Coleman To Sell Portable Fuel Cell Generator 287
HobbySpacer writes "
Popular Science reports that
Coleman Powermate
will soon start selling a small portable fuel cell power supply.
The AirGen Fuel Cell Generator provides 1.2kW for up to 10 hours
on a bottle of pure hydrogen. Interestingly, the company had to
set up its own distribution system to insure it could deliver a
refill anyplace in the US within 2 days. The unit, built by
Ballard, goes for a pricey $8k but perhaps worth it if an indoor emergency backup is needed. Fuel cells can also be found for sale at the
Fuel Cell Store and Greenvolt.
Perhaps the hydrogen economy is closer than most people thought."
Isn't this a dupe? (Score:3, Interesting)
They're 8k now, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm glad to see that Coleman is entering this market. A bit pricy for most of us now, but at least this will start the ball rolling on clean-fuel generators.
Re:They're 8k now, but... (Score:2)
The Mac faithful are often quick to remind us of all the innovations in computing that we need to thank Apple for. But is a price drop in LCDs one of them?
I have no idea what the worldwide sales of Apple-branded LCDs are, but it cannot be even 10% of the worldwide production of LCDs for PC laptops and other non-Mac specific products. I think its probably fair to say that Apple was the beneficiary of the growth of LCD production for PC laptops and other uses. Furthermore, with Apple's 22" display costing $2500 I would bargain that sales of non-Apple 21" glass tubes actually went up, not down.
It probably doesn't hurt the overall trend towards LCDs that Apple quit selling glass tubes, as I'm sure they were a notable OEM of big glass tubes. But display manufacturers and vendors have been pushing LCDs for some time -- cheaper to store and ship, and the manufacturing process has got to be overall easier than huge hunks of glass vacuums. Apple probably deserves kudos for "going LCD", but I don't think they deserve credit for inventing the desktop LCD market.
Re:They're 8k now, but... (Score:2)
I can't imagine them selling as many laptop LCDs as all the PC venders put together (from their sales numbers last year they may have beat any single PC laptop vender though). However I think they may have sold more desktop LCDs, and that does matter since they are different from laptop ones. They tend to be bigger (15" is small for a desktop large for a laptop, 17" is good for a desktop, have never seen it on a laptop, won't bring up 22"...), and have a wider angle of view. They also suck more power, and I assume are built a fair bit differently.
I'm not so sure, the LCDs still seem more costly, esp. as size goes up.
Naw, they did it because staying competitive with CRTs was too costly. There is more margin in LCD panels. I don't think they deserve anything for switching to LCDs except being bought by people that think LCDs are what they want.
Re:They're 8k now, but... (Score:2)
Re:They're 8k now, but... (Score:2)
Wow, two dupes on the front page... (Score:2, Redundant)
Doesn't anyone bother to do a simple search before posting front page stories?!
I just entered "Coleman" into the search box and got the above link, same story, move along, nothing to see here...
Re:Wow, two dupes on the front page... (Score:2, Offtopic)
Even if it is an error, it's an error that harms no one and benefits many.
Picture... (Score:4, Informative)
Picture of the device can be seen on the Popular Science's website here [popsci.com].
How great IS this...? (Score:4, Insightful)
If the world fuel "economy" switches to hydrogen, what happens to the countries which sole income is provided by oil and fossil fuels? Won't these places be absolutely devestated and ruined by the collapse of their energy-demand? Hydrogen power is an amazing thing, but it'd be something like suddenly replacing the staple foods in the world with chemical products - it dents a rather secure and stable part of our lifestyle and global economy.
I just hope something can be worked out before the "dream" of hydrogen power can be achieved... it's scary stuff, when you think about it.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2, Interesting)
Use Coleman's lantern fuel (Score:2)
Not really. The cheapest way to make bulk hydrogen is to use a reformer with a petroleum based feedstock. If they could build a reformer into the fuel cell and use Coleman's lantern fuel, then they'd have the next Big Thing(tm). Coleman's lantern fuel is a highly purified white gasoline. Which is more expensive than motor gasoline. Coleman? Big oil? Ya listening?
Re:Use Coleman's lantern fuel (Score:2)
Re:Use Coleman's lantern fuel (Score:2)
No, that the most *expensive* way. It leaves us dependent on other nations for oil, *AND* because of the net losses in the conversion, it will increase net oil usage.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:5, Insightful)
Wacky but Feasible (Score:4, Interesting)
I can imagine that getting this whole thing to be cost-effective would be tough, but technically it's doable.
Re:Wacky but Feasible (Score:2)
1 question: why do you need to carry oxygen?
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:4, Insightful)
Finance may become an important source of revenue - I recently read an article about an attempt to unify the Stock Exchanges of the Arab countries. This will hopefully have the effect of making Arab stocks more attractive globally. This is in addition to efforts by the individual "burses" to make themselves more interesting to international investors.
