting an evershifting and ineficient interface.

        If you need "training" to work a word processor, the word processor is cumbersome and poorly designed. I taught myself how to use Word Perfect and Word. Word remains an illogical mess with too little user control and too many second rate tools cluttering up disorganized menues. Word Perfect was easier to learn and did most things better. I have not used KWord enough to really comment on all that it can do, but it was not difficult to learn.

        The "features" that most MS Word lovers praise as being the most powerful, and certianly require the most training, is second rate and inconstant. Word 2000 breaks previous macros! Word XP will certianly do the same. So there you are, constantly chasing broken junk that never looked quite right. It's worse than VB. Where is the economy?

    • It's difficult to argue price for desktop software. For all intents and purposes, Microsoftware is every bit as free as OSS software. Piracy has contributed to the MS success story enormously.
      • "It's difficult to argue price for desktop software. For all intents and purposes, Microsoftware is every bit as free as OSS software. Piracy has contributed to the MS success story enormously."

        Yes, but as Microsoft begins to clamp down on licensing violations, price is suddenly going to become a factor. In a sense, these viable free alternatives have arrived with perfect timing, because now people have someplace else to go.
      • but for another reason altogether -- right now if you asusm 95% of the world is based on MS Office so 95% of your potential employees knows it -- so you need to train 5% of your potential staff.

        The alternative -- an open office product -- will require training 99% of users at a cost of 1,000 to 2,000 per user for the class plus 2 to 5 working days (add another 1,000 for a low estimate. On this model -- the free product cost about 2,000 to 3,000. Sounds like $600 or so for full MS Office is cheap.

        Take it out further -- if you are a 100 person company (user base for office product suite) this means MS Office costs 100 x 600 -- $60,000 plus 5 users out to training (those not already trained) $15,000 -- which means that MS Office cost you $75,000 -- not a small chunk of change. Of course the alternative will cost you $297,000 and the skills are not usefull for your workers in later life.

        Of course this all assumes that you will be able to find the training -- not an easy task.

        What about the savings in hardware? I'd argue their is little to none now-adays. A business would be foolish to buy less than 500mhz machines which are more than adequate for W2K/XP today. I'm writing this from a 350mhz box and it flies quite nicely with W2K. Kinda slow when running StarOffice under a default X install though (Redhat).

        The OS install price and support price are arguably not an issue today either -- most 100 user offices will have at least one mission critical application requiring a windows system -- so your on the hook for licensing anyway (read it carefully...).

        Choose an open office product? Risk your job for what appears to be a negative payback in the business world? Why are we advocating this again?

  • The key for KOFFICE gaining widespread usage in corporate and industrial environments is an accesible API. Having an API in an open source environment can mean more flexibility, giving KOFFICE an advantage over the closed MS Office API .

    If you are looking at what the current API resources are for KOffice, click here [].

  • The following quote disturbed me highly:

    "KOffice does offer some benefits over StarOffice. KOffice is natively compiled for the machine platform on which it is executing, whereas StarOffice is a Java-based application. This means KOffice responds much faster and is less memory-intensive than StarOffice."

    Since when is StarOffice based in Java? Yes, it's really slow to load under Linux/FreeBSD, but I'd bet part of this is the same reason that koffice loads somewhat slow (though faster since it's less complex).. the whole GCC C++ runtime mess.

    StarOffice seems to load much faster when it's run off Solaris, and I'd be willing to bet part of that is due to the Sun Forte compiler's used. Of course, I'm sure it has plenty of it's own tweaks. Anxiously awaiting StarOffice 6.0

  • by Noxxus ( 259942 ) <> on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:32PM (#2303722) Homepage
    ...KOffice/Kword to make a big hit with users:

    1) Allow reading/saving of documents as *.rtf

    Rich text format seems to be the preferred document format among open-source word processors, yet KWord still lacks this feature. Heck, even MS-Word can read and save RTF! Supporting a common document format--instead of just *.kwd and *.txt--is going to be important for interoperability with other OSS office suites and the MS-Office world. Same goes for spreadsheet and presentation graphics file formats.

