Japanese Deploying Powered Exoskeletons for Elderly 352
FoeNyx writes "The AFP is reporting that 30 Tokyo firms have planned to set up a joint-venture in next spring to market an 'exo-skeleton type power assist system' named HAL (Hybrid Assistive Leg) developed by Yoshiyuki Sankai, professor and engineer at the Sankai Lab, a Cybernetics specialized Laboratory of the Tsukuba University. When will the next generation be available?" The elderly with their exoskeletons and the bionic nurses will make quite a sight at Japanese nursing homes.
Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
The bad news is that the computer runs Linux** and as such the elderly will need to pay SCO $699* every time they go for a walk
*Introductory price only, increases after October 15th, 2003
**This is a joke, it probably doesn't
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
"It's the wrong trousers [aardman.co.uk] Gromit, and they've gone wrong!" (The villain, Feathers McGraw, looks rather like an evil version of Tux...)
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
That'd be pretty cool. What worries me, though, is what'll happen when the inevitable naughty tentacles show up.
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:2)
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
Nobody would dare mess with a nursing home after that.
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:4, Funny)
The bad news is this isn't what I was led to expect from Gundam, RoboTech, etc. I expected bright-eyed nubile women, not crotchety old geezers.
Of course, it does give me something to look forward to in my old age :-]
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:3, Funny)
Note: SCO license is a joke too.
Re:Good News / Bad News (Score:5, Funny)
hal.. (Score:3, Funny)
Wrong film (Score:2, Interesting)
Already Done here (Score:5, Funny)
There is no way in hell... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:There is no way in hell... (Score:4, Funny)
Havoc (Score:3, Funny)
Ob (someone's got to say it) (Score:5, Funny)
Wild though, they envision pull-on exoskeletons in the future... but even if they could reduce the bulk another 50% it'd still be amazing.
I've always wondered how fast/accurately they skeletons react to human initiated/controlled motion, say, I decide to start lifting my left leg. Well, if I'm walking, I don't want to lift it all the way, simply enough to move it forward a small amount to prepare for the same with the right leg. Do these skeletons sense resistance to movement and stop/switch directions? (I put a little force downward to let the exo-leg know I'm not doing the can-can?)
Re:Ob (someone's got to say it) (Score:2, Funny)
Grandpa to grandma: Come on! Let's put our exo-skeletons and have high-speed sex!
Scary, but I would not mind seeing the movie....
Re:Ob (someone's got to say it) (Score:3, Insightful)
If you had your brand new exoskeleton, what would that give you? Are you going to go to work, climb a mountain, ride a bike, drive a car, have children? At most it will give you the freedom to get out of a chair and get a glass of water, go to the bathroom, or whatever. If that was an improvement to my lif
Re:Ob (someone's got to say it) (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Ob (someone's got to say it) (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah if you brush your teeth three times a day, maybe your teeth will stay with you until you're 90. So what? Are you going to bother to eat chocolates when your 80? Will it make you young enough for me to not tease you about your incontinence? No of course not.
The people in some other culture more wise than ours had old people too. A
Beware of the drunk :) (Score:3, Funny)
Big cultural differences between us and the Japane (Score:3, Interesting)
They like to keep everything in human form, the Asimo and now these exoskeletons.
While, in the US, we put our infirm, fat and aged on scooters and wheel chairs, like rascals and hover-rounds.
Then again, if this works, maybe we can start seeing late night infomercials about getting medicaid to pay for your exo-skeleton.
Japanese Cult of Cuteness (Score:2)
Re:Big cultural differences between us and the Jap (Score:3, Interesting)
Falling can be catastrophic to an elderly person, with brittle bones and less ability to react to minimize the fall. I can only imagine how much worse it will be to fall with another 75 lbs of batteries and gizmos strapped to your back.
Another cultural difference (I'm not japanese, nor have I been there but know some who have - correct me if wrong) is the proliferation of highrises and whatnot. In such a small country, much of the constr
Re:Big cultural differences between us and the Jap (Score:2)
I'm assuming that the exoskeleton would be padded or in some other way designed to take the impact.
Or maybe it'll be impossible to tip over like a Segway. I could just see a commercial where an American football player tries to lay a savage tackle on grandma in her new exoskeleton and bounces harmlessly away.
Holy crap! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Holy crap! (Score:2, Funny)
Gread idea, but... (Score:5, Insightful)
A system like they are developing can have huge consequences, not only on the person's physical abilities, but also on their mental well being. It's no fun to live in a bed, and have to have others help you to do anything and everything except sleep.