Tourism will also be important - and will become even more so. If the Palestinians and Israelis can ever come to a solution, tourism there and in Jordan and Syria should boom! There's lots of neat stuff there! The gulf has fabulous diving and fishing, and of couse, is comfortably warm during European and American winters (and Asian, and Australian too). Even Saudi Arabia has seen the importance of tourism and has started to issue tourist visas!
But also consider, as another poster has mentioned, there is an entire petro-chemical industry. Oil is not just used to push our cars, planes and ships around the world. It's also used as a raw material to produce a vast array of products.
In the last 60 years, oil has helped bring properity and wealth to many parts of the Middle East. With careful planning and forsight, they will be able to build on this wealth and be ready when the oil "runs out", or is no longer needed as much as it is today.
I very much doubt that Coleman will destroy the Middle East!
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2, Interesting)
>what happens to the countries which sole income is
>provided by oil and fossil fuels?
In almost all of these countries, the income generated by oil goes to a few people and to western oil companies and is not invested in meaningful development. The world's biggest oil producer, saudi arabia, is one of the most medieval country there is , and calling it stable sounds like a very bad joke.
The oil economy does infinitely more harm than good both to those who have it and to those who don't. Getting rid of it would be a blessing.
Maybe not for Norway. But all rules need an exception.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
Seems like completely uninformed bogosity to me.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
While I'm quite sure there are things you wouldn't like, you've never really actually looked, admit it.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
As I've pointed out in several posts lately in response to the "Hydrogen Economy Hysteria" sweeping both
The ONLY economical source for large quantities of hydrogen is natural gas - this is how almost all industrial hydrogen is made today. There is no technology on the foreseeable horizon that will change that. Almost all the hydrogen on this planet is tied up in water, an incredibly stable molecule that is notoriously difficult to separate. You *can* pull hydrogen out of either natural gas or water, but either is relatiely expensive and inefficient (water much more so.)
Also, remember that even once you've got it, if your're reacting the hydrogen in air (as opposed to pure oxygen), there will *still* be pollutants (oxides of nitrogen and such) regardless of whether you burn it or react it in a fuel-cell-type reactor. (As an aside, the process of cracking natural gas for hydrogen produces fairly large quantities of CO2...)
Since NG is already one of the cleanest-burning fuels known, you just have to wonder why everyone is pushing hydrogen as the answer: total energy efficiency is better and the environment is thus less damaged by simply using the natural gas directly, rather than first reforming it into hydrogen.
Hydrogen is NOT a good fuel with any technology that will be reasonable on a commercial scale in the next 50 years. Any claims that it's "clean" (the "only water" lie) fail to take into account the inherent energy loss and pollution created by the entire hydrogen manufacturing & use process. That pretty much makes Hydrogen irrelevant to any serious discussion of energy sources. (Of course, I don't expect that to stop environmentalist wackos and the wooly-thinking governments from pushing the whole ridiculous idea in their zeal to demonize all methods achievable with foreseeable technology...)
Your point is short-sighted (Score:2)
I think you're also underestimating the rate of change in the next 50 years. 50 years from now tech won't be as different from our tech as our tech is from 1950's tech - it will be as different from our tech as our tech is from 1850's tech. Picking the long-term solution now seems sensible when you look at the ultimate cost of re-tooling all machinery for a new power source - do you want to do that once, or several times? Hydrogen production will become cheaper and cleaner and easier, and the benefits are more if the machines are already set up to run on (currently dirty) hydrogen.
Solar power and hydrogen power will not run out in the lifespan of the human species. They will becom cheaper and cheaper and cleaner and cleaner. Picture floating factories refining hydrogen from the oceans using solar power - how ultimately efficient can that become? Natural gas is cleaner than hydrogen now but it is a limited resource. I have nothing against using it now, but it will run out while most of the mega-corps of today are still alive (much more important than nations), so they will have to re-tool eventually. Basically do you build your infrastructure around the fiber optic system of 10 years from now, or the 56k reality of today? Short-term, long-term, it's a complex balance, not a black and white question.
Re:Your point is short-sighted (Score:2)
When the oilfields are gone, so is 'natural' gas.
That will be a very long time: at current forecast growth rates, well after hydrogen itself is no longer desirable. (100+ years - With conservation and more efficient use, such as turbines, the supply could last for centuries. Eliminating Pentiums alone would help tremendously...) In 1978, proven reserves of oil were 648 Billion barrels. By March 2000, the USGS estimated that world reserves were 2.2 TRILLION barrels, this same study also estimated natural gas and similar liquid reserves at another 2.3 TRILLION barrels, for a total supply increase of around 70X. It's also worth noting that this increased supply has resulted in a significant drop in real energy prices (except in the Peoples Republic of California, where Bozoid centralized planning and control prevent deregulation from working there as it has in Pennsylvania), a trend that will likely continue for many decades.
