Will Google Launch A Browser? 984
ServeYourWorld writes "The
New York Post is reporting that 'Based on the half-dozen hires in recent
weeks, Google appears to be planning to launch its own Web browser and other software
products to challenge Microsoft.' I took a guess and did a whois search for Gbrowser.com
and indeed Google Inc. is listed as the registrar."
Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyway - the way the beta system used to work was that it was invite only.... after all some people don't know how to write bug reports.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Interesting)
Interestingly enough, I reported on "user agents" at work today. Our web-based systems are used by many corporations throughout the world. All users are authenticated, and we strongly discourage robots. We stipulate that our users use "modern browsers"... we don't want to support outdated, buggy implementations.
[I still can't imagine that web designers don't design for all modern browsers. We have a large and sophisticated application costing millions, and I have to say that it cost about $100 to make sure that we could support just about everyone]
In any case, in my business, the IE6 market is almost exactly 67%. A year ago such a low number for IE was unthinkable. Happily, IE4 and IE5 combined are now well below 2%. [We don't support IE4 - piece of junk. IE5 is junky too: my case was to drop support, which I won.]
There are some NS4 users remaining, but only a handful [unsupported]. Mozilla and Firefox have, of course, taken a huge chunk of IE's business. Safari is a strong player on the Mac front, but it still has market to gain to completely overshadow IE5/Mac. The Mozilla family is fairly popular on the Mac, but Safari is still leading the way.
All the other browsers combined are less than 5%. That included Opera, Konqueror, Lynx, and other oddities and unknowns.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
You'd consider Lynx a modern browser?
Lynx is modern (Score:4, Informative)
Depending on the criteria you use, you could call lynx a more modern browser than IE6.
It has been developed more recently (Feb 2004 last major release)
Like every other browser in the world, results will improve if the webmaster devotes some time to it.
It works pretty well for strict xhtml.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:4, Insightful)
You obviously have no QA or Development experience, do you? Maybe in your area coding for "all modern browsers" is trivial, but in many areas it is not. The changes just between versions of IE 4, 5, and 6 are fairly large from a design point of view. If you're throwing in Mozilla, Firefox, etc support, that adds a lot.
If you have a QA division that is responsible for making sure that all browsers "work properly" that requires testing on all the different browsers. Did I mention each set of browsers may need to be tested on multiple OSes as well?
Just because it only costs YOU $100 to do something that you say is trivial, does not mean that is anywhere near the case for others.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Interesting)
I couldn't agree more with this. A lot of people trivialize browser compatibility when it comes to web design - they either say "oh, just design to standards, and everything should work!" or they say "oh, just design to the lowest common denominator - if something doesn't work on one browser, just don't do it at all."
Well, the problem with the first approach is it just plainly doesn't work. Whether or not something should work a particular way in a particular browser doesn't matter - it's whether or not it does work that matters. Every browser renders CSS a little differently, for example; even the functions that actually do work across browsers just look different depending on which browser you're running.
The problem with the second approach is that it leaves you with basically HTML 2.0 to work with. And honestly, that's fine for some sites (it really is), but if you want to do anything at all interesting, it's just not workable.
So the only thing you can really do is just design and code a site for the most popular browser out there and then hope it works with the others. If it doesn't, you try to fix it so it does - but depending on what you're doing, it may not even be possible without tossing what you've done and starting over (and then when you're done re-doing everything, some other browser that worked before will probably be broken with the new implementation).
My last job was working in the new media division of a major game publisher (you can guess which one if I tell you it's the only one doing anything interesting on the web). We designed all of our sites in-house. We built for IE, because up until I left it was about 95% of our audience, and then we QA'd for other browsers (this was generally my job; I was the militant browser dude on staff). Invariably, there were things that either didn't work or worked differently than we'd intended on certain browsers. Most of the time these things could be fixed but it was not always trivial, and it was usually one of three things that caused the problem: CSS, JavaScript, or Flash action scripting.
