World Solar Challenge Beginning 102
Stuart Bowden writes: "Today (Sunday at 8:00am Central Australian time) is the start of the 2001 World solar Challenge, a sort of alternative Cannonball Run in which the solar cars cost up to $10 million. Over the next five days or so thirty three solar powered cars will race 3000km across the Australia desert powered only by sunlight. The official site is at WSC and there is extra gossip, pictures and information at our site at the University of NSW. We'll be doing the web upgrades on the road by begging connections at roadside diners and the occasional satellite phone. The big problem is keeping up with solar cars that don't stop for fuel." Our previous story had more links.
World Solar Challenge Beginning???? (Score:2, Funny)
[ Technology ]Posted by michael on 19:10 Saturday 17 November 2001
But it's night time!!!
Re:World Solar Challenge Beginning???? (Score:1, Redundant)
Not in Australia, mate.
Hmm.. (Score:1)
Re:Hmm.. (Score:2, Funny)
Disappointing. (Score:3, Informative)
I haven't looked at all the teams [wsc.org.au] yet, but so far they seem to be aiming to improve performance by improving aerodynamics and reducing weight, not by improving the efficiency of the electricity generation.
One exception is the aurora [aurorasolarcar.com] team, but I can't find any technical details of the improvements they're claiming.
Making Solar Cells a misallocation of resources. (Score:4, Interesting)
Solar cells have a theoretical maximum efficency of not more than 50%. Currently, triple junction GaAs cells will get you about 35% (pretty close to the limit). Such an array for a solar car (5m by 1.8 m) can cost in the neighborhood of 500,000 USD. Meanwhile, a 19% Si array can be had for 70,000, and a 13 - 14% array for 10,000. As you can see, the price of an array has something of an exponential relationship to the efficency. To inprove the maximum efficency, you have to have the money to play with some very expensive toys. Only a few companies can afford such equipment (such as Honda and Aurora) and no school that I know of has a suffcient budget. We can (and do) play with making cells, but to commit to designing them and trying various chemistries and encapsulations requires more money than we have. Our object is to make cells that at a given efficency are cheaper than the ones on the market.
Meanwhile, the only things that slow you down are rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag. Cutting weight usually requires nothing more than a lot of thought into material selection and structural design (not hundreds of thousands of dollars).
Aero is a little more interesting, as there are tradeoffs betweeen the effective efficency of your array and your aerdynamic drag (for example, a taller car can catch more sun in the mornings and evenings, but will have more drag). These tradeoffs are related to how fast you want to go, and the conditions of the specific race you are designing for (whether it is primarily from north to south or east to west effects how you handle these tradeoffs; a car sloped to a particular side doesn't help if that side never faces the sun).
Also worth mentioning is that all the American college teams that I know are in the WSC just came off competing in the American Solar Challenge. Teams that did not have large budgets in that race competed in stock class, where they were only allowed to spend $10 per watt that they expected out of their array (limiting them to silicon cells) and lead acid batteries. I do not know if any of those teams went to WSC, but that would explain their use of lower power cells.
Photovoltaic cell research is one of the mose exciting fields of renewable energy, but when it comes to racing cars, you're more likly to win by buying the best array you can afford, and improving the other aspects of your car.
Just a tad expensive (Score:2, Interesting)
As far as the actual electricity generation goes, I'd think its a bit beyond the capabilities of a group of freshman and sophmore (my roommate is a sophmore) undergrads to not only design a better grade solar array, but then manufacture it. Even if some kid did manage it, they couldn't afford the costs. I believe the cost of the current solar array is some 25k, which generates about 14 hp. That gets them up to about 75 mph max, but that eats of the batteries pretty fast.
Most solar cars don't use the latest and most efficient solar array. If I recall correctly, the latest car from KSU, CATalyst, uses 14 percent efficienct solar panels. The most efficient are gallium-cyanide (or something like that) that are extremely expensive (like 500k or so). Of course there are a few things that can be done besides simply upgrading the solar array. I've heard of shaping the solar cells in inverted pyramids at the near molecular level will increase absorbtion, but the return is expected to be on the order of
Yea, I can't spell efficiency, but who cares, I'm only a Computer Science major.
Re:Just a tad expensive (Score:1)
Re:Just a tad expensive (Score:1)
Re:Just a tad expensive (Score:1)
As far as the solar array price of $25K goes....well that's close but I think we did better on price than that. We probably had the best price to perfomance ratio on American Solar Challenge this summer (as far as the array goes). You might be wondering how we keep the cost so low, but still produce an array that makes a lot of power. We encapsulate our own cells. As far as the 14hp number that is equivalent to 10444 WATTS! Sorry to dissapoint all you people out there, but it is not that high. Our array makes somewhere between 100 Watts and 2500 Watts, but that's all I can say.