According to Robert L. Bradley, Jr., president of the Institute for Energy Research, "probable resources of oil, gas, and coal are officially forecast to be 114, 200, and 1,884 years of present usage, respectively. Moreover, an array of unconventional fossil-fuel sources promises that, when crude oil, natural gas, and coal become scarcer (hence, more expensive) in the future, fossil-fuel substitutes may still be the best source of fuels to fill the gap before synthetic substitutes come into play." (Source: http://www.heartland.org/perspectives/automobilit
Also, keep in mind that Hydrogen is not an especially dense energy storage medium. Really good battery technologies could well exceed the energy density of LH2 without the problems associated with hydrogen.
I think you're also underestimating the rate of change in the next 50 years. 50 years from now tech won't be as different from our tech as our tech is from 1950's tech - it will be as different from our tech as our tech is from 1850's tech.
I think you're obviously so young that your perception has been warped by sci-fi: The rate of change has been *FAR* less than forecast for well over 100 years now. 50 years ago, except for the Internet, and computers sucking up endless man-hours that could be used to produce real value-add rather than the overhead of systems administration, things were pretty much as they are now. Some things have improved, many have gotten worse, and most things are about the same. I see no reason to believe that somehow the next 50 years will be all that much different, especially as Moore's law starts to falter and gate density hits the wall. There will likely be some big advances, but almost by definition, those are impossible to effectively predict. (I also believe the liklihood of another great depression is fairly high in the next 50 years, which will make the last one look like a cake walk, and set back economic progress for many decades - not pessimistic, just a recognition that major depressions have a stubborn tendency to crop up every 50-100 years, so both the timing and debt conditions are building up to the inevitable.)
Picking the long-term solution now seems sensible when you look at the ultimate cost of re-tooling all machinery for a new power source - do you want to do that once, or several times?
I and many others would argue we're more likely to do this again if we foolishly choose hydrogen power now, and tooling up for hydrogen would be REALLY expensive. No thanks.
Solar power and hydrogen power will not run out in the lifespan of the human species.
Solar is neither efficient nor environmentally friendly when deployed on the scale required to replace all fossil fuels, whether or not the additional stupid step of making hydrogen is pursued. (see below)
They will becom cheaper and cheaper and cleaner and cleaner. Picture floating factories refining hydrogen from the oceans using solar power - how ultimately efficient can that become?
The simple fact is this: there is no clean way to produce large quantities of hydrogen. Solar energy is free and "clean", but is not terribly energy-dense, and suffers from the problem of being "low quality" thermodynamically. Even if you could collect *all* the energy falling on a square yard of the Earth's surface at high noon and perpindicular latitude, you still don't get enough to run a microwave oven, and in reality, we can't even afford to get the pitiful 3% that Solar cells catch (sadly, they often wear out before they've paid for themselves.) Racheting that back to account for the terrible efficeincies involved in splitting water by electrolysis results in having such huge areas covered by solar collectors that they themselves begin to be a significant source of environmental damage. (To head off the usual argument at the pass: "But it's out in the middle of the ocean!" isn't a valid response here unless you buy that argument for toxic waste as well...)
My guess is that the future is likely to be far more electrical than hydrogen powered, but we'll have to wait and see. In any case, nothing much will (or should) cause a mass move to hydrogen for at least another 50 years or so. If efficiency and environmental concerns are really important, more effort should be put on the new diesel technologies, which are making impressive progress. [heartland.org]
Real hybrids, not the wimpy and ridiculously expensive toys for yuppies we see now, could make a difference, espcially if powered by efficient microturbines.
we're online, don't make assumptions about me (Score:2)
You don't get the idea of a singularity, I won't spend time explaining it to you, look it up. "except for the Internet, and computers" is the understatement of this admittedly rather new millenium. Computers are helping to produce a qualitative change in the rate of change itself. Look at genomics, weather modelling, rapid prototyping, etc. The change just hasn't been what we expected. No jetpacks, no rocket cars. But a global encyclopedia of all human knowledge?
Moore's law will not hit any significant barriers until it hits ultimate physical limits, by which time quantuum computing and bio-computers will be near commercial viability. Doesn't really matter if you believe it, it'll happen anyway.
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
From what I understand there are alot of new ways to convert to hydrogen from oil, methane, and gasolene.
Even if they had to just burn the feuls and use the energy to create hydrogen, it could done alot more efficently at a big central location, and having one place to controll emissions is more envirenmentally friendly too.
However, this goes way beyond oil though because it creates a hydrogen economey. Nuclear, solar, oil, methane, hydroelectric, would for the first time ever be put on the same par in any energy market, ups and downs in any single supply would be much more managable to the consumer. The fact that hydrogen is so easy to convert back and forth from electricity is even better.
From those large unused frozen methane reserves in the ocean which could readially be converted to hydrogen, to nuclear power plants in unpopulated far off locations, to oil and coal fields, to solar panels on your roof - could all contribute to a universally interchangeable market.
As things stand now, an advance in solar technology or nuclear safety really wouldn't change your gasolene prices, just as advances in feul efficiency don't often reflect on your electricity bill. In a hodrogen economey, all this would change, and lead to a very dynamic and competitive market that would be much much harder to monopolize by any one company, country, or cartel. That in itself would drive down prices, boost economies, lead to more innovation which in turn would drive down prices more.