At the end of any particular project we'd usually spend at minimum several days troubleshooting browser problems. Given that we were in-house you can't really put a dollar value on that, but if you just divided up all of our salaries for that time period I guarantee you're talking tens of thousands of dollars on every project. That's time we could otherwise be spending creating something new instead of stuck fixing something that's otherwise finished, or it's time we could have otherwise used for things we'd have to contract freelancers for (so it did directly cost us money in many cases, and way more than $100).
It's easy to say "well you should have just used standards" and it's easy to blame it all on IE but that's way too simplistic. Because for one thing, in marketing you're not just going to put up a site full of text, you need to use things for which there are no standards, such as Flash. Honestly, if somebody invented something open-source and standardized that does everything Flash can do, and then they managed to convince the world to run browsers supporting it, we'd have jumped all over it. But Flash is what it is; it's proprietary and unfortunately there's nothing else comparable that's popular. So you have to design in Flash, and when you've got, for example (and this actually happened to us), a button in your Flash that is supposed to open a file dialogue box on your machine and it works on IE and works on Firefox and works on Opera but doesn't work on Mozilla and doesn't work on Safari, what are you supposed to do? If you've got an inte
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
To configure your printer, you'd go to the URL device:printer/printername/ and if you don't know which printer queue goes to your Canon, you just search for "Queue Printer Canon" and press "I feel lucky".
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:5, Funny)
I can already see how it will revolutionize the english language:
Joe: "Hey Hank, did you growse that info?"
Hank: "Yeah, my growser growsed it up real good."
Joe: "That's some mighty fine growsing, Hank."
Re:Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:4, Funny)
- I used my growser to google for that info and gmail it to my friend.
Re:Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:5, Funny)
Gstring - an advanced C++ library that not only includes an inovative version of the string datatype, but has lightning fast, built in parsing and search commands.
Gspot - a new and less expensive alternative to Starbucks coffee shops.
Re:Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:5, Funny)
Trouble is, you can never find it
Re:Google browser? Too awkward. They should... (Score:5, Funny)
Try asking the guy in the canoe in front of that bush over there.
Easy, rebrand firefox (Score:5, Interesting)
Or perhaps, I'm talking out my ass.
Re:Easy, rebrand firefox (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Easy, rebrand Internet Explorer? (Score:5, Interesting)
Firstly, art of Google's much-hyped corporate philosophy is 'don't be evil'. With that in mind, are they going to trust their brand to MSIE's security record? XPSP2 appears to be a major improvement, but it's still not in the same zip code as 'secure'. Gecko/KHTML seem to be much closer to the mark.
Second, the 'don't be evil' directive would seem to point towards wanting a standards-compliant solution, not a 'standards? what for?' solution.
Third, their history is pro-standards, pro-open APIs: Blogger is XHTML+CSS, and largely (if not entirely) valid. They also implemented the soon-to-be-standardized Atom as their primary syndication API, rather than the wilder-and-woolier RSS. Seems to me that history points more towards an OSS/standards-compliant solution rather than an MSIE shell.
Third, it isn't exactly a secret that MS sees Google as a threat. MS's history being what it is, would a company in their sights roll out a service/product based entirely on MS technology? With as many smart people as Google has, I'm not so sure they would.
Fourth, I don't think the cost of development personnel would have anything to do with it. Google's hiring practices are almost as famous as Microsoft's: they go for the very brightest available (one thing you can't say about Microsoft is that they hire dumbasses--or even just smart foks; they hire scary-smart folks). I don't see any reason they'd change that practice for a browser.
Finally, I don't know as the Google toolbar is evidence one way or another. The toolbar has been implemented (including PageRank) in a Mozilla extension already. I can see Google not much caring about other browsers previously as Moz's market share was teensy-to-non-existent when the Google Toolbar was released, Safari wasn't released yet, NN4 was a nightmare and IIRC neither it nor Opera were anywhere near as extensible as IE at the time. Gecko UAs are just now showing up in sufficient numbers to take seriously, but with a Google toolbar already available why bother?
The only strong counter-argument I see is compatibility: lots of 2nd-tier sites -- and a few 1st-tier sites -- are indifferent to hostile to non-IE/Win browsers and standards. I can see Google being loathe to tarnish their brand by releasing a browser that a whole lot of people would see as broken because it doesn't work with site X, Y or Z.