Now if only normal people could afford such a beast...
Re:Gread idea, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
Although I guess that it can easily adopted to support broken limbs...
Here, more than ever: "a small step for (a old) man,..."
The future is NOW! (Score:2)
Balance might be an issue (Score:5, Interesting)
You're quite correct regarding the complications. As far as hip fractures go, most orthopedists advocate agressive surgical repair of those injuries, with pinning/surgical fixation of some, and outright joint replacement for those that cannot be pinned (depends on the location and type of fracture). This is largely due to the risk of Thromboembolic disease (Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolus) from prolonged immobilization and bed rest. Years ago, bed rest was the standard therapy for broken hips... God only knows how many people died as a result of that therapy (was thought at the time to be the best treatment... thank God for medical progress).
The other question with these devices is how much they would lead to deconditioning of elderly patients. Exercise really IS good for you, and keeps your muscles strong through stimulus and use... anything that isn't used enough WILL atrophy. That's one of the reasons for "rehab" centers that have grown up, primarily to act as a bridge between hospitalization and home. Some elderly patients are so deconditioned after a long hospital stay (eg. for pneumonia or urinary tract infection) that they require physical therapy and reconditioning before they are able to go home and function. This device might lead people to become totally dependent upon it.
To say nothing of the fact that it probably wouldn't help the extremely heavy patients. I regularly see 400 to 600 lb patients in my ER (takes half my staff, myself included, just to get them into a bed... often two ambulance crews get called to their homes just to get them to the hospital).
We can rebuild him... (Score:3, Funny)
sound [myboot.com]
New powers (Score:3, Funny)
I , for one, (Score:5, Funny)
May snound cruel but... (Score:2)
<cruelty>Whats going to happen when
What I want to know is (Score:5, Funny)
Power assisted braces (Score:2, Interesting)
Just because this thing has wireless lan built in (for some reason? tracking by nurses?) doesn't make it all that new.
Frankly if you cant get around with regular (unpowered) braces, you're probably going to find more mobility from a wheelchair.
This can only lead to trouble... (Score:5, Funny)
Social commentary (Score:5, Informative)
Second, it criticized the government and its lackluster attitude. This is an increasingly common theme in Anime and Japanese movies as people are becoming more irritated at their government, also illustrated in other well-known shows like Akira and Bubblegum Crisis. Wouldn't you be upset if your government had several trillion dollars in debt and an interest rate less than two percent? Oh, wait...
Lastly, it also showed the gregarious overuse of technology as a means to solve all social ills. The bed that houses the "test" elderly man is designed to cater to his every need and technically keep him going without human interaction (though it is mentioned that he could communicate with other elderly via the bed's comm system). And, in case of nuclear attack, the bed will seal itself in concrete permanently.
Altogether, Roujin Z was a funny film and a good satire. My favorite part is when the bed assimilates the Daibutsu (Giant Buddha) and goes for a walk to the hospital.
Life gradually imitates Gibson... (Score:2)
Seriously though, it's great to see such a fantastic technology deployed commercially to meet a *peacefull* need. I always thought exoskeletons would be a military 'breakthrough' first
Oblig. Simpsons Ref. (Score:5, Funny)
"One thing is certain: the exoskeletons will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new geriatric overlords
The Wrong Trousers? (Score:5, Funny)
Wallace And Gromit [aardman.co.uk]
Imagine one of those exoskeletons going on a mad rampage with a pensioner
Re:The Wrong Trousers? (Score:2)
Re:The Wrong Trousers? (Score:2)
We are here to protect you (Score:3)
Flashback (Score:2)
What about balance? (Score:5, Interesting)
Balance is both a neurological and muscular issue. To balance you need:
- A set of clear inputs from your feet telling you about the surface you're trying to stand on, its angles, its texture, etc.
- Inputs from your inner ear, telling you what angle you are standing at.
- Other proprioception to accurately judge joint angles.
- The ability to integrate these inputs.
- Output to your muscles to maintain balance, especially while walking or when stepping onto something uneven.
This exoskeleton appears to amplify only a few muscle movements. Those connected with balance requiring strength in the ankle joints, the feet, etc. as well as angular motions of the knees don't appear to be covered in this device. Nor does it appear to help with balance.
For such a device to be really practical for disabled elderly, it needs to be able to balance on its own. I'm sure that's coming eventually but this device doesn't appear to be it.
