E-voting Trials and Tribulations 286
Alex Susor writes "This article is about the new digital touch screen voting system in Georgia, the first state in the nation to adopt this method of voting statewide. Demonstration machines were set up at the recent primaries to teach voters about the new system (to be in place for the November general election) and had some big problems." Compare and contrast to systems in Florida and Germany.
Couldn't You Just (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Couldn't You Just (Score:3, Funny)
Or the fist-prints from, um, enthusiastic voters?
That makes me smile - voting by kung fu...
Re:Couldn't You Just (Score:2, Flamebait)
"Touch here for Bush"
God knows what kind of prints you'd get...
good paper == better. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:good paper == better. (Score:2)
Now the question is, were they smart enough to build a basic safety measure like this into the system? The article doesn't say. The manufacturer is Diebold, who've been making ATMs for 30 years, so I'd expect them to have some expertise in secure embedded systems and data integrity. Still, that makes the choice of Windows even more strange.
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
Overly complex (Score:2, Funny)
This is enough in the US. Step 2) and 3) or not required.
Friendly help (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Friendly help (Score:4, Funny)
Clippy: "It looks like you're voting for President!
(wiggles paperclip tail and bounces around the screen excitedly)
I can just see some old geezer going ape-shit when that starts to happen. "Someone is spying on my vote!"
Honestly though, that's a good idea (Score:2)
Not sure about an intiative? Click here to the entire text of it along with submitted Pro/Con statements.
Who are these candidates? Click here to view statements from their campaigns.
I don't see any reasons why the electronic voting machines shouldn't be able to include *already existing* information from the voter's guide.
it's not the machines fault (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:it's not the machines fault (Score:3, Insightful)
That's the very reason we do every bit we can to lock the computers down as much as possible.
Re:it's not the machines fault (Score:2)
it's only a matter of time (Score:2, Interesting)
until pop under ads for the X10 camera appear
never ending pornsite loops to entertain grandma (since young adults don't vote.. I know.. I waited in line to vote last november, and was saddened by the turnout.. I was the only one under 40 it seemed)
The important part of the article.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The important part of the article.... (Score:2)
Why do we need to go to polls at all? (Score:3, Interesting)
Just mail me my username/password, i'll go to whatever website you want me to go to and vote. I'm sure 1/2 the
Re:Why do we need to go to polls at all? (Score:3, Insightful)
A - Hacks the voting server
B - DDOSs the voting server
C - Man-in-the-middle attacks the voting server
D - ???? There have to be a ton more security problems with this.
Identity verification would be a bit of a problem too. No way short of mailing out the information short of a courier who verifies identity of the person he hands it to to ensure that someone doesn't simply steal usernames/passwords from all their neighbors mailboxes. At an actual polling place, they can at least compare your photo ID to your voter registration card, etc..
Re:Why do we need to go to polls at all? (Score:3, Interesting)
If all the voting happens in a public place with poll watchers from all parties, then it's harder for someone to lean over a voter and pressure him/her. That's also the reason for the rules restricting who's allowed to accompany a voter and "help" with the voting process.
Re:Why do we need to go to polls at all? (Score:2)
They target a few specific groups, make them promises and lather them into a frenzy, and then provide special transportation for their constituents.
The more effort needed, the fewer who show up. And if said politician has targeted at those few who do show up, they win. Then its cigars and whores all around!
Re:Why do we need to go to polls at all? (Score:2)
i am running for congressman, i go in your house and hold a gun to your head... VOTE FOR ME NOW DAMN IT! DO IT! then you vote for me, and of course i shoot you anyways (you are gullible... did you really think i was going to let you go?!)
anyways, there has to be voting places... publically monitored.
2004, counting room (Score:4, Funny)
Re:2004, counting room (Score:2)
Hey, at least now Microsoft won't have to buy politicans. It can simply vote them in at no cost. Hell, the states will actually pay them for the software -- what could be better? What a great way for cash-strapped Micro$oft to save some bucks.
We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2)
We don't need electronic voting. The troubles from this will far outnumber the hanging chad problems from last elections.
If you aren't smart enough to punch the card all the way through and check it before you turn it in, or check that you have the circle all filled in with a number 2 pencil in the case of voting where I live, you don't need to vote.
Re:We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2)
Should have used some kind of unix, the damn thing has a drop dead simple interface. It's not like you will want to move M$ Votenow! out of the way, so you can browse porn on the internet. What were they thinking?