Still, I think the argument for a non-IE browser is stronger than the argument for an IE shell.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Insightful)
You know, if everyone just stuck with the standards, this would be a non-issue.
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
If I had a mod point for everytime someone said that...
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:4, Informative)
Let me guess: (Score:5, Interesting)
Let's just hope that Gmail still works with other browsers.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Informative)
Opera already does that if you enable the Google TextAds feature... with Google, no less.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Insightful)
Does it ever occur to you people that maybe not everyone likes the same things you do?
Honest - other people have opinions, they really do. Maybe YOU don't prefer Opera, but the original poster does. Mentioning the benefits and your opinion of Firefox is fine, but don't be a condescending jackass just because they prefer Opera.
Cripes.. if you like Firefox, fine - I love Firefox, it's my absolute number one browser of choice, but that doesn't mean I'm so utterly wrapped up in myself and my own thought processes that I don't recognize that maybe some other people don't like it the same way I do.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Insightful)
The fact that such a thing doesn't exist is proof that people have learned to live with and expect ads. What do they care if yet another sits atop their browser?
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Informative)
Dear PATIK (Score:3, Informative)
Even Netscape 4 sent everywhere you surfed to a central server, although of course not with the purpose of serving ads. Remember "What's Related?"
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Insightful)
If Google places it's name on a browser, it will sure become popular in a matter of days.
The success of standards depend on having multiple quality implementations. Right now, this remains a problem as only Mozilla does it right (Safari seems to be fine but I never really tested it).
Re:Let me guess: (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Informative)
pull out your tinfoil hats.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Funny)
A grammar checker for text input boxes is something you might not want to live without.
Konqueror already does this. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Funny)
A grammar checker for text input boxes is something without which you might not want to live.
I mean, if pedantry's your thing or anything.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Funny)
-W. Churchill (apocryphally)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Funny)
-Grammar Nutsie
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Informative)
> one popular browser's (or rending engine) tics
> and weirdness dictates how to write webpages
> like IE does now?
As a core Gecko developer, I promise you that we are committed to fixing any tics and weirdnesses that deviate from published Web standards, and this will remain true even in the unlikely event we find ourselves with a monopoly. For Web developers, this means that if they rely on bugs of ours that deviate from Web standards, then we will eventually break their content.
Because we're open source, you don't even have to trust me. If you ever feel that Mozilla.org is abusing its position, you are welcome to gather followers, fork the code and carry the project on in whatever direction you wish.
Re:Let me guess: (Score:4, Funny)
Yeah, but it gives you a gigabyte of bookmarks :)
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Insightful)
I think "privacy" is something that means different things to different people.
would it make a difference to you if Google explicitly guaranteed that no *human* entity would get to look at your data, and that any machine-automated use of the data would be limited to a specific task (and nothing else, and never would this be changed without your consent)? In such a situation I wouldn't mind.
I absolutely do not want some human person mucking about through information about my online purchases etc., but - assuming Google can handle their systems well enough not to be rooted by anybody - i really could not care less if some machine decides to flag down my activity and ask me if I wanted yet another SATA drive for a good price (and the answer is yes!).
until the machines become self-aware, conscious entities, I would assume they could care less (or rather, are *incapable* of caring) what I want to buy online either (actually, if Google's systems DID emerge into consciousness, I doubt it'd find my online activities interesting either. "Hanging out on Slashdot? doesn't this guy have anything better to do?"). The only thing to worry about would be whether, through incompetence or maliciousness, our data is exploited for some other purpose. if it's a rules-based system "if X user keeps hitting star wars paraphernalia sites, offer X user star wars adverts", and no nefarious individual finds out this info ("hrm, I'll bait him with a fake ebay sale"), what harm is there? (honest question - I'd like to know).
Re:Let me guess: (Score:5, Insightful)
But could a google cookie really do that? Let's say I go to amazon.com (by typing it into the browser window). I buy a book. How the hell can google find out I even went to the site, let alone bought a book? This fear of a cookie to me seems ridiculous. From what I've been taught They're not that powerful. Honest question.
