A Title To Replace "Systems Administrator"? 709
sjanich writes "A discussion has begun at SAGE on an updated title to replace "Systems Administrator". I figure more sysadmins are reading Slashdot than are reading SAGEwire. Rob Kolstad of SAGE wrote: 'What in the world do we call the collective group of those people who make computers work properly? I'm not talking about users, and I'm not talking about software developers. I am thinking of: system administrators, LAN administrators, network administrators (both kinds!), security administrators, e-mail administrators, desktop support groups, database administrators, and all the other kinds of support that keep the IT function of an institution running -- what is this huge group called?' My favorite options are "Computer Infrastructure Practitioner" or "Computer Infrastructure Specialist". The original discussion can be found here at SAGEwire."
A Title To Replace "Systems Administrator (Score:3, Funny)
Bastard Operator from Hell (Score:3, Funny)
You call them... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:You call them... (Score:2)
Re:You call them... (Score:2)
Oh joy oh bliss thank GOD for all that hard work I put in
Mod Parent Down (Score:4, Funny)
Um... (Score:5, Interesting)
Seriously though, what's wrong with all the current names for these people? It's not like "Computer Infrastructure Specialist" is less verbose, which is the only problem I see with the current designations. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Re:Um... (Score:5, Funny)
"This is Seth, he's our computer guy."
I don't think anywone knows what my actual title is, other than me, even though it's on my door, and my business card.
Re:Um... (Score:5, Funny)
this says:
1) this guy does something with The System.
we don't know what, but that's what he
does. it's very accurate that way.
2) this guy is probably crazy. avoid him.
3) this guy will blame problems on spiritual
4) nothing new, but sounds cooler.
i have it on my business card.
Re:Um... (Score:5, Funny)
What's wrong with the status quo? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why replace useful titles with some generic contrived name?
Re:What's wrong with the status quo? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What's wrong with the status quo? (Score:2, Funny)
Cause it's fun
Re:What's wrong with the status quo? (Score:3, Insightful)
Sounds like computer types are starting to identify themselves as a disenfranchised group. One of the tactics used by those groups of people who see themselves as powerless is to change their name.
Old folks --> Senior Citizens
Garbageman --> Sanitation Worker
Hooker --> Sex Worker
Mechanic --> Technician
And lets not forget the double play
Negro --> Black --> African American
Sometimes it works, sometime
Re:What's wrong with the status quo? (Score:2)
I'd say that the term "network administrator" is ambiguous. To they administer the Microsoft Windows servers and user base, or to they work with Network equipment (switches, routers, PABXs etc.).
In a previous position I worked in the âoeserver managementâ team, and there was a separate âoenetwork teamâ. One of the programmers once seriously asked me if there
In addition too not instead of? (Score:5, Insightful)
some of the things he mentioned like a Salary Survey would still
want to get a specific title. The reason for this is the
differences in salaries between a Database Administrator and an
E-mail Administrator can be vast.
Maybe if we look to the medical field we can get some insight.
They have the term "General Practitioner" or "Family Doctor" as
a broad term that applies to many things. However the
specialist terms such as "Cardiologist", "Neuro-Surgeon",
"Ortho-pedic" still apply. So in that sense the title conveys
some very useful information. You definitely want to know if
you are hiring a Cardiologist or a General Practicioner for that
open heart surgery.
In that vein I would be in favor of adding terms along these
System Generalist
Computer System Generalist
Server Generalist
Perhaps you could break it down by category, this would still
offer a more generic, but allow for some categorization:
Software Generalist Hardware Generalist
How about variations of Geek? (Score:3, Insightful)
Networking geek
Web geek
Code geek
Server geek
For instance, I'm a Physician, or Doctor... and I typically go by that simple title (if I tell people what I do at all... often I don't want them knowing what I do for a living). I also go by my first name, last name, or whatever somebody wants to call me...