Re:We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2)
This is only slightly more accurate, than making fun of windows because of some obtuse memory config bug that hasn't been an issue since DOS 1.1 on the original IBM PC.
With unix, you have a choice of what, 2 dozen GUIs, to windows' 1? And even if those are too bloated for something this lean, with unix, any unix, writing a GUI from scratch is as simple as it could be. On windows, can you even write your own, or are you constantly tripping over the GUI that you can't get rid of? (Gates: "It's impossible to remove the browser, it's an integral part of the OS!")
Re:We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2)
Sorry, but self-moderating all my posts down to "0 spice, 0 opinion, and -2 cleverness" might make the trolls and moderators (are they two seperate species, or one in the same? We'll have to do a DNA test, if we can get samples... anyone have some crack cocaine for bait?) go away, but what would be left of slashdot?
Re:We're just seeing the problems now (Score:2)
When is the last time you saw an old lady using unix?
A better question is, how will little old ladies ever use unix, if trolls in management and positions of power lock it out of bids, options, and decisions? Or lesser trolls like yourself, make fun of it in public, without ever being able to back anything up?
I wouldn't ask a little old lady to build a Wright brothers flyer either, but they have no problem setting foot inside a 747 and waiting 2 hours for the plane ride to end. On the same note, I wouldn't ask a little old lady to use command line sys7 unix on my PDP-11/04, but they'd have no problem sitting down to a linux box running wmaker, gnome, or KDE.
When is the last time you saw an old lady using Windows?
Of course they're always using windows, it's called a "M - O - N - O - P - O - L - Y". Say it with me, "monopoly". And not just a monopoly of deviousness on M$'s part, but a monopoly of ignorance and idiocy, and watered down compromise on the part of those working in IT, who shouldn be working drive thru at Burger King.
When is the last time you saw Windows XP crash
I've layed off Windows at home, and they're using win2k at work, the most tolerable windows yet. Thank god it's not XP, because yes, it does crash. Even more than 98, in my limited experience. They must have accidentally fixed win2k too much, and decided to unfix everything with XP. Not to mention the lame Aqua wannabe theme.
What does DOS 1.1 have to do with Windows 2k or XP?
What does unix necessarily have to do with a really crappy command line analogy? You were implying that there was no way to use a mouse, to click on a big fat button with monster point type designating it the "Vote for Dubya" widget. The worst kind of lie, in my book.
How many window managers and replacement desktop utilities can you choose from with Windows
Do you have a clue what's going on underneath the windows gui, in the windows API? If you did, you wouldn't be able to sit there with a straight face, and type your crap in. Replacement desktops simply munge around all the shit and excrement windows plopped out, they don't, they can't, clean it up and build anew. They can't burn it all down, and start from scratch.
"He who votes has no power. He who counts votes... (Score:3, Insightful)
- Joeseph Stalin
With a computer voting system, there profile of risk for election fraud changes so radically that the folks used to policing these systems will never know what hit them.
We've already had one US election stolen by outright electoral fraud (I'll let y'all verify that Gore won from your own preferred, trustworthy news source).
This just opens up the door for more trouble ahead.
Re:"He who votes has no power. He who counts votes (Score:3, Funny)
MODERATORS: Parent is not a troll. (Score:2)
Moderation is supposed to be for post quality, not for political or other content.
Re:"He who votes has no power. He who counts votes (Score:2)
Fine. If the Bushies and their ilk will stop blaming everything on Clinton!
Re:"He who votes has no power. He who counts votes (Score:2)
He's blaming forest fires on Clinton? I thought Dubya was blaming trees that he wants to cut down.
Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't mean to sound like a Luddite, but I'm not sure technology is the best solution in a situation like this. Technology is great for many uses, but for a task as simple as voting, it is much easier and more practical to simply use existing methods which have been proven by their use in the past hundreds if not thousands of years. Voters who are not computer savvy will likely become confused by the unnecessary complication of the new voting machines and many are likely to cast their ballots in error, possibly voting for a candidate they had no intention of supporting. Clearly, in a situation such as this, current paper voting mechanisims are much more accurate and reliable. Furthermore, if voting is to be computerized, we're leaving ourselves vulnerable to all sorts of hacking and digital manipulation of the ballots which otherwise would not exist. It's been said many times here before that no computer system is 100% secure, and I, for one, do not want to trust my country's elections to the likes of Microsoft of Red Hat. Paper elections are much harder, if not impossible, to tamper with.
