Jazilla Milestone 1 Released 354
mcbridematt writes "Many of the long time Slashdot readers will remember the Jazilla project to rewrite the Mozilla browser in Java. It went into hibernation in 2000 and I took it over last August. I have completely rewrote the browser which now follows a more Mozilla-like architecture. The Result: Jazilla Milestone 1 has been released. Download it from here. No prizes for guessing that it's Alpha software." Read on below for a list of what Jazilla can do, so far.
"Significant (implemented) features include:
- chrome:// support
- JavaScript implemented for the GUI thanks to the Mozilla.org Rhino engine. HTML Scripting coming.
- GUI in part, uses XUL and W3C DOM
- Written in 100% Java
- Open Source
- Uses the NetBrowser renderer, which is actually based on Jazilla-classic work."
Running this puppy (Score:5, Informative)
Once you expand and extract this puppy, just cd into the folder it made and, assuming Java is properly installed on your machine, you need only run:
Good luck, and enjoy! The browser's still lacking in many obvious areas, but it does work on a lot of sites. Too cool -- props for all the hard wo\ rk. :-)
Re:Running this puppy (Score:5, Informative)
You may need to specify a classpath manually using one of the following (again, both from the directory containing README, COPYING.TXT, etc.):
Windows users: The "jazilla.bat" file may or may not work for you. You may wish to edit this file to specify the classpath as above. You could also change your CLASSPATH environment variable, if you felt the need.
Re:Running this puppy (Score:3, Informative)
For Windows users with ATI cards, add the -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true option to the command. (Prevents system lockups due to some conflict between Java & DirectX and ATI.)
Re:Running this puppy (Score:2)
C:\jazilla>java -Ddebug=true org/jxul/xulrunner/Main
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jxul/xulrunner/Main
/me kicks Java, tries to work out what's wrong, gives up and goes back to revising for his finals ...
Re:Running this puppy (Score:2)
should fix your problem
Re:Running this puppy (Score:4, Insightful)
Assuming that mozilla is properly installed on your machine, you need only run: /usr/bin/mozilla
And presuming I run anything only if sources are available, I don't want any Java VM on my machine.
Re:Running this puppy (Score:2)
Re:Running this puppy (Score:4, Informative)
1) Look in org/netbeans/netbrowser/tags for any
2) Did I mention that getting URL's is multithreaded? If you try and hack it abit, e.g use a JIT for Crimson, you might get a better result.
Also, anyone wishing to make a product based on Jazilla, note that the jXUL part is unlicensed. I am yet to talk to Kevin T. Smith (co-founder of the jXUL project) about what license to put it under. The renderer is under the SPL. When that's done, expect anything under org.jxul to move to org.jazilla
Re:Running this puppy (Score:5, Informative)
Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Why? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Why? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
You can always run it under dosbox or dosemu, though.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
Just because we have more CPU power do you think that justifies wasting this power? I guess that Java is for people that already have computers more powerful than they can handle? Personally, I'd rather even give my cycles to SETI@HOME than give them to some VM.
And Java is still slow. Or Swing, or whichever excuse... perhaps it's slow because my VM is optimizing my code behind the scenes.
You've lowered your standards for performance, that's the whole story.
Re:Why? (Score:5, Informative)
1. Java is slow. This was true in 1.0 release of Java, but with todays JIT's the speed difference is small. I can point you to numerous sites, but at the end of the day it comes down to good coders. Your experience must be with some bad coders.
2. SWING is slow. This again use to be true with 1.18 + SWING and 1.2x JVM's the 1.3 and 1.4 have increased SWINGS speed considerably.
3. JAVA takes up too much memory. Yes it is true that the base JVM can take around 5-16MB of RAM per JVM instance. But with todays systems, on a lot of applications that isn't too bad. Now the core issue is that it takes up that amount for EVERY JVM that is used. So to your point: If I launch a Java calculator program, and then launch a Java notepad, I will have lost around 10-32MB of RAM in just JVM's. This is currently true, however it is being addressed and should be solved with the 1.5 release. Once this is done, then it would be possible to have ONE JVM running on the system for all Java applications. The JVM could launch at startup and then even the inital load times would be greatly reduced. I believe that this is the way Apple is handling Java (Can't confirm it though).
So, when this issue is resolved, running Java on a machine could mean only giving up a maximum amount of 16MB of RAM for the JVM and the rest for the application. To be honest that is what most Java programs are doing today. Most run as an application server and run Servlets and JSP's all day long.
Another poster mentioned that you use the correct tool for the job. I agree, but I will add that the issues for not using Java for speed has and is going away. The reasons for not using it for memory are going away on most computers.