Of course... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Of course... (Score:4, Interesting)
The concept floundered, but programmers note that Google could easily pick up the ball. Already, its Gmail free e-mail system gives users 100 megabytes of storage space on a remote network -- providing consumers a virtual hard drive.
spot the deliberate mistake?
It gets even better (Score:5, Funny)
Google is launching a new OS based on Gloucestershire health clubs! Come on now, not even MS or Apple has thought of that one. [grins]
GBrowser (Score:5, Funny)
Re:GBrowser (Score:5, Funny)
Rich web apps (Score:5, Insightful)
Google has some of these apps (search, email etc).
Google get's richer.
Re:Rich web apps (Score:5, Funny)
You won't need to keep a browser installed on your PC anymore. Wherver you are, you can just log on to http://browser.google.com with, um, oh wait...
Nope (Score:5, Funny)
Woooh! I think not.
It would be more commendable . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
Best search engine? Perhaps. But let's leave it at that.
Don't be blinded by the generosity; they're potentially gearing up to be just as wicked of a monopoly as Microsoft. Whether their intentions are clear or not, that probably should not be happening, since too much power has a tendency to corrupt -- except under very exceptional circumstances.
Re:It would be more commendable . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
Eric has had a wonderful track record of running companies into the ground and doing stupid stuff. Novell (which rebounded after he left), SUN (in which he screwed over JAVA), and Xerox PARC (how many good ideas slipped through their fingers?).
One of my professors, after Schmidt came onto Google, told us in class "Enjoy Google while it lasts, its going to start to expand into other areas and start to fail" and I am really afraid that he is going to turn out to be right.
When Froogle came out I started to be afraid, when Gmail came out, I started to worry more, if this turns out to be true, I really weep for the future.
Re:It would be more commendable . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
I can't see what you might possibly find offensive about Froogle and Gmail, or why their respective releases made you "afraid" for the future of Google.
Re:It would be more commendable . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
I think he raises valid concerns, perhaps not very well articulated though.
His concern is that Google, under Schmidt, will 'diversify' and try to be everything for everybody, and stretch too thin for their own good.
Another concern is their approach to privacy. They log every search tied to the IP address forever. The same in Gmail, where they don't delete messages. These things were covered in the media as concerns from users, but there was no satisfactory response.
Don't get me wrong. I love Google as a search engine. I could not live without it. However, as I said before [slashdot.org] companies change, and are driven by pragmatism, not ethics. Google is now a publicly traded company. Will they be the next evil Microsoft? Maybe. I hope not though.
Re:It would be more commendable . . . (Score:5, Informative)
Of course they delete messages. All it says in the TOS is that messages may not be deleted instantly, because it's a distributed storage system with a lot of backups.
Re:It would be more commendable . . . (Score:4, Insightful)
Even if Google did 'go bad', then two evil companies fighting against each other can only be a good thing, as neither can be too evil or they will lose too much market and mind share to the other side. That's the beauty of the system. Of course, like the US elections, a two-horse race doesn't always give the people at the bottom much choice, but it ensures that neither side goes total fascist/monopolist on us.
Gindows (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Gindows (Score:5, Funny)
More competition (Score:3, Insightful)
'Will Google Launch A Browser?' (Score:5, Funny)
Long answer : Yes.
Web-based web-browser (Score:5, Funny)
I suspect that they will begin offering a web-based web-browsing solution (like gmail, but for HTTP) with roughly a gigabyte of bandwidth usage per day. This will no doubt be great competition for the other web-based web browsers, like
Er, wait a second...
Invite only... (Score:5, Insightful)
The invite system allows the system to reduce the amount of load at one time... reduce the amount of beta testing, etc.
GMail, GBrowse, GAnything -- they work because they remind people of this "wonderful" thing called google. As long as the letter G is associated with bigger and better, Google can send rumors of any google product...
Any press... any rumors... is good for google.