Re:Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:2)
Remember Florida? THose were on paper ballots. Usually ballots have small, 8pt text on them. Compare that to an LCD screen using large fonts, help files, I think the old folks will be ok.
Clearly, in a situation such as this, current paper voting mechanisims are much more accurate and reliable. Furthermore, if voting is to be computerized, we're leaving ourselves vulnerable to all sorts of hacking and digital manipulation of the ballots
Well, digital you can go back and correct your mistakes. Again, lets not forget Florida's divits. As with hacking, well, ballots can be counterfieted at a crooked print shop a lot easier than most modern encryption schemes can be broken.
I, for one, do not want to trust my country's elections to the likes of Microsoft of Red Hat.
Who says they have to be trusted? Just use BSD problem solved!
Re:Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:2)
IMHO the best application of technology would be to design ballot papers which can easily be counted either by machine or manually. A sorting machine could also compare ballot papers with counterfoils. If each paper has a random but unique serial number it's going to be hard for anyone to stuff the ballot and any "spoilt papers" can be eliminated.
There are also fewer ways in which you can rig a counter-collator in the first place. It's also very easy to spot since any questions about its sorting and you count manually.
Re:Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:5, Interesting)
Voters who are not computer savvy will likely become confused by the unnecessary complication of the new voting machines and many are likely to cast their ballots in error, possibly voting for a candidate they had no intention of supporting.
I think you're over-estimating the complexity of the system for the user.
It's not hard: you see the candidate you want, you touch their name. Their name lights up. If you want to change your vote, you touch a different name. Once you've picked your candidate, you move on to the next page. You can change your vote later. When you want to accept the ballot, just press a last panel on the screen.
This isn't rocket science. It's as easy as the paper ballots, if not easier.
The reliability and accuracy of paper-based systems is what led to the mess in Florida in 2000.
I agree with you on the hacking and digital manipulation. There are ways around this, but only if the system is well-designed. Of course, there are all sorts of ways to manipulate the system to produce a desired result, both subtle (place the candidate's name on the second page of a list of names) and gross (stuff the ballot box with 'votes' for your guy from 'voters' who are dead.) No paper system is 100% tamper proof.
Re:Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:2)
Paper Ballots and Fraud (Score:2)
Re:Computerized voting restricts access to voters (Score:2)
Secret ballots with secret software (Score:5, Interesting)
I wonder if it's really legal to have votes counted by a machine that has secret software inside that voters are not allowed to examine?
Shouldn't voters in Georgia be able to file an FOI request to find out what's happening to their votes?
Re:This is how it works.... (Score:3, Insightful)
First and foremost, we have to remember that this is a government venture. What that means is that you have to lower your expections by about 60 IQ points. I theorize that it might go something like this:
Step 1: Acquire, pay for, and install thousands of new, electronic voting machines. Ignore the obvious, like the inability to audit the manner in which votes are tallied and reported by the software.
Step 2: Experience initial problems during a "demo day" held at some point before the election. Disregard the notion that this may very well be the beginning of a very bumby road.
Step 3: Use the newly-acquired machines during the next election, experience more problems, and be sued by a public interest group questioning the results, and demanding a detailed audit.
Step 4: Be dissed by the company that manufactured the machines, who claims that disclosing the process by which votes are tallied and reported would result in disclosure of proprietary trade secrets.
Step 5: Be backed into a corner. Wonder why no one took this issue seriously during the initial planning.
Step 6: Scrap all 19,000 voting machines, kissing the $millions they cost, goodbye. Replace them with machines from a company with a more open disclosure policy.
Step 7: Lather, Rinse....but hopefully, avoid repeating the same sordid tale over again.
Re:Secret ballots with secret software (Score:2)
Windows?? (Score:3, Interesting)
A better solution would be to use an embedded microcontroller or other simple hardware device for each voting station and then connect that to a central database server running a much more secure operating system. I think that voting and it's integrity deserve as much mission critical attention as safety systems in an automobile. There simply shouldn't be any failure here. Relying on an OS with several millions of lines of code just to input a few votes just doesn't make any sense.
the true voting tech is the method, not machines (Score:5, Insightful)
What really matters is that they use Instant Runoff Voting; please see:
The Center for Voting and Democracy [fairvote.org]
the Instantrunoff mailing list [4irv.net]
and the California Instant Runoff Voting Coalition [calirv.org] for an example of a good local activism site.
