87GB On DVD-Sized Media 354
BostonMACOSX points to this report in the Detroit News that says, in part, "Boston College researchers have found a way to store about 19 times more data on a disk than a common DVD can hold, using optical media made with common products, the December issue of Nature Materials reports." And it's a mix of high and low tech: the disk is formed of "an epoxy glue sold at hardware stores and a glass-like substance," but written with a currently expensive laser.
What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:4, Insightful)
When I see someone manufacturing it, I'll be impressed, but until then.....
oh yeah- don't forget- just how long would it take to back this up (should it ever become RW?) At SCSI 120mb/sec..... right, you get the picture.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:5, Insightful)
I think we may be doomed to never have large capacity disposable/cheap removable media.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:4, Insightful)
I'd like to see the responce of the AF when the RIAA tries to tell them no
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:5, Funny)
You will be happy to know that today,
I wrote into law legislation that will ban the RIAA forever.
The bombing will start in 5 minutes." - Former President Ronal Reagan
speaking on behalf of the US Air Force in response to the RIAA saying no.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:4, Funny)
Maverick: Yes ma'am, the data on the DVD reader is inaccurate.
Charlie: How's that, Lieutenant?
Maverick: Well, I just happened to see a DVD containing...
Goose: We!
Maverick: Uh, sorry Goose. WE happened to see a DVD containing 89 megabytes.
Charlie: Where did you see this?
Maverick: Uh, that's classified.
Charlie: It's what?
Maverick: It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
(All credit to IMDB [imdb.com] and none to me - I didn't even try to make it funnier. I'd say I am a lazy karma whoring bastard, but I think i'm capped
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:5, Insightful)
I disagree. We will, because we can. It's human nature. It's why the RIAA is destined to fail to control all digital entertainment media in the same way that the suffragettes (sp ?) eventually got the vote. It makes sense, most people want it, and therefore it will happen.
I have a similar theory that I apply to my everyday working life (software development projects); given enough time, common sense will prevail.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:2)
With the latest legislative trends, the world will soon be safe for this kind of media. Maybe something like: make an illicit disk containing 20 movies, receive 20 consecutive life sentences. That should keep everyone on the straight and narrow path.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:5, Insightful)
Okay, this is just silly. The RIAA is not omnipotent. They cannot stop DVD-R's from being produced just because it has the capability to store a movie, nor can they stop Hard Disks from being produced, for the same reason.
The RIAA/MPAA is pissed because there are applications out there whose main use (not necessarily intended, but main use) is distributing copyrighted material illegally. They won't sue dell for shipping computers with ethernet connections, just because they facilitate downloading music. Press the pause button on the conspiracy theories.
When the tech industry (Score:5, Insightful)
When the Tech Industry creates its own, well funded PAC a la the NRA and starts outbribing the Hollywood Cartels in Washington. The tech industry is orders of magnitude larger than the consumer electronics industry, which in turn is an order of magnitude larger than Hollywood and the Recording industry put together.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:3, Funny)
Can I demand money from the RIAA when all I use it for is to burn copies of my home movies? Oh right, I forgot, only big corporations are allowed to fuck the consumer and get away with it.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:2)
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:2)
Even my 8X cd burner is 1.2 MB/s
I hope you weren't thinking of normal hard drive IDE speeds, which can easily sustain 40 MB/s.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:4, Insightful)
But when DVD-R hit the consumer marketspace at 2.4X it was the same speed as CD-R 20X (3 MB/sec)
Heh, you're right about a number game though, even at 3MB/sec that's 8 hours to burn an 87GB disc.
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What happened to our 100 gig CDROMS? (Score:3, Informative)
But when it comes to burning a DVD (with a DVD-burner that you can buy) , you can only burn one layer.
That's why you only get 4.7 GB on one side.
And in other news (Score:2, Funny)
backup (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:87 GB of pr0n (Score:2, Funny)
Re:backup (Score:2)
So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:2)
I wouldn't mind 4 hours of previews on the new format that I could watch when I want. Previews are good, when you CHOOSE to watch them. I like to watch a preview before I see a movie so I have an idea if I'll like it or not but forcing us to watch previews is like going to a car dealer to get an oil change an being forced to take a test drive or two or three before getting the service work that you need done.
Re:So... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:So... (Score:3, Insightful)
So if you want to get technical and stay within the law, there is such thing as "non-fast-forwardable" content on dvd's. While I'm aware that mod-chips exist for the dvd players that I own, and that I can use various software applications on my computers to view the dvd's in any manner I choose, I was talking about the movie studios attempting to force us to watch previews, copyright notices, etc.
