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A First Look At The GIMP 2.0 713

An anonymous reader writes "Brice Burgess has given everyone a good peek at what's coming in 2.0 for the GIMP in his review over on NewsForge. Don't like the old UI? It's gone. All new. There have also been megawumpus improvements in the text tool. Brice says he sees some room for improvement still, but overall he is "very impressed."" (Slashdot and NewsForge are both part of OSDN.) The new text tools are a big step up, though the interface as a whole remains a love-it-or-hate-it thing.
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A First Look At The GIMP 2.0

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  • by jdray ( 645332 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:38PM (#8390419) Homepage Journal
    And still at the same low price! How do they do that?
    • No Kidding!
      I would gladly pay 100 times as much, and I never even USE this stuff!
    • by Rand Al'Thor ( 69937 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:40PM (#8390451)
      Volume, baby. Volume.
  • by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) * <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:38PM (#8390421) Homepage
    "Bring out the gimp..."
    "But the gimp's prelease."
    Well I guess you're just gonna have to go CVS him now won't you."
  • by Uhh_Duh ( 125375 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:38PM (#8390423) Homepage

    Are any of these features NOT copied from PhotoShop?
  • Uh, gone? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jargoone ( 166102 ) * on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:39PM (#8390433)
    Looking at the pictures, the old GUI is hardly "gone". It's changed a little bit, and they've added docking capability. Great.

    Great tool, but the GUI makes it difficult to find things, IMO. I was hoping for something more from a "new" GUI.
    • Re:Uh, gone? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by justsomebody ( 525308 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:01PM (#8390733) Journal
      You should stop looking and try to use it.

      Feel of new Gimp GUI is completely different than the old one
    • by RoLi ( 141856 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:14PM (#8390875)
      The GUI is great because you can use multiple monitors with it.

      The new GUI combines the best of both worlds: You can put whatever you like in a single window and you can use as many windows (on as many different screens) as you want.

      I'd say Gimp 2.0 is put clearly ahead of Photoshop.

    • My suggestion.... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by gilesjuk ( 604902 )
      would be to have most things accessible in one panel which can be hidden and revealed with the space bar. TV Paint was like this and you could use almost the entire screen for drawing instead of a dinky Window.
    • Re:Uh, gone? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cronot ( 530669 )

      You're saying that probably because you were expecting a MDI interface like Photoshop's. GIMP will nerver have this, because of a GTK limitation/stand.

      "Limitation" as in GTK doesn't implement a MDI-like interface. "Stand" as in they won't never implement it, because of their opinion on this - they think MDI is evil, and while at first I didn't agree, after working with GIMP for awhile (and the new interface *IS* better, but you have to use it to understand why), I've came to belive that MDI is not necessar

  • Mouse pointers? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Negatyfus ( 602326 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:40PM (#8390442) Journal
    So, does it finally have mouse pointers like Photoshop, that are the size of the currently selected brush so that you can actually see how big an area you are affecting?
  • Yucky (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Lane.exe ( 672783 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:45PM (#8390511) Homepage
    The UI is still clunky and cluttered looking, but overall GIMP is an amazing program for the right price. It may never be a substitute for Photoshop, CAD or Illustrator, but for the weekend graphics hacker who doesn't have 600 dollars, this is a step in the right direction.
  • by leinhos ( 143965 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:45PM (#8390524) Homepage Journal
    Will this release have a compatible gimp-print plugin?
  • I see... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by groman ( 535485 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:46PM (#8390544) Homepage
    I see they didn't go with an MDI-style interface. Having independently floating windows makes GIMP practically unuseable, unless it's the only program running... [grumble]
    • by dekashizl ( 663505 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:19PM (#8390927) Journal
      I see they didn't go with an MDI-style interface. Having independently floating windows makes GIMP practically unuseable, unless it's the only program running... [grumble]
      I find this to be very annoying as well. If you can set up virtual desktops, then it can live in its own desktop. But most Win32 users don't have virtual desktops.