P.S. You can create your own web-based IRV web surveys with DemoChoice.org [demochoice.org] (also includes free downloadable php scripts for your own site.)
Mod parent up, please. (Score:2)
Approval Voting (Score:3, Informative)
Condorcet instead (Score:2)
Approval voting has some nice properties, but doesn't take into account something voters can easily express, the ranking of their preferences. Thus approval voting loses very useful information.
The best option for many kinds of elections is Condorcet [electionmethods.org] voting. It's used by the uk.* Usenet hierarchy [usenet.org.uk] and, I've been told, by debian, but I've seen no confirmation of that.
I have my own rant [goldmark.org] about voting systems. (It's a bit rambling, but does anticipate and respond to some objections to Condorcet voting).
Re:the true voting tech is the method, not machine (Score:2)
Re:the true voting tech is the method, not machine (Score:2)
Right problem, wrong solution (Score:3, Informative)
Re:the true voting tech is the method, not machine (Score:2)
Take a look at Condorcet's Method [condorcet.org] for information about an even cooler (although more complicated) voting system.
This frightens me (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:This frightens me (Score:2)
The point is that, as past elections have shown, something already has gone wrong with the older systems and will continue to do so if those systems are kept in place.
At the very least the attempt at a solution is better than the current problem.
Re:This frightens me (Score:2)
I think more people want to see a physical piece of paper, you could combine the 2, and solve everyones worry about rigging an election.
Re:This frightens me (Score:2)
Computerized voting is a terrible idea. It introduces thousands of potential problems into a system that was already having problems with the simple concept of a pin and a punch card. It fixes nothing, it puts at risk everything. This is an ill conceived knee-jerk reaction to a problem thout could have easily and cheaply been fixed in place. A problem that existed in only ONE place out thousands in the US.
No More Chad!! (Score:2, Funny)
Hackable? (Score:2)
Ok, if it works like this, can't you do this remotely as well, it should be rather easy make the conduct just before the real vote is given. Then just, voilâ and thank you!
Knowing the average voter ;))) no-one will notice :)
It would be nice to see someone with more knowledge write about his :)
Do you really want.. (Score:2, Funny)
Windows was NOT the problem. (Score:3, Insightful)
What does this really mean? That the voting system should go back for yet more testing. QAing software is probably the most boring part of the job, but it's also the more important. If we are to even pretend that we live in a fair society then any voting system should work and work fairly. Be it paper or computer based.
Is America ready for a computer based system? I think a computer based system should be able to replace a paper based system. I think that possiably we should also use paper in addition to the computer system, meaning that they should actually print a reciept of your vote so that in the case of a recount, they have physical proof that you voted for (Gore and not Bush?) the person you said that you did.
Windows was not the ONLY problem. (Score:2)
Also note that the machines that had the problems had not received the most recent updates from the vendor, whereas the machines that worked well did have the most recent updates. So the fact is, the company must be doing some good QA work to get the upgrades ready in time, but upgrading machines across a whole state, and training workers across a whole state, takes time.
And lastly, the person who blames the problems on Windows was not a spokesperson for the company; he was a spokesperson for the secretary of state's office. I highly doubt he's qualified to make any sort of pronouncement as to the technical cause of these problems. Hell, he may have just been told that there were problems with the unpatched versions of the software running the machines, and assumed that the software running the machines was Windows. Nowhere do I see an official for the company that makes these machines blaming Windows, although I agree with a previous poster in that Windows is probably overkill for a situation like this.
Also, I think a receipt would be a good idea, with both the voter and the polls office keeping a copy so a manual count can be performed if necessary. That would make a good intermediate step before going to a totally paperless voting system.
Re:Windows was NOT the problem. (Score:2)
If an app crashes, there is no reason why the OS should. I am certianly not defending the application, but there is no excuse for the OS to crash, unless there is a problem in the kernel
Re:Windows was NOT the problem. (Score:2)
Improperly connected power cords? (Score:2)
I suppose that one possible issue is that there might not have been outlets near the voting booths...
Re:Improperly connected power cords? (Score:2)
Next election (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Next election (Score:2)
comparisons. (Score:2, Flamebait)
Germany = state of the art open source based system
Florida = unauditable mystery box system
No surprises here, I would expect such systems in America's 'joke' puppet government owned by corporations verse Europe's 'real' and refined governments.
Re:comparisons. (Score:2)
If I'm not careful, I could accidentally and unintentionally defend my nation's goverment (USA) which more than just sucks, it is as corrupt and perverse as any goverment can be. Even "Mad Max: Road Warriors" type anarchy couldn't possibly be worse.