    2) KOffice needs to have provisions for English measurement parameters in KWord and its other products. Yes, the geeks out there can convert to mm, but if you wanna get users off MS-Office, simple features like this will be important.
    • by NutscrapeSucks ( 446616 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @04:03PM (#2303807)
      "Rich text format seems to be the preferred document format among open-source word processors"

      "Heck, even MS-Word can read and save RTF!"

      RTF is a Microsoft format. It's essentially a text version of DOC. Modern versions support the same macro and embedded COM object capabilities that DOC does.

      It's true many independant vendors have implemented the Word2 or Word6 version of RTF, but that doesn't make it an open or completely documeted spec by any means.

      Your post does highlight the issue that there are no standard formats in the OSS/Unix world, and nor are there 'standard' applications (as MS Office has become on Windows and Mac), and that OSS/Unix users have to fall back to Microsoft formats to interoperate with each other.
      • Your post does highlight the issue that there are no standard formats in the OSS/Unix world...

        What about HTML with CSS? When fully implemented to CSS2, there's very little a word processor or desktop publishing app couldn't save in this format. Tables, columns, kerning, images, the works! And even better, them things ARE open standards that everyone has bought into.

        Along these lines I do have a question for the crowd here. Why XML formatting for a word processor anyway? I can appreciate the need for XML for a spreadsheet, but it seems an app like KWord has far more need for layout and formatting rather than data abstraction.

        One of the other things I'd love to see fixed up proper in KWord is it's HTML export and import abilities. They are there, but they're pretty weak at this point. Even still, I'm very impressed with how far KWord has come from the previous versions I've worked with.
      • But there is a standard UNIX document processing format -- TeX (or LaTeX if you want lots of predefined things).

        And it's easily converted to that other UNIX standard: Postscript.
    • Rich text format seems to be the preferred document format among open-source word processors, yet KWord still lacks this feature. Heck, even MS-Word can read and save RTF!

      Given that RTF is a Microsoft proprietary format, and changes with each release of Word, this is not surprising. It's definitely a bad format to try to follow, particularly at this stage in the development of XML, which should make both .rtf and .doc obsolete.

      KOffice needs to have provisions for English measurement parameters in KWord and its other products.

      English measurements are millimetres. It's only Americans who still use inches. And, as with other open source projects, if you want it fixed, fix it.

    • 2) KOffice needs to have provisions for English measurement parameters in KWord and its other products. Yes, the geeks out there can convert to mm, but if you wanna get users off MS-Office, simple features like this will be important.

      Right-Click the ruler, and set it to use inches instead of mm. Also, it defaults to inches with the US Letter template (in KWord at least). I don't know if there is a way to set the rulers in all the programs to use inches and stay that way (it does save with the document though) when you make new docs.
  • by BrookHarty ( 9119 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:39PM (#2303743) Journal
    Im still locked into m$ office for exchange server. Until someone comes out with an Exchange klone, m$ will dominate the market.

    We had to install citrix clients so our NOC (running solaris on ultra 10's) could access the exchange servers. Even thou we don't use m$ products for our NOC, m$ infiltrated it via exchange.

    E-Mail is at least 25% of my job, working on projects around the country, email is my ball and chain to the m$ platform. All documents open fine under StarOffice, but I still have to go back to exchange for my email. So I just run win2k on my laptop, use x-win32 for display, and samba to mount my solaris box and ssh to encrypt it. Basically Merge the two OS's into 1 via network tools.
    • What about sendmail (or many others) instead of Exchange server, and KMail instead of the MS email client?
      • our IT department runs NT servers, I cant change that. But I do have control over my laptop and desktop.