      And here's the deal: if you obnoxious Linux zealots keep responding to points like this with "d00d install linux u l00s3r" and comments about how stupid windows users are, you will continue to miss the point that Linux will survive by gaining mindshare and marketshare, and this will not happen if the majority of Win32 people (yes there are lots of them that don't love Win32, but they like to be productive) have the idea that "wow, the OSS tools on Linux are really hard to use". And that's the impression people get. I would think that if they go to the effort of building and releasing binaries on Win32, they could add some MDI support so people could actually find the product useable without burning through their ALT and TAB keys. My left hand is sore after ever GIMP session on my Win32 box, and I feel like I spend half my time minimizing/restoring windows to try to find the right ones. This is a problem, period. Many solutions, but a good one would be to support MDI, like nearly every other windows app in the world.
    • Re:I see... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jared_hanson ( 514797 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:23PM (#8390973) Homepage Journal
      MDI is something that is particular to Windows, and Linux by extension since the general interface trend is to copy Microsoft.

      Mac OS X (and probably prior, but I have no experience) advocates not using the MDI paradigm. I switched from MS to Linux and now I use both Linux and Mac. At first the absence of MDI was a little daunting and I didn't like it.

      However, after a couple weeks of adjusting, I'd say I agree with Apple that MDI is a horrible idea and should be avoided. I find managing my workflow far more efficient when my windows are constrained only by my desktop rather than some application that deems itself smarter than I am.
      • Re:I see... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Sax Maniac ( 88550 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:45PM (#8391262) Homepage Journal
        This is overgeneralized, MDI is not purely evil.

        Everyone likes Mozilla's tabbed browsing, right? Well, that's just another form of MDI. It's windows-within-windows, but done right.

        What is evil is MS's old brain-dead MDI where you have a blank useless desktop with icons on top of it that can be hidden. Tabbed browsing just this trimmed of some extra features.

        What Mozilla does also right is that the whole SDI/MDI model not an either-or choice anymore. Want all pages in different windows? Fine. Want all pages in one window? Fine. Wants some pages in some windows? Fine. I showed Mozilla to various family members who usually use computers, and they all immediately love tabbed browsing.

        MS doesn't seems to understand which is better. They keep going back and forth between SDI and MDI when the answer is both!

  • UI (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Ween ( 13381 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:47PM (#8390545)
    I know im gonna get marked troll, but I really would like the option of having the gimp ui as one cohesive window with moveable panels instead of 50 windows I cannot keep track of. I think there's a reason why there arent any other applications I can think of that use that layout anymore. They have all switched the the single window approach. It may not be as powerful or whatever, but it sure is easier for some of us folk. And no, I dont know enough to submit a patch and yes, I realize that the software is free.
    • Re:UI (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Miffe ( 592354 )
      Run GIMP and a simple window manager in Xnest. Then you get almost the same feeling as Photoshop.
    • Re:UI (Score:5, Informative)

      by forgotmypassword ( 602349 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:55PM (#8390661)
      The second thing you notice about the new version is the GIMP's "dockability." All dialogs (Brushes, Layers, Tool Options, etc.) can now be detached from the main window and shown in a separate window, added to an existing dialog window, or hidden from view. The software saves all changes you make to your view preferences, so that when you next go to work, your tools remain laid out as they were during your last session. This not only allows you to create a custom environment that suits your needs, but also helps reduce screen clutter.

      Like that?
  • by Realistic_Dragon ( 655151 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:47PM (#8390555) Homepage
    Why not save yourself a gazillion bucks and export it into the excellent (and Free) Sodipodi [].

    It's a fantastic vector graphics editor, one that reminds me slightly of Draw on the old Acorn, but more powerful.
  • by MajorDick ( 735308 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:48PM (#8390563)
    I have been waiting , obviouslly in vain for a version of the gimp to come out with REAL CMYK capablities. I personally know of about 10 people I worked with that would jump on the Gimp bandwagon. WHY in gods name hasnt this been implemented yet ?
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:59PM (#8390712)
      Blame adobe. They have the patents over much of the CMYK processing space.