Re:No! (Score:2, Insightful)
Chomsky is a commie pinko baby-raper (Score:2)
Actually, if you tune out the CNN carping, and read something intelligible about the region--I recommend Noam Chomsky--you would see that it is exactly oil that causes the hatred.
These people have been hating each other for millenia. The petrochemical industry and its associated economy is barely a century old.
market forces... (Score:2)
When do you think we've ever been under free market forces? Capitalism suffers the same problems as communism did, it's central tenets are never truly enacted. Pure free market capitalism, which I'm starting to think is as big a fantasy as pure brotherly love communism, would not see us with rising gas prices when the supply is unaffected. Only colluding mega-corp oligarchies can and do give us that.
By the way, don't count on water staying cheap. Water is the oil of the 21st century. The mega-corps are already acting [projectcensored.org] to privatize all sources of drinkable water around the world.
Some Other Points to Consider (Score:3, Insightful)
Market vs. Aftermarket (Score:2)
Not exactly the same thing, though. In Europe, it was (and in some places, still is) illegal to add aftermarket lights. The restriction doesn't apply to automakers themselves, who can design them in and always could.
So Much Flaw and Bias (Score:3, Interesting)
First, OPEC doesn't comprise only Middle Eastern countries, unless you consider Indonesia and Venezuela to be a part of the Middle East. Second, there are member nations in the Middle East (like Kuwait, for example) that don't exactly promote anti-American sentiment. Third, disallowing anti-American sentiment (or anti-anything sentiment, for that matter) is unamerican in nature, since it involves governmental suppression of free speech. Fourth, we would have more problems in the region if it was destabilized than not. Do you really think that wiping out the economies of these countries is likely to foster a more democratic or equitable society in any of them, or is it more likely to cause even more powermongering (in which it has been historically proven that the more extreme factions get control than the more moderate)?
Maybe you should spend more time considering why these countries have such large constituencies of anti-American people, and you'll get a clearer idea as to realistic ways to change that sentiment. Reducing our reliance on foreign (and domestic) petroleum is a laudable goal, but not for the purpose of damaging OPEC.
Further Bias (Score:2)
Sorry, but it doesn't follow. We're not paying them to defame us, we're paying them to give us crude oil. What bothers me is that U.S. companies buy oil from Iraq in the first place. If we don't like the way they do things, why are we buying their oil? And, Al-Queda was supported by the Afghani government, from which we don't buy anything. So your example of the destruction of the WTC is simple infammatory rhetoric.
> I have no problem with bringing any country into the civilized world. However, groups that sponsor terrorism and governments that either sponsor or tolerate them are the enemies of the civilized world, in no uncertain terms.
I'm sure that most would agree with you. However, where your argument hits a wall is in the definition of "terrorism". By most definitions, the Israeli government sponsors and supports terrorism. So does China. And Russia. And, the good ole' U.S. of A. Unless you consider putting out assassination orders on foreign government officials not to be terrorism. Or killing civilians? How about forcible overthrow of governments? You'd be hard pressed to find any government in the first world that didn't suffer some of these faults, and recently the U.S. has been doing worse on them than most. Whether or not it's justified depends on which side you're on.
> What's worse is that many moderates in Islam don't condone these activities, but they don't condemn them, either.
This is flat-out inaccurate. Most moderates strongly condemn such activities. The problem is that in many Middle Eastern countries, active protest by the population is suppressed and the governments of these countries are afraid of getting too involved with the U.S. for fear of inflaming the zealots in their own nations. This is one of the main reasons for Saudi Arabia all but asking us to remove our military forces.
> However, we also have to recognize that OPEC nations have more influence over us than we have over them.
You've got to be kidding me. Which one of them could change our foreign or domestic policy? Which of them could cause us (as a nation) to do something we didn't want to do? The answer is none of them. The only thing OPEC can control is the cost of crude oil. That has fairly strong economic repercussions, but if you think that means that they wield more influence over us than we do over them, you're delusional. If you think that they can lord an oil embargo over us to get us over a barrel (pun intended), you need to reread your economics (and history) books more closely.
> If they want our money, they need to find out how to get on our good side.
Apparently not.
> Remember, in the 1980's we FERVENTLY worked to make Iraq an ally. See what it got us? Nothing.
Nice try, but we didn't do anything of the sort. The only reason we wanted ties with Iraq in the '80s was that we wanted them to kick the hell out of Iran for us, so we wouldn't have to go to war. We never tried to establish any diplomatic ties with them, and as soon as we got our hostages back, all talks with Saddam Hussein stopped. It got us nothing because we never wanted anything from them. Except oil, that is, and we're still getting that despite huge economic sanctions against Iraq (that strangely don't include crude oil).
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
Why do you think amerika is fighting this insane drug war? Police jobs!