Re:So... (Score:3, Insightful)
No thanks. Not that i am against linux - or mplayer, I just want to plop it in the tray and sit at my couch and wathc the movie. My computer room is upstairs and far away from my single TV. and I am dont want a machine wasted on being my DVD player when i have a dvd playter already thankyouverymuch.
Re:So... (Score:3, Insightful)
>format that I could watch when I want.
You just made me realize something: Where is the line between what will and will not be tolerated by the consumers? We seem to be willing to accept the forced (effectively forced, for most viewers, at least) exposure to ads in the intro to dvd movies, the FBI stuff, trailers, and commercials. Would we take a full minute of this? How about a full five minutes? At what threshold would we return to the video store for a refund and/or to cancel our club membership?
Re:So... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:3, Insightful)
No, you'd still pay $27, but you could watch the whole movie without changing discs.
Epoxy Glue + Disposable Media (Score:3, Funny)
Well... (Score:2, Interesting)
One can only use so much porn....
Re:Well... (Score:2)
I mean, come on! I think widescreen's just a ploy to sell more 16:3 tvs. Sure the pano effect looks nice even on a large 4:3 tv..but what about the folks with only a 20" tv? Why the Fsck should I buy a widescreen TV when everything else comes in standard format.
Re:Well... (Score:2)
You don't need a wide-screen tv see the difference. (But it does help)
Re:Well... (Score:2)
Cool and all, but... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Cool and all, but... (Score:2, Informative)
Typical Slashdot Storage Story (Score:2)
There's seldom a followup story, unless it involves the mythical holographic cube storage, in which case we hear about it all the time; maybe each time Taco watches 2001.
In reality, we have lots of cheap ata disks and 4.7GB DVDs will be everywhere in about a year or so, but no zillion-gig storage devices.
Re:Typical Slashdot Storage Story (Score:2)
With a bit more work we could turn the disks into nanotube [lbl.gov] interfaces to a frozen light [physics.hku.hk] held inside the platter. The article on that wouldn't say how many paperbacks it can hold, more like "If you could convert your body into pure data, you could store N million skinny people (or M million fat people)." Sure it would have to be kept cold, but big deal. And that's not even new technology, what's so great about a lousy 90 GB?
Re:Typical Slashdot Storage Story (Score:3, Interesting)
If 1K = 1024, then 1M = 1K * 1024 and 1G = 1M * 1024.
In which case, 4.7GB should actually be 5,046,586,572 bytes.
If you're the G=1,000,000,000 measurement school, then it should be 4,700,000,000 as you say, or 4.3GB in the 1024-base units, as I think a parent poster indicated.
I have a dream (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Cool and all, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yep. And 640k should be enough for anyone.
obligatory UHF reference (Score:2, Funny)
Re:obligatory UHF reference (Score:2)
Dust (Score:4, Insightful)
Bring back caddys?
Re:Dust (Score:3, Informative)
The article doesn't really confirm either way, however.
When will consumers see this technology? (Score:5, Interesting)
I Currently have about 1.4 TB of data sitting here in my room on CD-R right now, and let me tell you -- it's getting out of hand. DVD writables are not a solution (Too little, too late theory). I would love nothing more than to consolidate the 13 200 CD Cases I have here into something a little bit more compact.
I've seen a couple of companies working on something like this (Optical CD-Sized solution that stores around 100 GB). Anybody have any theories to when the common dude can roll down to compusa (pick your posion) and snag a few blank 100 GB Disks for a reasonable price? I'm starting to feel like it's 1995 again when a 1.4M Floppy disk was as good as it got.
Re:When will consumers see this technology? (Score:2)
Or of homemade videos? (Probably not - else you would have got a DVD burner)
Re:When will consumers see this technology? (Score:4, Informative)
Buying hard drives to hold it all isn't feasible, since it's a huge investment, and sizes keep going up and prices go down. (Not to mention you'd still want backups of that on....cdr!?)
And DVD-R will only help by 7X.
If blue-laser discs were out right now at the pace DVDR is, then that would be be a different story. That would be the perfect size to convert to right now to make it worth it.
Re:When will consumers see this technology? (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not an expert of tape drives, but everything I've looked up is also costly. Mostly in the fact that anything that holds a decent amount of data, is a lot of $$$ per tape.
I checked out DABS but they didn't show pictures or descriptions of any of their products. I couldn't find the source you were looking at. However, I took a guess, and found one in that price range. The 50GB tapes were GBP 46 each. This comes to GBP 644. That comes to $1,016.00 !!!
CD-R storage is only $7.14 per 50GB.