Re:What about balance? (Score:2)
For such a device to be really practical for disabled elderly, it needs to be able to balance on its own.
I think the producers of Segway have just found another niche market
Re:What about balance? (Score:2)
just use some gyros a la segway!
Re:What about balance? (Score:2)
Don't underestimate what a few sensors wired to a well tuned dynamic control system can do. Look at the Segway for example. It can balance in ways that a human cannot.
Our neural systems are very good at coordinating a huge array of muscles to work together well especially adaptively in new situations, but we really can't compete with computers when it comes to balance.
Oh, the humanity! (Score:2)
Oh lord... (Score:2)
I can see it now...
"I don't think that discount rang up right, miss."
"But sir..."
[points giant crushing gripper hand at her throat]
"How about that, sir! Looks like we owe you $5 ---"
[opens giant crushing gripper hand]
"--- err --- $20 dollars!"
Fast and the furious (Score:3, Funny)
Yay! We can now have better races, those damn wheelchairs were no fun!
But seriously this is an amazing thing worth applauding and encouraging.
If one goes haywire, (Score:2)
First powered exoskeletons, ... (Score:2)
Re:First powered exoskeletons, ... (Score:2)
Grandma's supposed to wear a backpack? (Score:2, Insightful)
This doesn't solve the biggest problem.... (Score:5, Interesting)
But this exo-skeleton does nothing really to solve that problem. In fact, it can even make the falling problem even more severe, by allowing people that have lost their sense of balance to walk. Just like the fact that some old folks shouldn't be driving, some should not be walking, for their own safety.
M.A.N.T.I.S.? (Score:2)
Who wants to be an elderly super hero?
Bad Idea (Score:3, Interesting)
When I become old and frail, I hope I can live with the dignity that all people should have at some point in their lives. Especially when they are getting old.
Re:Bad Idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Rjin Z? (Score:2)
The creator of Akira saw this coming...
Oblig. Story about military use (Score:3, Interesting)
I remember Popular Science(I think) doing a piece on an exoskeleton that would give soliders the ability to lift heavy objects etc. with ease. Not sure if this is the same.
Prepare for . . . (Score:2)
In all seriousness, if this is commonplace, it changes the place of technology in many lives and the lives people lead. What will happen when the infirm are freed from wheelchairs, yet what maintenance issues will arise?
It's Roujin Z! (Score:2)
RE: What about balance (Score:2, Interesting)
Also checkout Asimo [honda.com] which shows brillant balance technology, being
You'd need a bionic suit to carry the exoskeleton (Score:2)
Still once the manufacturers have got rid of the bulky backpack, it would be nice to see exoskeletons replace the battery scooters [asagroup.com.au] that are rife in my suburb and local shopping centers.
Tetsuo (Score:2)
I'll be more impressed... (Score:2)
...in nursing homes (Score:5, Interesting)
Well this is exactly the problem. To slightly overstate the situation, there are no nursing homes in Japan. By which, I mean there are no transitional communities for the aged, no communities for the aged which retain a certain independence and dignity, nothing, nada, zilch. The traditional Japanese approach to the aged is that the oldest daughter in the family looks after the parents. Right now, the system is going titsup.com faster than you would believe because, firstly, all the daughters lived at home and delayed marrying as long as possible because their disposable income far exceeds what they can expect as a newlywed (there are entire cruise lines in Japan targeting women only), and secondly when they do marry, they move away from home and rarely return.
There's no sensible infrastructure for looking after the aged in Japan. There are an infinite number of token gestures, such as buttons at train stations so staff will rush to place a small ramp on the platform so a chairbound person can get on, all trains have a seat-free area for a wheelchair, but there is nothing that offers older people the ability to live at home for as long as possible and then transition to a managed facility.
To cope with this, industry is targeting older people partly because it is a growth market, and partly as a defensive survival tactic since the birthrate continues to decline. This can be seen in a range of products, such as hot water pots (ubiquitous in Japan) that phone home when the usage pattern changes, and small robotic pets that don't do a great deal but offer comfort and, again, have the ability to detect changes in usage patterns and transmit a warning.
I figure building exoskeletons for everyone that needs one in Japan is probably cheaper than building the infrastructure everyone thought they were paying for with their compulsory pension fees.
To witter on further and doom myself to be off-topic, consider this:
A lady in an aged facility has a problem with her stomach. The facility has a doctor on call, who has no skill in that area.