I honestly hope... (Score:5, Insightful)
Searching (Score:3, Funny)
Trademark registered yet? (Score:3, Funny)
This totally fits with Google's recent hires... (Score:5, Informative)
For some reason (Score:5, Insightful)
I think it's about time (Especially after the IPO), that people would realize that google, is first and foremost a company that's "in-it" for the money.
with the word, money, being a key-word,
especially when it comes to its shareholders.
Soon enough, pressure from that direction would reach into company policy, and google would cease "doing no evil"
I suggest, that we should all objectively judge each and every new product or service that google offers.
Personally, I think a whole lot of very talented people are working together on the mozilla project, and they've been doing so for years.
Why would anyone with a right-mind think
that google could do any better in the short term?
If anything, A usable product is YEARS from being ready, and by that time, who knows how powerful and advanced firefox or some other "now-working" browser would become?
Will it use pigeons to display web content? (Score:5, Funny)
The power of G baby (Score:5, Funny)
As other fellow
Can't find the damn thing anyway.
Re:The power of G baby (Score:4, Informative)
Tempted to add some sort of joke here, but I'm shooting for "Informative" so I can get a little karma.
Heavy XUL hooks could make this a killer (Score:5, Interesting)
The key is tying the apps to the browser. If its just yet-another gecko browser, this will have limited impact.
Re:Heavy XUL hooks could make this a killer (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Heavy XUL hooks could make this a killer (Score:5, Insightful)
That's what I've been saying for months. I even got chided by some big-name Mozilla devs here on Slashdot for saying that the reason Microsoft's XAML will trounce all over XUL is because you can bet your ass XAML and all supporting infrastructure will be fully documented, because if you've ever seen MSDN, you know its staggeringly comprehensive. "Go to XULPlanet," I was told, "everything is documented there."
Truth be told, XULPlanet only really documents maybe half the API. Sure, the interface definitions are there for the rest, but there's no description for most of it beyond the method names; the sample code coverage is virtually nil; and if you flip a coin and it comes up tails, XULPlanet.com will be down when you try to visit it and you need to hope that the incomplete mirror at mozdev has the page you want.
After they ship Firefox 1.0, the best thing the Mozilla team could possibly do is to shift their resources to documenting. After documenting, finish up the XRE (come on, how many years is it overdue now?), then switch to evangelizing the platform a little more -- but not until the developer support doc is in place, and not until it can be deployed standalone.
Sure Google's competing with Microsoft... (Score:5, Funny)
Too much? (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't know, i get a little jumpy when i see companies (that i like, if that's possible) diversifying too much instead of focusing on what they do best. Usually it's a sign of bad things coming.
Re:Too much? (Score:4, Interesting)
Back before Microsoft got involved, Netscape had a near monopoly on browsing. They were the de-facto standard. Today, Google is pretty much the de-facto standard for search though I doubt they have as much market share as Netscape did back then.
Behold the power of bundling with Windows. Netscape is no more. Why? Because Microsoft controlled the gateway through which people accessed their software. Given the noises MS has been making about competing "strongly" with Google lately, they must be scared the same would happen to them except via IE instead of the operating system.
So, they want to produce their own browser, so it gets market share. That way nothing Microsoft does to IE (integrated search etc) can hurt them too much, because not many people are using IE.
It would make sense for them to base it on Firefox. It's a best-of-breed browser, portable, and is going places. But, it lacks marketing! While the current Mozilla efforts are commendable, they'd be nothing compared to being promoted on the Google webpages.
At least, this is the reasoning I'd use if I were them. It's not so much to branch out into new business, as to protect existing ones ...
I just made a stupid post..... (Score:5, Interesting)
Imagine: The Google Desktop Environment.
Complete with Gbrowser, the universal filemanager/web browser/gmail client, uber everything all rolled into one.
Windows, Linux, Mac versions available now.
And, of course, all your 'google' apps are all cross-platform, since the client is all crazy java/web stuff anyways.
Sorta google toolbar on steroids.
Half-dozen hires != much software (Score:4, Insightful)
Mozilla... (Score:5, Insightful)
Hence we can have one more standard-conforming browser and, by using the reputation and power of Google, to ask those "View only with IE" sites to change!