We do agree on one point. Most people do have computer processors far greater than they need.
Lastly, if you are having so many issues running Java apps on your system you should look at newer JVM's. They make a huge difference.
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
So, when this issue is resolved, running Java on a machine could mean only giving up a maximum amount of 16MB of RAM for the JVM and the rest for the application. To be honest that is what most Java programs are doing today
Re:Why? (Score:4, Interesting)
System.exit(1) and take down every running application...
Also understand that this is being developed by multiple people/vendors NOT SUN. It is in their community process and I hope that Apple is helping with this. I would say that most of the work being done on Java is not from Sun, but IBM. (Just my observation). However, Sun has final say (kinda like some kernel guy...)
You say that VB uses a smaller runtime engine than Java.... SHOCKER!!! How much of it is built in to Windows that it doesn't need to load??? How well does that VB app port to any other platform?
You mention that Sun's server developers complain about Java. You are correct, but not for the reason you mention. They complained about the speed of their JVM to that of the Windows JVM. Sun in it's wisdom decided that to make Java more successful, it needed to make sure that the JVM for Windows ran great. They focused so much attention to it that the one for Solaris suffered. That isn't the case anymore. Now does that mean that every developer in Sun loves Java????? NOPE! Every large company has sharp people who disagree on stuff. I bet you will find people in Microsoft who think Linux rocks and WindowsXp isn't that great.
Another point you made is you want Sun to give the developers what they promised six years ago. I for the life of me can't think of anything they promised except a write once run anywhere thing. I would say that they have 'mostly' achieved that goal. I run Java stuff on NetWare, Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX and various phones and palm/pocket pc systems. Other than the small devices, no modifications of code have been necessary!
If you give me a great IDE in Java and it runs 10% slower because of Java, I generally don't care. i.e. Oracle Jdeveloper 9i, is the example. I now have an IDE that runs acceptable on most platforms!
The only real problem with Java is that so many kids are taking it today (I have heard it is being taught in more colleges than English), and those kids are being put in to positions they are not ready for (Bad economy, that wants cheaper labor). That coupled with the fact that it is a relatively new language screams for performance issues. This isn't the languages fault.
If you remember when C was first around, just to write a very simple program almost always took 5k (we laugh at that now), but I remember developers (myself included) who thought "What a piece of crap!! I can do that in Assembler in 300 bites and it's startup time is way faster!
What percentage of code is done in Assembler nowdays? Heck the same could be said about COBOl.
IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:3, Interesting)
Other than being Java-based, what's the point of this web browser?
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:5, Interesting)
What about running a browser/modification on a Netware box (it supports java) and no cross compiler necessary.
Also note that W3C demoes a browser on their website ( Amaya IIRC) written in Java.
Amaya not Java (Score:2)
Re:Amaya not Java (Score:2)
Re:Amaya not Java (Score:2)
Obviously, you've never used HotJava before. Wow. Talk about a mediocre browser. IE 2.0 which comes with NT 4 is a better browser than that garbage. Makes even Netscape 4 look good. (that last bit may have been a little too harsh)
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:5, Insightful)
I could probably name 100+ embedded devices that support java. Having an Open Source java browser is a good thing.
Besides that, I could also harp about the security of java.
Hmm, it would be ironic if Jazilla had a problem running applets.
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:2)
The time to dedicate years to developing software for devices is NOT after the devices are common. Just look at Vorbis... Development started when compressed audio was possible on a PC, and didn't finish until MP3 was so well embedded, that Ogg has yet to make a dent (I believe it will eventually, but that is besides the point).
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:IE, Mozilla, and Opera are all I need! (Score:2)
scripsit Jon E:
Now, I have had (Mom, you don't read /., right?) some exposure to 'net porn. I have also used Opera a fair amount, though not for a couple of years, since Galeon got to be so usable.
I really don't seen the connection here. What makes Opera particularly friendly to ``the `free porn' industry''?
So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:3, Interesting)
What happens if I run the java web browser in a web browser?
Re:So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:2, Informative)
Java applications != Java applets
Java applications = Java applets + Java applications
I think you're confusing them.
Also, applets run on the JVM just like applications do. The only difference is that the JVM is invoked by the browser (you can think of the JVM running inside the browser, but this isn't really true these days). So, his question is perfectly valid - does Jazilla start
Re:So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:2)
Re:So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:5, Informative)
I think what our friend Exiler here is trying to say is that Javascript has nothing in common with Java except the name. And if I'm to believe the person who told me, Javascript had a different name while it was being developed but Sun exerted sufficient pressure on the neccesary parties to change the name to sound like Java.