Re:How great IS this...? (Score:2)
Amazing how one event can change how we progress technically. Kinda like how the DOS deal between IBM and Microsoft has doomed most corporations to ballooning IT budgets because Gates was NOT a Kindall. ie. Gates wants control and all the $$ and Kindall wanted usablilty/great products.
Energy Policies (Score:2, Insightful)
Quietly wiping away a tear for Al Gore....
Re:Energy Policies (Score:2)
Doesn't matter. They've been making fuel cells for cars and busses (which have a much larger power requirement) since the 70's-80's.
Plus there's the rest of the developed world to sell to. I'm sure the EU is a fine market for this.
Wrong. Bush is Backing Fuel Cell Research (Score:2)
Good news for Coleman I suppose (Score:2, Interesting)
Hydrogen? (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:Hydrogen? (Score:2)
Re:Hydrogen? (Score:3)
Stop and think for a minute. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Stop and think for a minute. (Score:5, Interesting)
Hydrogen fuel systems are safe and easy to repair. They have almost no moving parts. They are safe because hydrogen as a gas is non-toxic (unless taken in massive doses, but seldom does it stick around to allow that) and though it can ignite it does not burn like other fuels. Pressurized tanks pose a small hazard risk, but no wherenear the potential danger fossil fuels have. Hydrogen when it ignites goes boom once and is all gone, fossil fuels however can burn for quite awhile. Also the pressure tanks are typically built to take abuse and punishment and not explode.
As for how to get the hydrogen (and transport it) well those remain the greater challenges. Something to look forward to really. You can bet though that whoever comes up with an effient means to obtain, transport and use hydrogen power will find themselves sitting on a potentially spectular gold mine. And besides you know you can't wait for the day when you don't have to stop at a gas when its negative 30 degrees with a wind chill of negative 60.
Re:Stop and think for a minute. (Score:2)
As your question details - there are numerous options for the generation of pure H - and the truth is that a range of solutions will be used.
If I put a wind turbine on my land to power a small H plant in my shed, to power my H Fuel Cell when I need the power, rather than just when its windy, I have a clean source.
If I crack a hydrocarbon (be it fossil, biomass, alien eggs) to produce the H its not.
H is an enabler for cleaner alternatives as the H specific part of the infrastructure is independent of the means of production of the H. Start building the H transport and distribution channels using hydrocarbon originated H - then move on to biomass and solar / wind / space laser when we finally get our acts properly together.
Just imagine an iMac 3 without a power lead! Just pour some H into it every few weeks
Re:Stop and think for a minute. (Score:4, Interesting)
1) Cogeneration. Waste heat from fuel cell could be used to heat buildings, thereby using less fuel overall. This is also possible with conventional power systems (gas turbines and steam plants), but who wants to have their house or office close enough to a power plant to make this work? Fuel cells are quiet and don't emit smoke, so there's no problem sticking them in the basement in place of the furnace.
2) Lower carbon emissions: The cracker will emit CO2; the reaction is approximately (CH2)n + n(H2O) --> n(CO2) + 2n(H2), and you get the same CO2 emission from one gallon of oil as you would by burning it. But power plants are under 40% efficient at turning heat into electricity, and internal combustion motors are considerably worse. If the cracker/fuel cell combo is more efficient, then you burn less fuel, emit less CO2, and arab shieks have to cut back on the cadillac purchases.
3) Zero combustion pollution: The fuel cell doesn't emit smoke particles, unburned hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, or sulfur oxides. The cracker might, but it's probably cleaner than burning the fuel.
However, the economics of fuel cells running on H2 cracked from fossil fuel are dubious. That Coleman fuel cell, without a cracker, has a capital cost over 4 times that of a motor-generator. I'm not sure about running costs; a motor-generator is a fuel hog and takes considerable maintenance, but relying on essentially sole-source bottled hydrogen is bound to be expensive too. I don't know about the maintenance requirements or lifetime of the cracker or fuel cell; I would expect the cell to be virtually maintenance free until something corrodes away and the cell is scrap, but would the cracker tend to plug up with tar or something?
So far, fuel cells have only been viable when someone is willing to pay a lot more for a power source that you don't notice running in the basement, or for extremely specialized high-budget things like Apollo space capsules. Of course, if the H2 is electrolized from water by power from renewable sources, then the fuel cost is virtually zero. But the cost of a big enough wind turbine, electrolyzer, compressor, storage tank, and fuel cells make for an extremely high capital cost.
Also note that while environmentalists may love your wind turbine right now, if they ever become a practical power source, they're going to be out there with picket signs complaining about your giant bird blender...
A good thing about hydrogen is storability (Score:2)
However, consider miniature hydro-power installed in your local creeks. It will go around the clock, and store the hydrogen when demand is low, spending it when demand is high. Heck - I can even see almost free fuel for our cars - a windmill and some solar cells on our roofs might go a long way in producing enough hydrogen.
The challenge is convincing Joe Average that investing in some solar cells is a good thing. Joe Farmer might have a creek through his property that he can get some power out of, but he also needs to be convinced.
