3D File Manager on Linux Wins NSF Prize 283
MadFarmAnimalz writes "Science Magazine's reporting on the results of the NSF's Science and Engineering Visualisation Challenge and the first prize in the Illustrations category has been claimed by the Innolab 3D File Manager, which was developed on linux. Apparently this involves arranging data in a ferris wheel type structure." The data is arranged by its relationship with its content, rather than by its physical position on a hard drive or its file system.
ls -R / (Score:3, Insightful)
And the list goes on. One HELL of a ferris wheel.
Re:ls -R / (Score:5, Interesting)
And just to get my daily flamebait rating: Who modded the parent offtopic? It's a valid questioning of the usefulness of the program mentioned in the article
Re:ls -R / (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:ls -R / (Score:3, Insightful)
ferris wheel type structure (Score:5, Funny)
Does this mean that you have to wait for your files to get back down to the bottom to be able to read them???
Re:ferris wheel type structure (Score:5, Funny)
Re:ferris wheel type structure (Score:5, Funny)
One word: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:ferris wheel type structure (Score:4, Funny)
Re:ferris wheel type structure (Score:4, Funny)
OT: 3d file manager (Score:5, Interesting)
Why are we, the free software community, busting ass to integrate pseudo-3d technologies to the desktop (AA-fonts, SVG-icons, real alpha blending), while it seems obvious that the next step is going to be a fully 3d-enabled desktop, with 3d icons placed in the current 2d-metaphor? Already new computers with new accellerators can push so many polys that the overhead is not measurable by users.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Insightful)
plus, antialias
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
This is why I think of AA-fonts and transparent menus as a fundamentally 3d job -- they're best done by the video accellerator, not the cpu.
Similarly, SVG rendering seems to be just a special case of OpenGL rendering with a flat orthographic projection. Since OpenGL can render a superset of what
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Insightful)
Your above post is no less true if you replace "pseudo 3D" with "SVG". Which is my point really.
All these little "quality of life" improvements bought with s
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
anti-aliasing is not pseudo analog, it increases the effective resolution. And good eye candy isn't just any old eye candy. Alpha blending during a drag and drop operation is unquestionably good, whereas translucent xterms, well who knows. So there.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:5, Insightful)
that is pseudo analog. analog would be infinite resolution!
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Funny)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:5, Funny)
You have a point there.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:5, Funny)
So I expect you to have this 3D desktop on my ... umm ... desktop by tomorrow morning.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:4, Funny)
We'd need an interactive hologram system before we can really have a truly 3D desktop.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Interesting)
Homeworld Hack (Score:2)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Insightful)
Personally I don't think 3D will be of much use until the input method is figured out. I certainly don't want to stick on gloves and wave my arms around to use a computer, far too much effort.
Anyway, we still write letters on flat paper, books are still 2D. What good will a 3D text file be? there are many limitations on what 3D applications will work. I think we'll just end up with a 3D desktop management
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Funny)
I'm all for the glove...you should be able to burn 800 calories on an 8 hour work day.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2, Insightful)
Maybe it would take a 3D desktop to foster innovation in pointing devices, but most likely it will take both, at the same time. I'm waiting for the Minority Report style interface, with virtual keyboards, multiple desktops, and overexaggerated gestures. Add some weighted wristbands to the mix, and just maybe I'll get a good cardio workout while trolling Slashdot as well.
it's still overhead (Score:3, Insightful)
If a 3d interface is begun, it won't be an openbox/blackbox style system in which one can quickly and easily do what's needed after learning the controls. It will be a feature-barren, "dumbed down" interface like KDE or GNOME that for all intents an purposes is designed to look like winshit.
I have nothing against KDE and GNOME, they show how beautiful X can be and help entice new users. We already have 3d in the
Re:it's still overhead (Score:5, Funny)
Re:it's still overhead (Score:2)
I'm quite puzzled to why Gnome has to be so slooooow on my iBook 500/66.
Re:it's still overhead (Score:2)
Linux uses files for everything. The GUI should reflect that. ROX does a very nice job (application folders, for example). ROX does have
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:5, Insightful)
One Windows 3D desktop I remember was like Quake. You'd walk around this map and launch apps on the wall. To focus an app, you walk up to the wall and hit an action button. Cool, but not practical.
Another was a sort of empty 3D area with floating icons and a ground as a reference point so you don't get lost. The floating icons were just cubes with the 2D icon textured on each side, but it was functional. The trouble was that you either ended up organizing all these 3D icons within your field of vision as if it was a 2D desktop or you wasted half your time turning around and flying towards whichever icon you wanted to click on.