Quick recap:
Java Applications - Java
Java Applets - Java
Javascript - Not Java
I hope this helped.
Re:So, using Javascript and Java... (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah, really! I mean they don't even have it as an Active-X plugin - how lame is that?!
its interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
also Mozilla is lacking a bit of speed im sure you wont help in java.....
Re:its interesting (Score:4, Interesting)
As User Interface Developer one of my duties was the analysis and selection of an embedded web browser. My bet was a Gecko based one, but implement it for the Nucleus RTOS was out of the question, so we should point to a propietary browser license.
If this project was so evolved in that moment it would have been a serious alternative.
Re:its interesting (Score:2)
On the flip side, how easy is it to embed the mozilla into my own program? The Mozilla ActiveX control is pretty good but it is Windows only. I'd love to be able to write my cross platform java GUIs with an embedded web browser. Could this be the best way?
Re:Exactly. Whole point of Mozilla was portability (Score:4, Funny)
It can't hurt to have a web browser besides you database.
Re:Exactly. Whole point of Mozilla was portability (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Who pay for it? (Score:5, Insightful)
First you place the blame on Java as one of the bloat/UI "candies" that are forcing people to upgrade thier PC. Then you say that Java has mostly expanded on the server market. So which is it? They aren't big currently big in the GUI department (although if you go here [sun.com], you'll see that is changing). So tell me again how Java, which runs mostly on servers, is forcing people to upgrade their PC because of UI bloat?
Or how this is part of this conspiracy since Java is made by a company that doesn't make a desktop PC, a company that until recently didn't even support the x86 architecture very well, a company that makes high-end servers and workstations that have exceeded your "typical" PC mentioned above for years?
I agree that Java does on the server "what was easy to program and cheap to run using Apache/CGI/PHP/Perl/Python". It also does it faster (Python, by about 20%), with more maintainable code (Perl) and more securely (CGI). Apache (and by extension Jakarta) has always worked hand-in hand with Java quite well. But then, there are times when Perl and Python are the better choice, so use the right tool for the job.
Comparing Swing to Flash is like comparing Gnome with HTML. That's right....apples and oranges. Excellent strawman attack but it doesn't work. The two are for totally different UI environments.
Mods, just because you don't know Java or agree with the FUD doesn't make this guys tripe right.
OS X compatibility (Score:3, Interesting)
It is OS X compatibility! (Score:3, Interesting)
Doesn't take care of CSS, but hey I like to have another choice. Rigth?!
I was using the same command to start it:
java org/jxul/xulrunner/Main &
Re:OS X compatibility (Score:2, Informative)
java org/jazilla/Jazilla
from the jazilla directory.
Jazilla: In case your computer was too fast (Score:4, Funny)
Three first posts? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Jazilla: In case your computer was too fast (Score:2, Insightful)
Mozilla (like KDE) is more memory consumptive thanks to a combination of poorly hacked eye candy code. Then when you start swapping pages out - it might actually be time to drop more memory in your box.
Applets support? (Score:5, Funny)
mmmm (Score:3, Interesting)
mozilla runs on at least as many platforms as any JRE, and many more if you expect swing to work properly.
i don't get it.
Re:mmmm (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:mmmm (Score:5, Insightful)
They wouldn't. It's not about the users, it's about the developers.
I use Mozilla, but I rarely hack on it. Why? I hate C++. It's a miserable language for developing an application. Java, on the other hand, is a great language for application development. The performance issues will melt away very soon as both the JRE and hardware improve. If I find a problem with Jazilla, I'm very likely to try to fix/enhance it.
Plus, I happen to know both C++ and Java, but most kids coming out of school have never hacked C++. They've all hacked Java. These are the most likely hackers to work on a web browser.
Let's come back in a year and see if Jazilla is more interesting to users, when it's fast, stable, and pretty, due to all the volunteer efforts.
Short of a WxRuby port of Mozilla, this is what really has me interested.
Just plain question (Score:2)
Does it compile with gcj? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Does it compile with gcj? (Score:3, Informative)
No. I've never encountered an open source JVM that fully supports AWT - let alone Swing. So they are useless for most desktop apps.
Let me know if you find one...
ENmcbridematt (Score:2, Flamebait)
Pot. Kettle. Black (Score:2)
Why... (Score:5, Informative)
There is still a serious lack of a good modern HTML browser for embeding in java applications. Swing provides an EditorKit which handles HTML3 reasonable well, but most of the other quality offerings are non free.
Major Java IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans) have projects to implement something like this. Many other Java applications could potentially benefit. It's a good idea.
Another good reason. (Score:5, Funny)
You are working on a weekend all by yourself, you get the average of one phone call every 3 hours and nobody EVER comes into the office on weekends but you, the poor tech support guy.