Pointless banter (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pointless banter (Score:3, Funny)
You're not a Computer Infrastructure Practitioner, are you?
Where I work.. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Where I work.. (Score:2)
I my self am a Microcomputer support Tech. I do sys administratation, take care of the network and server, etc. and various bitch work cause they don't like me sitting around waiting for something to break allday.
Re:Where I work.. (Score:3, Funny)
Descriptive (Score:5, Funny)
technological janitors.
I never get called unless something's fucked up, and nobody gives a damn
what I do until it's broken. My job's just about as glamorous too.
Re:Descriptive (Score:2)
Thats *EXACTLY* what my years of employment as a Systems Admin were like.
Re:Descriptive (Score:2)
Re:Descriptive (Score:3, Interesting)
technological janitors.
I prefer the term "Custodian". It is a better description of the job. Face it, if you're not a developer you're a care-taker.
My suggestions:
Custodian of Technology
Infrastructure Custodian
Grounds-Keeper Willy
Ned Burns. (Score:2)
It's NICK Burns (Score:2)
Acronymtastic! (Score:5, Funny)
Obvious (Score:5, Funny)
I already have a title... (Score:3, Funny)
I've Got One! (Score:2)
Common usage (Score:5, Insightful)
Commands power (Score:2)
BOFH (Score:5, Funny)
umm... (Score:2)
Remember the Crocidile hunter? Security guys are (Score:5, Funny)
Just work it out... (Score:5, Interesting)
What do all these terms have in common? That's right, administrator. And what about System, LAN, network, security, email and database. Well, you'd have to go for something generic like computer.
Voila, new term: computer administrator. Though personally I don't see what is wrong with the specific terms they had before.
Re:Just work it out... (Score:2)
All the other terms are just tweaks on that basic title.
Re:Just work it out... (Score:2)
I don't think computer is the right word for the commonality. Networks connect computers -- which means they are something different than computers.
How about "Information Technology" instead of computer? They you are, drumroll, an "IT administrator".
This term is not glamourous, but descriptive, and likely to actually be comprehended without inspiring buzzword apprehension.
We call them... (Score:5, Insightful)
Highly desirable employees.
Ow Ow Ow, I Got One !! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Ow Ow Ow, I Got One !! (Score:4, Funny)
That's a mouthfull, so we could just replace it with a symbol. Perhaps '~'?
Computer Guys. (Score:2)
Re:Computer Guys. (Score:2)
I know it's really general, but it does fit.
Each person should have the right to choose (Score:5, Interesting)
Whipping boy? (Score:2)
At least I'm no longer the "Sub Assistant Junior Whipping Boy".
A sign (Freak on a Leash!) (Score:3, Funny)
All titles are bullshit (Score:2)
the old adage is true - the longer the title the less the person does. If you administer systems, then you're an system administrator. You're not an entrenching tool.
i got some (Score:2)
Electron Wrangler
High Priests of the Binary Church
My Suggestion is... (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm sick of all this puffery like domestic engineer (housewife), sanitation technician (garbageman), administrative assistant (secretary).
According to dictionary.com a system is "A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole." Sounds pretty accurate and all-encompasing to me.
If you can't be proud of the work you do without changing its name you have a lot bigger problems than your job title.
Yeah, BTW, what's wrong with Secretary? (Score:2)
On the other hand, being "administrative assistant" highlights that you're someone's assistant. (as in "my bitch")
And who are you fooling anyways? By now, most people equate "administrative assistant" == secretary, anyways.
In This Post Dot Com Environment........ (Score:2)
Wait a sec... (Score:5, Funny)
My experience (Score:5, Insightful)
I've had many titles over that period of time, and they include:
Computer Operator
LAN Administrator
Systems Administrator
Systems Analyst
Computer Technician
Network Analyst
Web Developer
and finally,
Network Administrator
The latter is my current title, though they're about to slap and additional one (Web Developer) on there as well. I have no problems with that, though regardless of my Network Admin/Web Dev status, I will still be called out to fix a printer, or switch out RAM, or go through old RS/6000 logs looking for some stray error message.