Relating to the header, if you have a renewable energy source for the electrolysis, then you can also expend energy on transportation. The question is whether the energy loss would be greater if you transported by fuel cell powered trucks, or by the power grid. If we're lucky, we might find ourselves independent of the power grid. That's one less vulnerability in our society.
And, in the long run, we'll eventually have cold fusion. That will certainly along with hydrogen tech enable a virtually combustion-less society in the long run.
Then again, we just have to ask ourselves if big oil is going to see this as a business opportunity, or a business model threat.
Re:Stop and think for a minute. (Score:2)
The other potential problem is that H2 is not terribly efficient. It takes more energy to crack the hydrogen from whatever molecule it's in than it produces when allowed to react in a fuel cell. When you look at production efficiency from the well to the tank in your car, diesel is 90% efficient, gasoline 80%, methanol 70%, and H2 60%. If you look at the complete energy chain, efficiencies of conventially fueled piston engines are about equal to H2 fueled fuel cells. If the prophecies come true, and we really do start running out of dino fuels, we'll potentially be wasting a lot of energy by using H2.
The question is, can someone come up with a way to produce commercial quantities of H2 in a truly 'clean' manner?
Hydrogen is not produced or created (Score:2)
It is the technology that will take us to other worlds, if we ever get that far. It is the fuel that will be scooped by our ram-scoop ships as they fly to other stars. It can be mined and burned/reacted/whatever in asteroids and the power beamed to earth. The possibilities are endless.
We are children afraid to start walking because we know how to crawl very well and we tend to fall down every time we stand up. But the world cannot survive us staying children much longer. The first steps are hard, and are less efficient than crawling. But the eventual potential is so much greater.
Re:Hydrogen is not produced or created (Score:2)
You can't just go plucking hydrogen as you describe. It has to be broken free from more complex molecules, and that takes energy.
It can be plucked (Score:2)
Re:Stop and think for a minute. (Score:2)
Biomass.... (Score:2)
Unless we have fusion plants before the above scenario. I don't think anyone will be arguing that hydrogen is a bad fuel supply then.
Re:Biomass.... (Score:2)
pretty much (Score:2)
what it takes... (Score:2)
And just imagine the budget money saved from not having to wage a war for oil every 5 to 8 years...
1.2kwh @ $8000??? (Score:2)
Re:1.2kwh @ $8000??? (Score:3, Interesting)
9 KW multifuel generator... $5500 will get you plenty of ventilation, silencers, IR signature reduction, 1000 gallons of fuel, sattelite DSL instalation and service for a year and a new Dell to plug into it so you can troll slashdot and surf pr0n.
Re:1.2kwh @ $8000??? (Score:2)
Expensive fuel (Score:5, Informative)
The main problem with hydrogen is that it takes a lot more energy to produce and store than it generates. Electrolysis is especially inefficient and you end up polluting anyway (power plant) so it's not clean energy. The story also left out an important detail:
. . . the company is confident a $100 refill could be delivered anywhere in the United States within two days.
And I thought laptop batteries were expensive. At $8,000 + $100 for each 10 hours to power just a few pieces of equipment we'll all be riding Segways long before this is practical for every day use.
Re:Expensive fuel (Score:2)
Then generate your own or buy knock-offs (Score:5, Informative)
Interesting items from the DOE hydrogen faq:
How much energy is required to produce hydrogen via electrolysis of water?
"The energy required to produce hydrogen via electrolysis (assuming 1.23 V) is about 32.9 kW-hr/kg. [...] For commercial electrolysis systems that operate at about 1 A/cm2, a voltage of 1.75 V is required. This translates into about 46.8 kW-hr/kg, which corresponds to an energy efficiency of 70%.
"Most of the hydrogen produced today is consumed on site, such as at an oil refinery, and is not sold on the market. From large-scale production, hydrogen costs $0.32/lb if it is consumed on site. When hydrogen is sold on the market, the cost of liquefying the hydrogen and transporting it to the user must be added to the production cost. This can increase the selling price to $1.00-1.40/lb for delivered liquid hydrogen. Some users who require relatively small amounts of very pure hydrogen (such as the electronics industry) may use electrolyzers to produce high-purity hydrogen at their facilities. The cost of this hydrogen, which depends on the cost of the electricity used to split the water, is typically $1.00-$2.00/lb."
My fuel cell Segway will leave your old battery model at the lights.
Regenerative FC is something else (Score:2)
Not bad (Score:2, Informative)
One of the reasons the damned things are so expensive (but cheaper per kw that solar iirc) is the catalyst used is usually platinum, which is horribly expensive and rare. People aren't certain if they can get the amount of platinum to do mass production of larger units. Luckily, other alloys can do the job, but with some lost efficiency.
