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Decentralization 281

jamesgregory writes "'Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because they can. Suits make new stuff primarily because they hope to earn a profit. Yes, that is an oversimplification, and there's overlap between the two types -- there are plenty of profit-seeking geeks and geeky business folks. Still, the distinction is real.'"
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  • by rmohr02 ( 208447 ) <`mohr.42' `at' `'> on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:37PM (#4896164)
    Why just copy and paste the first paragraph when you could copy and paste the whole article?
  • This is a summary? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Amata ( 554796 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:37PM (#4896165)
    Is it just me or did the "summary" give no idea whatsoever of what the article is actually about?
    • by Osty ( 16825 )

      Remember, this is Slashdot. It's not the editors' jobs to make sure that the story summaries actually summarize the story. Really, why should we know what the story is about, when we could click on the link to find out and generate revenue for the target site (assuming that site hasn't already been slashdotted, in which case it's impossible to have any idea what the story is about)? Really, come on! Editors doing editorial duties? What are you going ask for next, that they use a spell checker? Or that they actually read their own site to make sure they don't duplicate stories?

      Remember, Slashdot is just Rob's personal site that happens to enjoy a large audience. Or so the line goes when someone has a gripe with the way it's run. To parrot the trolls, if you don't like it, leave. (I don't subscribe to that view, as it's a downward spiral leaving slashdot with nothing but first posters and trolls, but hey, if that's what they want ...)

      And now for the karma whoring -- That wooshing noise is the sound of a thousand moderators clicking "troll" and/or "flamebait" (guaranteed to get me modded up to at least +4).

      • Remember, Slashdot is just Rob's personal site that happens to enjoy a large audience. Then what's [] for?
      • Still, can we expect the editors to RTFA like we insist anybody who posts a comment is supposed to do? They don't have to read everything, just the links within the stories they're about to post. And can we ask the editors to at least read the story summaries that have been posted by the other editors since last they worked. Just a simple scan to make sure they know what's been posted the last couple days. That won't totally eliminate dupes, but at least make a noticable cutback in them. I don't think this is too much to ask...
      • Shh!

        I couldn't say anything up in the subject line, because, well -- they might be watching.

        We in the underground of the One Good Site support you. When the rising up of the Quality Posts is upon Us, you will be asked to make a Sacrifice.

        Until then, keep the Faith.

  • by SteweyGriffin ( 634046 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:39PM (#4896173)
    Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because they can. Suits make new stuff primarily because they hope to earn a profit.

    You know what? That's a load of crap, and you know it. I don't even care that you tried to cover your blatant generalization up in the next sentence of the write-up. If someone tells a racist joke, are they not a racist regardless of if they were "just joking"?

    I'm sick of these "it's either this way, or that way" people. The computing field is full of a ton of smart people who have more than one ability. I can code with the best of 'em but still am confident that, if necessary and so desired, I could run a group of a dozen or two programmers, system administrators, etc.

    The reason I get so upset sometimes is that people pigeonhole themselves into a specific career (major in computer engineering OR major in management OR major in English, etc.) before thinking "Hey, ya know, maybe I'm gifted enough to do both coding and project management and testing, and hey, maybe even a few interviews."

    I love to see other fellow men and women reach their highest potential, but that can't happen when you segregate folks into one specific area.
    • I love to see other fellow men and women reach their highest potential

      This happens to be Microsofts current vision statement or mission statement or motto, or whatever it is that appears on their commercials.

      I do agree with you though. There's absolutely no reason to pigeonhole ourselves into a specific career. At the University of Michigan business school the highest percentage of students (27%) have an undergraduate degree in engineering.

      Plenty of geeks are out there getting MBAs or Law degrees.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I disagree. Programmers with altruistic movies are truly rare. Virtually all of them program because it's fun to them - they get the same feelings of sucess and power that an athlete does when they sucede at reaching a target. They're able to find programming fun usually because they possess a neurological makeup which makes other things less stimulating than they are for a normal person.
      How many programmers dedicate their programming time to caring intentions such as making software to help people? They do exist, but I think the generalisation that programmers do programming for fun is more or less true. Or else there'd be far more sites like on the internet.
    • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:23PM (#4896405)
      Oh come on, this is a major overreaction.
      I'm sick of these "it's either this way, or that way" people.
      Well the poster wasn't one of those people, perhaps I should include the next sentence which you mentioned and yet completely ignored.
      Yes, that is an oversimplification, and there's overlap between the two types -- there are plenty of profit-seeking geeks and geeky business folks. Still, the distinction is real.'"

      And he's right, can you honestly tell me there isn't a bit of truth to that statement. The fact is that he made a statement that in general that held true. Of course it isn't this way or that way. He wasn't thinking that when he wrote it I didn't think that when I read it and I'm sure that you were perceptive enough to realize it. This has nothing to do with any form of discrimination. It really irritates me when people make that mistake. The truth is that some groups are more prone to crime and to be less productive. Why? It has nothing to do with culture or ethnic backgrough. It's simply the fact that they have been placed in socio-economic circumstances that make it very hard to succeed. Too often because of political correctness people ignore these problems and nothing gets done. Meanwhile people who hold discriminatory views continue to hold them because they don't know better since no one who knows better is willing to discuss the situation. Of course I don't know if you fall into any of these categories but I will mention a couple things in closing. One if you don't make generalizations it's very difficult to have any sort of higher level conversations and two, if you are criticising the generalizations the poster made I will point out that you made more generalizations about him than he did about "suits" and "geeks".
    • That's a load of crap, and you know it. [blah blah blah] blatant generalization [blah blah blah] racist joke [bizarre analogy to racism] [blah blah blah] I'm sick of these "it's either this way, or that way" people [hissy fit] [blah blah blah]

      And I'm sick of knee-jerks who go into spasms of rightous indignation every time they see a generalization.