      It's not that gimp won't do it, it's that legally they can't until adobe release the patent, or allow the gimp authors to use it for a low price.

      Personally, I'm in favour of a constitutional amendment that insists patents are only valid on commercial products, but that free/oss software is immune from such. It's the only way to increase competition to benefit consumers.
      • by faust2097 ( 137829 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:29PM (#8391051)
        Don't "blame Adobe". These are useful, non-trivial, novel patents that took a lot of research to develop. Unless you think that specific pieces of directionally influenced [non-symmetric] 4D to 3D matrix math with interactive tuning are just so obvious to everybody that they're not worth protecting. This stuff isn't the one-click patent.

        If the Gimp team wants real CMYK they can do it themselves with a team of volunteers, a few Gretag spectrophotometers and several years of fine-tuning but there's a reason that everyone licenses this stuff from Pantone, Screen, EFI, Adobe, etc. and it's because it's really, really, really hard to do.
      • by ArsonSmith ( 13997 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @05:06PM (#8391527) Journal
        More importantly cut software pantents time frame down to a more realistic technology time frame. 7 years is long enough to own the entire life of a software product. If the pantes were something more like 7-12 months the patents would server there pourpus of "I inveneted it, I should be alowed first to market." whilte not providing a long term (in software time) monopoly.

  • by burgburgburg ( 574866 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:48PM (#8390570)
    There has also been megawumpus improvements int the text tool

    Wake when there are gigawumpus improvements.

    (Did I use that properly? Should I be ashamed?)

  • by MikeCapone ( 693319 ) <<skelterhell> <at> <>> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:50PM (#8390602) Homepage Journal
    I'm sure the screenshots at Newsforge would be more impressive if the guy didn't have the ugliest desktop I've ever seen. I mean, a green background?

    It should be noted that when you are trying to convince people that something is good, it helps when it also looks good.

    Now, sure you can abstract the green theme (is that guy colorblind? maybe he likes red?) and see the improvements in the GIMP, but still. It just doesn't look very professional.
  • Dock Bar? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by forsetti ( 158019 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:50PM (#8390604)
    Can anyone tell me what the OSX-ish dock thingamabobber at the bottom of the screenshots is?
    • Re:Dock Bar? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Greyfox ( 87712 )
      Looks like a gnome panel, told not to expand to cross the entire desktop and offset up a little. It's pretty easy to get that look with the right background image.

      Personally I like to make them translucent at the bottom of the screen in a more traditional gnome layout. I would think a panel where he has it would either get windows over it a lot if he doesn't have it configured to stay on top or would get in the way a lot if he does have it configured to stay on top.

  • by sielwolf ( 246764 ) * on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:51PM (#8390617) Homepage Journal
    Docking doesn't count as "all new" re: the GUI.

    Really, the fact that all tools are under a single window hasn't seemed to hurt the Adobe family of products from being wildass popular. So what, other than being different for the sake of being different, is the point? Copying popular Windows/Mac apps isn't a bad thing if it is what people really like about the user experience.

    Folks seem to like the "one window to bind them" approach. Additionally I (and probably others) can't stand to use GIMP with its bazillion windows cluttering my taskbar (as it gets in the way of quickly ALT-TABing throug different apps).

    Also, would it kill them to mirror the prebuilt binary/installer packages on a machine larger than a Casio calculator? I spend more time trying to get Gimp on Windows than using it.

    Ok... that's it... #def rant 0.
    • Really, the fact that all tools are under a single window hasn't seemed to hurt the Adobe family of products from being wildass popular. So what, other than being different for the sake of being different, is the point?

      With multiple virtual desktops (a feature Windows and Macs lack), I can have one bit of The GIMP on one desktop, and other dialogues on another. This means, for instance, that I can keep informative dialogues open and switch over to them when I need them.