Fuel cells are highly efficient, and farily cost efficient (not like, say, *coal* is). It' s main problems is the hydrogen. But this is more of a factor that limits their use in vehicles [google.com] then for home use.
let's hope it's not too cumbersome (Score:3, Insightful)
Interesting possibility (Score:2, Insightful)
I wonder, how many Greenvolt units would be required to produce the fuel needed for the Coleman unit? That would be so cool, running one off of the "waste" of the other
Re:Interesting possibility (Score:3, Insightful)
Trying to invent a perpetual motion engine again? Fuel cell tech is just a variation of the motor driving a generator to power the motor. The net losses bring these to a halt fairly quickly. It will never have a net gain of power. All conversions have some loss to them. None are more than 100% effecient.
Fun idea for measuring efficiency (Score:2)
Re:Interesting possibility (Score:2)
What I'm trying to show is that it's a cool way to get even more electricity from the Greenvolt units (which are fairly low-power, a couple of amps at 6 to 12 volts), by turning the "waste" into fuel for another stage. Reduce, re-use, recycle indeed.
It'd likely take a whole lot of the Greenvolt units to supply enough hydrogen for the Coleman unit. I'm not really sure what could use 12 volts at, say, a hundred amps. Still, I used to run a whole computer from 12 volts, as an emergency unit (even had the monitor running from 12 volts, tho it was only a black&white VGA unit. This set-up made a fantastic Field Day packet radio machine
Gary Coleman? (Score:2, Funny)
What, was he inspired by George Foreman's barbeque grill?
Hydrogen (Score:2)
Mr. Fusion still rules (Score:4, Funny)
It has a major drawback, though. It only runs on a Delorean like this [attcanada.ca] or this [simpletonhigh.com].
A more interesting system... (Score:2, Interesting)
In my opinion, Ballard's residential 1-kW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells are far more interesting. These units allow you to eliminate the electrical utility completely. Gas is used for heating and generating all the power the house needs.
As a bonus, this would also eliminate the need to have that mess of power lines on most streets in North America (although the cable companies and telcos might have something to say about this). I think this would (maybe) also help lay the infrastructure for the Hydrogen economy.
Cat, it's what's for dinner (Score:2)
To get hydrogen out of somewhere it is happy being requires energy, putting it somewhere it doesn't feel like going requires energy, and finally getting it out of the last place to stuck it because you're being finicky requires energy. Thus the energy you originally put into it to get it out of where it was happy being eventually ends up going into some eletrical thingamajig. The only way to close that loop (to make it efficient) is to get that original energy from Mr.Sun. However that part costs money AND energy because the second law of thermodynamics is not "solar panels will form out of random bits of silicon for your enjoyment".
In the case of hydrocarbons some unsuspecting group of organisms has for millions of years toiled away to put energy in the form of hydrogen into a substance. Said hydrogen is pretty happy there so it is cheaper to just move the hydrogen's home (the hydrocarbon) and evict it later when you have it near the site of energy conversion. Since the toiling is already done (in true open source fashion pun intended) why not use that pent up energy in the hydrocarbon to produce some emergency energy. It'd be much more marketable. You go to a gas station, fill up a propane tank, hook it to your fuel cell unit and energy issues forth as the liquified propane decides without the stopcock in the way it is free to expand to limits never before sought by propane molecules. Hydrogen's energy loop is much shorter than that of hydrocarbons meaning it costs you the user more per unit of energy to use some form of pure extracted hydrogen until solar power systems reach efficiencies and prices that can be more easily marginalized.
Re:Cat, it's what's for dinner (Score:2)
Re:Cat, it's what's for dinner (Score:2)
New Contest!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Thats right! Someone in the Slashdot audience can win a shiny new dollar (Yeah! AUDIENCE GOES- Ohhhh! Aaaaaahhh!) from "El Camino SS" when they can guess the closest date (without going over, of course) to when the first US Senator says some total irrelevency like...
"Hey, we need to regulate this, after all, we don't want another Hindenburgh on our hands!"
"The last thing we need is someone turning this into a bomb, I mean, you know, its got hydrogen in it, so I'd say we don't exactly want any hydrogen bombs around here.... that would be devastating."
Can i fit the thin in the trunk (Score:2, Interesting)
Perhaps the hydrogen economy..... (Score:2)
Do you really think the oil industry would allow fuel cells to undermine their business? I think they will stall it until they figure out how to make oil burning fuel cells dominant.
I do hope you are correct but we'd be lucky if 5 years from now more then 1% of new homes are built with fuel cell heating/power systems. What ever happened to GE's fuelcell home power systems?????
Not here yet (Score:2)
There's a real market for something that runs on natural gas, produces 1KW or so, and is priced around $1K, as an emergency power source.
*sigh* (Score:2, Informative)
The Hindenburg's problems were caused not by the H2, but by the chemical in the paint on the fabric.
