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Apache Geronimo Accepted as Top-level Project 9

Orbital Sander writes "According to the Apache News Blog, the Geronimo project has voted in favor of applying to be a top-level Apache project. Geronimo aims "to produce a large and healthy community of J2EE developers tasked with the development of an open source, certified J2EE server, that is ASF licensed and passes Sun's TCK reusing the best ASF/BSD licensed code available today and adding new code to complete the J2EE stack." So far, Geronimo has lived in the Apache Incubator."
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Apache Geronimo Accepted as Top-level Project

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  • Glossary ;) (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Phouk ( 118940 ) on Tuesday May 25, 2004 @04:22AM (#9245315)
    Somebody might be able to explain some of these better, but I thought I'd post this anyway before anybody asks...

    Apache - It's not just the web server, it's also short for an umbrella organization / foundation for a number of cool / leading open source projects, especially concerning Java technologies (Jakarta). This foundation is abbreviated as...

    ASF - Apache Software Foundation

    J2EE - Java 2 Enterprise Edition, as opposed to the J2SE / Java 2 Standard Edition that might be installed on your desktop (actually, it's a super-set); consists of a number of libraries, specifications, and tests which can be implemented by application servers aimed at the enterprise market.

    Geronimo - One such J2EE application server, open source; relatively new but going strong.

    TCK - Technology Compatibility Kit - The test suite by Sun I mentioned, which application servers have to pass to be considered J2EE compatible.

    Apache Incubator - A virtual area where projects live that are not (yet) accepted as top-level projects.
  • misleading title (Score:4, Informative)

    by Ashish Kulkarni ( 454988 ) on Tuesday May 25, 2004 @06:56AM (#9245737) Homepage
    The story mentions that they've voted to apply as a top-level project, not that they've been given that status (that'll be decided by the Apache board).
  • I love how the headline says it was "Accepted" as Top-level Project, but the story says its team voted in favor of APPLYING to be a Top-level project. Why can't /. get its headlines straight?!1?!???1?/1?!1??!?!?!1!!!!1??/1/1!!

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