      The reality is that what the guy said is true a lot of the time, so what'cha bitchin about?

      You could have made the simple point that some people are polymaths without the overheated accusations and spitting frenzy.

      "Don't have a cow, man"

      Rocky J. Squirrel
    • Well said! One of the most fundamentally important lessons that I ever learned was that not everything can be broken down into terms of 'yes/no', 'true/false', 'good/bad', right/wrong', 'right/left', 'win/loose', and 'this/that'.

      I am also sick of the mentality of "it's either this way, or that way". I'm also very, very sick of the 'win/loose' people. Frankly, there are a lot of problems in society which simply cannot be solved with such a narrow minded, simplistic viewpoint as that. I agree completely with your comments!

      Right on regarding pigeonholing and careers!

      Damn. SteweyGriffin, I'm a fan.
    • I'm sick of these "it's either this way, or that way" people. The computing field is full of a ton of smart people who have more than one ability. I can code with the best of 'em but still am confident that, if necessary and so desired, I could run a group of a dozen or two programmers, system administrators, etc.

      Hey you're young, smart and multi-talented right and you can do anything right? Perhaps, but you are in a distinct minority. VERY few people will actually be happy writing code OR managing coders. I've worked with a LARGE number of people over 18 years in this business and I've met virtually no one who is both a good engineer and a good manager. The personalities that do well in these two different roles are VERY different (for one, engineers tend to be introverted and managers extroverted).

      I'm with the original post - it is a fairly accurate generalization. There are those who make and there are those who shuffle papers, go to meetings and play politics. Believe it.

  • Um... (Score:4, Funny)

    by PRickard ( 16563 ) <> on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:41PM (#4896183) Homepage
    Is this news? Must be a slow weekend at both /. and Salon.
    • Well, Mozilla 1.3a is out, but /. rejected my article--apparently this decentralization thing is news and Mozilla milestones aren't.
  • I'd have to agree. Look at how many seemingly useless sites there are out there. Look at Slashdot itself!
    I know my website ( (which is currently down for a redo, will return January 1st, 2003)) is much along the same lines. It's mostly an open forum for people to discuss and display their "art" (for which I have a very loose definition [there is a programming section, for example]). I am going to be spending tons of money on this venture in the next few months in particular, and although I have very vague plans in the back of my head to eventually turn a profit from this, I figure I'll figure that out when I get there.

    In the mean time, I'm doing it for fun.
    • And that, IMO, is the best reason to do something. For fun. I'm trying to run my own business ( []. ATM it's not much more then a web page and a few screen shots, but I'm hoping by Mid-2003 it'll be a site that'll draw in the business as well as any other. Until I turn a profit, I do web design for fun. Why? Because I can.

      I also like to write poetry, short stories and novels. Why? I find it fun and relaxing.

      With any venture, you have to do it for the hell of it in the beginning. Worry about making money once you got all the details sorted out. Until then, have fun!
  • by PhysicsGenius ( 565228 ) <> on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:42PM (#4896192)
    Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because they can. Suits make new stuff primarily because they hope to earn a profit.

    As if that was somehow a lesser goal. They are isomorphic, in that they both consist of informational efficiency gains. Here's what I mean.

    Geeks see a need for a device/program. They function as a evolutionary force to fill an "ecological" niche. The niche is the need, the device is the thing that exploits the niche. "Suits" do the same thing. They see a financial or economic inefficiency and they create a "device" (a financial instrument or business, say) to exploit it. They are money hackers. Profit is just another way of saying efficiency which everyone here knows is related to elegance.

    Sure, suits don't care about the elegance of YOUR crap--but you don't care about yours, so why should they. And they are rightly in charge, since their feet are on the ground. Now if only those damn liberals in Congress would understand that people like Ken Lay should be praised for increasing efficiency instead of castigated.

    • I agree (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      A libertarian like Nader would have given Enron just a slap on the wrist for lying and let them go about their business. Damn, I wish he and Celia Ward had won in 2000.
      • Nader's a Green, not a Libertarian... right?
      • A libertarian like Nader would have given Enron just a slap on the wrist for lying and let them go about their business. Damn, I wish he and Celia Ward had won in 2000.

        I think he meant to say "A liberal like Nader..." and since Nader seems to want a strong benevolent paternal government, I can only assume that the anonymous poster was making an attempt at sarcasm.

    • BTW notice the "damn liberals" dont have the majority in either the house or senate and the "racists" have the presidency as well.

      I guess there will be no excuses (terrorism, or terraism/tourism as the president would say) when everything is still shitty in 2 years. Oh well, I guess they cut my taxes.

      No one wants anything from the govt (society) until they are in need (ie medical healthcare), then every pathetic "racist" that lost their ass in the great stock market crash of 2000-2002 comes whining that they cannot afford to pay for health care. Fuck'em is what I say.

      Since when did the "religious/racist" party give a shit about being hypocrites. Going to church every sunday and talking about how good you are and how you help so much (by giving to your "church/cult") for another activity center. When the fucking public school across the street doesn't have textbooks newer than 1983 and the building is falling apart. I fucking hate "conservatives/cocksuckers"

      Notice my state of utterly moronic people. We voted all conservatives on the national level but all liberal on the local level. How the fuck does that happen? Welcome to DipShit USA. If I hear one more person say "I voted for him based on his character and I liked him better." I'm going to puke. All that means is "His commercial was more appealing than the other guy." Unbelievable.

