Strained Silicon Chips From Intel 126
Quirk writes "NewScientist is reporting...
"Intel has taken the wraps off a secret technique it is using'Strained silicon' chips to increase the speed of its Pentium and Centrino chips. The technique boosts the rate at which transistors switch, without having to make them smaller.""
Re:Finally Caught On (Score:2, Interesting)
o stackable chip - unpropable
o 64Bit extension by module? Good joke, there is just no way to provide this technically..
o "lots of wires" - no way, you dont get above 20MHz when connection a CPU by wires
o 4000MHz front side bus - no way there is a tenfold increase.
Try harder next time..
Pentium = 5; Pentium V = Re-Pentium ? (Score:1)
It's somebody else's joke (I think I read it on the Register or the Inquirer), I can't take credit for it.
I found it pretty funny though.
Re:Fujitsu (Score:3, Informative)
Indeed, in fact this is of absolutely _NO RELEVANCE_ to strained silicon FETS. Please inform yourself before posting, and consider not posting halve-knowledge.
Re:Fujitsu (Score:1)
Re:Fujitsu (Score:1)
Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:5, Interesting)
IIRC they've even used SSoI (Strained Silicon on Insulator) for some production ASICs...
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:5, Informative)
I first thought it was the submitter's mistake, but actually the story is taked off the article.
Maybe someone can shed some light here.
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:4, Interesting)
And to counter this, you will end up using metal within your S-D zone, however that will have its own side effects - you will need more interconnects and this will increase the resistance by a very slight amount. Trivial for a small number of transistors but if you're having a few million of them, it could be painful. Also, it would mean that the entire thing is going to heat up ever so quickly.
And ofcourse, you always have issues with the Floating Body effects [smu.edu] (warning Powerpoint).
Couple this with a hard manufacturing process, and you have a technology thats atleast going to take another 5-10 years to mature. And thats being optimistic
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
I believe you are mixing up strained silicon with SOI?
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
http://www.google.com/search?lr=&ie=UTF-8 & oe=UTF-8 &q=%22source-drain%20gate%22
Microsoft PowerPoint - Goodson 5-17-03
http://web.mit.edu/hmtl/www/papers/GOODSO Npres.pdf
Source Drain Gate Gate Oxide Psub 1mm 0.6 m low voltage CMOS 30V
http://www.fujielectric.co.jp/news/pdf/021205 011.p df
EE410 vs. Advanced CMOS Structures
http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee410/Ad vCMOS.pdf
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
The rest of your post reads like it's been run through Babelfish 3 or 4 times, but this point is wrong. Decreasing capacitance on the transistor structure (with the gate capacitance being dominant) leads to increased switching rates. A shorter transition time means that the transistor is dissipating less heat.
I think you are (trying to) talking about SOI technology, and if so, you are incorrect about it taking 5-10 yea
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
do it cheeply but still over charge
the consumer for it.
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:5, Insightful)
Slashdot story 2.5 years ago (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:2, Informative)
The idea of strained silicon is to apply a mechanical stress to the silicon. This will change the spacing between the silicon atoms (the lattice spacing), which will indirectly reduce the channel resistance, therefore allowing faster transistor switching speed.
Indeed, this has been known for a long time, but so far it has not been used in commercial products due to the problems involved with the actual manufacturing of theses devices.
The classical way to manufacture
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Since when is Strained Silicon Secret? (Score:1)
I cant help but commenting here: This is a trivial result of even the simplest models to explain the existence of a band structure. (tight binding, kronig-penny etc) I guess he did not just realise it experimentally.
Re:Cyrix (Score:1)
Deja Vu, all over again. (Score:2, Informative)
Strained silicon?!!? (Score:5, Funny)
Future bad headlines for this technology (Score:5, Funny)
Intel strains to find new chips
Intel strains to make chips faster
etc... ad nauseum.
Re:Future bad headlines for this technology (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Future bad headlines for this technology (Score:1)
With its companion web viewer: iBrowse.
Re:Future bad headlines for this technology (Score:3, Funny)
you forgot one ... (Score:1)
Hmm.... (Score:3, Funny)
Mechanical Stress (Score:5, Interesting)
To stretch the silicon lattice, Intel deposits a film of silicon nitride over the whole transistor at high temperature. Because silicon nitride contracts less than silicon as it cools, it locks the silicon lattice beneath it in place with a wider spacing than it would normally adopt. This improves electron conduction by 10 per cent.
What temperature ranges does this become an issue? If my processor gets warm, will its performance decrease because the strain dissapeared?
Would mild mechanical stress on the chip (i.e. application of heat-sink) alter the strain?
Direction (Score:2)
Re:Direction (Score:3, Informative)
Based on the quote in the grandparent post (and the picture at the bottom of the page in the article [ibm.com], which shows a side-slice of the configuration), the strain is 2D already (plane face to plane face).
The only way to get 3D straining would be to have a 3D substrate, with the transistor material embedded within.