      I'm sure serious graphic-heads fin
  • by stry_cat ( 558859 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:51PM (#8390618) Journal
    I've been using 1.2 for a while now (almost 3 years). Now that it has CMYK I can cut in half (or maybe more) the number of times I have to boot to M$ Windows and use Photoshop. Of course I'm a little worried by:
    Admittedly, the current rendition of CMYK in the GIMP is far behind that of commercial offerings
    What exactly does the author mean by this?
  • by paRcat ( 50146 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:54PM (#8390645)
    ok, I'll be the first to admit that a lot of people won't agree with me, but I know of plenty of others that definitely will.

    I'm not a Photoshop user. I use the Corel line of products. Why? Corel puts everything into one window. I'm aware of the pains in programming an interface, but I don't understand why a separate option isn't there for the rest of us?

    Please?! If only the Gimp was like this, I would use it. It would be a learning curve, but I could do it. Instead, I have to make sure I have enough room on my desktop to fit all the tool windows I need, along with enough space to view the image I'm manipulating at a size bigger than 40x40. y'know? Every time I give the Gimp a try, I'm impressed with the features, but not impressed with the interface.

    I just can't use it. "It's hopeless... utterly, utterly, hopeless."

  • by Syberghost ( 10557 ) <syberghost AT syberghost DOT com> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @03:55PM (#8390666)
    A toolbar button to download the next upcoming Fark Photoshop contest.
  • by British ( 51765 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:00PM (#8390724) Homepage Journal
    When I first took a look at GIMP several years ago, the first thing that turned me off was all the seperate palettes are treated as apps. Saw the same thing in Sodipodi and Inkscape. Seemed that it was the trademark for open-source drawing applications. Didn't like having 5-6 tasks on my taskbar for just one app. On inkscape, if I mistakenly close the last image, the whole app closes down.

    All I want are dockable or floating palettes that use a small font size(ie not screen hogs) just like PSP, Photoshop and illustrator use.

    And on a second note, I don't wish to see my desktop peep through. A big gray dull background would be less distracting. I've grown way too used to MDI in Windows apps to comfortably use the open source SDI way.

    Mod me down for said redunant comments.
  • Afew suggestions (Score:3, Insightful)

    by t_allardyce ( 48447 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:03PM (#8390753) Journal
    I like the way you can select the colour sampling in jpeg compression (4:2:2 4:4:4 etc) nice touch. It really really really really really really needs adjustment layers like photoshop at the very least, without adjustment layers you might aswell be painting on a real canvas in terms of later adjustability. I can live with out plug-in/filter previews although you could technically add that ability automatically without even needing to modify the current plug-ins - just make the plug-in work with a second version of the image while clicking ok would apply the plugin and imeadiately re-launch the window for tweeking.

    If you then added a way of remembering the settings of that particular plug-in on a layer you could add the ability to go back at any time and adjust a plug-in/layer and have that adjustment filter through to the current image - that alone would out-do photoshop!!

    Adjustability is what its all about, anyone else with me?
  • by Iron Monkey ( 113162 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:03PM (#8390762)

    Ha! on this screenshot [], I notice that they have the all imporant toilet paper template... a must have. :)