A family member decides a consultation is needed, so arranges for the lady to get scanned and have followup treatment, since stomach cancer is endemic in Japan.
The facility can't accept that, and insists the lady is removed from the facility 24 hours before any consultation not arranged by their own doctor and returned at least 24 hours after the consultation, to protect the dignity of the doctor.
Well, color me unimpressed, but if manufacturers in Japan make exoskeletons, emotion-surrogate robots, kitchen equipment that monitors daily patterns and anything else like that, it's fine by me, no matter how many westerners snigger.
What OS will they use? (Score:2)
1. MS sets up Windows controlled exoskeleton
2. MS insists on adding internet capability so you can check on Grandma's health, talk to her remotely, etc.
3. Hackers and Spammers figure out how to send viruses, etc to the connected exosekeltons.
4. Seniors are found immobilized when their suits crash or are forced to dance uncontrollably because their bodies are "owned".
I hope they'll include fans. (Score:2)
Anime comes to life (Score:2)
Progress? (Score:2, Interesting)
It is frigtening thinking of some shrivelled-up husk of a person (whom is alive by the definition of still possessing a pulse) squeaking around in a metal people-pod. It is frightening enough seeing them buzzing around the grocery store in those damn Larks and Rascals
Dont they watch movies in .jp? (Score:2, Interesting)
im sorry dave, i cant move your leg.
does it have a big glowing red eye? (the site appears to be slashdotted)
in charge of this mission (Score:2)
Elderly: I really need to go to the bathroom.
Leg: I don't think I can do that, Dave
matrix 3 spoiler (Score:2)
see, lloyd xmas was right: old people, while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose!
Don't you go dyin' on me!
HAL (Score:2, Funny)
But I really gotta go...BAD!
Have we leaned nothing from Robocop? (Score:2)
2) At least they had the good grace to let Murphy die first!
The Wrong Trousers Instruction Manual (Score:2)
1. Under no circumstances grant control of exoskeliton to penguin.
Stephen Hawking (Score:2)
Two Outcomes I'm Waiting For.... (Score:2)
Hmm (Score:2)
Massively screwed up priorities (Score:2)
Why WLAN (Score:3, Interesting)
The breif linked info page mentions a wireless lan connection, but it never says why it needs it. It seems the laptop inside is doing all the realtime calculations it needs, and WLAN remote computing would probably be too slow for muscle reactions anyways. What's up with the unit having a WLAN connection? And does that limit the user to being near a specific WLAN set up to work with the legs?
HAL?! (Score:2)
HAL: "I'm sorry grandma, I can't let you that"
Grandma: "AAAaaaaaargh!"
Roijin Z! (Score:3, Funny)
Roujin Z (Score:3, Interesting)
Give it 5 years (Score:4, Funny)
The iGranny.
Robotic movement for your grandmother, plus a 100 GB hard drive for all your mp3s so you don't have to listen to her.
Aunt Alice's Exoskelleton - Detroit Steel (Score:3, Interesting)
Several years ago, Alice decided not to become a statistic. She had always been a swimmer, but made a point to continue her exercise, swimming every day at the community pool. She took an additional, somewhat unorthodox precaution.
In the winter she changes her daily routine. Every morning, she opens her garage, backs her Buick down the length of her driveway, and parks the thing. She then leans out to get her mail from the box, cranks the engine, and returns.
Her neighbors used to think she was nuts. She doesn't care. She has both hips intact.
Yikes! (Score:3, Funny)
great now when grandma ling (Score:3, Funny)
I am the mad bomber that bombs at midnight, Baby
not just for elderly (Score:3, Interesting)
this invention could very well lead to an active brace, which would give him much more mobility.
Re:Look out, it's Ultra Old Man! (Score:2, Funny)
Rook! Urtra Ord Man is fighting Mecha Ord Rady! Here comes Gojiro, we must Free!
Re:now that we can control their bodies ... (Score:2)
Re:I am Glad (Score:3, Insightful)
They did invent the hello kitty vibrator, but that's another story.
Japans a fine country with a lot of resourceful folk, but people tend to overestimate their technocracy. They came up with AIBO, we put
Re:What will they think of next? (Score:2)
Don't confuse it with plastic surgery. Exosceleton is not about accepting that you get old. It's about accepting that you can't walk. I wonder how well you'd accept that, regardless your age (yes, it may happen sooner than you think).
Re:What will they think of next? (Score:2)