How To install Neverwinter Nights on Linux 243
Joe Barr writes " As soon as I saw the news that BioWare released a beta of a Linux client for its popular and successful Neverwinter Nights title, I downloaded the beta (registration required) and went shopping for the prerequisite retail Windows version of the game. Before I proceed, let me offer this brief warning: Neverwinter Nights is the mother of all timesinks. Do not follow my path unless you have nothing important you want to get done for the next week or so."
Finally.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Finally.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Anyhoo, on topic, given how long the poor saps who bought NWN (because of it's promised Linux support down the line) have waited, for Bio to provide NO kind of installer or, by the looks of things, no information either... The word "afterthought" comes to mind.
Re:Finally.... (Score:1)
But given that there is still a lot of life left in the engine [ie: the next XP's, and games from bioware will probably use it], it looks promising for linux!
I'm scared (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I'm scared (Score:2)
Re:I'm scared (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I'm scared (Score:2)
No, they were saying they *wanted* to do it. Just because people at large saw an intention as a promise does not make Bioware the bad guy.
Besides, IT WORKS ON LINUX!!!! So stop whining about the lack of a linux-native installer, and count your blessings that they threw you a bone at all.
They've probably lost money on the port(s?) anyway,
So telling them to throw more money down the drain is prett
jesus h. christ, just run windows (Score:1, Funny)
how far are you willing to go to avoid "big bad M$"?
Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:4, Funny)
Using Finnish software instead of quality American engineered software...
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:2)
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:2)
1.)Open the console. It's that cute little TV thing on the KDE Kicker.
2.)Type this at the prompt:
That's it! That's all you do! There's no step 3! There's no step 3! (Note: this example is for Unreal Tournament. Command given at the console may vary depending on game installed.)
Now go back to jacking off to your pr0n site. :P
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:2)
That would really make things better...
And it could be called.. hmmm.. KDE?
Re:Just run Windows! Do it now! (Score:2)
You know, there are other reasons to run Linux... (Score:2, Interesting)
I run Linux on my laptop and Windows at home. Why? Because it's different, it's interesting, mainly. And because I have a higher control over my system and as a Computer Scientist, I can actually see some of the things we talk about in those stupid classes in action. As I watch the kernel compile, I see mutex functions and remember the op
watching does bring so many things to mind (Score:2)
Watching Linux boot makes me think of that time my girlfriend slowly....uuummmneeever mind.
Nerd Of The Year (Score:2)
Umm dude you get the award for "Nerd of the year". The guy was talking about something else going up and you replied as if he had a technical problem. Not only that but someone else modded you insightful; it's times like these that I fear for the future breeding of the human race :)
As far as I have to (Score:2, Troll)
It is more important to me not fund an arguably evil monopoly, pay idioticly high prices, get locked into licensing schemes, be subject to a myriad of viruse
Re:As far as I have to (Score:2)
But the fact implicated you have to buy a firewall software, or anti virus, or purchase office apps, or image manipulation tools, web dev tools and database software shows your ignorance to the subject. Ju
Just run what's convenient (Score:2)
I simply get more done under linux; Windows is for playing games (for me).
I haven't tried loading a Linux saved game under Windows. Anyone know if this works? (The reverse does).
Re:Just run what's convenient (Score:2)
Re:jesus h. christ, just run windows (Score:2)
Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:5, Funny)
What's next? How to install Duke Nukem Forever on Linux?
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:4, Funny)
I wonder if somoene in the Taco Gang is deathly ill? I can think of no other explaination myself.
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:1)
Because they rejected my article
You might as well check the Duke Nukem site ( because They DID relase the code for Duke Nukem 3d... As well as Duke Nukem Forever (Atari 2600 Edition)...
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:2)
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:2)
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:2)
Perhaps they should release next year on April 1? No-one would ever believe it
Re:Best April Fool's joke yet (Score:2)
Perhaps you haven't realized that it is out []. At least on the 2600...