        I have been tempting to have IT forward all my email to my desktop sun box, but I loose the exchange groupware features. Not worth it.
        • I have been tempting to have IT forward all my email to my desktop sun box, but I loose the exchange groupware features. Not worth it.

          I've been testing out CorporateTime from Steltor []. (warning: Flash site.) The server may run on Linux or NT and you can use an internal LDAP server or one you've already got. Mail and shared folders are stored and accessed with an IMAP server (numerous servers supported) and clients are available for Win32, Mac and Linux. There is also a web client and an Outlook service. The API is totally open.

          I don't work for Steltor but as I said I've been evaluating the product and am finding it very good. It seems to be priced very similary to Exchange Server and they provide various levels of support. They've been most helpful in the evaluation. The company has been around for about 10 years doing collabrative software but their CorporateTime product seems to be pretty recent.

        • ...but I loose the exchange groupware features.

          Just curious here as I'm not immediately familiar with these groupware features. What all does Exchange do that a locally run newsgroup server can't do? From what I've read of it, Exchange sure sounds like a newsgroup server with a pretty interface. How far off is this impression of mine?
      • by _Sprocket_ ( 42527 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @06:08PM (#2304099)

        What about sendmail (or many others) instead of Exchange server, and KMail instead of the MS email client?

        Exchange does something other mail servers don't do. And it does it well.

        I was going to say "groupware". But that's a bit of a misnomer. It does have various groupware functionality - but its specifically scheduling that it does well. Other groupware aspects are almost a brief afterthought.

        Sure - there are other scheduling competitors out there. But I watched Cisco Systems gravitate towards Exchange despite their heavy investment in a Unix mail infrastructure and the problems a diverse desktop OS user base causes for functionality with Microsoft products (Cisco endorses Win2k, Solaris, and Linux as supported desktop options for their employees).

        Its a shame that Exchange forces one to pick up all the usual MS bagage along with an otherwise top tier product.

      • sendmail Exchange

        Have you ever used Exchange? Standard pop3 mail is a very small part of it.

        And your comment leads me to believe you haven't worked for a large company and your administration experience has only been on systems where you have complete control over everything (ie, you only do it for yourself or at most a very small network).

        You can't just say, "Ok guys, let's ditch Exchange so I don't have to use Windows. I don't care that we'll be switching from a full-featured groupware platform to a simple smtp/pop3 email environment, not to mention staff training, custom programming, hardware, and software investments up to this point going downt he tubes. I just REALLY don't like Windows."

    • Im still locked into m$ office for exchange server. Until someone comes out with an Exchange klone, m$ will dominate the market.

      Try Bynari's [] Insight Server [] which runs on Linux or Sparc and offers a fairly complete server for Outlook clients, and offers a *nix client to boot! You can share calendars, global addressing, etc.

      • Try Bynari's Insight Server which runs on Linux or Sparc and offers a fairly complete server for Outlook clients, and offers a *nix client to boot! You can share calendars, global addressing, etc.

        I tried out Bynari about 10 months ago and the installer wiped out my existing MTA and LDAP servers without warning and without any warning in the documentation. After I'd realized this I tried the software out and it still had quite a way to go.

        Thanks for mentioning them though; I will evaluate them again. Currently I'm pretty excited about Steltor's CorporateTime [] -- Uses an IMAP server and either your existing or an internal LDAP server coupled with their calendaring and scheduling server software. Server runs on Linux or NT; clients for Win32, Linux, Mac and web. Also includes PalmOS, WinCE and an Outlook service. Unlike Bynari, I found Steltor's support very solid and professional. Again, this may have changed with Bynari which is why I am going to re-evaluate them.

    • ... they need to be ignored or better yet destroyed. Exchange is expensive and requires several people to baby it constantly and vast 100 gig RAID arrays to store data. I can't think of a single mail server application that is anything near as expensive to run and maintain.