I've worked all of my sys admin jobs at financial institutions. I've worked for both banks and credit unions (credit unions have the edge, in my experience), in groups large and small. The largest group was about 8 guys, the smallest just me and my boss. They both have their problems. But that's not what this discussion is about.
This discussions is about how to label a guy who can't really have a label. Technician is so vague that it doesn't carry merit. Specialist too suffers from the same thing. Stick "Computer" in front of them, and you still have the vagarities that reek of any title that a job may provide you with.
Most places, unless they're Conglomerates (and all that that implies), want you to go above and beyond. This means that sometimes titles are left by the wayside as you throw a box in your car and hightail it to a destination, ready to provide that quick fix.
This discussion is moot and pointless in my opinion. Network Administrators and System Administrators will, in small shops, most likely be doing each others job at least part of the time.
No title is infallible, no title can encompass everything that you do or provide. Do not look for one to do so, because it does not, and can not, exist.
Re:My experience (Score:2)
Maintenance (Score:2)
And it works for specialisation as well.
See : "Network Janitor", "Software Janitor",
(Well it beats Nerdy-Smelly-Guy-Who-Acts-Superior-To-People-Who-
Don't forget most sysadmins are just support crew...
Why does it need replacing....Is it broken? (Score:2, Interesting)
So? why do I need a ne
Titles are not the problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Programmer - codes programs
System Administrator - Reboots computers. Called when mail not working or I cannot open Outlook or the network is down.
Rather than look for a new name, they should be working on describing a lists of talents, duties, and capabilities that define a system administrator. This should be augmented with a level of competence to allow for Junior Systems Administrator, Systems Administrator, Senior Systems Administrator, and finally Master Systems Administrator.
It probably also needs two paths. One Unix/Linux and one Windows. You could probably even make an argument for splitting Unix/Linux if you wish.
I have taken this approach internally and it has smoothed things greatly. Now when I speak with HR, and tell them I am looking for a Systems Admin they know what criteria they need to look for. A global standard would only make it that much easier for everyone.
Re:Titles are not the problem (Score:2)
You, uh, do know what
Name? (Score:2)
More syllables than most of my customers can deal with, and it gets the point across.
No offence, but is this a slow news day or something?
Why not what every sysadmin wishes to be called? (Score:5, Funny)
long titles == low status (Score:5, Interesting)
And my job description? I'm a
Cmon, this is too easy (Score:2)
well, it's obvious (Score:2)
Technicalis Omnium Imperator
Master of Things Digitized and Otherwise
Electronic Information Steward
Informatics Guardsman
Dang it! (Score:5, Funny)
BOFH (Score:2, Funny)
BOFH [google.com].
And it's a winning word for this three reasons
1. It's an acronym (HR loves acronyms)
2. It describes exactly your job function
3. Nobody except BOFHers know what BOFH means
Never something with "manager" in the title (Score:4, Insightful)
In a word... (Score:5, Funny)
MCSE's need not apply.
Seriously it's now Ceramics Engineer (Score:2)
Geek Code! (Score:2)
I prefer "Patrician" myself (Score:5, Interesting)
Well... (Score:2)
To be serious for a moment, I could live with Network Guru or Captain of the Infrastructure. My favorite "dot-com boom" job title was "Great and Powerful Network Magician". I think that was at Peapod.com.
I saw the ad and knew I should never ever work at a place with such an absurd name for its employees... They also had stuff like "Perl/C++ Code Wizard".
Systems Administrator works fine (Score:2)
Simple: Zod. (Score:3)
Accept no substitutes.
Forget it (Score:5, Insightful)
To quote a letter my friend wrote to his boss (Score:3, Interesting)
System Engineer (Score:2)
Isn't it obvious? (Score:2)
Uh, miracle workers?