      Can't wait for my Flamebait.... so mod away assholes.
    • I'd put it differently. Geeks create for the sake of creating. Period. Whether or not what the create does anything useful is irrelevant.

      "Suits" on the other hand create to fill a niche. They fill needs. Big fat obvious example: Gates (also a geek) filled a need: Software to make PC's accessable to the masses. Linux is created just to be created. It doesn't fill any needs that aren't already met. Most people don't have any compelling reason to use it. It's there because it's there. MS is there because people *wanted* it there.
      • Linux was created so that there could be a truly free OS to play around with. Minix cost money, back in the day, and modifications had to be distributed in the form of patches, which got to be extreemly annoying, even for people who already had licenses. That was the reason Linus created Linux.
    • by Bendebecker ( 633126 ) on Monday December 16, 2002 @12:03AM (#4896581) Journal
      Geeks see a need for a device/program

      Not always true, the orginal personal computers could do basically nothing and, as many pointed out at the time, no one really needed one. Many of the orginal programmers and engineers built them anyway though, not because they needed them but because they thought they would be fun to play around with. They had no interest in 'exploiting' the technology, they just wanted to have fun with it.

      Sure, suits don't care about the elegance of YOUR crap--but you don't care about yours, so why should they

      I do care about the elegance of my programs. If my programs were inefficent (or just plain crap) I would be ashamed to say I wrote them. I take pride in what I write as every programmer should. Our programs are a reflection of our abilities. We care about the quality of what we produce, suits should care about the quality of what they are trying to sell. If your selling crap, then maybe you should reflect on the ethics of what your doing.

      You also seem to be trying to rationalize your drive to make money(aka greed) by fooling yourself into believing that everyone else is only interested in the same thing. Making a good program that ppl can use is not the same as designing a means to exploits others' needs (which is what you seem to be doing.)
      We program becuase it is fun. We create things to help people, not exploit them. You sell our programs becuase you seem to just want to make more money. You exploit others needs for your own personal gain. If people don't need something, you try to trick them into thinking they do. You help no one but yourself. That's the difference.
    • "Suits" do the same thing. They see a financial or economic inefficiency and they create a "device" (a financial instrument or business, say) to exploit it. They are money hackers. Profit is just another way of saying efficiency which everyone here knows is related to elegance.

      Please explain to me how Big Mouth Billy Bass makes the world more efficient and/or elegant.

    • I disagree (Score:3, Interesting)

      by version5 ( 540999 )
      > Sure, suits don't care about the elegance of YOUR crap--but you don't care about [theirs].

      Characterizing it like that is a blatant attempt to make the suit-geek dichotomy go away, and its not working. For one thing, everyone understands money, geeks included. When a suit is concerned with the bottom-line, we can at least understand where he's coming from. The converse is (often) not even remotely true. In the extreme, suits understand money, and money alone. Geeks, on the other hand, hold the position that while money is important, in some circumstances, elegance trumps money. So while geeks understand both the ephemeral "elegance" AND the more obvious bottom line, suits usually only understand money.

      Therein lies the problem. If anything, the Geek is more dedicated to the bottom line than the Suit, because a more elegant solution is a part of or even the foundation of a sound business model, especially in the long run. However, a Suit who typically has little or no understanding of the domain, or the humility to take the advice of those who do often cuts technological corners (like hiring MSCEs) with deleterious effects on the bottom line. A geek suggesting the use of free open-source software will get modded down in the board room because "Everyone uses Microsoft." The reason for the stereotype of the Pointy Haired Boss is because it is unfortunately common. Not the pointy hair part, the inept technological aptitude part.
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:42PM (#4896198)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by zephc ( 225327 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:43PM (#4896202)
    Something about grass being green and water being wet...
  • by bcliftondotcom ( 632765 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:44PM (#4896209) Homepage
    Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because they can.

    Because they can is essential for making anything at all. I've personally never made anything that I can't make.
    • I dunno... I do lots of things b/c I can't. I couldn't write anything in Ocaml and I couldn't write any http basic auth apps, so I went and got rfc 2617 and went to

      I take great joy in doing things I can't do. (Okay, if you want to pick nits, it's stuff I couldn't do and learned in the process of doing, but it sounds better to phrase it the other way.)

      I've been thinking about writing an app to quiz me on Koine Greek (very similar to Attic Greek spoken in the Helenistic erra). I'm leaning towards writing it as a Zope Python script, but PHP is also a strong option.

      Do things b/c you can't, not b/c you can.

  • Geeks v. Suits (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MacAndrew ( 463832 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:48PM (#4896239) Homepage
    Hmm, am I going too far afield here if I imagine we're supposed to pick good guys and bad guys here?

    The geeks here sounds like creative types who still live with their parents and maybe have a nice car; the suits genderless soulless drones with 401(k)'s and more likely have a nice car.

    If anything this article illustrates the uselessness of stereotypes. As soon as the writer concedes the existence of hybird strains, the binary distinction loses value. Better to talk about these different qualities and identify people who have interesting mixes. Someone else here mentions race; I wouldn't be so melodramatic, but yes it's analogous. Geek and suit are superimposed social abstractions that, as individuals, we should reject.

    Now I feel like I'm working a little hard to make something interesting of a humdrum article that reads like something written on a deadline and a hangover. How come they never take my submissions? ;-)
    • Re:Geeks v. Suits (Score:5, Insightful)

      by rnd() ( 118781 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:14PM (#4896368) Homepage
      Anyone who uses the word suits to describe people whose responsibilities are focused on the bottom line is way out of touch. Both stragegy/managerial and technical positions require intelligence, problem solving, and creativity. Anyone who thinks otherwise should try to run a company by him/herself.