      It's time for natural selection to take its toll ..
    • You don't need Outlook to use Exchange Server for email. You can retreive mail using POP and/or IMAP clients, you don't need an MAPI client. There's no dearth of MUAs that can talk POP or IMAP in the *NIX world.
  • Good Article (Score:4, Insightful)

    by krmt ( 91422 ) <> on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:40PM (#2303744) Homepage
    I thought the article was very fair. It didn't seem to expect the world out of KOffice, and made the point that it was a volunteer effort.

    Having recently fired up KOffice for the first time since the 1.1 release, I've got to say I'm really happy with where it's going. The team has done a great job on getting component embedding working (although it crashed on me when I started pushing it around a bit) and I really think this will shape up to be an incredibly powerful suite.

    Of course, these things don't happen overnight. It took Linux about 8 or 9 years to start gaining more widespread acceptance in the server area. KOffice is a tremendous project, and it'll take a long time to get to the point where it can compete with MS Office. Remember, software like this doesn't just happen overnight, it has to evolve. MS Office has had over a decade to get to where it is. I have a feeling we'll start seeing KOffice as a real alternative to MS in a few years.
  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • What metric do you want them to measure against? AbiWord? Gnumeric? Better to be compared to what has become the business world's standard and fall short than be compared to something virtually no one else uses and shine. If the standard is to have functions be case-insensitive and you don't follow it expect to be called on it. Expect the normal user to want it to be "fixed." They note that no other competing product uses case-insenitive funtion names so I would place the issue on KOffice. That's fair.
    • Re:Wrong review. (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Evangelion ( 2145 )


      They're reviewing it from the point of view of the typical user.

      I'm as pro-unix and pro-case-sensitive a guy as they come, and even I wasn't expecting that to be case sensitive. It makes absolutely no sense, unless there are cell rows called 'a' and 'A' (hint: there aren't).

      The fact that this is no longer true in current Kspread builds attests to it's pointlessness.

  • Impressions (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Greyfox ( 87712 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:40PM (#2303748) Homepage Journal
    There were several complaints about lack of import/export functionality. This is largely due to lack of file format documentation from Microsoft. It's pretty well documented that they have no intention of being interoperable. Hopefully part of the upcoming DOJ spanking will be a requirement that they completely document all file formats.

    Many of the issues addressed should be easy to fix. The lack of an automatic spelling checker and a thesauris in KWord, for instance, should be easy fixes. Likewise the case sensitivity in the spreadsheet program, though most UNIX people won't tend to view that sort of issue as a bug. The customer is always right and all that.

    On a quick side note, I still prefer TeX/LaTeX over any GUI word processor I've ever run across. I believe our documentation people 'round these parts still use SGML. Not something a normal user will ever look at due to the learning curve, but once you get a set of styles down, you can rattle off any old document you deal with on a regular basis with almost no effort devoted to the formatting of the document -- you just work on the content.

  • KOffice does offer some benefits over StarOffice. KOffice is natively compiled for the machine platform on which it is executing, whereas StarOffice is a Java-based application. This means KOffice responds much faster and is less memory-intensive than StarOffice.

    Uh ... since when?

    Not even close, ZDNet, but thanks for coming out!

  • KDE question (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I've just started using kde again after not seeing it for almost two years. I'm quite impressed with the way it has developed, but have a few feature related questions.
    I've never really been one to use a file manager, but after setting my desktop to be my home directory, i've started using the desktop, something i've never done with any wm. The problem is that in order to get into any of the directories, you have to start a file manager konqueror session. Is there a way that the desktop itself could be a simple file manager that would changer directories. An extention to this would be embeding a term in the desktop that would let the desktop be the current directory.

    Now that we have gotten a very easy to use gui, i think we should try and move it towards the 'unix way' of doing things. This would appeal the the 'power users' as well as the beginners.
  • This is major? (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Ghoser777 ( 113623 )
    From the article:
    Unfortunately, performance of this component proved troublesome. Trying to get the software to compute a basic SUM() function on a range of cells yielded an error. We later found out that, unlike in Excel, function names in KSpread are case-sensitive, so typing "=SUM(A1:A15)" in a cell yields an error while typing "=sum(a1:a15)" does not. This is a major shortcoming for anyone who has ever used another spreadsheet, including Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro.