I am known... (Score:3, Insightful)
My full title is "He who must remain nameless."
I am cherished, yet feared. For why else can no one think of my name? Pass them in the hall, its "Hey, er...". I am a part of every project, but always left out of the credits.
My role is so integral to the operation of the building that it is simply assumed.
And that's what I keep telling myself to keep from going crazy.
*NIX specific title, but . . . (Score:2)
Unfortunately, that's *NIX specific. But from a (l)user perspective, we can drop the 'root' part and just have them call us God.
There has to be SOME reward to the job after all!
How about ? (Score:5, Funny)
I recommend the following Scale (Score:5, Interesting)
Levels of Ability
Titles (Score:5, Insightful)
I've always preferred "admin" myself since it carries the correct ring of authority, but still stops at classifying the holder as a complete expert. The problem is that a lot of suits don't like it because they feel it's their term. I remember once proposing to a former employer that they change my title from "Technology Specialist" to "Network Admin" since that's what I really was. they balked at that. But about a year later, the employer conceded that it was a legitimate title and more fitting of what I did. Their hesitance seemed to have to do with the fact that they felt that the word "Administration" applied to the suites on the top floor and not with the grunts on the ground floor. (Or in the basement as was my case at the time)
On the other hand, some other titles that might fit are:
-IT Manager (as in, the manager of the information technology used by others)
-Digital Information Stylist (tongue in cheek here folks)
-AEtherlord (OK... now I'm going way over the top)
One particular title I can't STAND is "Knowledge Manager". These guys are typically suits who wish they knew about technology but are really an obstruction standing between the computers and the people who know how to ue them. It's sad because Knowledge Management really DOES have a real purpose, but it's been co-opted by the middle managers who want to "orchestrate" things they don't understand. (And schmooze and play golf three days of every work week)
Just my $.02
My Titles (Score:5, Interesting)
I use "Senior Systems Administrator". If anyone questions what that includes, the answer is "yes". As far as I'm concerned, the full description is "The person directly responsible for any event within any part of the company."
I'm the company psycharist, listening to people's personal problems.
I'm the company mechanic, fixing broken cars in the parking lot.
I'm the company plumber, fixing broken sinks usually.
I'm the general handyman, fixing little things here and there.
I'm the electrical repair guy, changing fuses in microwaves, and repairing broken speaker wires.
I'm a customer support rep on occasion, when stupid calls get handed off to me.
I'm the always-available tax consultant.
I'm the free and usually right legal advice department (go find a lawyer, dammit)
I'm the company librarian, who can always point you to the right book or reference.
I'm the senior transportation coordinator, when someone needs a ride somewhere, or equipment needs transported between locations. Usually that also makes me the company driver too.
I'm the company accountant, explaining bills from various vendors to the boss, or even the vendor. (ask UUNet why they billed us $30k for a line they never installed).
I'm the air conditioning repair guy, resetting thermostats, replacing broken thermostats, repairing electrical problems in the A/C unit, and diagnosing further problems. I also end up designing ways to cool overheated rooms, and counsel people who are always too hot or too cold, and very frequently both.
And now on to more reasonable tasks.
I'm the printer and copier tech, fixing paper jams and cleaning rollers.
I'm Microsoft Technical Support (tm), helping every poor user who's MSIE, Outlook, or Windows (tm) product that doesn't work right. Oddly enough, Unix and Mac users don't come to me whining like the Windows users do.
I'm the bastard that has to explain that Microsoft programs do crash, and you will have to accept this. It doesn't matter to me that you worked on an Excel Spreadsheet for 6 hours before your machine blue-screened. No, I can't save your data when your machine is locked up. Yes, you should have saved it.
I'm the LAN specialist, diagnosing every time someone kicks a cable out of the wall.
I'm the Nortel tech, configuring, reconfiguring, and yet reconfiguring again the phone systems.