(GBP 4.50)
Blue laser DVD (Score:2)
The DVD Forum just selected the NEC/Toshiba blue laser system, so we should be seeing 15GiB DVD in two-three years.
Re:Ever hear of RAID? (Score:3, Informative)
I need something like this. (Score:5, Insightful)
Think of the uses for this though. Being able to back up all of my servers to a single disc without compressing anything. That would be a great time saver. And then there are the not-so-legal-but-who-cares-we're-all-going-to-die- eventually-anyway uses... like storing all the episodes of shows that aren't released on dvd in the US (Family Guy for one).
But how much would they cost per disc and how much for the burner? While dvd burners are getting pretty cheap now, the media still isn't as cheap as I would like it.
So...If I understand this.... (Score:5, Funny)
Must go buy more popcorn now.
Well, not exactly... (Score:3, Funny)
If you want the extended-super-extra-feature making of the movie 94 disc feature set, which includes the entire life history of every actor, including those guys in the orc suits, as well as how Tolkien came up with the idea, and the complete works of Tolkien and every author he liked as read by Charlton Heston and William Shatner (with special guest appearances by Macho Man Randy Savage for the part of Sauron), there's no way its going to fit.
Common [ ] products (Score:5, Funny)
(ya see, when _I_ was your age, floppy disks were actually bigger, and floppy, not 3.5" on a side and 'stiff')
Re:Common [ ] products (Score:4, Funny)
Dude, be careful! You'll start a new rumour for those silly audiophiles - first it was cd greening, next it will DVD pledging!
(No offense to the not-so-silly audiophiles - you know who I'm talking about
Re:Common [ ] products (Score:2)
Or a 1/4" drill bit to a DD 3-1/2" floppy :)
burnable media (Score:2, Interesting)
And by the time this comes out, or something like it, it will cost considerably too much for a while, and then it will be fairly priced and it will be a norm that we find boring. The RIAA will have a fit about it.
I think that new generations of storage media that use entierly new technologies, that really push the envelope, will be the real exciting times.
Not good enough (Score:2)
Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:5, Insightful)
On another topic, I hate shit like:
"...equal to 87,000 paperback books."
My mother in law knows what a gigabyte is. I think it's safe to stop with the point-of-reference crap.
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:5, Funny)
You also have to wonder what is being left out of the transcription of, say "War and Peace", to make it use the same amount of disk-space as "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:2)
Hmm... Since when did a paperback weigh an entire megabyte? Few novels reach 800,000 characters let alone 1M.
An authoring friend tells me that most first time novelists are only allowed 100,000 words... around 400k, or the size of the first Harry Potter book.
That's for the text-only contents of a book. If you start talking about diagrams or fancy print that has to be scanned in as an image, you can go anywhere from 10MB-50MB, depending on detail.
But, sticking to straight byte-weight, Let's try closer to 150,000 paperbacks, if you're going to start making real-world comparisons.
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:2)
Not only that, but they say "equal" and not "roughly equal."
And, of course, what about compression? Different formats? HTML vs pdf vs ascii vs images.
We could go on for weeks. But that's all I have to say about that.
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Too bad about the expensive laser (Score:4, Funny)
"...equal to 87,000 paperback books."
My mother in law knows what a gigabyte is. I think it's safe to stop with the point-of-reference crap.
Actually, the most understood way would be to say "Can hold 174,000 songs that you haven't paid for."
what? (Score:5, Funny)
c'mon, what is this? MacGyver's [imdb.com] guide to making storage media???
Too many "said"s (Score:2, Insightful)
Whatever happened to declared, spoke of, pronounced, noted, claimed, admitted, told, pointed out... ??
So... (Score:3, Funny)
Journalism grammar school? (Score:3, Funny)
"and the data don't degrade"
Looks like Mr. Stebbins might be a slashdotter himself!
Re:Journalism grammar school? (Score:4, Informative)
Big deal...Constellation 3D had better...and died (Score:4, Informative)
I think the company (which I once owned stock in) is now dead. Their site is not working. Here's a a couple interesting links to info...
If they couldn't make it with this killer technology (TONS of storage) how does this other company expect to fare any better with technology that is only 1/10th the product.
C-3D was doing pretty well with agreements for disc makers, agreements with WAMO (who pushed DVD), etc.
Sucks ass when something this promising doesn't ever come to fruition. I remember last year this time they had working RW drives.
Damn it, I want FMD...not this wussy 80GB crap.