You work for a small company that uses a Netware 5 file server for the firewall. (Remember, Netware 5 is Java based)
You don't have admin access.
The server doesn't have the console locked.
The server IS the firewall, and therefore can be outside of it.
You REALLY want to get your dose of porn, which the firewall wont let you do.
The firewall is unlocked........
Yep, time to load up a JAVA browser on the file server for your own porn surfing pleasure.
Re:Why... (Score:2)
Another justification... (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm all for duct taping a rendering engine on the front of real Java just because I don't like to deal with any of the popular layout managers for swing. Ideally, I would have my own Java widgets (because swing gets extendible widgets right like no other GUI API anywhere) that were rendered in a sane fasion (plus the native XUL widgets for when you don't need to extend them).
Swing layout is one of the reasons Java GUIs seam to be broken. If you resize a window, you get a lot of grey boxes. Sure, Mozilla could use some double buffering on their resizing, but it doesn't leave me with a gray screen instead of seeing how the components will look after resizing.
It would be even better if you could extend the XUL language in some manner with custom widgets.
For example:
These are all the more reasons why we need a good renderer in Java.
On a side note:
Anyone notice that with Java 1.4.2, jazilla starts faster than mozilla? A little over a second for me. It just won't render any web-site properly
Re:Another justification... (Score:2)
<component type="phoneEditor" name="homePhone"/>
(next time I'll learn to preview.)
Swing LayoutManagers (Score:2, Informative)
The stock layout managers suck ass, but there are better ones out there. If you're doing GUIs in Swing, check out TableLayout [clearthought.info], HIGLayout [autel.cz], FlexGridLayout [sourceforge.net]. These are all free and Free. There are probably other ones out there too.
I've been using TableLayout and although there are some little things I don't like about it, it does let me code Swing GUIs without the pain associated with the
Re:Another justification... (Score:2, Informative)
There is a new method in 1.4, the programmer needs to call this method before creating any windows....
catch (N
What "Write Once, Run Anywhere" Really Means (Score:5, Informative)
This means that when you go to the store to buy an application, you don't buy the "Mac version" or the "Microsoft Windows version." You buy the "Java technology version." And as long as you have the Java Virtual Machine--which is free, and available from a large number of vendors--you can buy the program without having to worry whether it's going to run on your particular computer.
Re:What "Write Once, Run Anywhere" Really Means (Score:2)
Java is platform-neutral if the platform is not weker than 2GHz CPU and 1 GB of RAM. Otherwise it's annoingly slow on that platform.
Re:What "Write Once, Run Anywhere" Really Means (Score:2)
I'm not sure where you get your information from, but there is no practical reason for a Java developer not use Java 2. Java1 completed Sun's End Of Life process some time ago. People with crusty old 1.x jvm's are SOL. I know quite a few Java developers, and I don't know any who are making any effort to remain c
Using Jazilla as an applet inside Webmin (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Using Jazilla as an applet inside Webmin (Score:2)
More give Us More (Score:2)
given the nice way aps such as LimeWire run and that you rarely notice that they are running under java.. this may also be agood prove of that as well.
Now if we coul donly free java from the cluches of Mordor(SUN)....
Re:More give Us More (Score:2)
Um, no... Microsoft is Mordor. (Duh!)
Sun is Isengard. You know... pretends to be on the side of good, really just wants to betray both sides and set himself up as the new Dark Lord, but in doing so is unwittingly serving Micr^WSauron.
Re:More give Us More (Score:2, Offtopic)
Admiral Burrito:
Hmm. One hates to be pendantic... no, who'm I kidding, this is /.! One loves to be pendantic!
Redmond is Mordor, BillG is Sauron. You know:
I guess... (Score:2, Funny)
License issues? (Score:2)
While I'm at it, would it be possible for Sun to contribute a few engineers and integrate this into the Java class libraries? The current HTML component...well...it renders links, I guess, but it would be *great* to have a more capable rendering lib
A friendly suggestion (Score:3, Insightful)
And yes, it's been done already: Dillo [wearlab.de] is a blindingly-fast HTML engine/browser that runs from a binary less than 300Kb. No, it doesn't support frames, nor Javascript, nor any of the other kitchen-sink items all other browsers strive to be. Instead, Dillo sports a plug-in interface (open-source, naturally) that allows for all of this to happen, if the user wants it to happen.
So here's my suggestion: Take a cue from Dillo and go for speed, not for bloat.
