Gentoo Linux 2004.2: What You See Is What You Get 78
editingwhiz writes "Jem Matzan has a cogent analysis of the new Gentoo Linux 2004.2 on Linux.com: "Gentoo Linux is the BSD of GNU/Linux distributions; it's elegant and customizable and you know exactly what you're getting when you install it. No mystery programs, no packages that you have to deinstall because you'll never use, no clutter, and everything is customized to your needs. If you do it right, Gentoo is also faster than your average GNU/Linux distro because everything can be compiled with higher compiler optimizations." (Linux.com is part of the OSTG network.)" Jem also has some criticism of the current version of Gentoo's AMD64 version.
WYSIWYG (Score:5, Informative)
Gentoo is great though because you can send a friend a cd and have him pop it in and forward port 22 and do
I like gentoo, but to set it up right takes quite a while and a lot of patience.
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd have said "better than slackware on the install". I realise I'm in the minority here, but I like a simple, text-based install process. After Gentoo's, my favourite installers (of those I've used) are Debian's old-style one and [Free|Open]BSD. They do what they need to, and don't get in the way.
Oh, and the other major plus with Gentoo's install: you don't need an install CD to do it; any Linux system will do. I haven't yet found another distro or OS that lets you do that.
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:5, Informative)
Start by fetching a couple of files off of the RedHat boot disk. From the images directory, you'll want to grab the boot floppy you need (depends on if you plan on doing a network or cdrom based install).
In my example, I grabbed bootdisk.img, and I put it in tmp. You'll also need RedHat/base/stage2.img also.
That starts the installer running, and is attempting to do a network install from whatever website you replace "pub.whitebox.mirror" with (you probably have to adjust the rest of the URL, but it's the path I use on my local whitebox mirror).The installer starts to run at that point. I had to run it from the console, and I was intentionally in run level 3 rather then 5 (I should have gone to single user mode, but I was lazy). I get a nice curses application at this point. It got all the way to the part where it wanted me to repartition my disk. I have no free partitions to actually attempt an install. However, I'm fairly sure I could have finished the install (if I couldn't the heavy lifting was pretty much done with, it would have been a series of small problems to overcome).
It's a bit of pain, and there's probably an easier way to do it, but that's how I figured out how to run the installer in less then 30 minutes after reading your message. (I remember reading on the WhiteBox lists that it should be possible to just start a remote install via an SSH session, but I've never actually seen the procedure written up). I figured it couldn't be that hard. Anaconda is nothing more then a python script that runs. It needs a bit of runtime support, but nothing special.
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:1)
I'm afraid that doesn't make sense. You (1) like a text-based installer, (2) like it simple and (3) like Debian's installer, which is renowned as arcane and hard to use.
I fail to see how Slackware's install, which
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:1)
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2)
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2, Insightful)
From my small experience with gentoo, this is actually the case. The docs are really good, in that they tell you what to do, why you're doing it, and what effect
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:1)
But using the "but you learn so much" argument is silly.
If you really want to learn about Linux, the best way by far is to try Linux From Scratch.
In the meantime, I bet you anything you want I'll get more actual work done on my Slackware machines with the majority of the co
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2)
But once it's installed, it's a different matter - The learning curve stops. It could be argued that the portage is *too* good. Installing new software or updates on Gentoo is so simple it's unreal! Okay it might be tim
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:5, Insightful)
Installing Gentoo isn't a magic rite of passage that turns anyone into an experienced Linux guru. All Gentoo does is force you to use command-line tools like mount and mk*fs. Compare this to other distros where the option is there to use the command-line tools, but it's easier to use the shiny GUI app. It's like the difference between a High School Spanish class and taking a foreign exchange trip to Spain for a few months; you will learn a lot more (assuming you want to learn in the first place) if you have to immerse yourself in a unfamiliar environment where you have to learn if you want to get anything done.
Of course, this path isn't suitable for everybody, which is why things like High School Spanish and RedHat exist. To each his own.