Any 3D desktop that works will have to be extraordinarily revolutionary just to be useable.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
I was still imagining the basically Mac System 1 2d interface, just rendered with all the power of a modern video card.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2, Informative)
E17? Not before Hurd! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Insightful)
Which makes me wonder.....do we even need a 3D desktop at this point? Why not let there be a 2D desktop projected into 3D space, and still enable the machine to display other apps in full 3D when necessary.
Just because a display has the ability to display true 3D objects (or simulated I guess) doesn't mean it should display EVERYTHING in 3D. A 2D desktop might be the most efficient design of a desktop, and mayb
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually rather than fully poligonal icons and windows, I'd like to see texturing and lightning effects going realtime on current X' windows. I mean.., actual lightning effects, not pre-rendeered stuff. And of course, nice 3D transformation effects on the oppening and closing of windows.
Maybe this could be achieved with a couple more people working on the transluxent [uni-karlsruhe.de] project, and making it go beyond the extremely outdated alpha effects. For Heavens..it had been cool to show off a
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Informative)
What, kinda like 3dwm? [3dwm.org]
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
I agree with another poster's reply, 3D file and desktop management are on hold pending true 3D display technology. Even then it's not immediately apparent that current computer data structures are better served by 3D visualization, or that humans would be more efficient using them. More dimensions are not automatically bette
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
Simple: they're all accellerated by a 3d graphics card.
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:2)
Re:OT: 3d file manager (Score:3, Insightful)
pr0n ? (Score:4, Funny)
Can it be downloaded and taken for a test drive? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Can it be downloaded and taken for a test drive (Score:5, Informative)
Credits to: http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=78355&cid=695
This is strange (Score:5, Interesting)
Doing this through the filesystem strikes me as alot more efficient than a quick hack of a filemanager.
Even Microsoft are working on a file system based
Re:This is strange (Score:2)
WinFS is one of them, Storage [slashdot.org] another,reiser4 [namesys.com] has a number of interesting concepts (such as a file being at the same time a directory containing the attributes of the file) which could be used in a similar way
Re:This is strange (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't buy it (Score:4, Insightful)
I'd have enough trouble interpreting that render (in the article) if it were made of real objects floating in front of me, but a 2D projection of it would just be hell.
It seems to me that the claim they make about the relationships not being displayable in 2D is false; the parent/child relationships are easy, and we've already got that sorted. The "related by some arbitrary, unspecified characteristic" (grey and yellow folders) can be represented by another pane in the 2D browser for "Things that are related to this elsewhere", which Windows XP already does for lots of its "special folders" as a substitute for actually putting them in a sensible heirarchy in the first place.
3D GUIs? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:3D GUIs? (Score:5, Informative)
3D File System Navigator for IRIX 4.0.1+ [sgi.com]
Re:3D GUIs? (Score:3, Informative)
A buggy Linux variant: FSV [sourceforge.net]
Re:3D GUIs? (Score:2)
Re:3D GUIs? (Score:4, Insightful)
For an interactive system (the only place a file browser matters) the GPU is always completely available to service what you're looking at. It has no other function.
If you're not using it, it's just sitting there being a waste of space. The one valid point here, though, is that power consumption might be higher if you're using every bell and whistle.
Re:3D GUIs? (Score:2, Insightful)
That's got to be the stupidest comment I've ever heard. Why the hell do you people think that we could possibly "waste" CPU or GPU power??? What the hell did we put such powerful processors in these computers if we don't write software to use them?
In my opinion, it's about time someone writes some software that looks good and uses the full capabilites of the hardware we're running it on, all the while makin
Not New... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Not New... (Score:2, Interesting)
Okay, okay... I entered and didn't win with xcore [schwehr.org]. Not quite as flashy, but I thought I'd have a good chance.
Congrats to all the winners. Th
3D Directories for OS X (Score:5, Interesting)
It uses Open GL to make the file system into 3D rotatable platters, and the platters are linked together. Can swim around the platters looking at the different documents.
Some screenshots are here:
3DOSX Screenshots
The project homepage is here:
3DOSX Homepage [uiuc.edu]
It is an interesting look into alternative ways of doing things.
Re:3D Directories for OS X (link update) (Score:2, Informative)
Updated screenshots link [uiuc.edu]
Re:3D Directories for OS X (Score:2)
Still, looks like a great idea stylishly, if not practically, well-implemented.