And on the other hand, I might not be as vicious enough in insulting the twisted parody of goverment much of europe seems to embrace. Those of you that no longer have actual monarchies, have had the same royals and aristocrats crawl back into their dens of political power over the centuries. That they have the nerve to spew contrived philosophy and rhetoric from time to time, is the most disgusting thing I've been forced to think about for at least a few months.
As if being a slave for elite power cartels is so much more preferable to being own by greedy mindless corporations.
Given the chance, wouldn't you prefer to be free of both?
Re:comparisons. (Score:2)
And it isn't.
Some froze up like balky home computers! (Score:2)
What a sad commentary, that home computers should be the obvious metaphor for an unreliable piece of junk.
I got a look at one last Tuesday (Score:4, Informative)
The user interface was pretty easy. It would present one or more categories and all the candidates for each category. You just touched the one you wanted. Once you selected a candidate, it greyed out the others. It took me a few seconds to figure out that if I changed my mind, I had to touch previous selection to undo it. There were "Next" and "Previous" buttons to navigate through the various pages.
At the end, it showed a summary of my votes so I could give a final yes/no to my choices. It printed out some kind of receipt, I think, but I didn't really look at it.
If I had to guess on the platform, I have to say that I did see an hourglass icon that looked just like the one in Windows. Maybe they're running WinCE or something. It looked a lot like one of those "pen computing" devices that never really went anywhere.
I would probably feel a little more secure about the system if it printed out a ballot that I then had to put in a ballot box, so it wouldn't be any worse than what we have now (from a fraud standpoint). It is certainly easier to use than the punch ballots we have now.
These things are actually kind of kewl... (Score:2)
Why touch screen? (Score:2)
The nice thing about the above system is that, except for the printing, it could be prototyped by anyone with undergraduate EE skills. The circuits are dead simple, it adds speed to the counting process, it allows for double checking of results, and it doesn't require the voter to learn new skills.
With all those things going for it, there must be something wrong with the idea.
Electroninc voting in Ireland (Score:2, Informative)
Ireland has a reasonably complex voting system. Each voter has a single vote, but can vote for several candidates in their order of preference. (Each constituency has between three and five seats). Even given that complexity, the system seemed to work well. There was about the expected turnout in each count center, and there were few concerns expressed about the usability of the system.
Some info is at http://www.environ.ie/electronicvote.html [environ.ie].
Pen and Paper (Score:2)
Easy to use. Easy to count. Easy to Spot Errors. Easy to Secure.
Dosnt even need elctricity.
Why isnt it used?
The UK perspective... (Score:2, Insightful)
1. We have a large network of vendors for the National Lottery... there was talk a while back about using this system for e-voting. It's secure, handles large numbers of transactions, uses proven technology, and each machine is capable of scanning hundreds of lottery tickets per hour. Most people in the UK knows how to fill in a lottery ticket...
2. It's extremely easy to get multiple votes in the UK. My girlfriend received two voting cards for the 1995 General election, and could easily do so again... so any electronic version surely must be better than the current mess.
Computer interface to voting a mistake (Score:2)
Great, a proprietary system recording my vote. I have no way to audit it for correctness. Even if it was open source, if a problem is found, there is no way to recount.
Any voting system needs to be auditable and recountable. My local county (Dane County in Wisconsin) has a great system. The ballot is a big piece of paper with a broken arrow next to each candidate. Something like this: President
Albert Gore (Democrat) <-- ---
George Bush (Republican) <-- ---
Ralph Nader (Green) <-- ---
You use a provided pen to complete the line pointing to the candidate you want. You then take your sheet and feed it into the locked tabulating machine. The machine refuses your ballot if there are obvious errors and you're sent back to try again with a new ballot.
The result: The interface is easy for anyone to understand. The tabulating machines make it possible to quickly generate tallies. The system is auditable since you can randomly hand count the ballots in a particular machine to verify the totals. In the event of problems, you can simply hand count the easy to read ballots (unlike trying to read holes in a punchcard).
Unfortunately shiny computer screens are easier to sell that boring grey boxes and paper ballots.
Re:Computer interface to voting a mistake (Score:2)
Ahh great... (Score:2)
I wonder if they got some BSODs on those Windows boxes. I bet they are just locked up e-Machines running IE connected to IIS/ASP in the back room. Gimme a break. Maybe we need to have a vote on how to vote.
sure, let's totally change how this works.... (Score:2)
Now they want Granny and the other old farts to deal with touch screens and the likes. What happens when they touch two places at the same time or leave a hand on one part of the screen?