      • Re:Geeks v. Suits (Score:4, Insightful)

        by dpt ( 165990 ) on Monday December 16, 2002 @12:41AM (#4896735) Journal
        Both stragegy/managerial and technical positions require intelligence, problem solving, and creativity

        As soon as someone displays these three qualities, they cease being a "suit" in my opinion. It's just that there are so many climbers who don't actually produce *anything*, have *never* done anything, have no skills at all, and in fact continually make utterly stupid decisions that cause costly damage. The good thing about a recession, of course, is that the middle managers are weeded out pretty rapidly.

        Anyone who thinks otherwise should try to run a company by him/herself

        See, there's your problem right there. Most managerial positions *aren't* running the company! What exactly they are doing, no-one seems to know. I try to only work in organizations with relatively "flat" structures, and where everyone works to produce things that can be seen and have actual value, not "synergy", or "pro-active visions for win/win scenarios", or corporate theme songs, or dolls of the CEO, or whatever else they spoon feed people in MBA "school".

      • Anyone who uses the word suits to describe people whose responsibilities are focused on the bottom line is way out of touch.

        Well, "Suits" do have the problem that they are human beings.

        When I thing about the "suits" I've had big problems with they fall into two catagories (me having a big problem is my definition of evil of course):

        1. idiots who're faking their way through their jobs, and making a big mess

        2. intelligent, capable people who are insecure and neurotic (read - "great big, egotistical assholes")

        Since most people aren't brilliant and since pushy neurotic people are the ones who push themselves to the top while the sane people send out their resumes to get away from the carnage, these problems are common as water.

        So there's enough bad blood between "suits" and everyone else based on the fact that we're all unfortunately human to justify the use of all sorts of epethets.

        Rocky J. Squirrel
  • by shylock0 ( 561559 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:49PM (#4896249)
    This is an interesting hypothesis, and in some ways it's probably correct. Consider this:

    "Suits" -- i.e., Microsoft, Sun, Apple -- create operating systems and software which appeal to wide swaths of people. They have to; they have something to sell and money to make.

    "Geeks" -- i.e., most of the GPL community -- write software for the purpose of writing software. The end result is pure art in a way.

    A good analogy would be the world of photography. Professional photographers take pictures for magazines and newspapers, or at weddings, etc. They need to be product-driven, they have something to sell, and it shows in their work.

    Artistic photographers, on the other hand, are driven by purity. They strive for an artistic goal, which is very different from the commerical one.

    The same thing could go for music -- say the wide world of "artistic music" and artists (okay, okay, that's a sensitive one here on /.) and studio bands.

    Questions and comments welcome. Flames ignored. Post resonsibly

    • I think this problem shows up in a good number of open source projects. They're programed by programmers for programmers, users sometime become an afterthought.

      It's not true that anyone can look at and edit the code of a GPL product. It's anyone who knows how to program in the language in which the producted was written in who can work with the code. "If a feature you want isn't there, add it yourself" is not a model that can go very far.

      Those who try to commecialize GPL products, such as Red Hat and Lindows, act as a bridge between the common user and the programmer's universe. If it weren't for the people who are motivated by money do dumb things down to the lowest common denominator, would anybody who can't program in C be able to use Linux?
    • "Suits" -- i.e., Microsoft, Sun, Apple -- create operating systems and software which appeal to wide swaths of people. They have to; they have something to sell and money to make.

      "Geeks" -- i.e., most of the GPL community -- write software for the purpose of writing software. The end result is pure art in a way.

      Well apart from being slightly offensive to commercial programmers this is both historically and currently incorrect. I know from personal experience that a large number of the people working at and running Apple very much do it for the love of programming - particularly creating exciting products. Apple was founded by geeks and dreamers.

      From people I know who work at Sun the same spirit of geekdom and innovation exist there.

      There certainly are many people in any large organization whose motives are more oriented towards profit and business. The strength of these companies is they combine both approaches to produce excellent products that people actually want.

      Creating software for its own end is ultimately a waste of time and talent. The true test of good software is that it solves real problems and real people want to use it.
    • You can always have elements of both in each of those analogies, but you'd only know that if you'd experienced it. ;) By your analogies, all true geeks, photographers and musicians are gainfully unemployed. (Well, that's how I'm interpreting it anyway.)

      There are plenty of "true artists" working in commercial realms out there. You tend to end up bringing your methodologies to your workplace, and learning things from the workplace to use in your pursuit of "pure art" in your spare time.

      If you're rich or live with your parents/on welfare you can stick to "pure art" alone, but some people feel better working, paying taxes and eating something other than instant noodles...
  • by dagg ( 153577 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:50PM (#4896253) Journal
    Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because others cannot. That's why most geeks become geeks. The best geeks are those who can do what nobody else can.
  • applications that directly compete with Microsoft etc. E.g. OpenOffice, KDE (I mean they even have a Windows style desktop that comes in the package). Ever think that these copuld be created with the submitter's intentions in mind and also to take profit away from "the suits?"
  • by ademko ( 32584 )

    I think for things like software and web servers, profit will be secondary. Yes, I've witnessed the .com crash, but here me out:

    Free software applications have to replace all common off the shelf softwate (except for stuff like games, which is more "content" than application). Simply put, time is on free software's side. Maybe not now, maybe not soon, but eventually, someone will have written a free replacement for every commercial off-the-shelf application.

    Similarly, many web sites and web services seem to be too simple (from an application complexity point of view) to demand any kind of real subscription fees to users. People won't pay them, for the most part, so sites have to slim down and make due with ad revenues.