Thre requisite link - NWN for Linux (Score:2)
Really? (Score:5, Funny)
You're kidding right? You're posting to slashdot claiming that some game is the mother of all timesinks? Hah!
Re:Really? (Score:5, Informative)
Gentoo one step ahead (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Really? (Score:2)
*YAWN* I better not play this game... I will never sleep!
Timesink is right (Score:5, Informative)
A quick check of the NWN modules [] section on Bioware's site shows over 2000 player created ones. Carry on then. I don't anticipate I will be seeing you around here much from now on. :)
Re:Timesink is right (Score:2)
Me. As a result, I hate pretty much every PC RPG out there. I keep trying the occasional one, and I still hate them. Call me a lamer, but I like console RPGs a lot more. If I wanted to crunch mind numbing stats all day, I'd get into sports
Yeah... (Score:2, Funny)
But on GENTOO, it would be...! (Score:2)
I'm trying to fight the impulse but suspect I'll be one of them very soon...
Re:But on GENTOO, it would be...! (Score:2, Insightful)
Gentoo can even wrap "impossible" programs (Score:5, Interesting)
Ebuilds, on the other hand, embrace compiling source to the near exclusion of all else, so for those packages that can't be wrapped into a nice binary that will work for everyone, an ebuild can still be created. In fact it is common practice to make such wrappers, and ebuilds for other uncommon situations as well.
For instance, Sun no longer allows automatic downloads of its Java distribution, so Gentoo has an ebuild that asks you to download the Sun-provided tarball and put it in a particular place, then proceeds to open the tarball and put it in the correct place, also allowing you to have full packaging system support for uninstalling it. This is harder to do with
Ebuilds are a superset of binary packages, such that they can package anything you could install by hand, simply because they are a higher level. (This is where the sandbox support comes in real handy, since you don't have to specify what files were installed and what files to uninstall; the sandbox picks it up automatically and I expect all packaging systems to pick that up eventually.) Of course, there's a price to pay for that in compile time, since virtually by definition it's impossible to have this flexibility and still distribute binaries*, so it's not like it's a absolutely superior method in all cases. Tradeoffs just like anything else.
*: People keep talking about having a "package repository" for Gentoo which would function as a giant multi-person cache of Gentoo compiled packages, which you could then grab instead of compiling. Nobody AFAIK has made any progress beyond suggesting it, because even with just the obvious configurations (the four or five main processor types, the three or four good optimization settings from conservative to ultra-aggresive, the three or four obvious USE settings from conservative to everything) mulitplied by 10 or 20 gigabytes for a pure install means that nobody can afford to host it, and people would still find it too limiting.
Re:Gentoo can even wrap "impossible" programs (Score:2)
For instance, Sun no longer allows automatic downloads of its Java distribution, so Gentoo has an ebuild that asks you to download the Sun-provided tarball and put it in a particular place, then proceeds to open the tarball and put it in the correct place, also allowing you to have full packaging system support for uninstalling it. This is harder to do with .rpm and .deb, if not essentially impossible.
When you're done plugging Gentoo, do some actual research on Debian. :) This is exactly how a number of
You're right, but the 90%/10% rule applies. (Score:2)
Prelinking has also done wonders for me when using the massive applications. This is a binary feature, but it's one that is implemented quite well in Gentoo thanks to the fact that the developers are optimization nuts.
Optimization makes a big difference on really big, really slow applications, though not much on smaller
In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:4, Interesting)
At the end of Baldur's Gate, after having thuroughly explored every nook and cranny of the world, I'd accumilated 212 game days of play. That's approximately 2 hours per game day: 424 hours. (If I recall the conversion properly.) That's 17 and 2/3rd days, straight. Now, consider your average person sleeps 8 hours a night, it equals roughly 26.5 days of gameplay, not taking into account things like bathing, eating, and work.