Oh, and I should add that Dillo renders
Re:A friendly suggestion (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:A friendly suggestion (Score:2)
Great Job, where is the SWT Version? (Score:2)
Where's the Gecko? (Score:2)
Almost right - Mozilla should be part of the JVM (Score:3, Interesting)
Download counters (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:WHY? (Score:2, Funny)
I wonder if Intel is backing this project. They desparately need a reason to sell high-end chips.
Re:Slow Enough (Score:5, Funny)
It allows you to close tricked-into Goatse windows before they are finished. Goatsephobia has changed they way people browse. Slow is in.
Re:woo.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:woo.. (Score:2)
You're correct in an anal, trivial, boring sense.
The difference between an Applet and an application is often fairly trivial; relatively small changes to the application can enable it to run in the web browser window.
I assume this was intended as a joke, but I may as well point out that unless a program is not an applet, unless it implements the interface Applet
It's usually fairly easy to add the extra interface though. I've written Java that runs as both; at the same time if you want.
Re:woo.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2)
That is exactly what people used to say about linux office apps, linux games, and just about everything else except server usage. Go back a few years and it was even said about server apps to.
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2, Interesting)
Whatever, dude...
First of all execution speed is not a *major* issue anymore(even if it's still a problem for some kind of applications), and can not in any way be defined as "horrible".
Second, what exactly do you mean by etc., because as I recall it, Java offers short developpement periods , full portability(as you stated), and is still in developpement etc... So if I're you, I'd immediately start reading the JVM specifications.....;o)
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2)
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, yeah, I do agree that waiting for the damn window to appear some 30 secs after launching the application is frustrating. So definitely the GUI and some input/output routines need improvement, but at the same time, once the JVM's started and the program initialized, there isn't so much to be said about how slow Java is......
I was recently suprised when a friend of mine did a benchmark on recursion functions and JVM performed better than
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:5, Insightful)
Java is far more important in its security and software engineering features (which are actually very closely related). I find that I'm far more productive in Java than I ever was in C++ and C. I find that's even truer for less experienced programmers. Java increases the ability of programmers to work together through better memory management, better type enforcement, exceptions, etc.
You don't really need to hear all this. At this point you either believe it or not and I'm not going to convince you.
I haven't been able to compare it to C#, which appears to offer many of the same advantages over C/C++. I think of Java in a different class from languages like Perl and PHP, which are less well-suited to teamwork, which is an important goal of mine.
So the reason for this is not because we need another browser (boy, do we not) but because Java needs a browser for use in its environment. Java is still very poor on the client side, for a host of reasons, one of which is its lack of browser integration. Applets were always a stupid idea, I'm afraid, because software distribution via applets just isn't ready and the toys are generally beneath contempt.
You need a browser as part of Java. It's the best way to view text, whether for help, mail, etc. Java has several, but none are really any good because they're not 100% compatible with the lastest rounds of HTML/HTTP/Javascript. A browser, compatible with IE and Mozilla, will help make Java a decent client environment.
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2)
Consider something like SVG support, which I would contend is a rather typical type of thing to want to extend your browser to do. Given that Batik already implements SVG in Java it is probably much less work to implement SVG in Ja
Re:Too much time on their hands (Score:2)
Re:HotJava (Score:2)
Mozilla is already partway there... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Yawn (Score:2)
if you like VM's (Score:2, Interesting)
http://www.vitanuova.com/inferno [vitanuova.com]
It's a virtualised machine that runs hosted on Windows, Lunix & FreeBSD (& maybe others) and also runs native on some hardware (such as my IPAQ)
It has some really neat features, many borrowed from plan9.
Version 3 and below is not totally open (the source is $100).
The next version is considering making changes (see http://www.vitanuova.com/inferno/4thedoverview.htm l )
Even if you never downlaod it, it's still worth reading the document
Re:if you like VM's (Score:2, Informative)
Lunix [lunix.com] is the well known linux derivative for everybody who was into computing in the (early) 80's, namely the C=64 and C=128.
A little googling might have done wonders for your post. ;-)
Do not feed this troll (Score:3, Funny)
- dogmatic offensive pseudotruths (1st line);
- meaningless insult, liberally sprinkled with swear words (2nd line);
- main troll bait, hoping that mozilla users will feed him (3rd line);
- deadbrain conclusion (4th line).
Leave him alone and do not feed him, please.
I believe that if people want to experiment, they should.
Re:Why do we care? (Score:3, Informative)
Not true. First of all, Java is compiled, except it's compiled into byte-code instead of machine-code. This is unlike languages such as PHP and Perl, which must recompile the text source code into machine-code or byte-code each time it's run. While not as fast as machine-code in most cases, byte-code is definitely much faster than interpreted.
One advantage of byte-code to machine-code, in addition