    (shameless plug, check out the site on my sig for an example of such a web service)

  • by tgrotvedt ( 542393 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @10:51PM (#4896259) Journal
    At the risk of sounding like a naive geek or fanatical OSS advocate, I don't see why volunteer geeks can't exist in harmony with bussinessmen and bussiness.

    A geek writes some software/builds some hardware that takes off, and starts to become recognised as good/cool via word-of-mouth. Geeks everywhere start to chip in and help him, because that's by nature what geeks do. A bussinessman sees an oppourtunity to provide a service of some sort that will enhance the geeks' new toy. The bussinessman makes money, the geek gets recognition (and job offers), the consumers/users win.

    While this is very simplistic, I can't see why this process can't be applied to most good, cool, or useful things. No matter what anyone says, if something is useful or entertaining, it is profitable, directly or otherwise.

    So all technologists with or without dayjobs, make time to help/start geek projects. After all if you're a real geek, this sort of work doubles as play.

  • Not suprising (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mao che minh ( 611166 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:00PM (#4896302) Journal
    This sentiment can be compared to many open source initiatives, especially Linux.

    I haven't worked in many companies (I'm only 23), but, there is an example here that I can draw from my tiny experience: web related technologies and their associated databases, and how that relates to Linux and open source.

    In a large company like mine, database clients, the OSs to run them, and the databases that they serve are, together, big business indeed. To serve about 700 people of all manner of trade using one unified client system is tough. You have people that need to make hundreds of transactions a day, and people that need to use this data to connect to yet other clients to arrange services from yet other clients. You need increased IT staff that must manage it and use it themselves, and automation people that must keep it running and add needed and unforseen features. For such a solution, both my previous company and the one I work for now chooses PeopleSoft.

    Companies like PeopleSoft and their associated vendors love Microsoft and other proprietary vendors. They push Win2k for the desktops, .NET for the developers, and SQL for the database. This is because with this combination, they can force you into a static model (predictable and simple for them) that is easy for them to control. The assured future upgrades of more Microsoft technologies will keep them involved, because their solution only works with it, and will "evolve" with it (I.E. they make their new products more efficient with future Microsoft technologies). They can also sell you these MS products and the consultation needed to implement them because they are vendors of them themselves. No need to go to the Microsoft salesman for "the latest and greatest" when PeopleSoft can just "throw it all in together".

    My previous company was ready to spend 1.5 million on PeopleSoft, 500k for Microsoft technologies needed to run it, and hire three programmers and admins to keep it all going for the next 3 years. I saved them about 500k by showing them how I could replace the PeopleSoft "solutions" to run on Linux terminals and simple PHP/mySQL clients that could be used from a web browser. Many Win2k licenses were avoided, many PeopleSoft licenses were avoided, many SQL licenses were avoided, and any 1rst year CS student could tailor my code in the future (I.E. out source a programmer for a week at a time).

    The reason why I only saved them 500k and not the full 2 million (plus new staff)? Because the PeopleSoft salespeople have very slippery tongues, and talked the suits into using it at about a 60-65% distribution model (compared to the old 100% model). The local PeopleSoft guy still hates me for showing my old bosses that, with just a little know how and open source, you could replace their crap with highly efficient and simple tools at a fraction of the cost. In this case, nothing, since I didn't recieve any extra money for my time - only my usual salary.

    Such is life.

    • Re:Not suprising (Score:2, Insightful)

      by MeanMF ( 631837 )
      My previous company was ready to spend 1.5 million on PeopleSoft, 500k for Microsoft technologies needed to run it, and hire three programmers and admins to keep it all going for the next 3 years. I saved them about 500k by showing them how I could replace the PeopleSoft "solutions" to run on Linux terminals and simple PHP/mySQL clients that could be used from a web browser

      This has absolutely nothing to do with open source vs. commercial software. It is the age-old buy vs. build debate. You could just as easily built the same system with Active Server Pages/SQL Server or JSP/Oracle instead of PHP and mySQL and still saved your company a boatload of money.

      There are a lot of cases where building your own software is less expensive in the short run than buying a commercial package. The real test will be over the next 5 or 10 years when the total cost of your solution becomes apparent. What happens when somebody comes out with something better and PHP becomes a "legacy" system? Will a 1st year student still be able to fix your code? What happens if mySQL isn't widely supported any more? Will you still be able to outsource development? Sure the same thing might happen to Microsoft's technology and Peoplesoft's applications, but I think the odds are a little more in their favor.

      The Peoplesoft people may hate you now, but there's also the risk that your bosses will hate you down the road for locking them into supporting custom software when a widely-used commercial solution was available.
      • Re:Not suprising (Score:3, Informative)

        I happen to disagree.

        There is no way you can kill opensource software. Many companies who have bought into os/2, paradox, borland, lotus, and other things that were hot 15 years ago got burned. What if Microsoft decides to directly compete with peoplesoft and they go under because of it?

        Its this reasoning why CIO's buy all or mostly microsoft products. They buy out of fear. Microsoft is already entering the crm market and will likely prevail because they are Microsoft.

        Opensource software can not be bought out, file for chapter 11 bankrupty, or be cancelled due to lack of demand or a new direction by a CEO.

        The only argument agaisnt opensource software is the fact that pallidium might kill it since only visual c++ can sign "trusted code" and I would not be supprised to see a eula forbidding to compile gnu licensed code therefore killing anything non proprietary on %99 of the world's computers. Scary shit.

        I am a strong believer in custom software because its best suited for your needs and more flexible. Everything becomes obsolete eventually and upgrading it makes more sense then buying later and later versions and hoping it still works for your needs. Needs change and sometimes your software does not have the ability to adapt to your change. With something in-house created you know it fits your needs and will always do so best and is cheaper in the long run.