And that statistic doesn't even begin to take into account the many hours spent saving, loading, and replaying sections of the game that are all but impossible to perform well. I'd say that, realistically, you can easily double or triple my figures.
In contrast, it took me less than a week to beat NWN while going about school, sleeping, eating, and other various activities.
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, there's no doubt the original Baldur's Gate was an incredible time sink. I played it daily for two months, too. Same goes for BG2, I think. Took me one or two w
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:2)
In contrast, it took me less than a week to beat NWN while going about school, sleeping, eating, and other various activities.
You played all 2000 community-created modules in less than a week? You iron man!
NWN isn't just the Single Player Game... (Score:2)
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:3, Informative)
And then
There are some amazing modules and even semi persistant worlds available, even with different rules and game items/monsters.
Yes the Official Campaign is kind of short, but still very good. Would be n
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:2)
Given the average slashdotter is either a
1) Student that doesnt bathe, eats at his computer, and doesnt work until 2 weeks before finals
2) Sysadmin that doesnt bathe, eats at his computer, and babysits a server with no need to do anything
that's not really relavent
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:2)
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:2)
Thou hast a far greater willpower than I.
Re:In the words of the Duke: Not Hardly! (Score:2)
I'm not a linux user but . . . (Score:2, Troll)
Re:I'm not a linux user but . . . (Score:2)
Where to play (Score:5, Insightful)
The reason I speak out against these kinds of public servers is that, first and foremost, you'll be playing against the biggest most idiotic cheaters ever. That and nine times out of ten it's just the servers admin fucking around and killing everyone because he's made his character into a dragon. So play with your buddies, you'll have a more enjoyable experience and it's easier to track a cheater down and punch him in the face.
Just my 2 gp.
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
The module was a remake of the classic Bard's Tale and it was/is more than half way done. (more info) []
Interest in it has died down since the PC players seem to have grown tired of it (it is, after all, about a year old). But those that did play were limited to the types of items available within the Bard's Tale universe.
This created two types of players, those that got pissed because they couldn't find insanel
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
City of Arabel [].
That's where my time goes.
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
And just like most game servers out there, the admins log in about three hours into game play and slay everyone for no reason.
I don't mean this as a generalization for every server. There are some run by reall
Re:Where to play (Score:3, Interesting)
Aside from that, yeah. Private servers all the way-- the pubs are only for when your buddies aren't around.
Re:Where to play (Score:2)
Very pleased with nwn (Score:3, Informative)
I wonder how hard it would be to re-write their game editor in qt..
Thanks Bioware! My rebooting time has been drastically reduced.
Now everybody gets the benefit of... (Score:2, Funny)
Her jiggly bits... (Score:2)
BTW, if you don't have the game and are looking f
Re:Her jiggly bits... (Score:2)
Re:Her jiggly bits... (Score:2)
My point exactly. When I buy a RPG, I expect a good SP campaign, not just the possibility that someone, some day, might use the same engine to make one (in which case I'd prefer to pay the person that makes it, not the people who made the engine - and the very poor original campaign).
Regarding the tools: yes, now there are some tools available (as long as you happen to have 3dsmax, which luckily I do, because I work in post-production). When the game w
I am Superman, and I can do anything (Score:2)
I bet someone, somewhere, is working on a remake of U7 using the NwN engine. But I suspect that, despite all the amazing shadows and reflexes and shiny water (BTW, why can't anyone seem to make decent refractive water, like in Tomb Raider?), they are still finding t
RPGs are suffering from the same as other genres (Score:2)
NwN's base story is ridiculous: there's a disease so they're training warriors and archers and wizards and thieves to find a cure. Shouldn't they be training doctors and alchemists instead? And if I'm such a great hero, why do I spend the entire game doing what other people tell me to do? Never in NwN are you required to
Re:RPGs are suffering from the same as other genre (Score:2)
Yeah, and I have here a recent copies of XEmacs and GCC that also have potential to create great CRPGs. But obviously it's far easier to create interesting RPG scenarios with NWN toolkit - the toolkit is suitable for the purpose, so let's use the suitable tools =)
Re:RPGs are suffering from the same as other genre (Score:2)
That's the optimistic view. The pessimistic view (supported by Baldur's Gate) is that they really think (and perhaps they're right) that people like "RPGs" where they're not required to think, but simply follow instructions and kill monsters for 40 hours of gameplay.
are you saying people shouldn't pay extra for the official campaign if it sucks?