    Wow, uhhh.. this sounds like a major problem to me. It's pretty easy to get use to (no rocket science behind holding down or not holding down the shift-key), and it would be trivial to fix. And it's open source, so they could just recompile KSpread with it not caring about case-sensitivity. Any novi programmer can do that.

    • Well, to an end-user it is. To an end-user sum() == SUM(), they don't care about case sensitivity.
      To them sum() not adding up (whereas SUM() would) would give the impression that SUM() doesn't work, therefore the spreadsheet is not usable.

    • Any novi programmer can do that

      I assume you meant novice. In which case, does this mean that the KOffice programmers aren't even up to the level of 'novice'? Come on.

      Yeah - just tell people to remember to always hit SHIFT before referencing any cell names or functions. But don't hold it down all the time, or ALL your text will be caps, and it'll look like you're shouting.

      Isn't this what a computer is supposed to do? Take away the trivial, mundane tasks like figuring out what function I mean whether I type SUM or sum? I'm sure many think this case-insensitivity thing is some sort of Microsoft strike for world domination, but perhaps they do it (and most everyone else did before them too) because it MAKES SENSE. But since when has MAKING SENSE had much to do with most Linux programs anyway, right?

      How about you just CODE it to be case insensitive. Since it's so EASY to change (OPEN SOURCE!) any Lunix geek that wants to remember to hit SHIFT when typing certain functions can just change it themselves and recompile the program. Come on - any novice can do it.
  • ".... KOffice is natively compiled for the machine platform on which it is executing, whereas StarOffice is a Java-based application. This means KOffice responds much faster and is less memory-intensive than StarOffice... "

    Do a little research. Just a little. From staroffice faq

    Is StarOffice 5.2 software written in the Java language? Will Sun rewrite the StarOffice suite in Java technology?
    "... the majority of the StarOffice 5.2 code is written in C++. Sun does not intend to rewrite StarOffice 5.2 in Java technology..."

    Java is so slow that everything sun makes is crawls because of it. Mr Deignan believes everything his MS marketing rep. tells him.
  • When I see comments like this:
    KOffice does offer some benefits over StarOffice. KOffice is natively compiled for the machine platform on which it is executing, whereas StarOffice is a Java-based application. This means KOffice responds much faster and is less memory-intensive than StarOffice.
    The rest of the review just looses all credibility and although it might have some good points, this really hurts the review and says the reviwer has not looked at the whole picture of the marketplace. The fact you can browse the source code on the net sorta gives most of that away.
  • Star Office myths (Score:3, Informative)

    by gnugnugnu ( 178215 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:50PM (#2303773) Homepage
    from the article:
    "KOffice is natively compiled for the machine platform on which it is executing, whereas StarOffice is a Java-based application"

    from the StarOffice FAQ:
    However, the majority of the StarOffice 5.2 code is written in C++ fa q.html#12

    Why do some many people think StarOffice is written in Java? Is it just because its from Sun?

    I wish i knew how to get slashot in light mode without having to login
    • I don't know, maybe because it's so slow?
    • Why do some many people think StarOffice is written in Java? Is it just because its from Sun?

      It's an excuse for it's lack of speed? ;)

    • by hatless ( 8275 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @06:48PM (#2304198)
      StarOffice 5.2 is so resource-hungry and slow that it might as well have been written in Java 1.1. Waiting a solid minute or so for it to fire up on a P2/300 with 192MB RAM, and running into its native widget set, it's easy to unserstand why someone might think it was written in Java. Less easy to understand is why ZDNet seems to have fired all of its fact-checkers.

      The OpenOffice development snapshots are definitely peppier, so StarOffice 6.0 should be fine in this regard.. but 5.2.. eek.