        Nothing commercial can ever come close.

      • Re:Not suprising (Score:3, Interesting)

        by puto ( 533470 )
        Great handle by the way.

        You make a valid point. I am constantly dealing with employees of companies that hire me as a conusltant(GASP).

        This week I was called into an orginization that has genius programmer. Mr. PHP, KING Database, the kid has skills I would give a testicle for(really). But he cant see the big picture. He can see the OSS pic, but not around it.

        His answer always is to build instead of buy. We are always locking horns because he never realizes.
        1. Although you might be out of more cash intitally, you get a product that functions out of the box, has been tested, and has support.
        2.You build, you have to go through alpha, beta, testing, and then it works. SO you extend the time frame by a factor of 20 just so he could roll his own.

        He hates me because they usually end up outsourcing projects to me.

        Two examples.

        1. Company sells a product that they have had on the market for 50 years. They sell a lot of said product. They want eccommerce because people are asking for it. Their in house IT kiddie tells them he can write a store ground up in six months and cost them nothing but a 5 grand as a bonus to him.

        They call me for an opinion. They ask me me if they offered me the same money what would i do and in what kinda time frame. I said 5 grand? 3 weeks complete eccommerce. Turnkey. I send them a contract. They sign.

        They get hosting that comes with a miva merchant. I build a complete site with 300 products in the three weeks time. I make it pretty, you dont even know its miva. And in three months they have netted 20 grand off the website. 5 grand solution, three weeks time. The client loves it. The IT guy hates it.

        2. Second problem. Customers want knowledgebase. Inhouse it says he can develop in three months. Guess he knew they would call me. They want forums where customers can ask questions and company members can respond. How much and how soon. 1500 dollars and two days I say. The IT guy tells me impossible and I will not make them happy. I tell the company I will do it free and they do not have to pay me if they dont like it. They say go for it.

        I buy Vbulletin. 165 bucks. Customize the look, put their logo. Create forums. 1 day.

        The customers and the owners love it. Instant forums, instant knowledgebase.

        The great thing is all the products i used were inexpensive, plenty of info for them all over the net. And if for some reason they get mad at me. It wont be hard to find someone to tinker with them.

        I sell the solution that will not lock the customer into a corner. Namely me. And I keep customers because I sell proven things.

  • sucking it up (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ack154 ( 591432 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:00PM (#4896304)
    I keep reading all these articles on the job market and the direction some businesses are going. Where do they leave me? Clueless. As I get ready to graduate PSU next summer, I leave with one question... wtf am I ever going to do for a job? Decentralization. Great, so does that mean I should try to start some business away from a business? Or is it that when I get into a business, I won't have 50 bosses? Does anyone have a plain english definition?

    When I think centralized companies, I think back to my Managing Quality prof from this semester saying how a lot of companies are flattening out their structures from having tall hierarchies to wide bases with a few upper people. Meaning, less people telling you what to do, but more people around you trying to work with you on everything...

    Are the two totally related? Probably not. But when you're soon to be entering the job market, its food for thought, and leaves me more confused than ever... What do I want to do, and who do I want to do it for?
  • by MisterFancypants ( 615129 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:09PM (#4896349)
    This article ignores the most obvious example of convergence between geekdom and businessman, not surprising since it was written by Scott Rosenberg who seems to be anti-Microsoft. And yes, I'm talking about Bill Gates. Everyone knows he is a billionaire many times over thanks to his business skills (you may not like HOW he made the billions, but you can't argue with the fact that he did make them, and therefore is a successful businessman).

    Many people these days tend to forget that Gates IS also a geek. Whether you want to admit it or not he was hacking some pretty good assembler code back when a large portion of the Slashdot readship was still wearing diapers.

    • Many people these days tend to forget that Gates IS also a geek

      Don't forget about the rest of the company. Three of the smartest, most technical people I have worked with are now employed by Microsoft. Outside the vast wastelands of the marketing and legal departments, I'd bet a large percentage of Microsoft employees fit the flimsy "geek" definition in this article a lot closer than the one for "suits".
    • No, Gates never hacked anything. Some people argue that Gates can't even program.

      Paul Alan was hacking code. Gates was the promoter. He may have done some minor stuff here and there. But I assure you that Gates was a suit all the way.
    • yes, but.... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by djupedal ( 584558 )
      Gate's bought DOS...he didn't write it. That makes him a suit in my book....not a geek.

      If he was as good (a geek) as you claim, he wouldn't have gone to all the trouble to buy it.
      • Gate's bought DOS

        That was the first good business decision. He bought it for 50 grand, hired the guy who wrote it originally, then licensed it out to IBM who were looking for an OS for their new 'PC' thing.

        But, it was his BASIC implementation that got IBM talking to him in the first place. He was one of the original authors of that.

        Geekery got him in the game. Business sense got him the rest of the way.

        • And only history (and the lackluster sales of his books on the future) will tell if his business sense will live beyond the image of him that many of us hold today.

          Too bad no one around him gets any of the credit....must be something in the coolaid.

          Ok, lest I didn't make myself guys are defending/idolizing a criminal. I don't admire him for You're free to laddle on the adoration, but I don't have to get in the same reception line. Talk to the hand.
      • Found this gem on the NANET Comedy Conference. If you know anything about
        DOS vs Windows vs OS/2 vs... then READ IT.

        How It Came To Pass...

        Long ago, in the days when all disks flopped in the breeze and the
        writing of words was on a star, the Blue Giant dug for the people the
        Pea Sea. But he needed a creature who could sail the waters, and would
        need for support but few rams.