I'm the tech that cleans up the mess after you try to subcontract out the work for the phone system, and he leaves all the lines down and says "I don't know, maybe you need an upgrade. That'll be $6,000".
I'm the PC tech, repairing every little hardware problem they may have. No, covering all the holes on your PC to make it quieter is *NOT* a good idea (had that last week)
I'm the monitor repair guy, resizing you screen because you played with the buttons too much.
I'm the mouse repair man, cleaning the guk out of your mouse.
I'm the bastard that has to explain that when your drive crashes, the files are gone. And I love listening to users complain that they had their life's work on there, and I absolutely *HAVE* to get it back. Bribes don't help drive crashes, they tell me you think I'm lying to you.
I'm the Cisco engineer, who selects your routing hardware, and then configures it.
I'm the hardware engineer who selects the parts, and builds the servers to handle the requested capacity.
I'm the guy that uses a hammer, torch, and dremel to make your old case accomodate your new hardware, just because you refuse to do the simple thing and buy the right case.
I'm the network engineer who makes a network that'll handle your load, and laughs when you want a GigE lan for your 2 workstations on a 384K DSL.
Administrator, bleh. (Score:3, Insightful)
I do have to confess I really detest that word. When I see "Administrator" I think button-pusher and tape-changer. In companies with larger IT shops I've found the more senior techies get titles that end in "Engineer". The "Engineer" moniker suggests that you are involved in designing infrastructure, not just care and feeding.
I used to be a "Senior Server Engineer", but since I'm at a start-up now I've been busted down to a mere "System Administrator"
As far as a more generic title for the group of IT folks, I'd suggest "Operations Engineers", or perhaps "Information Operations Engineers" if you need to be more specific. Of course, if you're absolutely allergic to "Engineer" you can always go with "Administrator". Bleh.
Good Lord! (Score:3, Insightful)
Calling it an "uncontrolled descent into terrain" doesn't stop it being a flippin' plane crash!
I may want, in some of my darker delusions of grandeur, to be a "information systems architecture specialist," but what I am is a programmer.
"Systems administrator" is a perfectly clear, lucid, and honorable title. "Lord Emperor of the Packets" will just have to wait.
For the love of Pete, already! Get over yourself!
Pixel Pusher... (Score:3, Interesting)
At a previous job, I made the progression in titles of Systems Engineer, Sr. Systems Engineer, Director of IT, and then VP of IT. Pretty spiffy title to end up with, but the kicker is that my job pretty much stayed the same the entire time. I only got to add doing client-facing meetings and some occasional power points or excel sheets. Most of the time I was left to do the real engineering work.
Regardless, my favorite title of all time has to be "Pixel Pusher." That was just a great business card to have.
Re:Joke (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Joke (Score:3, Interesting)
Network engineer is taken, it refers to someone working in telecommunications.
Maybe administration engineer?
Re:Network administrator? (Score:2)
Re:How abou this (Score:2)
Re:name (Score:3, Funny)
Re:name (Score:2)
Use the Source (Score:5, Funny)
Re:If I ever got into the IT profession... (Score:2)
Yes, but that is because you are square.
Seriously though, I go in for the title of "Miracle Worker", cause with the stuff some people do to computers, its a miracle to even get their documents out.
Re:If I ever got into the IT profession... (Score:3, Funny)
> Great and Terrible Root".
Just as well really. Where I come from, root has a rather different meaning to that which it carries in other parts of the world, and to be known as a terrible root is not a good thing.
Re:how bout (Score:2)
Computer Jockey
Re:How's about... (Score:2)
G.O.D. - Games Operations Director
Orderlies (Score:3, Funny)
The collective job is a mixture of changing the sheets, emptying the bedpans, dealing with the dilapitated, the demented and the elderly, funerals, autopsies, coroner's reports, pace makers, life support, and tense meetings with the next of kin.
Nurses and Orderlies. But mostly orderlies. Get over it.