      Where Java does enter the StarOffice picture is that 5.2 has an open interface that lets you pick a JVM--or install one--to use as yet another macro language. This is a nice touch for all the Unix shops and others that have Java programmers on hand more readily than VBA people. You can use a nice, fast 1.3.x JVM with it, and develop with your existing tools and components. The other nice "Java" feature is SO 5.2's ability to use JDBC throughout for database access instead of native drivers or ODBC. Very useful and very elegantly cross-platform on Sun's part.

      And incidentially, the "other" major SO5.2 scripting language is a VB clone, both in syntax and coding environment. SO has a different document object model, so MS Office macros won't run unmodified, but at least VBA skills can carry over. KOffice's use of DCOP for automation allows the use of any available language, potentially doing things one better--but without integration with a development tool as one gets with VBA and StarBasic, it remains at a disadvantage. Maybe bidirectional KOffice-to-KDevelop hooks (for C++) and KOffice-to-Netbeans/Forte (for Java) are a way to go.
    • Why do some many people think StarOffice is written in Java? Is it just because its from Sun?

      It's because Sun announced back in 1999 that it was going to release a server-side-Java version of StarOffice, called "StarPortal". They never got it off the ground, and StarPortal eventually got folded into Sun WebTop in March of this year.

      Clueless "technical" journalists (such as can be found in abundance writing for ZDnet) are frequently unable to distinguish between Java in its two main forms: slow, crappy client-side Java apps/applets and fast, scalable server-side JSP and servlets. The single marketing moniker for all of Sun's J-products is a double-edged sword. Perhaps they should fix this.

  • by victim ( 30647 ) on Saturday September 15, 2001 @03:54PM (#2303784)
    The article is more of a cursory glance through the programs. To summarize...
    • RPM installation works
    • KWord can import Microsoft formats, the other programs do not. Some try and fail.
    • KWord uses a frame model for document layout rather than whatever Microsoft Word uses.
    • KWord does not have live spell and grammar checking.
    • KSpread doesn't have as many built in functions as Excel.
    • KSpread is case sensitive on function names, and maybe column names, I can't quite tell from the `review'.
    • KPresenter is `pretty basic'. He then describes it as having every feature I ever needed in a slide making package. No word of what is missing except presenter notes.
    • Kivio is python scriptable, contains built in stencils and more can designed or purchased. (From whom?)
    • KOffice is faster than StarOffice.
    • KOffice does not have VBA macros. He seemed to think this was a limitation. :-) Star Office does.
    • KOffice does not have a database application.

    Thats about all there is in the article. If it took the author more than 4 hours to produce this I would be surprised. Fortunately, the geeks can now read this synopsis instead of reading the author's wordy version. This way we will save hundreds of geek hours.

    • Kivio is python scriptable, contains built in stencils and more can designed or purchased. (From whom?)

      theKompany sells the additional stencil sets. You can buy them at .php3 []. Prices average about nine or ten bucks. Not to bad.
  • from the article:

    ... downloaded the binaries--slightly over 11MB-- ...

    how big is MS Office? more than 20 times that size. How much cheaper are embedded devices suitable for running KOffice than MSOffice? How much cheaper are 32 MB flash chips than 256 MB flash chips - a LOT. obviously the WinCE versions of MS Office are smaller than MSOffice pro... but they also lack a lot of the features. perhaps a better comparison is WinCE Office vs. KOffice...

  • by tsa ( 15680 )
    All that in 13 MB! I installed Office 2000 the other day. I need only basic Excel and Word, without almost all the extra's. It was still 66 MB (without PowerPoint, web editing stuff, Outlook Express...). Why does it need to be sooo big!
  • by Rimbo ( 139781 ) <rimbosity&sbcglobal,net> on Saturday September 15, 2001 @04:19PM (#2303845) Homepage Journal
    Now you and I both know that KOffice isn't nearly as polished and powerful as MS Office is (and Office XP is going to be).