        So the Gatekeeper, who was said to be both micro and soft, fashioned a
        Dosfish, who was small and spry, and could swim the narrow sixteen-bit
        channel. But the Dosfish was not bright, and could be taught few new
        tricks. His alphabet had no A's, B's, or Q's, but a mere 640 K's, and
        the size of his file cabinet was limited by his own fat.

        At first the people loved the Dosfish, for he was the only one who
        could swim the Pea Sea. But the people soon grew tired of commanding
        his line, and complained that he could be neither dragged nor dropped.
        "Forsooth," they cried. "the Dosfish can only do one job at a time, and
        of names, he knows only eight and three." And many of them left the
        Pea Sea for good, and went off in search of the Magic Apple.

        Although many went, far more stayed, because admittance to the Pea Sea
        was cheap. So the Gateskeeper studied the Magic Apple, and rested
        awhile in the Parc of Xer-Ox, and he made a Window that could ride on
        the Dosfish and do its thinking for it. But the Window was slow, and
        it would break when the Dosfish got confused. So most people contented
        themselves with the Dosfish.

        Now it came to pass that the Blue Giant came upon the Gateskeeper, and
        spoke thus: "Come, let us make of ourselves something greater than the
        Dosfish." The Blue Giant seemed like a humbug, so they called the new
        creature OZ II.

        Now Oz II was smarter than the Dosfish, as most things are. It could
        drag and drop, and could keep files without becoming fat. But the
        people cared for it not. So the Blue Giant and the Gateskeeper
        promised another OZ II, to be called Oz II Too, that could swim the
        fast new 32-bit wide Pea Sea.

        Then lo, a strange miracle occurred. Although the Window that rode on
        the Dosfish was slow, it was pretty, and the third Window was the
        prettiest of all. And the people began to like the third Window, and
        to use it. So the Gateskeeper turned to the Blue Giant and said, "Fie
        on thee, for I need thee not. Keep thy OZ II Too, and I shall make of
        my Window an Entity that will not need the Dosfish, and will swim in
        the 32-bit Pea Sea."

        Years passed, and the workshops of the Gateskeeper and the Blue Giant
        were overrun by insects. And the people went on using their Dosfish
        with a Window; even though the Dosfish would from time to time become
        confused and die, it could always be revived with three fingers.

        Then there came a day when the Blue Giant let forth his OZ II Too onto
        the world. The Oz II Too was indeed mighty, and awesome, and required
        a great ram, and the world was changed not a whit. For the people said,
        "It is indeed great, but we see little application for it." And they
        were doubtful, because the Blue Giant had met with the Magic Apple, and
        together they were fashioning a Taligent, and the Taligent was made of
        objects, and was most pink.

        Now the Gateskeeper had grown ambitious, and as he had been ambitious
        before he grew, he was now more ambitious still. So he protected his
        Window Entity with great security, and made its net work both in
        serving and with peers. And the Entity would swim, not only in the Pea
        Sea, but in the Oceans of Great Risk. "Yea," the Gateskeeper declared,
        "though my entity will require a greater ram than Oz II Too, it will be
        more powerful than a world of Eunuchs.

        And so the Gateskeeper prepared to unleash his Entity to the world, in
        all but two cities. For he promised that a greater Window, a greater
        Entity, and even a greater Dosfish would appear one day in Chicago and
        Cairo, and it too would be built of objects.

        Now the Eunuchs who lived in the Oceans of Great Risk, and who scorned
        the Pea Sea, began to look upon their world with fear. For the Pea Sea
        had grown, and great ships were sailing in it, the Entity was about to
        invade their oceans, and it was rumored that files would be named in
        letters greater than eight. And the Eunuchs looked upon the Pea Sea,
        and many of them thought to immigrate.

        Within the Oceans of Great Risk were many Sun Worshippers, and they
        wanted to excel, and make their words perfect, and do their jobs as
        easy as one-two-three. And what's more, many of them no longer wanted
        to pay for the Risk. So the Sun Lord went to the Pea Sea, and got
        himself eighty-sixed.

        And taking the next step was He of the NextStep, who had given up
        building his boxes of black. And he proclaimed loudly that he could
        help anyone make wondrous soft wares, then admitted meekly that only
        those who know him could use those wares, and he was made of objects,
        and required the biggest ram of all.

        And the people looked out upon the Pea Sea, and they were sore amazed.
        And sore confused. And sore sore. And that is why, to this day, Ozes,
        Entities, and Eunuchs battle on the shores of the Pea Sea, but the
        people still travel on the simple Dosfish.

  • I thing that the "Geek" and "Suit" generalization is utterly limited.

    It is probably a mistake to try to relate this "balance" to the future of Silicon Valley or our economy for the following reason: There must be tangible financial benefits for there "home-brewed" or "geek-driven" applications to really be exploited and capitalized on.

    That was the case for the internet's early days (before the web) and still is the case for P2P; it isn't the first person who manages to come up with something new that benefits from it, it is the first person who figures out how to make a profit from it... and has incentive to market, etc...

  • "Geeks make new stuff primarily because it's fun, because it's useful, and because they can."

    yes, much the the annoyance of receiving a $120 electric bill for a 810 sq. ft. apartment, where the air conditioning has to be run in the winter time to keep all of the equipment cool enough...
  • by $0.02 ( 618911 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @11:41PM (#4896480)
    Geeks's model

    1. Make cool thing
    2. ???
    3. Profit

    Suit's model

    1. ???
    2. Market, Advertise, Sell
    3. Profit

    Yeah, they have a lot of in common. It's step 3.