  • by miyako ( 632510 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:04PM (#8390771) Homepage Journal
    The gimp is a fine project as projects go, but it seems to me that there are a few things gimp needs before it will be able to really compete with Photoshop
    First off, brushes, Photoshop 7 has a great brush system, being able to combine brushes is great. Photoshops size, color, shape dynamics as well as jitter control via pen preassure and tilt are great.
    This brings up point number 2
    This is just from my experience, but getting GIMP to work with a pen/tablet is like pulling the teeth of a grumpy aligator, it's just not worth it. I have a wacom tablet that supposedly works with drivers from the wacom linux project, although I can get it to work as a mouse in X, I have had 0 luck getting it to work with gimp
    The last thing is a UI improvment
    I haven't used the new version yet, and its hard to tell from the screenshots, but GIMP has some major usability problems when working with multiple layers, history editing, and things of that nature. I think the multiple document interface is a good thing, and the tool selection window is not bad, but having to right-click on the document to get the standard utility menus is a pain in the rear.
    Because of the afore mentioned problems I have not used GIMP extensively for actual work, instead I photoshop on my mac, but it seems to have a solid painting engine underneath it, and many of the filters are better than those available for photoshop, even if some of them are a little to flashy.
    All that said, I do graphics professionally and so perhaps I just put more demand on an application than the average user, but right now gimp seems like just a nice toy untill they get some of that stuff fixed.
    I do prefer to use Open Source software when possible and wait eagerly for the day when GIMP or another project is a usable alternative to Photoshop, and I will be sure to give this new release a go, but I think we may still have a while to go.
    Off Topic but, if anyone has had luck getting a Wacom tablet to work under Linux with GIMP and can let me know how to do so as well I'd love to know.
  • by tarsi210 ( 70325 ) * <nathan.nathanpralle@com> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:07PM (#8390817) Homepage Journal
    I view the Gimp as a very extensible, flexible program.

    That being said, it's completely unusable for long periods of time by a guy who, admittedly, is NOT a graphic artist.

    I use graphics programs like secretaries use computers. I want it to do what I want it to do, I don't want to know why, I don't want to know when, and I sure as hell don't want to have to spend a half hour figuring out HOW to do something. Ever tried to do something like a inner bevel in Gimp? I'm sure it can be done, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. And that, to me, is a failure of the program for users such as myself.

    Maybe you graphics types find it just fine, but it certainly doesn't work for us reg'ler folks.
  • by Mr. Darl McBride ( 704524 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:12PM (#8390855)
    I see a lot of complaining about the Gimp using multiple windows for everything, where people want an MDI interface with just one parent window instead.

    To that, I'll remind you that your Linux window manager probably has multiple desktops. It sounds incredibly stupid for its simplicity, but once you realize it, there's absolutely no problem with the interface.

    I'll also encourage you to use 0x808080 or something similarly neutral for the background on that desktop. You'd be surprised how much the surrounding noise can affect the way you work. I even go to the extent of making all my window decorations a soft grey when I'm drawing up stock schemes or otherwise doodling.

  • by teamhasnoi ( 554944 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:17PM (#8390912) Journal
    Why is the tool palette a huge box rather than the double row that is basically standard in ever other app? (Granted, the double row palette is Adobe all the way)

    I don't understand why anyone would want a box covering the very thing they're working on. Is there some option to make it that way, or customize it - say 'Adobe 7' or 'Corel 4.5' profiles?

    I use Photoshop more than 10 hours a day - if Gimp wants users, it should make it easy for Photoshop users to migrate with as little adjustment as possible. Why would I want to throw my years of PS experience away? Adjustment is necessary, but not full-blown re-education.

  • by rotomonkey ( 198436 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:19PM (#8390938)
    Does anyone know if v2 will support floating point or 16-bit image formats? We in the CG business could use a quality non-8bit paint package and properly supporting finer bit-depth data would go a long way towards making Gimp a standard production tool.

    gimp16 looked promising, but it never went anywhere. Photoshop's 16-bit implementation is pretty weak; it can read it, but can't write it in any format other than a photoshop file and (last time I checked), it still only painted in 8-bit.
  • by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:24PM (#8390987) Homepage Journal
    Wumpus: Big, heavy, VERY stinky (smells 2 rooms away), slow (rarely moves), thick-skinned (needs several arrow hits, doesn't care about bats), ravenous (eats you as soon as you enter his room) and rather stupid (moves randomly).