It seems to me that, in such a configuration, the substrate would interfere with the operation of th
Re:Direction (Score:2, Informative)
It would be stretched in all directions, but usually the thickness is kept as small as possible, so the effect in that direction is minimal. The idea is to increase the carrier mobility between the source and drain, which is mostly a 1-D proposition: the electrons (or holes) flow from the source towards the drain,
Won't happen (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Won't happen (Score:2)
Re:Mechanical Stress (Score:5, Informative)
Apparently the strained silicon technology came about due to research related to mechanical stress problems they were encountering across the entire chip -- so it already was an issue. Their research solved the mechanical stress problem, and they later realized by intentionally localizing the effect they could basically place the strain at individual transistors to improve performance.
Because the effect is localized and controlled it's no longer an issue of concern, AFAIK.
Heat sinks, etc, shouldn't alter the strain at the transistor level. Remember, we are talking about this at the atomic level, so any macro-level strain like a heat sink would have to be pretty substantial to work its way down into the crystal lattice structure to the point of affecting performance. (Sort of humorous if it did, though, as it would imply microprocessors would go faster if you squeezed them. In reality Intel is actually stretching the size of the normal silicon lattice structure, so heat sink stress (compression) would actually be working against you, but it's also occuring in the wrong axis (the lattice stretching is 2D X-Y, not Z-axis.)
fanboys are funny (Score:2)
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:5, Insightful)
Intel and AMD both have a variety of technologies available to them, sometimes uniquely, sometimes shared or licensed.
Currently AMD holds the speed crown with the hammer series of chips. Before that, intel held the speed crown when the P4 series ramped up to the very high clockspeeds it was capable of. Before that, AMD held the speed crown when it beat intel soundly to 1GHz. Before that, intel was everything.
When you consider that now, AMD seems to be a low-end commodity CPU technology leader (first to get 64bit on the desktop and all), and intel have changed their plans by announcing work on an x86-64 CPU, but intel by far has a huge installed base and the same entrenched loyalty in consumers that Bill Gates enjoys (They are the biggest, most expensive company so their product is more reliable FUD).
I'm interested in seeing who will win out - the larger company with the market share (but less innovative product), or the innovator with a cheaper, more powerful product. I think intel will win, after observing the linux/windows market competition.
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:5, Insightful)
If Linux could run all the programs that MS does, I would say your logic made some sense but the fact is that linux is "johny come lately" when 90% of the desktop was already tied to MS. Linux can't run everything that MS does and it is not realistic for most people to switch all software and everything they know to something completely new. That arguement does not hold true for the AMD/Intel market. What runs on Intel will run just as well on AMD with no change in user experience (often without any knowledge of what chip they are using).
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:2, Insightful)
1. I don't recall Intel announcing anything about any x86-64 CPU.
2. Intel's products are more reliable, as they spend a _lot_ more time testing and qualifying their products than any other manufacturer.
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:2)
Where's a link to the press release?
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:1)
"I don't remember" is a nice way of saying "quit passing off rumors as facts, dumbass - Intel has announced no such thing".
And you seem to be, umm, stupid. First, you seem to think that AMD chips don't have bugs. Pretty silly, you cheeky monkey.
Second, Itanium/ia64 is very well designed. They perform exceptionally well at their intended task, and are among the fastest processors you can buy - _FOR THEIR INTENDED TASKS_.
Lastly, there is a version of Windows for the Itanium, and
Re:fanboys are funny (Score:2)
BTW - I have built 5 PCs now and all of them had AMD chips. Only the office desktop and laptop (Dell) have Intel.
Re:Compared to AMD...? (Score:1)
What's funny is you probably think it's subtle and clever. _That's_ why I laugh.
Re:Compared to AMD...? (Score:1)
RTFA, the tech is old, the story is they are giving away the technique. And thank you for demonstrating that you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to chip design.
The sort of blind zealotry you are exhibiting frightens me deeply, did you even think about what you wrote? Do you REMEMBER what utter CRAP AMD chips used to be???
Note: Every system I've built in the last 3 years has been a
Re:Compared to AMD...? (Score:1)
I personally have no idea what your talking about, I've used AMD for the better part of 5 years now, and never had a problem with the chip itself, to confirm AC's note, the only problems I've ever had with AMD computers is crappy motherboars/chipsets.
I've been reading /. for quite a while now and still shake my head at some of these responses, I made an opinionated statement which I'm entitled too and have been attacked for such and called ignora
Re:Compared to AMD...? (Score:1)
you have my formal appology for what was written previously. Allow me to make another attempt at it.
My experiance with Pre K7 chips from AMD (a K5, a K6-2 and a K6-3) left me with a very bad taste in my mouth as to the performance of early AMD chips. In
Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:4, Insightful)
Pick an absolute limit for the speed of a CPU... then proceed to completely ignore it. Can't go wrong there.
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:1)
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:2)
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:5, Insightful)
While technology could keep advancing for quite some time, that doesn't mean that advances will be economically feasible.