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:4, Informative)
Here is another link from PBS
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
Being just a thin layer of paint, the energy wasn't concentrated and probably wasn't all that dangerous in itself. But once it lit, it spread all over quickly and burned through the fabrics, so most of the zeppelin suddenly became a big hydrogen leak. H2 went out and mostly up until it mixed with air to get oxygen, then it burned. That wasn't exactly an explosion, but it was one hell of a fire -- and the few percent of heat that radiated down into the cabin was enough to get the wood fittings, fabrics, and diesel fuel burning pretty soon. The people had to leave damned fast; judging by the pictures they were at least 50 feet up, at least until the gondola burned loose from the gasbags and crashed down. Still, the majority somehow managed to get to the ground alive and get clear of the wreck. Train crashes were worse.
I don't know if the He people had anything to do with the rather misleading publicity about this. They _couldn't_ sell He to the Germans, because of laws passed when we were afraid the Germans would bomb us from fire-proof Zeppelins. (They did bomb England from hydrogen filled Zeppelins in WWI, but this must have stopped as soon as any defense was organized.) And, BTW there is no such thing as He2; He atoms do not chemically combine.
For a better picture of H2 safety, look at the "illuminating gas" used in every city in the late 19th century. This was formed by passing steam through hot coal, giving a mix of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. It was explosive _and_ poisonous. In spite of the rather primitive plumbing fittings available at that time, dangerous leaks were pretty rare. Yes, H2 can kill you if you screw up; so can electricity, cars, and kitchen knives.
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
Not a definate answer, but an (educated?) guess. I think it would safer than the equivalent amount of fuel/diesel needed to power an traditional internal combustion generator. Why? Storage. Hydrogen comes in sturdy metal canisters with safety valves. Fuel/diesel is usually stored in plastic or sheet metal containers with an pretty insecure screw-on lid.
Also, I am not sure about the circumstances under which hydrogen becomes explosive. I think it needs a special atmospheric ratio to be dangerous (i.e. mixed with oxygen). I faintly remember some test tube popping in chemistry classes and it involved a mixture of gases instead of pure hydrogen.
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
1. A slow leak, resulting in soem hydrogen being mixed with the air, followed by a spark which could set off a very violent explosion indeed
2. A fracture of the bottle, which must be under fairly high pressure.
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:4, Funny)
You certainly wouldn't want to use them near any oxygen tanks. Why, if the two were to combine they would form the (very deadly) dihydrogen monoxide!
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
* There are more than 6,000 DHMO inhalation fatalities per year in the U.S.
* It takes only 20 to 60 seconds to die from DHMO inhalation.
Another source [rr.com] reports worldwide fatalities at 140,000 per year and that most victims are CHILDREN!
We must protect the CHILDREN! Ban DHMO!
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
Worse yet, if the reaction happens properly, it'll form hydronium hydroxide!
Re:hm... explosive? (Score:2)
I wouldn't want to be near that, even without all the other dangerous effects of dihydrogen monoxide.
I hear it's the universal solvent; I wonder if I can get high from sniffing it?
Re:Sure is (Score:2, Insightful)
Whilst we're at it, paracetamol is dangerous, so is
Slippery slope, banning things 'because they might be dangerous' is a dangerously daft political attitude.
Re:Good (Score:2)
$100 per fillup...for the generator...the gas equivelant of about 3 gallons of gasoline... Not much effect.
Give this one many years before the plant is cheap enough, the fuel affordable etc. The fuel will not be affordable until gasoline becomes less affordable. In a free market society, green choices are often rejected due to the large increase in operating expense. You can be green if money is no object. (Getes may use one to recharge his pocket PC) For the rest of us, it needs to be price competetive.
Re:Canister Shelf Life? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:How many fuel cell posts this month? (Score:2)
Sorry to disappoint, but it seems that most scientific progress is not Big-Bang style, but incremental. You could have the same complaint about processor speeds, digital paper, graphics cards, storage density, quantum computing, optical switching or pretty much any other field. Over time, things get 'better'.
Re:This will be the first comercial release (Score:2)
Re:This will be the first comercial release (Score:2, Informative)
Washington. Even with clouds you still get plenty of sun, If anything the clouds filter the unused portions of the light.
The problem with solar cells and wind mills is that the average cost per KWH is well over 1.00$ (Compared to the $.40
I pay the electric company. I fear that fuel cells will be along the same lines. Quoting from the fuel cell stores FAQ
"If I install a residential fuel cell, what kind of reduction in my utility bill can I anticipate?
Many factors enter into what your actual savings will be. These factors include; individual electricity consumption,
geographic location, the particular utility, if utilizing a reformer the price of natural gas or propane, the avoided costs
of installing lines to your residence when located in an off-grid area, etc. "
There is no clear answer as to whether you will save money by going to fuel cells. I fear that the cost will be the
deciding factor as to how quickly fuel cells are adopted. If they can produce a renewable, low cost energy source (The
optimum words being LOW COST) they will be adopted quickly. If they think everyone will buy one just because it
will benefit the environment, they are in for a shock!
I am still looking for a LOW COST alternate electrical source for my home computer room. Currently it is using
around 2000KWH per month.
Re:This will be the first comercial release (Score:2)
Hydrogen Power Lines? (Score:2)
Would this be safer and more efficient than convention power distribution? Any power engineers out there care to chime in on this?