Another Linux 3D file manager (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Another Linux 3D file manager (Score:5, Informative)
Here are links to some of the 3DUIs that are available today:
- FSN [sgi.com] (pronounced "fusion") produces a cyberspace rendering of a file system. This was the original 3D file system navigator shown in Jurassic Park [monash.edu.au] ("Hey, this is UNIX. I know this!").
[Screenshot [monash.edu.au]] | [Download [sgi.com]] (IRIX)
- FSV [sourceforge.net] is modelled after FSN, but runs on Linux. FSV lays out files and directories in 3D, geometrically representing the file system hierarchy to allow visual overview and analysis.
[Screenshot [sourceforge.net]] | [Download [tucows.com]] (Linux)
- Xcruise [nooface.com] lets you fly through a filesystem in 3D as if it were interplanetary space. Directories are represented as galaxies, files are represented as planets (whose mass is determined by the file size), and symbolic links are represented as wormholes.
[Screenshot [titech.ac.jp]] | [Download [unixuser.org]] (Linux)
- TDFSB [hgb-leipzig.de] is a 3D filesystem browser for Linux. Take a walk through your filesystem!
[Screenshot [hgb-leipzig.de]] | [Download [hgb-leipzig.de]] (Linux)
- Visual File System [nooface.com] is a 3D file system visualizer for Windows. The tool scans a drive selected by the user, and then models the contents of the drive in 3D, based on the directories that are selected in a tree browser on the side of the display.
[Screenshot [manann.tng.de]] | [Download [manann.tng.de]] (Windows)
- 3Dtop [nooface.com] is an extension for Windows that represents desktop icons in 3D, letting you to fly around your desktop. You can create coloured spotlights, background and floor textures, "paintings" (bitmaps), clocks, and "flags" that represent shortcuts.
[Screenshot [3dtop.com]] | [Download [3dtop.com]] (Windows)
- ROOMS [nooface.com] turns a Windows desktop into a 3D world. You can see the world either through a first person perspective or with a map view, and you can populate the world with sounds, animated images, and 3D icons.
[Screenshot [rooms3d.com]] | [Download [rooms3d.com]] (Windows)
- CubicEye [2ce.com] organizes windows into a navigable cube. Cubes can be arranged by thematic or functional subject matter, and can be explored either individually or collectively as part of a more comprehensive structure of multiple cubes representing various areas of interest.
[Screenshot [2ce.com]] | [Download [2ce.com]] (Windows)
- Vizible WorldViewer [vizible.com] distributes windows across the exterior and interior surfaces of spheres, providing the means to visualize and navigate large numbers of web pages and data sources simultaneously.
Don't forget 3Dwm (Score:3, Interesting)
Link here... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Link here... (Score:3, Informative)
Pretty-printing (Score:5, Interesting)
This is more pretty-printing than real innovation. They claim to arrange data by relation but the thing still knows active folders, parent folders and subfolders. And the color scheme (subfolders are blue) focuses on the hierarchical structure of the folders and not the relation of the data. So they took one way of organizing and presenting files that works for most people most of the time but has a few big shortcomings, pretty-printed it in a somewhat confusing way and added relational sugar that can only add to the confusion.
Pretty, but not impressive.
No screen shots? (Score:3, Insightful)
Wait a minute.. Where are screenshots? How about a link to the project? I remember reading about 3D interfaces, getting excited, then seeing them and thinking 'oh crud'. I'd like to see the 'award winning' one, please.
Re:No screen shots? (Score:2)
Re:No screen shots? (Score:3, Informative)
For others who didn't find it the first time, here's a decent shot:
Doesn't look very practical, but I'm always negative.
That structure looks unwieldly (Score:5, Interesting)
"This new international contest is designed to recognize outstanding achievements by scientists and engineers in the use of visual media to promote understanding of research results."
So for the visual representation of linked data structure, sure this looks great. As a GUI, heck no. "File Manager" seems like a misnomer here.
Re:That structure looks unwieldly (Score:3, Informative)
When can we download it? (Score:2, Interesting)
Dock (Score:5, Insightful)
This is how I am guessing this new 3D navigation works, by magnifying as you move around.
I turned my dock's magnification off.
I am inclined to say that the revolutionary idea that will change how we look at our computer desktop has not yet come.
Re:Dock (Score:2)
Still stupid!
I just imagine my self running like crazy over icons to find the right one.
Best approach is still 2D
I am inclined to say that the revolutionary idea that will change how we look at our computer desktop has not yet come.