    So, the improvements aren't really welcome, right?
  • First Impressions (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rjstanford ( 69735 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:37PM (#8391150) Homepage Journal
    You know, you can tell a lot about a product from its screenshots. So let's take a look at this one []. First, I should say that I am not a graphics artist, nor do I play one on TV. I do some mild photo retouching, web art, icon design, stuff like that. I've used Photoshop and Illustrator, and currently use Paint Shop Pro (hey, its only $89 and it works).

    What's the first thing that I see? Well, we have a bunch of little windows with a terminal manager peeking through. Annyoing, but I can deal with it. Hmm - they're all showing up on the taskbar, too. More annoying, but lets move on.

    Looking at what I presume is the "new" Gimp interface, on the left, the colored icons are much easier to understand at a glance. The menus, however, leave a lot to be desired. One problem with small windows is that, unless you're using Mac style menus, you have small menu labels. Like these ones. File: fair enough. Help: likewise. Xtns: ...? Xtns? I have no idea.

    Looking at the bottom of the docked options window, I can see some buttons. I'd guess that the first one is Save, the second (greyed out) is undo/back, the third is delete (delete my ink options?) and the fourth is... erm... undo again? You've got me. Hope that they have mouseovers, but they really shouldn't have needed them.

    Looking at the "Brushes, Patterns, Gra" window. Ooh, nice title. Anyway, these seem pretty reasonable, although the weird icons at the bottom are back, and different. I guess the first one is ... no idea, actually, since I assume that the second one is new. The third is probably copy (why can't I copy a circle(11) by the way?), the fourth is delete, and the fifth is - refresh? How often do you need to refresh your brushes that it gets the bottom-right corner of the window all to itself? That's prime real estate!

    Okay, now onto the main window. Heh - they can't seem to draw their rulers correctly so that you can see the stops and read the numbers. Oh, well. Again, we have the problem of the window size - this time the menus are readable, but one of them seems to be "La" - possibly "Lay" - and who knows how many are inaccessible off to the right? Its good to know that I can cancel my picture, however - or could in some situations whenever the button is enabled.

    All in all, from a first glance (which is all many prospective users will ever give it), I'll stick with Paint Shop Pro, thankyouverymuch.
  • MacOSX version? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Espectr0 ( 577637 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:42PM (#8391220) Journal
    Where can i get the macosx version for (F,f)ree? Macgimp is selling it but i dont see a free download.

    Does the current gimp source compile on osx? Does it need X or it works on aqua too? Am i stuck with fink?
  • by graphicartist82 ( 462767 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:50PM (#8391324)
    is the "Healing Brush".. That's my single favorite part of Photoshop; especially when touching up family photos from a digital camera.
  • Moving the Masses (Score:4, Insightful)

    by felonious ( 636719 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:56PM (#8391413) Journal
    I've been using PS for many years and as new features are implemented I recommend PS to people but the price is prohibitive to say the least. This is where Gimp owns the competition and particularly PS. Although Gimp isn't a dupe of PS it is very, very powerful and intuitive and with the price how can it lose?

    Personally I am moving into Gimp from Photoshop as well as Openoffice from MS Office because I'm just tired of the ridiculous upgrades to keep compatibility issues in check.

    Open source is the single greatest thing to happen in a very long time. It has opened up a new horizon for me and the people I recommend software to. I am our company's "IT Guy" for our state and my top recommendations of late are Firefox, Openoffice, Gimp, and SuSe for those looking for a change. This is coming from a strictly Adobe/M$ house. I figured I could use the "$" now since I'm an open source fanboy now!

    It's pretty cool when I can move 100's of people in the direction of open source and this filters down to their families too so I am doing my part.
  • by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @04:56PM (#8391414) Homepage Journal
    Ctrl+D or image->duplicate
  • by theolein ( 316044 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @05:52PM (#8392091) Journal
    I agree 100% that the GIMP is not a Photoshop replacement but it sure as hell offers a huge amount of features, and finally, a decent GUI, for $0.

    I have just waded through about 20 +5 insightful modded posts about how bad GIMP 1.2's GUI was. Sigh, I know this is slashdot, but is even reading the editor's comment to much, even if RTFA is?