A Google Browser makes sense (Score:4, Interesting)
HOWEVER, I am a little worried that at some point, people want so much to fight one monster that they create another to combat it.
Google search, GMAIL, the big IPO, GBrowser........GOffice for your web based DOC sharing, etc, etc, etc.
I like Google Search and I like GMAIL, but at the same time, whenever I see a company heading down the road to tell me that I should use them for my "complete online computing experience", I do feel a little uncomfortable.
I am not saying that is the case, and I am not saying any of this is bad. I like what Google is doing right now because new innovation is a good thing. But at the same time, I am aware of another company that wants everything I use to have their name attached to it and I am always keeping both eyes open.
Hmm, what could only a Google brand browser do? (Score:5, Interesting)
Recommending pages you might like by feeding your history/bookmarks into a central database?
Making google's web index more complete by flagging unindexed pages to HQ?
None of the aboue sound very convincing reasons to write a browser to me, However, Firefox + some bells & whistles with the Google name and clout behind it could kill IE stone dead... and the wide adoption of an ad-blocking browser would push advertisers towards google text ads in their droves.
The $64,000 question is, would this 'be evil'?
Bring out your browser! (Score:4, Funny)
internet explorer: I'm not dead yet!
opera: Ie Iesu domine! *thwap*
internet explorer: I'm getting better!
tit for tat (Score:5, Funny)
Isn't it more likely that Google is developing a browser as a defensive tactice? Something like this:
ring, ring
Sergey: Hello?
Gates: Hello, Google. This is Bill Gates! We're going to release a search engine built right into IE, which is built right into Windows! Ha ha! You guys are pwned! Who's going to bother to load up Google now, when you can just click the shiny search button in our browser (plus Google no longer renders right)
Sergey: That's funny. We're going to release a browser, with our search built right in. Think people would rather use MSN or Google for search? Do you think their search choice would guide their browser choice, or vice versa? And oh yeah, it doesn't work with streaming WMP. Who knew?
Sergey: And what happens to your dreams of internet domination when folks switch to our browser en masse, cause oh yeah, btw, it doesn't have security issues like IE?
Gates:...well we didn't really want to do search...
Sergey: Well! We didn't really want to develop and support a browser!
All: It seems like we've come to an agreement then!
Sergey: Have I mentioned Goffice? Online word processing, search all your documents by content, 1GB of guaranteed storage...
Could this mean KHTML on Windows? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:the article (not like ny times will be /.'ed bu (Score:5, Insightful)
If they're trying to build their own browser, why would they want IE developers? If it were my business, I'd want guys who had developed a product that had to stand on its own merit to succeed. Building a product that is successful largely because of an illegal monopoly is less than impressive.
Re:the article (not like ny times will be /.'ed bu (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Open Source? (Score:5, Funny)
("English for Geeks" Tip of the Day: To obtain verbose output, include the keyword how at the beginning of your query.)
Re:Open Source? (Score:5, Insightful)
From the article
Last month, Google hosted Mozilla Developer Day on its campus, a gathering of programmers that work together to build sequels to the re-named Netscape browser.
They might just jump on board and make a re-branded mozilla (or firefox, in fact probably firefox). The only problem with that is mozilla is still a touch flaky at times and I'm not sure that the current firefox designs will fit in with googles current design philosophy which is the embodiment of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Gmail for all it's little goodies is still very utilitarian, the google search engine itself is the epitomy of simplicity, firefox while an amazing piece of software and simpler than mozilla just doesn't have nearly this level of simplicity. Google may choose to go with firefox due to the already existing user base and code but doing something along the lines of Safari is certainly an option that must be considered (and considering googles history is something I'm very interested to see).
On the other hand this is all still a bunch of speculation. Look at the evidence so far, they have a former lead Java guy from Sun, also
The company also hired four people who worked on Microsoft's Web browser, Internet Explorer, and later founded their own company. One of them, Adam Bosworth, is credited with being a driving force not only behind IE, but Microsoft's database-management program, Access.