Yep, if this one was the best, I agree this year missed the point
Re:Dock (Score:4, Insightful)
1) Providing reinforcement - "if you click now, you'll do this thing here, the one that's all magnified and obvious now"
2) Fitt's law - the button you're trying to click on gets bigger when you get near it, so it's easier to hit.
Re:Dock (Score:3, Interesting)
After reading my post again I realised where the trouble is.
What I ment was:
With or without magnification this approach to file system is still stupid. I just can't imagine troubles people would have with 3D fs layout, when there's a lot of users that have problems with 2D, which is far more simpler to imagine than 3D.
This representation is feasssible in some movie to produce high tech feeling, but in real life is unusable
Re:Dock (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes, it gives reinforcement. But there are other ways to do that- color change, make it bounce or vibrate, etc. But any change which alters the size of their area sensitive to mouse-clicks should be a big no-no.
2) Fitt's law - the button you're trying to click on gets bigger when you get near it, so it's easier to hit.
That doesn't really work... it's circular reasoning. After all, the computer doesn't know which button you want to hit. Some button gets bigger and easier, but not necessarily the right one. If it knew which button you wanted, it could be large all the time.
Changing the size or position of GUI elements in response to mouse motion should generally be avoided (unless you've moved to a whole other paradigm than the regular "windows, buttons, and scrollbars" layout. OSX has made no drastic transition like that. Besides the Dock and Apple menu, it's all the same).
The user should feel assured that moving the mouse doesn't do anything- only clicking (or drilling) it has an effect. The GUI should partially emulate a consistent, physical world- predictable cause/effect, etc.
Re:Dock (Score:3, Insightful)
If it knew which button you wanted.... you wouldn't have to click it!
WTF? (Score:4, Insightful)
How is this [sciencemag.org] easier to use than this [konqueror.org]?
I'm already storing data by topic. I use a concept commonly called "directories". For example, all my pr0n is held in the ~/pr0n directory all my tunes are held in the ~/Tunes directory and all my pictures are held in the ~/Pictures directory.
I haven't looked at data based on physical location in eons. I used to read data sector by sector off floppy drives. Yeah, that did suck. Data wasn't necessarily organized by topic. But since the advent of filesystems, I've been able to organize by topic through use of these so-called "directories".
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
Some people call them "folders" too.
Re:WTF? (Score:3, Interesting)
The picture you reference (the white and yellow boxes in a big circle) is a classic example of a computer algorithm mistake: naive connectivity graph generation.
What happens is a programmer notices that some set of data has relationships between the elements, so he decides to draw them onscreen for the user as boxes connected by lines.
But it turns out it can be quite tricky to construct a graph layout that'll be easy for a human to understand. You'd want to minimiz
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
Yeah, good point. My bad.
Anyway, this sort of data representation has been done for years.
I found this list [icann.org] of tools.
Secret of Mana Anyone? (Score:5, Interesting)
It does to me...
uh, why the excitement? (Score:5, Insightful)
Practical 3D Operating System Apps (Score:3, Funny)
Memory Palace of Simonides (Score:3, Interesting)
What I would like to know ... (Score:2)
"I know this, it's UNIX" (Score:2)
Anyone remember the 7 year old kid grabbing the joystick looking at some 3D file manager like thingy in Jurassic Park I. Made me laugh and weap at the same time.
Duh-man strikes again (Score:2, Funny)
The data is arranged by its relationship with its content, rather than by its physical position on a hard drive or its file system.
Please, dont mod this up..ppl get so aggravated
the 3d interface you love (Score:3, Interesting)
One of the few 3d interfaces I love to use is the Homeworld / Homeworld2 [sierra.com] interface for rotating and zooming in space.
The build & research manager in Homeworld is 2d though.
For most types of data representations the 2d tree interface is ideal. Maybe we are far too used to it; we don't now really see what we can do with a 3d interface that we can't do just as efficiently as in 2d. Even in a lot of movies 3d is just an enhanced use of 2d displays.
What we do most is deal with text. Text is very typically a 2d thing because its on paper or a representation of paper (slashdot textarea box). Text in 3d space... doesnt make sense. We'd have to learn a language of 3d space to understand references. Once we learn such a language it might be extremely efficient though, I guess time will tell.
Hee hee hee... (Score:2, Funny)
could be 2d representations? (Score:2)
Evolution's VFolders -- for file systems (Score:5, Informative)
Data has to first be organized in a meaningful way; how it is displayed -- 3D, 2D, a list, ... -- is output not content. Get angry; In 0.21 seconds Google! can find just about anything on the planet, yet the local network or the computer in front of you may take hours of effort and asking people to pull out the one important detail you need at the moment. Personally, I've spent months attempting to get basic documentation on systems I'm working on...not because it doesn't exist, but because nobody knows where it is!