    How on earth can you say that the GIMP 2 is crap unless you've tried it. I can see this working quite well for web graphics and standard home printer stuff, and the new interface with dockable palettes and menus in the image window saving one from having to right-click all the time are fantastic.

    I don't know what pisses the PS people off more: the fact that the GIMP is finally improving or that they spent an enormous amount of money on Adobe's tools that they only use for web graphics in the end.
  • by son_of_asdf ( 598521 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @06:23PM (#8392385)

    When I tried to introduce my wife (graphic designer/QuarkXPress/Photoshop/Illustator ninja) to The Gimp 1.2, the first thing that happened was this:

    Where's the shape drawing tool? Whaddya mean I have to use the selection tool to draw a circle? That's stupid. Weeellllllll, let's make a little text instead. One line? I can't auto-kern? Where the hell's the preview? Ok, there we go.....dammit, maybe not. Where in the fuc.....oh, there it is. Hey, how do I select multiple layers--the damn shift key doesn't work. The hell with this...what good is this thing, anyway?

    There's a lot to be said for standardized user interface elements if you want to get the professionals on board..........

  • by Schlaegel ( 28073 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @07:40PM (#8392987)
    When will Gimp support the awesome "healing brush" that Photoshop has?

    After discovering Photoshops new "healing brush" for touching up photographs I will never be able to go back to just the clone tool.

    The healing brush clones, makes the clone match the color characteristics of the surrounding pixels, and blends the clone with the surrounding pixels.

    A 20 minute job can be done in 3 or 4 minutes.
  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @07:42PM (#8393001)
    Ranting how crappy Gimp is compared to [fill in comercial product here] is just as unfitting as stating that Gimp is about as good as PS.

    I'm a mulimediadesinger and have worked with a wide range of tool on a professional level.
    Gimp 1.3 actually _is_ a usefull tool. It's not the tool of choice for most things, but in some scenarios it can actually deliver results were other grafics tools get in their own way with feature and algorithim bloat.
    The habit of putting every thing in it's own window made pre-1.3 Gimp absolutely unbearable for production. Unless you had Fluxbox, maybe.
    But the simple level Anti-Aliasig and some other nice features along with the one or other workaroud trick make Gimp a nice Pixeleditor to work with. Praise the Gimp team for getting the message and introducing tabs and other must-haves for GUI work.

    On top of that, - and this is one of the most notable things of this OSS project imho - as long as I can remember, Gimp has allways been an absolute breeze to install. I wish all OSS would install that way. For instance, right now I'm debugging a default Postgres/ODBC Setup and it's taken up 30 workhours allready with no end in sight...

    To me the undo stack in Gimp 2.0 looks promising, as it hints in the direction of the PS protokoll. Which, btw, proves that PS is still waaaaay ahead of any competition, be it comercial or OSS.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to Gimp 2. Cudos to the Gimp team for their good work.
  • by Adam Wiggins ( 349 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @10:38PM (#8394163) Homepage
    I'm rather shocked to see all the complaints about the Gimp here. The comments seem to be divided into two categories:

    1. I've never used it, but from the screenshots it looks scary! It sucks!

    2. I've used it, and it didn't work exactly like Photoshop. It sucks!

    As a person who has used Photoshop (and a bevy of other paint programs, all the way back to the days of DPaint) extensively, I feel the Gimp is by far the best program available for creating (pixel-based) graphics, especially in the realm of web imagery.

    I have used it to create from-scratch graphics for countless websites, including: this [], this [], this [], and this []. I have also used it to do many print items, such as this flyer []. (Amazingly enough, CMYK is not really that necessary if you don't mind slight variations in the color on the final product. If you are doing serious print work, you should really be using a vector illustration program for everything but photo retouching anyhow.)

    I think perhaps the Gimp's strength is how a non-artist (ie, me) can create pretty nice looking art with it - as I believe the links above will attest. It has a number of features not found in any other paint program, such as highly configurable tablet sensitivity.

