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Apache Software

Apache 2.0.36 Hits the Mirrors 13

Aaron writes "This is the second production quality 2.0 release from the Apache HTTPD Project sporting many bug fixes and improvements. In case you missed it the first time, Apache now supports many new features, including native support for Win32, BeOS, and Netware, in addition to traditional Unix platforms (Hint: we support Darwin). Download it directly or from a mirror."
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Apache 2.0.36 Hits the Mirrors

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  • I got my email announcement several hours ago. Looks like several mirror sites already have a copy of the latest Apache version...

    At last: Slashdot waits for the product to be ready before making a release announcement!
  • mod_perl (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Is mod_perl done yet? If so is Slashdot using the Apache 2.x yet?
    • Re:mod_perl (Score:2, Informative)

      No, mod_perl 2.0 isn't done yet. It's still under development, and there have been users who's been able to compile it under Win32 and UNIX platforms.

      More information can be found at http://perl.apache.org/ [apache.org], which includes links to mailinglist archives with some interesting info.

      As for ./, they seem to be running Apache 2.0 [apache.org] on some of the support servers (ie. servers that don't server dynamic content). Me, on the other hand, still prefer TUX to do this static content job.

      We're dealing with a real maniac here. Let's go buy some donuts.
  • Yay! finally.

    This was the one show-stopper for me. I tried more than once to switch from 1.3 and was able to fix everything but this. Now I'm all set.
  • There are many sites using PHP scripting, but Apache 2.0 support in PHP 4.2.0 is experimental [php.net], I wonder how many months before we see webservers migrating to Apache 2.
    • Re:php support (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      A lot of work has gone in to the PHP apache2filter recently, and in the soon-to-be-released 4.2.1 it is looking much better. Please give that version a try and report any bugs you find [php.net].
  • patchlevel 36...the memories.

    (Search for 36 on this site [perl.org] if you have no idea what I'm talking about. You'll probably be even sorrier after that, but, oh well.)

  • The 2.0.x Win32 binaries available diectly from apache are only available in a no-ssl format. SSL for me is pretty important functionality, but I haven't been able to compile my own under win32. Is there anywhere (possibly outside the US) where i can download a nice .msi binary package for win32 WITH ssl?? Ste
  • The first 2.0 Apache build that I will run is the same number as my longest running Linux kernel build..

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