Thanks for bringing it up (Score:5, Insightful)
However anyone that's worked with flourescent compounds knows that eventually they will bleach. I have a strong suspicion that this may have been what killed c-3d, and it's possible it may prove to be an intractable problem with this new tech as well, although they say it doesn't degrade. We shall see.
(For the record, I think c-3d's FMCs - a card-sized non-rotating version of FMDs - were their best idea. Exposed disks are too easily damaged and distinctly kid-unfriendly, and the normal sized disk is too large to carry in a pocket. CDs and DVDs got this very, very wrong.)
Screw Media (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Screw Media (Score:5, Funny)
The circumfrence of the earth is roughly 40,000 km, so the farthest you can be from a given spot is 20,000 km.
Add to that, that you also need to send the request, you somehow need to think up a transport medium, that can travel at 20,000 km / 0.0025 seconds == 8,000,000 km/second.
We'll get in tuch with you, when we manage to send data at 26 and 2/3rds the speed of light at a distance of 20,000 km.
Word of Caution: (Score:5, Funny)
so what? (Score:5, Informative)
yea here it is [slashdot.org].
Anyway, I've been seeing reports like this forever, but zero consumer products. When something hits the market, I'll be interested. Until then I don't care.
Suggestion. (Score:3, Funny)
Breathe the wrong way on this baby and you've wiped out HOW MANY library of congresses worth of text?
Okay, no panic, we're not there yet. But we will be.
I'm tired of renting blockbuster dvd's with cigarette burns on them.
Um, yeah. I just got a down-mod shiver, so here's something insightful.
a DVD-size disk able to hold about 87 gigabytes, equal to 87,000 paperback books
EXCUSE ME?? Are you saying a paperback book is 87 megabytes? NOT EVEN IF YOU SCAN EACH PAGE IN BITMAP!!! (Because paperbacks are black and white.)
What's the writer smoking?
Re:Suggestion. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Suggestion. (Score:2, Insightful)
87,000,000,000 / 87,000 =! 87,000,000
87,000,000,000 / 87,000 = 1,000,000
Not only are
Question (Score:2, Interesting)
Other then people doing video work, at this time who really needs this kind of storage.
I have a 20Gb mp3 player and I still have not filled it 1/2 way.
I would hope that a system would never need more then 15Gb for a full useful install (included a suit of programs for use to be productive)
With the above listed size I would hope a system would never need, a 20 Gb system would still have 5Gb for user data, a 40 Gb system would leave 25 Gb for user data. (admittedly some specialty apps such as cad systems would need more storage, but here I am thinking more on the lines of home users, maybe I am wrong thinking there, maybe these systems are targeting business then I can see the use, databases can get very large)
Also how is the speed of this DVD?
What applications would you see for use of this technology?
Re:Question (Score:3, Insightful)
Buy this instead of a space trip (Score:2)
A number of issues still need to be worked out, Fourkas said. One is that once data is written to the disk, it can't be changed. Each disk has to be written individually, he said. A mass- production method would need to be found to lower costs. The cost of the laser also is prohibitive. "The one we use is about $100,000," Fourkas said. The cost would come down with mass production, he said.
Re:Buy this instead of a space trip (Score:2)
Why do people state the obvious? Doesn't the cost of EVERYTHING come down when it's mass produced? Why is it that when someone gets interviewed about their cool idea, they suddenly think that anyone that will read or hear the interview is a complete moron?
So the big question is, what company is going to be the first to market with this new media? If they can get the cost of the laser down to $100, they should be able to sell burners for this media for around a grand and make a killing. Just think of all the warez pirates out there. Since they obviously aren't spending any money they have on software, they have more for hardware and can easily afford a drive that can burn 87 gigs.
And what will come next? Development efforts will continue on this and the process will be refined so that even more data will fit on the same disc.
Re:Buy this instead of a space trip (Score:2)
To me it seems that the factors that are limiting the price-cuts from mass-productions are ones that are not feasible by current technology. Ofcourse, the price will come down - but is this invention still feasible in say 3-4 years when the technology needed to bring the cost to a fraction of the current is available? Don't know, but...
Why is it that when someone gets interviewed about their cool idea, they suddenly think that anyone that will read or hear the interview is a complete moron?
No - just the opposite, I thought the /. audience would be equipped with the brains to make up the rest of what I wanted to say, after stating the obvious. Sorry :)
forget gigabytes (Score:3, Funny)
Remember the 'Scotch Tape Drive'? (Score:5, Informative)
Jack William Bell
I hate to say it... (Score:2, Interesting)
Blu-Ray? (Score:5, Informative)
I think I'll wait on this format (that has the backing of Hitachi, Sony, Pioneer, Philips etc etc) before going out on a limb with any epoxy solution.