No one really ever tells you the exact number the solar array makes anyway because it depends on the day, time, and whether or not you are on a rival team.
On a personal note: Michigan and Rolla kick some Aussie butt!
Re:Just a tad expensive (Score:2)
Re:Just a tad expensive (Score:1)
Re:Disappointing. (Score:1)
Re:Disappointing. (Score:2, Interesting)
Race speeds of the top cars are above 50 MPH. At speeds up to 45 MPH air drag increases on a linear scale. Above 45 MPH air drag increases geometrically and quickly becomes the main factor in car performance. Teams rebuild their car body if they find a way to shave a few tenths off the drag coefficient.
The new body on University of Missouri - Rolla's Solar Miner III (rebuilt after the sunRayce last summer) has a drag coefficient of about .09 compared to the previous body's stat of .12. As such, we should get an average speed of several miles per hour faster.
Other major factors are vehicle weight (obviously), battery type, and solar array type. Lithium ion batteries have much higher retention than older lead-acid batteries that some teams still use and are lighter as well.
The solar array varies from car to car depending on team budget. Teams with huge budgets have higher efficiency arrays and much more available power. More power does not translate into better performance, though, because over the long haul a more efficient body design with less parasitic power loss will perform much better even with less power.
Re:Disappointing. (Score:1, Interesting)
It seams to pay off: they currently lead the race!
Check it out at here [alpha-centauri.nl] [www.alpha-centauri.nl]
Re:Disappointing. (Score:1)
So in increasing overall effiency should be focussed on lighter and more aerodynamic materials rather than on higher photo-conversion yield systems.
There are some promessing molecule which can do a better job in light harvesting but these are still in experimental stages.
The main focuss point in these systems is to transfer to energy for the cell to the 'motor'.
for more info check to website of the chemistry department at the university lausanne-swiss.
Ah the solar challange. (Score:1)
But alas, i've seen it all before, and in two years time, i'll see it all again...
Re:Ah the solar challange. (Score:1)
Why the interest in Solar? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course, by that time you'll likely have read an article on portable nuclear power on Sciam earlier that day and wonder why everybody is so interested in fuel cells, when nuclear is clearly the way to go...
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:1)
Solar power isn't going to drive your car, but it will certainly power basic home services in many parts of the world.
Because solar energy is free (Score:1)
Modern solar cars used in such races can cruise at 90+ mph, max 130+ mph. Whoa. It's waaay more than enough for me! Give me sufficient night range (supercapacitors or whatever... 80-100 km on batteries will be enough... <rant>yep, 640k RAM IS enough if you do not use GUI crap</rant>) and such car will become my favorite transport.
The main trouble is NOT the price of manufacturing such car. Mass production will bring the price down. But even if someone invents perpetuum mobile and bulds a car running for free, western public will never buy it unless it has air conditioning, xenon headlights, cup holders, dvd player and all these tech gizmos for $20k -- and solar car can't have ANY of these because its power and weight is very, very limited.
They can not be used for regular transport. (Score:1)
Today, yes. Tomorrow... (Score:2, Insightful)
Mass production will bring costs down.
3. They would be uncomfortable to drive. Most solar cars adopt a low profile for better aerodynamics. This makes it so the driver has to lie down.
Who knows? May be it's best position for the driver? Also when you lie down you can't get a whip spine trauma, can't fly through windshield, etc. It's a erognomics designer's task to make such posture comfortable.
Also, it would only be a 1 seater.
Why? If this thing can go 130 mph with one seat, it could go 100 mph with two seats, one behind another. Second seat will _not_ increase drag coefficient, only weight and vehicle length. Solar challenge rules limit solar cell area to the certain number, but you don't have to limit it when you build commuter vehicle. Second passenger compartment will increase vehicle power enough to compensate passenger's weight.
To meet current restrictions, it would have to have things like metal crumple zones
No. With weight about 200 kg and three wheels it will fall under "motorcycle" regulations in most countries, AFAIK at least in U.S. and Russia. Also it doesn't need _metal_ crumble zones for crash with another solar vehicle -- plastic crumble zones will do the trick for 200 kg cars. Your crumble zones in your car will never protect you in the crash against 18-wheeler, why mandate crumble zones against the same weight difference? Hell, there are tons of motorbikes rowing around the globe with NO airbags, crumble zones, seat belts and other measures, why these are not mandated to such ridiculous restrictions first?