Conversely, though, it might be that Gentoo actually has good documentation that tells you WHY things work as opposed to just a list of key commands. If that's the case, however, why do I actually need the distro? Can't I just read the Gentoo documentation, learn about Linux's innerworkings, and then just apply that to whatever distro I see fit. After all, if I can edit an XF86Config file by hand under Gentoo, I can edit it by hand under RedHat. The GUI tools may change between distros, but the important stuff is always the same, so the Gentoo docs should be universal, making Gentoo a doc project that just has some sample software attached to it.
If Gentoo was only about teaching people how to use the console, then it probably would just be a pile of docs. However, Gentoo is about much more, which is why it is a full-fledged distro.
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:1)
Learning vs. Getting It Done (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Learning vs. Getting It Done (Score:3, Informative)
1) Setup a gentoo system as a template for each role of computer you would to set up.
2) tar.bz2 relevant partitions
3) script partition creation, and extraction
4) burn to CD
Now installing is as easy as running a script. Simple.
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, you become familiar with some aspects of BASH. Yes, you learn what chroot does. Yes, you could have learned all of it by simply picking up a book and reading, or just looking around in
Gentoo doesn't make you a knowledgeable Linux user. Spending time actually at the command-l
emerge makes it easy to explore the Linux tool-set (Score:2)
gets you there is. For instance, what programs are in the world file and why
are they there? They didn't appear there on their own. They're there because
the admin (presumably you) decided you wanted them on the system.
Obviously, some tools are there because you can't live without them (vim,
for example). Others might be there because the description looked interesting
and you wanted to give them a try. But NOTHING is in the world file
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2)
How does installing gentoo from the command line give any more knowledge than installing a base debian/slackware/arch/openna/whatever system and using apt/pacman/swaret etc. to install the base system from binaries?
The only thing I learnt from the Gentoo installs I did was that you can set the timezone by linking
Re:WYSIWYG (Score:2)
As Shultz would say... (Score:1, Offtopic)
But I suppose someone would claim the quote is flame bait...
Gentoo is for learning/inaccuraces in doc (Score:5, Interesting)
One thing (big thing) it missed about 2004.2 was the move from XFree default to XOrg...
Also... by slow development... I don't know what they mean? Portage is gaining features (try one of the pre-releases), and the ebuilds still fly out fast after new software is released.
Whenever I run linux (I move from Win/Linux often), Gentoo is my distro of choice by a long shot.
ebuilds still fly out fast (Score:1)
I'd also feel better if the GLSA (Gentoo Linux Security Advisory) about Mozilla would get out there.
easy fix for that... (Score:3, Informative)
or if you care that much, just run ~x86.
Re:easy fix for that... (Score:2)
I ran it for a while... (Score:2)
Maybe you just have bad luck. (Not that I'd run in on production anything, mind you)
Re:I ran it for a while... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:ebuilds still fly out fast (Score:2, Informative)
The GLSA is getting there [gentoo.org], but it's kinda hard when upstream don't release working tarballs... Debian et al have it easy, they only have to make it build on one box with one set of configure options. Gentoo has to make it compile anywhere with any se
Re:ebuilds still fly out fast (Score:1)
I'm not really a font fiend, so I'll probably drop the freetype and build mozilla as ~x86, as oldosadmin suggests. I need to check the syntax and see if I can set just 1.7.3
Gentoo. (Score:5, Interesting)
If you don't know what you're doing, and something is slightly off-kilter...you're better off in Debian or some other distro with an easier installer which won't give you a scary cryptic error message.
Also, Portage is the single best software management I've ever encountered, bar none...though occasionally, user error means you wait awhile for packages to become stable.
When you run stable, though, you very rarely have a problem with a "required" upgrade due to a bug...relatively rarely, of course. =)
In addition, Gentoo is second to none in documentation and error repair...the mailing list sends out documentation of a bug, along with complete list of affected versions of a package, and fixes.
Finally, 2004.2 fixes a few nasty bugs in the installer LiveCD, so, in my experience, it's far more stable and reliable for certain hardware configurations.