    But the thing is, when you look at how far KOffice has come in how little time, it becomes apparent that it's just a matter of time before it catches up and, provided its leadership isn't content to be "as good as" Office, surpasses Office in features and functionality.

    It's the sheer rate of change and speed of development of KOffice that amazes me. In a couple of years, this free alternative to Office will most likely be at least as powerful as MSFT's product, except that it will cost nothing.

    Office software is becoming like text editors and browser software: It's something you don't expect to pay for. And if MSFT continues to try to charge people for it, people will move over to the alternatives.

    No, it ain't there yet, but look at where it was and where it is now. Look at how short the time was for it to get here.

    And just think. Just a few months ago, people were saying that Linux would never be a viable desktop OS. A few who have their heads in the sand still say it. But it is viable now! Even my Dad, who usually lacks the time to learn anything more complicated than instructions written on a sheet of paper that he follows to the letter, could install and get running with KDE under RedHat.

    All that's left is a Quicken alternative.
    • I've never used it, but GnuCash [] seems to be a pretty popular Quicken alternative.
      • The problem with things like GnuCash is that, unlike Quicken, I am less likely to find a 'Canadian 2002-updated version' of GnuCash with updated Canadian tax codes and interoperability with the major banks and so on.

        A team of Russian, American, Australian, and German programmers are not going to pander to my Canuckian tax laws as well as Quicken will. Perhaps it will end up with (or already has) a plug-in interface or something, so people can do this on their own, but I don't know how many tax-lawyer/programmer/accountant types there are out there in OSS Land.

        I hate to say it, but I don't really know if this is open-source area (yet).

    • Office software is becoming like text editors and browser software: It's something you don't expect to pay for. And if MSFT continues to try to charge people for it, people will move over to the alternatives.

      Don't count on it. People in the business world do still expect to pay for their office applications suite. In fact, they're pretty concerned at present about Microsoft's change in licensing policy with Office XP.

      But remember that what they think of as "paying" includes support and maintenance costs and the like, as well as any up-front cost. People here often ignore this rather important fact. For example, someone else mentioned using an alternative, which segfaulted and lost them 15 minutes of work because there was no auto-save. If that had been me (or any other one of the guys at work) then that 15 minutes of down time alone would have been enough to justify spending the extra money and buying MS Office.

      And just think. Just a few months ago, people were saying that Linux would never be a viable desktop OS. A few who have their heads in the sand still say it. But it is viable now!

      It's viable for a few people now, and most of them already use it. My old man is also computer literate, and installed Linux on the new PC at home because he's very anti-MS in his feelings, and the kind of person who likes a good tool, even if it takes longer to learn. However, when I sent my mum a couple of zipped PostScript files by e-mail last week, could he print them out for her? No.

      He couldn't find where they were saved on the hard disk, because Linux's search facilities weren't intuitive enough. When he did find them, he had trouble opening them. When he finally opened them, he couldn't print them, because he didn't have a Linux driver for his printer (which came supplied with a Windoze driver, of course). That one simple task defeated him, yet on a typical Windoze box it would have taken seconds. And remember, this is someone who has been in the business for years and likes tools like Linux. If he had trouble, you can bet that an awful lot of other people are going to have trouble, too.

    • We need to stop believing and perpetuating this myth that "Free Software" costs nothing. Free Software costs the people who write, debug and document it a lot of time and energy. Some of those people work many long hours on it and for some reason, you believe they don't deserve to be paid for it.

      Wait, you don't believe that? Then if their hours are paid for, and those hours developped Free Software, then that Free Software cost somebody money -- in the long run, it will be you. I'd rather pay a Free Software developer directly (Paypal, etc.) for feature growth (as MySQL and ReiserFS offer, for starters) than just wait for VA Linux to think of a way to get that investment back out of me.