With all of this, the clear answer for future automobiles is either hybrid gas/electric, or hydrogen fuel cells powered by hydrogen from clean nuclear power plants.
With hydrogen energy storage you'll depend on country economics and political situation in the world, like you do with petroleum. And with anti-nuclear craze you can't expect enough new power plants. We are still far, far away from building hydrogen supply stations everywhere, since we still do not have good hydrogen storage. And solar vehicle doesn't need these stations at all...
It's possible to build usable solar car today. But public will never buy it because they want luxury and "safety" and they are willing to pay $$ for petroleum.
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:1)
Yeah, right. Who needs wind turbines, lead acid batteries are the way to go
You can't compare solar power with fuel cells. Fuel cells are great for storing and transporting power. They actually do not produce power, because it's powered by hydrogen, which has to be produced in the first place using some other power source like nuclear plant, solar cells, wind turbines, thermonuclear reactors etc. And there aren't enough natural sources of hydrogen.
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:1)
The interaction of the Hydrogen and Oxygen that creates the power of the fuel cell would be irrellevant if not for a source of pure hydrogen.
Until you find yourself a free source of pure hydrogen (good luck, I doubt one exists on this planet), you are going to be stuck splitting Hydrogen from water. More or less the converse of the same reaction that creates power in the fuel cell. Which, those that understand elementary physics would know, even if the process were super-efficient, you would need as much energy as is produced from the fuel cell, to split out the hydrogen in the first place. In reality, you would need more.
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:2)
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:1)
Fuell cells do not generate power (Score:2)
So the combination of the two together would be some real great renewable energy. Just think of it: Thousands of square miles of solar arrays in the Sahara, or some sunny place anyway, powering huge industrial style Hydrogen plants. Then the hydrogen for the fuel cells gets shipped into the whole world. That'd be cool, huh?
Re:Why the interest in Solar? (Score:2)
Using electrolisys of water to generate hydrogen is prohibitavely expensive -- how do you generate the electricty? Most current commercially-available fuel cells use a pre-processor to electochemically strip hydrogen from hydrocarbons. This is good because it is much more efficient than a traditional IC engine driving a generator, however it still has many of the same drawbacks -- it relies on a non-renewable resource and it emits greenhouse gasses (C02).
IMHO the most practical short-term approach is to improve the techniques for generating methane from biomass. In order for this to work on a commercial basis, the cost of producing biomass-generated methane would need to be close to the price of tapping fossil methane sources. However, any commercial biomass technique is amost definately going to require the use of genetically-engineered microorganisms, which raises a bunch of other issues.
The paradox of solar-powered cars (Score:3, Insightful)
Batteries on the other hand are very heavy. They account for more than 50% of the weight of a regular electric car. The energy required to move the batteries makes such a solar-powered car infeasible.
As mentioned in another post, most of the teams only improved on aerodynamics & weight. So, I'm asking: what's the point of this competition ?
The Raven.
Why not a competition? (Score:2, Insightful)
Learning and fun have always been the reasons for any competition. What did you expect was the reason?
Re:The paradox of solar-powered cars (Score:1)
go with LI+ (Score:1)
the UMR Solar Miner III seen here [umr.edu] can do close to 600 miles on a 68Kg LI+ battery pack, whereas a traditional lead-acid battery pack that would give us the same milage would be more than twice the weight
solar engineering, a balancing act (Score:3, Interesting)
solar car design and raycing is (for us uni and high-school persons)is primarily an endevor of engineering. you can't always splurge on the 34% efficient space-grade cells. sometimes you have to determine that you don't have the money, and you'd rather have a decent car overall than a boffo solar array on a wooden crate. if an engineer works hard enough at it, and has the right insight at the right time, many good things can happen...independent of the almighty buck. at UMR we have pretty good funding (how much is for me to know, not you all
Engineering challenge (Score:1)
These vehicles are not cars in any conventional sense of the word. They are an engineering challenge to see who can best balance weight, aerodynamics, PV efficiency and energy storage. They have to make strategic decisions. Last year the University of Missouri - Rolla team actually benefited from cloudy weather because they had a package that ran further on stored energy than the other cars. This actually slowed them down a bit compared to the other cars when it was sunny.
I think its great to get a bunch of engineering students together in a friendly competition.
Re:Engineering challenge (Score:1)
What about the Drivers? (Score:2)
Well it shouldn't be that hard. In most situations, the fuel outlasts the drivers.
The Real challenge ... (Score:1)
how about wind combo? (Score:1)