  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Monday December 16, 2002 @12:16AM (#4896635) Homepage
    This is the classical distinction between the manufacturer and the financier. The manufacturer wants to make huge volumes of stuff, and the financier wants to make huge volumes of money.

    In the first half of the 20th century, when mass production really got going, this was a clear distinction. Understand, throughout all of history up to then, making stuff took a lot of work on each item. Even simple items were expensive. Suddenly, in one lifetime, that all changed. Machines were developed for stamping, moulding, glassblowing, punching, rolling, and the other operations of manufacturing. Those machines got faster and more powerful. For the first time ever, the world was awash in manufactured goods.

    The relationship between manufacturers, who put the machines and plants together to make stuff, and the financiers, who put deals together, was much like the "geek" and "suit" distinction today.

  • What's the point? This is a known. It's also part of the "everyone has a place in society" thing. Some people make the stuff, some people design it, some people sell it. Then some people scoop fries and some flip burgers and some make change. Then the overlap, some design, make and sell stuff (I can think of some law enforcement devices off hand...) and then some people not only scoop fries, but flip burgers and make change as well - depends on which grease joint they work at. In a free market economy such as that in the U.S. they are kind of dependant upon one another

  • Geeks tend to be successful because they know they will be.

    Businesses tend to look successful because they have been successful.

    1-p is as valid a metric as p.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    There are two kinds of businesses: 1) means to an end; 2) end in itself.

    You can make goods, or provide services, because you can make money doing it. Or you can do it because it's what you like to do, and making money doing it is just the best way to pay the bills while you keep doing it.

    Whatever the business is, computers, sailboats, farming, medicine -- if you're doing it because you love it, then you're a geek; if you're doing it to make money, you're a suit.

    Clearly the two (geeks & suits) can exist in a symbiotic relationship. The suit can use the geek's love of building widgets to make money; the geek can use the suit's ability to manage finances in order to keep his operation funded.

    Public corporations are primarily suit-driven. Sole proprietorships and family businesses are probably mostly geek-driven.
  • This is just another manifestation of the fact that the domains of art and practicality lie, at times, seperate from each other. Yes, there are those out there who are mainly interested in creating things in order to increase sales. Yes, there are those out there who are only interested in creating things that enact change or communicate with others. Or perhaps things that just amuse themselves.

    The truth is, both types are firmly entrenched in our humanity. Half a century of various failed or struggling communist social models bear out that there will always be those motivated by greed. Half the art hanging in MOMA bears out that there will always be those who couldn't care less about the vote of the common Joe's greenback.

    Most of us have a little "suit" in us, even if we pretend not to. Developing GPL software, for example, is often just a form of apprenticeship, or self-teaching. Most people who develop GPL software would not be satisfied with working the stamp at a steel factory forever to support their hobby. Those who would are rare (but, notably, valuable to the world; while artists often only end up living a hard, poverty stricken life, they populate the cutting edge of human thought.) On a similar vein, one likely would do the world much more good by devoting their life to a project such as world hunger, as opposed to taking classes in electronic engineering and wiring up the l33test battle bot this side of TNN. Only with world hunger, you get to meet mankind, not Mankind.

    The base problem here (if you call it that) is human greed and self-interest. Remove that and the ocasional division between art and usefullness is no longer relavent. Unfortunately, remove that and most of humanity dies of starvation and dolphins take over the world. Which is mostly like it is now, except with more dolphins.

  • This somehow related weblogs, web services and decentralization together. It does not make any sense. And saying Web Services has no business model or that is just a silly idea just lacks any amount of research to justify an article which bashes it.

    In an economic slowdown would you expect innovation to also be stifled? That would be the best time to innovate since a truly good idea would be successful when others would die as they should. The whole dotcom era let every silly idea live for a while, with venture capital, and now the good ideas from the dotcom era are being sorted out to the top (XML, Java) and the 2nd generation will be the result.

    From what I see it is a good thing. Head over to and you will see lots of very useful projects which leverage lots of good ideas. This article is just crap.
  • by TheMonkeyDepartment ( 413269 ) on Monday December 16, 2002 @01:08AM (#4896838)
    as a geeky business owner, I hate to tell you that the distinction is NOT real, it is an artificial border that you have decided to draw. It is more than an "oversimplification", it is a total fabrication.

    There are many hardcore geeks who are also trying to make a profit -- so many that it creates an infinitely blurred line. You are trying to invent a definition of "geeks" and "suits." In real life there are billions of different people, all with infinitely differing shades of motives and values. I hope you get some more experience with real life very soon.
  • Hang on a minute. The article distinguishes (and criticises) the "turning a profit" motive from the "being useful" motive. But the only reason something turns a profit is because it's useful enough to someone for them to decide to pay for it. That's the whole market economy driver, and (I'm sorry) but it's responsible for the vast majority of your present quality of life.
  • by mattis_f ( 517228 ) on Monday December 16, 2002 @04:11AM (#4897387)
    This reminds me of the Japanese art of Chindogu. [] This is the art of making inventions because it can be done and because it is fun, and has nothing to do with usefulness. In fact, to be a true Chindogu ("weird tool") it's not allowed to be useful!

    In general, a good chindogu solves a real problem but creates a new one at the same time.

    Like one of my favorites: The solar powered flashlight.

  • Business and e2e (Score:2, Interesting)

    The article is a report from the "Supernova conference" on decentralization - a currently perceived shift in the nature of the Net, back from few publishers and many readers, to something more end-to-end.

    The two-page Salon report wonders what the business models for e2e are, and what the consequences of greater commercial interest in e2e technologies might be. The quoted introduction (and high-rated comments) are not very representative of the story. It doesn't say anything very surprising, but there's more there than the dubious geek/suit dichotomy.


Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