Take aircraft development, for example. The maximum speed advanced on a roughly exponential scale from 1903 through the mid 60s, culminating with an X-15 flight at around mach 6. Even today, researchers are tinkering around with models of aircraft faster than that. However, 99.99% of all passengers and cargo still move at the speed they did in 1960: about 500 mph. Why is this? Because fuel consumption and noise problems make it uneconomical to go faster than a 707. For air travel, every day reality has become decoupled from technological possiblity.
Likewise, CPU performance will almost certainly hit a wall where the power consumption makes it impractical for the average user to run more MIPS. Processor technology will continue to advance, but only for applications where power consumption is no object.
The problem is that when you can no longer target CPUs at the mass market, the potential revenue shrinks, so investment money dries up, slowing the development cycle. (This is a big part of the reason why 40 years after the X-15 and SR-71 we haven't come up with anything faster.) This will be the factor that ends exponential silicon CPU performance increases, even if there is no fundamental physical roadblock to producing faster processors.
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:1)
They said the same thing in the 60's and 70's, after Algol (procedural language) and Simula 67 (OO language). Yet, somehow, 30 years later we're still programming with the same concepts as in 1967!
The truth is, new ideas may come, but people don't change that quickly, and we won't be able to change the way we think very quickly either.
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:2)
Re:Yet another reminder for naysayers... (Score:1)
100 billion dollar chip market! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:100 billion dollar chip market! (Score:4, Insightful)
Scientists, Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, The Blue Man Group, you start to wonder how there is any room left for profit.
Way behind competitors still (Score:5, Interesting)
Still, Butler is frustrated with what he thinks of as myopia in the US computer business. "Europe and Japan have been investing in diamond semiconductor research," he says, citing the Japanese government's announcement in December that it would begin allocating $6 million a year to build a first-generation diamond chip. "Bob Linares has given the US the advantage, but nobody's paying any attention," he says. "If we're not careful, the Japanese or the Europeans are going to claim the diamond niche."
Indeed, Intel's top materials executives weren't aware of the latest research breakthroughs when I spoke to them in June, although they certainly understood the potential for diamonds in computing. "Diamonds represent a seismic change in semiconductors," says Krishnamurthy Soumyanath, Intel's director of communications circuits research. "It takes us about 10 years to evaluate a new material. We have a lot of investment in silicon. We're not about to abandon that."
Click here for full article. [wired.com]
Intel may be right (Score:2, Interesting)
Intel may be right on this one - they always have been conservative and this worked out very well for them. Large companies often wait for smaller companies to take the risk and prove or disprove the viablity of new tech. Nobody knows how well diamond is going to work out!
Remember GaAs?
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:2)
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:2, Insightful)
I'd wager they aren't ignoring it at all. Rather, Intel will be keeping any progress on such a jump in technology very, very closely guarded to their chest.
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Way behind competitors still (Score:1)
And the competitors (Score:5, Funny)
That's nothing (Score:2, Funny)
Strained.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Strained.... (Score:1)
PFET vs NFET (Score:3, Informative)
news (Score:3, Interesting)
link [com.com]
Silicon on Insulator, Copper Interconnects, DDR memory, dual core, but not HyperTransport yet.
Re:news (Score:1)
You also seem to be under the incorrect assumption that IBM or AMD "invented" any of those things. This is _truly_ funny considering AMD has (barely) eeked an existence out of basically COPYING/LICENSING OTHER PEOPLES' TECHNOLOGY. This is sure innovative, eh?
Re:news (Score:2)
Re:news (Score:1)
Re:What is that (Score:1)
secret? (Score:1)
Strained Silicon: Ancient Chinese Secret....
World's Smallest (Score:4, Funny)
Re:World's Smallest (Score:2)
I am *so* glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that sort of "straining". I read the article and *still* had to take a beating with a cluestick before I figured out that they were talking about the other meaning of "strain". I guess I was thinking about upcoming Christmas dinner.
On a side note, I figured infinitesimal colander [google.com] would be close to a Googlewhack [googlewhack.com], but instead it brought up yet another bizarre collecti
Several technologies... (Score:5, Informative)
For some time, SOI (silicon-on-insulator) has been helping chip manufacturers squeeze out extra performance. And the straining of the silicon lattice (strained silicon) helps as well. And you can combine them into SSOI, strained-silicon-on-insulator.
Well, there's also one other technology that's been developed, called "fully depleted silicon". And guess what - it should/will be possible to make fully-depleted, strained silicon-on-insulator chips. (FDSSOI?)
Between moving to 90 nm, then 65nm, and then further, as well as integrating high-K dialectrics and fully-depleted, strained silicon-on-insulator manufacturing technologies, we've still got a lot of headroom to keep cranking out faster and faster processors. Moore's law has still got a long time to live. And that's even if we don't make any new breakthroughs, but my guess is that the chip makers will continue to pull aces out of their sleeves, so to speak.
doping confusion (Score:1)
For example, an n-channel MOS device is built in a p-type well. The channel (region between source and drain) is p-type when the device isn't conducting current, but the channel must be inverted to n-type before electrons can flow from source to drain. Correct me if I'm wr