One step at a time folks. At least lets change this with the older generations in mind. Aren't they the ones who started this when a modified ballot style was used?
I mean really. Insert a digitized pad with LED's or something. If you push a button the LED will show you that you pushed it correctly and track your vote. When you're done, there's one last selection( done / not done ) and your personalized iButton won't eject til you select DONE. You won't be able to exit the polling place til you hand over the iButton.
Now who is behind all this new fangled voting system anyway? Some business is surely pushing it....
Elections held using MS software? (Score:2)
If we're going to have computerized voting, it should be done using a Linux or *BSD OS. This way, you won't get crashes. Also, any software which the government uses or is used by citizens interacting with the government should be Open-Sourced.
Same old, same old (Score:2, Funny)
1) Microsoft will integrate the voting softare into the OS.
2) In Chicago, computerized voting booths will be set up in cemeteries due to high voter registration in those areas.
3) Florida election are a mess due to old people forgetting to hit the submit button. Younger people that immediately follow a senior citizen notice that the touchscreen have either the Dem (left) or Rep (right) icons continuously flashing.
4) Losers of elections will demand a manual recount of the digital votes. State officials eventually declare the vote to be 0xdead to 0xbeef.
5) RIAA and MPAA will attempt to stop the digital transfer of votes for candidates who are former musicians or actors.
Meanwhile in Brazil... (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, we're poor but we know about digital democracy
BTW, we *don't* use M$ OSs on it. It uses VirtuOS sort of multitask DOS. Old but works
India uses Electronic voting machines since 1998.. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:hanging chads? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:hanging chads? (Score:3, Insightful)
It just leaves the door wide open on challenging a vote, whether you believe someone lost fairly or unfairly due to the machine. I consider myself a reasonable person, and I would challenge it if I lost in a second.
Re:hanging chads? (Score:2, Insightful)
What I like about this idea is that it could finally allow the US to move in the direction of being a democracy instead of a republic. On the other hand, people are dumb in large groups and I know everyone would vote for a "gimmee" without considering the consequences (sure, let's ALL get $5000 tax rebates this year)...
I do find it odd that they are using a Windows OS though. Maybe they wanted an excuse for a recount? [/sarcasm]
Honestly, I don't see an electronic format as being a bad thing. In the future, we might actually get to vote on more issues and take more direct control of our government: wouldn't that be a plus?
Re:hanging chads? (Score:2)
This something is called Validation and Qualification. These 2 processes are used in many types of industries (espicially pharmX). Basically the concept is to evaluate and log everything ever done to every system.
There are checklists that should be followed to ensure each system has an identical setup (these checklists are so detailed they tell you where to click).
The setups are then tested and re-tested for consistency and accuracy. Once a system has been qualified and validated, any change no matter how small to the configuration must be logged and the machine must undergo another validation process.
Through all this an accurate paper trail is kept with each change, update or install.
This way if anything is ever challenged there can be records showing what goes on with the machines and thus either disproving or proving malfunction. This would allow us to avoid the whole problem with debating what could hav happend and track down the real issue if there is one.
This way a canidate cannot "wait out the clock" so to speak.
-I am too lazy to spell check today
Re:hanging chads? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:hanging chads? (Score:2)
Re:And with reason, this time! (Score:2)
Re:How does this work? (Score:3, Funny)
Hmm.. Maybe a link with a casino.
Re:Could you imagine... (Score:2)
Re: Usability (Score:2)
> Assuming this new system is completely secure, there will need to be explicit instructions and examples to ensure even the most brain-dead person can cast their vote.
And auditable enough to ensured that dead-dead people aren't casting their vote.
> With some luck we won't see a repeat of the election insanity we saw in Florida and elsewhere.
Unfortunately, that election insanity has merely brought out the snake oil salesmen.
The general rule of thumb for understanding the USA is that whenever something goes wrong it is eagerly embraced as an excuse to do lots of other things wrong. Particularly if it can be used as an excuse to feather a businessman's bed. (The reader shouldn't have any trouble thinking up lots of recent examples.)
They worked on '00 in California too (Score:2)
Californina had some counties that used them as well. IIRC some states on the east coast had experiments as well.
You are right, this is old news.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Will they have to re-vote after a STOP error? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)