Exactly. Same problem I have with MSIE being included in Windows. I don't want it, therefore
Re:RPGs are suffering from the same as other genre (Score:2)
1st person view was possible for peopl
Not an April Fools Joke! (Score:5, Informative)
Anyways, the Linux Client really exists [] (you can even check the packets coming from Bioware, the 'evil bit' is set to 0!
Strait to the point (Score:3, Informative)
Where to download the Linux NWN instaler:
Here [] or here [] or here. []
MD5SUM for the files: b72d9ec2b9c43e7e3cd39bec22afbe7c
You will need to download these extra file to play in your language:
French []
German []
Italian []
Spanish []
Unzip into your nwn directory and move the files to their correct case. ie.
mv dialog.TLK dialog.tlk
mv dialogF.TLK dialogf.tlk
This installs the 1.29 English version by default. See above to play in your language.
The beta2 binaries are included.
CDROM Mount Point
If your cdrom mount point is not listed below, you will have to set an environment variable first.
These are the mount points:
If your mount point is not listed here, before you run the installer, from a shell, type export SETUP_CDROM=/path/to/cdrom/mountpoint.
Temp Directory
This installer uses close to 1GB of space in
If you have limited space in
eg. from a shell, type export TMPDIR=/home//
If any of these apply to you, do them otherwise Neverwinter Nights will not install.
If any of these do not apply to you, then you can just run the installer.
Bah! Timesink? (Score:4, Funny)
"I almost got it last time. It was down to one or the other!"
Re:Bah! Timesink? (Score:3, Funny)
IT was pretty funny, every time a new record was set, I maged to beat it by 1 second. hehe, they eventually wised up to the
See I told TSR this would happen (Score:5, Funny)
Re:See I told TSR this would happen (Score:2)
Hmm, I was wondering what was up with the "evil-Aribeth" portraits and music.
Re:See I told TSR this would happen (Score:2)
remind me of Zelda (Score:2, Funny)
they have stolen those hands and coming out of the wall from zelda 1 [] on the nes
Will this work on yellow dog linux? (Score:2)
Would it be possible for me to install yellow dog linux or linux PPC onto a partition on my G4, and boot to that partition, buy NWN for windows, and then install the linux client on my powerPC? Or would the client only work for linux running on x86 systems? If it would work, it is a very tempting reason to instal
"NWN is the mother of all timesinks" (Score:2)
NWN isn't always that difficult (Score:2)
Granted, there's no installer (yet - actually - there is a port of the Loki installer available - look in the fora) but if you're comfortable with your Linux PC and know how to create, copy and change permissions on directories, it's pretty painless. Runs like a top. Better framerate too
Hardware requirements (Score:2)
Re:Hardware requirements (Score:2)
Installation Easy (Score:2)
Here [] is the product details link.
Really?! (Score:1)
Re:Content Missing (Score:1, Flamebait)
I think the article was covering the potential pitfalls that most of use would fall into, including where warns to read the directions, because he didn't and cost him time. It was ok. I even read it and I don't give a damn about the game.
Can't remember the source of this one:
Take my advice.....I'm not using it.
Re:Well.. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Well.. (Score:4, Funny)
"The palandrome for Bolton is notlob"
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't work for me. (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't work for me. (Score:2)
Re:Timesinks (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:come on (Score:2)
Re:Misguided Article (Score:2)