Apache Geronimo Accepted as Top-level Project 9
Orbital Sander writes "According to the Apache News Blog, the Geronimo project has voted in favor of applying to be a top-level Apache project. Geronimo aims "to produce a large and healthy community of J2EE developers tasked with the development of an open source, certified J2EE server, that is ASF licensed and passes Sun's TCK reusing the best ASF/BSD licensed code available today and adding new code to complete the J2EE stack." So far, Geronimo has lived in the Apache Incubator."
Re:apache + java sitting in a tree... (Score:3, Informative)
So a while back (year and a half? something like that) the larger projects started to move up and out, and become separately managed (as opposed to completely unmanaged), so now we have ant.apache.org and the like. They also asked that the sites gain a stronger common i
Glossary ;) (Score:5, Interesting)
Apache - It's not just the web server, it's also short for an umbrella organization / foundation for a number of cool / leading open source projects, especially concerning Java technologies (Jakarta). This foundation is abbreviated as...
ASF - Apache Software Foundation
J2EE - Java 2 Enterprise Edition, as opposed to the J2SE / Java 2 Standard Edition that might be installed on your desktop (actually, it's a super-set); consists of a number of libraries, specifications, and tests which can be implemented by application servers aimed at the enterprise market.
Geronimo - One such J2EE application server, open source; relatively new but going strong.
TCK - Technology Compatibility Kit - The test suite by Sun I mentioned, which application servers have to pass to be considered J2EE compatible.
Apache Incubator - A virtual area where projects live that are not (yet) accepted as top-level projects.
misleading title (Score:4, Informative)
They're officially top-level now (Score:1)
Re:Geronimo, follower of JBoss and Jonas (Score:2)
Yes and no. JoNaS was originally something of a quicky "proof of concept" container. I'm not sure what's happened to it since, but it didn't used to be a realistic choice for any serious deployments.
JBoss has always been entangled in a lot of B.S. politics and would appear to have been intentionally obfuscated to help bolster their support model. I think that
Orale vato, waas sappening? (Score:2)