Note: I've only done x86 installs myself, so YMMV. =)
Re:Gentoo. (Score:3, Insightful)
I'd suggest if you don't know what you are doing to use fedora or SuSE or Mandrake. Debian is still more for the 'geek' than fedora or SuSE.
I'd have to say that having used FreeBSD, NetBSD, RH/Fedora, and Slackware, Gentoo is a refreshing change. It gives me all the drivers in GNU/Linux, and the BSD mini
Re:Gentoo. (Score:2)
If you don't know what you're doing, and something is slightly off-kilter...you're better off in Debian or some other distro with an easier installer which won't give you a scary cryptic error message.
Do you guys actually ever listen to how condescending you sound? It's your distribution of choice; get over yourself.
Also, Portage is the single best software management I've ever encountered, bar none
Really? Because apt and ports have been around for far, far longer, and are far, far more mature.
Re:Gentoo. (Score:2)
Apt is great in theory but until all of Linux unites behind it as THE binary standard, its problems will not go away. I'll switch off Gentoo the day I can reliably go to ANY Linux software website, EXPECT a download for a
As it stands, most Linux software is released as source only and it is the distro's responsibili
Re:Gentoo. (Score:2)
With apt I see outdated, broken, and/or missing packages everywhere. More mature my ass.
As for what this actually has to do with apt, I have no clue. Package selection != package management.
Source based Linux is far more practical.
Right, because installing development tools on every server and having to spend two hours of system resources compiling every upgrade is more practical than a three-second binary installation.
Apt is great in theory but until all of Linux unites behind it as THE binary sta
Re:Gentoo. (Score:2)
Also, Portage is the single best software management I've ever encountered, bar none...though occasionally, user error means you wait awhile for packages to become stable.
Hmmmm...USE flags are great, but I wouldn't say Portage is the best package management system; it doesn't even have reverse dependency checking!
I'd like to see that quantified (Score:5, Interesting)
I do realize that optimizing for the "correct" CPU should provide improved performance, but I wonder how much improvement you really see with gcc in this case.
Re:I'd like to see that quantified (Score:2)
Re:I'd like to see that quantified (Score:2)
One thing I would like is if you could modify the optimizations based on the package without editing the ebuild. Most things I'd like to have optimized for size, but things like mencoder and similar cpu intensive tasks could potentially benefit from optimi
Re:I'd like to see that quantified (Score:3, Informative)
CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" emerge mencoder
The specified CFLAGS are used for that emerge, with subsequent emerges using your unchanged make.conf settings. The same works if you want to override USE or any other option in make.conf for just one emerge.
Re:I'd like to see that quantified (Score:2)
Re:I'd like to see that quantified (Score:2)
here they are (Score:2)
Re:But, we all know that Gentoo is... (Score:1, Offtopic)
I guess some people just can't take a joke
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:1)
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:2)
- Hubert
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:1)
Why telnetd? Why not sshd? ssh is more secure.
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:3, Insightful)
That's actually the entire point. No clutter, unless it's your clutter.
Nano? Did you read the documentation (or man page, for that matter)? It specifically me
Gentoo is too minimalistic! No, wait! too bloated! (Score:2)
I don't use vi. I'm glad it's not included. Also, with the init scripts, it uses a BSD style init, so that is completely different that other linux distros.
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:what you get: no vi, ... (Score:2)
Kernels (Score:2, Informative)
Oh, and there is no default kernel on gentoo. You install whatever you want
Optimisations generator (Score:1, Informative)
Great to see more coverage for my fave distro. Gentoo doesn't get the exposure it deserves, which is a shame as it has a bright future ahead. Anyway, having installed it on various boxes and trying to make the most of my hardware, I put together a script that generates the most appropriate optimisations (CFLAGS) based on your hardware. All you need to do is set the options and you're ready to go:
Gentoo Optimisations Generator [worldcinemasoc.com]
I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:3, Insightful)
I've thought about switching to Debian a few times, because I'm really not particularly fond of linux configuration as a hobby (it gets old after 5 years or so, you know?) But it's always so disheartening to drop back a few versions on all the packages I'm running. And in the meantime I've gotten used to Gentoo's strange world, and now I guess it's a habit.