      I'm probably never going to buy a VA Linux server, but I'd love to read Slashdot for a long time to come ...
  • It is unfortunately really. If you read the second page of the review, the first thing the authors test is functionality to communicate with M$ office file formats. If that is to be the first level by which KOffice is judged, it will never succeed (in their minds). Unfortunately, M$ has made a business of beating competition by (among other things) keeping file formats different. We need to judge the functionality of KOffice first, its compatibility with M$ second. While the latter goal is important, if we hold that highest M$ truely is the monopoly we accuse them of.

  • By choosing the name "KOffice", KDE is really setting itself up for a head-on competition with Microsoft Office. I think that's very dangerous: even if KOffice offered all the features of Microsoft Office, gaining user acceptance would still be hard because of differences in UIs and file formats.

    I think it would be much better not to claim head-on competition with MS Office. Instead, produce nice, usable, stand-alone applications and think carefully about how to allow people to integrate them.

  • Personally, I thought the review was fair from a day-to-day non-computer-savvy-user's point of view. And since this type of user most probably is the intended end-user of a product such as KOffice, the developers should probably take ZDNet's little nitpicks to heart and make their program a better one.

    A case in point:

    Unfortunately, performance of this component proved troublesome. Trying to get the software to compute a basic SUM() function on a range of cells yielded an error. We later found out that, unlike in Excel, function names in KSpread are case-sensitive, so typing "=SUM(A1:A15)" in a cell yields an error while typing "=sum(a1:a15)" does not. This is a major shortcoming for anyone who has ever used another spreadsheet, including Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro

    Maybe this is one piece of criticism KOffice-programmers might want to take to heart. The difference between Excel being case-insensitive and KSpread being case-sensitive is one example of how people programming for a commercial entity take a slightly bigger interest in the needs of ordinary, non-savvy users than Open Source developers. It's a minor point, to be sure, but how often have you heard the myth flaunted that "the computer crashed because I got one comma misplaced"? KOffice, for now, exhibits some of this behavior, while MSOffice, for the most part (day to day tasks) does not. This is not surprising, as M$ probably spends a large amount of time and money on testing on "ordinary users", whereas the KOffice people don't (can't afford to), so I'm not blaming the latter, but rather, urging them to do something with fair bits of consumer feedback like this.
    • A lot of programmers seem to ignore that software should be resiliant to errors, especially those made by errors. That's why we have "rm -i" and "This document has changed, save changes?"

      Those who are purists, I guess, think its up to the next person down the food chain to keep errors out of the way; I recently requested that the string functions in glibc which require a non-NULL value should return with an error when called with NULL instead of segmentation faulting. I was told this was non-spec and it would continue to crash if the programmer broke the rules.

      Not everyone in the world who writes software has read the C specs. Not everyone who uses a spreadsheet even cares whether computers can be case sensitive or not. What benefit is there for functions in a spreadsheet being case sensitive anyway?
  • I know it's not a full suite but I've found Abiword and Gnumeric much better at translations from Micros**t documents and spreadsheets. I'm trying to replace MacOS and MS Office on 300 iMacs with Yellow Dog Linux and some kind of Office-type products and I've tried everything that I could find, KOffice and StarOffice are not cutting it.
  • Some posters here have mentioned that the fact that KOffice is free will be a significant factor in drawing people away from Microsoft Office. I'm not sure that's at all correct...A year or two ago, I remember seeing copies of Lotus SmartSuite 97/Milennium bundled with all sorts of PCs (not just IBM PCs), and OEM versions being advertised everywhere for AUD$30 (that's only about US $15).

    SmartSuite 97 is probably still ahead of KOffice in terms of compatibility and features, plus it actually contained a famous component (Lotus 1-2-3), and it wasn't enough to stop it from sliding into complete obscurity.

    KOffice (and StarOffice for that matter) have probably each got another 2 years or so of catching up before they even get close to where the now extict competitors of MS Office were a number of years ago...and being almost free didn't help them back then either.

I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get any older.