    Unfortunately, the hardest thing about using it for someone who has switched from Photoshop is that it looks _very_ similar to Photoshop, but yet it is really not very similar at all. Much like an expencied Windows user switching to KDE, they will find themselves fooled into expecting the interface to behave exactly the same way - and it doesn't. It's a different program, with a different interface.

    But those who either have the patience to un-learn their Photoshop habits, or are not burdened by them to begin with, will find the Gimp to be one of the most powerful graphics tools available today. It is also quite likely one of the most impressive and mature applications available in the realm of free software - on par with Mozilla, OpenOffice, and Evolution. I'm not sure why it doesn't get the same respect that these packages do.

  • by Kyouryuu ( 685884 ) on Wednesday February 25, 2004 @11:36PM (#8394426) Homepage
    Being a long time Paint Shop Pro user, I found myself rather disappointed with the buggy version 8. I recently learned that Gimp 2.0 Preview was ported to Windows, so I gave it a try there. It's fundamentally the same as its Linux counterpart.

    Anyhow, I was very impressed with it. Admittedly, there are some things that are still rough around the edges, but this is a significant improvement over previous releases. Things I especially liked:

    - Relocation of the line stroke button that makes it easier to use Bezier curves and the like.

    - Better resizing and resampling algorithms that produce that nice, anti-aliased effect.

    - Quick, no frills approach to plugins and features.

    Things that I still think need improvement:

    - I think that rather than have a smattering of premade brushes with the option to make your own that Gimp should adopt a system like Paint Shop Pro where the menu for the paintbrush (and other relevant tools) lets you adjust the brush size, density, step, etc. in one convenient panel, rather than having to go through the effort of making an entirely new custom brush for the task. The current approach is functional, but unnecessarily clumsy.

    - Have something akin to the Browse feature in Paint Shop Pro. This feature analyzes all graphics in a directory, produces thumbnails of all of them, and displays them in a window where you can pick and choose which ones to open. It's like a pictoral file selector.

    - Implement more features that can be done with Layers, like adjusting gray channels for example and allow layers to modify layers beneath them (e.g. a Multiply layer or a Screen layer). If this ability exists, I haven't found it.

    - I'm not still not a huge fan of the MDI approach. If you have related taskbar icons cluster in Windows or Linux, it's not too bad however, and there are pros and cons to both approaches.

    But it's not at all bad. For free, it's a remarkable product. As an example, I selfishly submit this plug for my webcomic whose most current chapter was done with Gimp (true until this Sunday, unless I decide to use Gimp again):

    It's just that with Paint Shop Pro already costing about $60 on sale (as low as $15 for previous users), and being more substantial and feature packed than Gimp, I don't have a reason to switch to Gimp (unless PSP 9 is a similar flop), but I would certainly recommend it for the graphic artist on the cheap.

  • What we really need (Score:4, Interesting)

    by TheViewFromTheGround ( 607422 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @06:56AM (#8396089) Homepage

    Okay, y'all, I know I'm ringing in on this late, and it's 6:00am without any sleep for me, so I might come off as brusque. Everybody says "I'm not a graphic designer, but..." Well, I actually am a graphic designer.

    The GIMP may, someday, be as good as Photoshop. Right now, it's not even close. Photoshop's interface is so polished and so wise, and its tools are so powerful but easily accessible, that all of these debates about the GIMP are frivolous. I've used both extensively, and for anything other than fucking around, there's no comparison.

    I will pay $600 for a program as powerful as Photoshop. But, I'd really like to have Photoshop (without the use of CrossoverOffice) run on my Linux desktop machine. I can boot into Windows or I can walk to my Win98 box to run Photoshop, but it's frustrating not to have Photoshop accessible when I'm doing other sorts of serious work.

    What I think graphic designers who want to use Linux should do is lobby Adobe to make PS available on Linux. I would pay, and I know others who would, too.

Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