Here are five ways to organize and retrieve data using computers;
Right now, file systems are handled by manual and basic search tools. (Minor frustration: Why doesn't Windows by default have something like the unix-style 'find -amin or -cmin'? Is it the tools or the file system?)
The next step should be system-wide VFolders and unlimited Ad-hoc queries. To be truely valuable, the results should show up as real and potentially persistant objects not as fake tool-specific or GUI-only results.
Unfortunately, in the name of 'ease of use' the Automatic structure that is tool-specific will probably become dominate in both Windows and MacOS...leading to more data being ignored and eventually lost.
Gnome and KDE developers are moving in the right direction with virtual file systems (VFS, ioslave) though the device concept is specific to the UI or the supporting libraries and has no reality at the file or device level.
Re:Evolution's VFolders -- for file systems (Score:3, Interesting)
What I'd like is something like a CVS based filesystem; i.e., one that can automatically track changes to my documents/files/etc.. If I perform some upgrade and everything breaks, I could then retrieve a 'tagged' version of the OS. The same would apply to individual files; per-document versioning systems would be obsolete as the filesystem itself would take care of everything.
Forget Ferris Wheels! I want *real* rides! (Score:3, Funny)
tab-completion 3d visual paradigms (Score:3, Insightful)
I should be used to such amphormous replies but even with those concise instructions I'm as visually imparied by the wonderous layering of semi-solid and even obdurite objects in a visual world as any meat-monkey. Worse yet, unless there's some squirt of delicious abject horror from the object once I've cast my withering stare upon it, how am I going to pick it out of the mess? How would visualizing my otherwise concise access to stupid digital objects make my life easier? Intuitively I know the answer, it won't. Most computer users look at the whole visual 3d-paradigm file-system as the close cousin to "AI" that it is. I applaud such wise beings.
Why anyone would want to visit some visual strucutre cluttered with the noise of everything including their target when they're looking for something like a script, "userthwack.pl", that's easily found by typing
in the appropriate folder at the command-line eludes me. Even the seething greed masters of Microsoft have begun their quest to sieze the glory of tab completion. What the image in the article reminds me of is an interface in some filthy Microsoft development package that presented circular tree diagrams that you could grab and sworl around. It was fun, but ultimately useless.
Humanity is just smart enough to know when something works and stupid enough to think they need to twist that into something "visual" when it shouldn't be. The command-line requires the user to bring something to the table, namely a brain and some knowledge on how to use the available tools. We need to appreciate and value the knowledge we have as users and we should rail against anyone or anything determined to make us nothing more than button-monkeys. Yes, most of userspace is populated by eye-cattle button-monkeys, but that doesn't mean I want to be treated like that.
When the machines are sophisticated enough to perform complex bio-electro-chemical analysis combined with adaptive filters that genetically shape their responses to the user in some kind of B.F.Skinner "wet-dream" of a causal negative-feedback loop associativity so that as a user approaches the machine the computer can seamlesly deliver exactly what the user wants (Porn, online-store, report a thought-criminal,share something) to do then a visual file-system is exactly what we should have.
Until that day, the intelligent computer user will enjoy the command-line and fall-back to a GUI when it's the only offered means, and the veal will let their corporate masters mold and shape them into the banner-add pop-up eye-cattle button-monkeys they deserve to be.
If we were four-dimensional beings... (Score:3, Insightful)
The point of 2D is that you can see all of your viewing area at once, without stuff getting in the way, and you can interact with anything in your view, again without stuff getting in the way.
There's a reason we play two-dimensional board games, and things like 3D Chess end up being simply awkward novelties.
As 3D beings, we would have less control over a 3D system than we do over a 2D one.
And then we come to this piece of crap interface which is getting an award for some reason. They could have put lists of "related files" (not like those are going to be useful; who ever navigated by the "What's Related" menu in Netscape anyway?) in a 2D list, and it would have been more functional than this big huge ferris wheel displayed on a 2D screen where most of the things end up being so far away that they're a couple of pixels in area.
An interface in the physical meaning (the surface that divides two regions of space with different properties) can't possibly be 3D. An interface in the computer meaning, one between human space and information space, shouldn't be 3D either.
Re:Obligatory FSN/"Jurassic Park" reference and li (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:They forgot something.... (Score:2)
it's a joke, laugh.