Still, hats off to the Gentoo development teams--for something that probably appeals to such a limited demographic, it works far more fantastically well then I ever would have thought.
My only wonder is--if .NET (mono) and Java really take off in the future with Just-In-Time compilation, will Gentoo become less interesting. Essentially, EVERY computer is going to start compiling optimized versions of its code for its particular needs. In fact, since the optimizations are at run-time, we can expect JIT to be even more machine-specific than Gentoo's optimization and USE flags. Like, if I install another Gig of memory future JIT compilers might gradually recompile all the bytecode on my system to unroll loops more often or something.
So, in the future, I think we'll be sitting somewhere halfway in between Gentoo and binary distribution--sending diffs of the bytecodes for my applications out instead of binary or source.
And while I'm dreaming, why don't we make those bytecodes proof carrying code. Like, for every piece of code executing on my system, I want to see either the automatically checked proof that the code won't explode my system, or the name of someone who signed the code claiming it won't explode my system. If neither of those are found, I want Future Gentoo to issue a big flashing red warning "WARNING THIS CODE WILL EAT YOUR PARENTS DO NOT INSTALLL!!!!!!!" Man, the future is going to be so awesome.
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:2)
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:1)
I guess there are computability limitations on the kinds of robustness for which a proof cannot be found automatically, and I'm also guessing that not all robust programs will be provab
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:1)
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:1)
so far as I know Gentoo doesn't have a convenient way of just asking for security updates.
glsa-check -l
the newer versions with security patches tend to depend on the newest versions of all the other software anyway
Not in my experience.
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:2)
Re:I love Gentoo, but does it have a future? (Score:1)
# glsa-check -l
WARNING: This tool is completely new and not very tested, so it should not be
used on production systems. It's mainly a test tool for the new GLSA release
and distribution system, it's functionality will later be merged into emerge
and equery.
Gentoo is looking for feedback (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Gentoo is looking for feedback (Score:2)
For the purpose of discussion, my favorite aspect of gentoo is portage. I had a hard time thinking about anything negative. Most problems I've had aren't from Gentoo, but other packages giving me headaches. I run KDE because I like the desktop environment as opposed to a bare bones window manager that requires more tinkering to get it working as easily. Well, that's my experience
Re:Gentoo is looking for feedback (Score:2)
I'm using Gentoo AMD64 right now (Score:1)
It was a huge improvement over Mandrake for AMD64 which I used for about a week. Mandrake, which I love and still use on my i386 system, had way too many packages that were goofed up, or that I had problems with. I think the source based approach is very nice for le
Only if you prelink will it be faster. (Score:3, Insightful)
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/prelink-howto.xml [gentoo.org]
There are lots of speed tweaks, someone should start a webpage.
Gentoo (Score:1)
But from experience I have talked to allot of people about linux and open source over the years and now I tend to say yeah open source is great! you actually seen any?
I like to edit code and recompile it even if its to flavour the textual output of an application or kernel to something more personal like instead of "Safe to power off!" sort thing to "Safe to power off! no wait bzzzztttt!"
From a philosophical stand point distributing the "open source" seem's a
Installers for Gentoo Do Exist - sort of (Score:2, Informative)
Gentoo's Install Documentation Lives here:
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/inde x
Many people, though, wish Gentoo had a more automated install.
There is an "Official" Gentoo Installer Project.
They are taking their time, with the hope of getting it right, making it useable for nearly everybody.
Project Roadmap:
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/ins taller/
Mailing list archives here:
I disagree... (Score:1)
Pros and Cons (Score:1)
Here are the pros and cons as I see for gentoo.
Good Documentation -- I have always had a problem resolved by simply reading the documentation. If it was a hardware specific issue even the gentoo nerds will talk about in the forums
Fast(or slow?) -- Ok, this depends on how you set up your system but I have prelinked all my kde (though I use it none).
Easy to install software -- Yes, I love emerge. I used to use a slac