Useless for recording applications (Score:5, Insightful)
So what do these guys do? They decide to reinvent the recording medium, only their medium is inferior because it can't be stamped. And that means their discs can't be mass-produced. To top it all off, they use a laser that costs $100,000, or 50X that of the Blu-ray laser.
These guys have a product that:
1) Has lower storage capacity than Blu-ray
2) Costs 50X more than Blu-ray
3) Uses an inferior recording medium compared to Blu-ray
It might be kinda nifty that they used common materials, but that fact that those materials are inferior is probably why CD's and DVD's aren't made with common materials now! It reminds me of the
Is anyone else tired of hearing about new formats? (Score:4, Insightful)
First, for the lesser informed, it sends a wave of "oh shit, that DVD player I just bought is already obsolete!". This is of course absurd.
Second, there's always people who don't really know what they're talking about who then go and preach the aforementioned "DVD will be obsolete soon!" bit. Somehow these huckleberries always seek me out - probably because I'm a techie. Perhaps they want to impress me, perhaps they want to pretend they're the first to know something, perhaps they want to make me feel stupid for buying so many DVD's. No amount of evidence seems to convince these people that just because something brand new has been produced in a lab doesn't mean it will be on the market next week. They especially hate it when they tell you "HDTV is the next big thing!" and you point out that this has been the situation since 1989.
But the worst part is that there's a certian chunk of the population that hasn't bought into Technology X and go on to say "yeah, I'd get DVD but I'm going to wait for the next format." They don't realize it takes decades for formats to get formalized and introduced to market - and then only if there's a killer app neccessary. The Compact Disc came out and worked since the music industry was ready for a new format. Witness how the VideoCD didn't go anywhere outside of Asia - VHS was king (killed Laserdisc even) and only with the advent of the fast Internet, big hard drives and CD burners did VideoCD take off, and mostly due to piracy. DVD only worked since they decided the killer app was video, namely movies. Notice how DVD-Audio is pretty much going unnoticed. The only format I see coming along in the near future is whatever format supports HDTV - fortunately the DVD Forum has decided that the HDTV DVD format will be reverse compatible.
Just because something better comes along doesn't mean that everything will be tossed out in favor of it. I'm 25 and programming a 1985 mainframe in COBOL for a living, so I can vouch for this line of reasoning. However, much like people tend to think the latest (whatever) is always the best, they tend to think that the latest technology is about to obliterate whatever is currently out there and they're the first to know.
And don't even get me started on those 13-year olds griping that their copy of Windows.NET Server 2003 RC1 won't run Counter-Strike...
Damn... (Score:3, Funny)
gonna have to start putting them in cases (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know about you folks, but I'm of the opinion that the CD/DVD format is on it's way out. I don't mean that CD's or DVD's are going away, simply that newer denser media won't look like those disks. The problem is this, as the spacial density of the data on the disk increases, the impact due to scratching increases. Instead of obliterating x number of bits, a scratch on a more dense media obliterates many times x bits.
This can be mitigated by using error correcting codes. The cost of these codes is that the number of bits required to represent the same amount of real data goes up. At some point on the density curve we will reach a point where the amount of error correction bits required to make the media immune to most normal scratches will equal the added amount of information storage due to a higher density.
We are already starting to see this with DVD's. How many times have you rented a DVD and it gets skippy and/or halts. Then when you eject it and look to see if it is scratched you see a few scratches that you know wouldn't even give your CD player pause were they to occur on a CD. That's because when the CD format was created they had a quarter inch rule in the standard. The error correction had to be able to withstand a quarter inch hole being punched in the CD. A DVD certainly can't handle that.
What we will begin to find in our exposed media disks is that a higher and higher percentage of the available bit positions on the disk will have to be devoted to error correction. Thus a boost of n in the density won't corrispond to a boost in the actual amount of usable data stored on the disk. The solution, of course, is to put the media in a case, like a 3 1/2" disk for example. This mitigates the risk of actually scratching the disk and so we wouldn't need such a high degree of error correction. We would have those bits to store actual data in.
CD Scratch = Bad (Score:4, Interesting)
RIAA (Score:3, Funny)
High Tech? (Score:3, Insightful)
Can someone explain the difference between high tech and low tech? There's only one technology. High technology and low technology? Technolody is technology.
It is like the episode from Seinfeld: A big coincidence? No. Just a coincidence. There are no levels of coincidence. Just a coincidence.
Big deal... (Score:3, Funny)
Not all at once, mind you...
Yeah, but they're idiots. (Score:2)