Could be a browser yeah, but what did these guys do in this new company? Also note that the biggest hire was also a database guy.
Most recently, Google grabbed Joe Beda, the lead developer on Avalon, Microsoft's code name for the user interface that will part of the next version of Windows, called Longhorn.
Nice catch if you ignore the jokes about Microsoft UI but certainly nothing specific to web browsers there that I can see. More on mozilla day,
Mozilla, which is "open source" and available to anyone, could be shaped to Google's specifications and be embedded with Google search, Gmail free e-mail and other Google applications.
Seems to me that they're making the logical move of trying to see if they can get google stuff is integrated into mozilla. The last bit is perhaps the most telling,
Other blogs and analysts believe Google is working on an instant-messaging program and a Web browser to challenge Internet Explorer.
Well if bloggers and analysts are saying so then it MUST be true!! The fact is that google is everyones favorite company so we're rooting for it to get into the front lines of the browser wars, the place where Microsoft is considered most vulnerable by the geek population. I hope that google is working on a browser, I hope it will blow IE out of the water but there's a difference between wishful thinking and fact. Look at the main apps that google does have, google itself, the google toolbar, and gmail, wonderful apps but from a users perspective extremely simple and not subject to the whims of screwy users systems, I can't imagine them jumping into the browser wars where they don't hold all the cards (dependent on the OS) and the product is orders of magnitude more complex, I just don't think it's gonna happen.
The instant messaging program however, now that I can see, little more complex but still very simple and a somewhat natural extension for them (bring up ads and stuff based on conversations and easy searching in logs like gmail).
GTalk anyone?
Re:I hope there is more to this. (Score:5, Insightful)
For the browser, all of Google's tools will be integrated. Think about this: spell checking when you post, the ability to click on "blog this (already available on Google's tool bar), interrelated Gmail, possibly image searching on your computer and on the internet simultaneously.
If the Google browser is good, free, and has no or only Google text ads, and has lots of features, I'll switch. If Google can make my life easier, I'm all for it.
Re:Just part of the OS... (Score:5, Funny)
I think it's safe to say they've got big plans.
Little do you know, the G in GNU really stands for "Google's New Unix". They also own Gimp, Gnome, GTK, and Gator. That last one was just an insidious plot to create demand for their new pop-up blocking toolbar. Smart cookies, they are...
Re:My guess... (Score:5, Funny)
> never caught on save for a few custom corporate apps.
Not to mention millions of spyware products.
Re:Google Everything? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Google Everything? (Score:4, Insightful)
I, for one, welcome google to introduce some competition. I think it would be an incredibly beneficial thing to have 2 large companies that are about even in software. If google wants to start making everything, I hope they do. I hope google makes an OS. I have always been a supporter of windows on slashdot (mod me down), mostly because of the anti-microsoft FUD that gets posted here, and I believe windows XP is incredibly stable and secure for people who know how to use it. Now SP2 makes it secure (and stable, if you factor in the fact that less adware will be getting installed) for everyone. Now back on topic... If google made an OS, I would guess it would be incredibly secure, fast, unbloated (like google's main search page), and will use genius techniques for just about everything. Google won't have to base a new OS off of anything else, while windows has always been known for making things compatable with older versions (which I believe is good, given their circumstances)... but google has different circumstances, and can make software for the future.
You geeks should like the fact that google is going in to new fields. They are probably the only company that can rival microsoft.
Re:The thing is (Score:5, Interesting)
Think of it this way. Right now you have "page rank", which is determined by incoming links in particular the weight (page rank) of the pages on which these links reside, and the number of other pages to which these pages link. In short your operating under the theory that important pages link to relevant, important pages.
This theory is brilliant in the vaccume of six years hence. This theory is subject to manipulation today - a victom of its success, the defunct yahoogles unbeatable market share, and the many schemes which have been devised to inaccuratly influence page rank, google bombs, affiliate directories, link farms, and most recent, text link advertising.
Enter the study not of what webmasters do - but what humans do. Millions upon millions of people whose privacy is lost in the quest for better result, people who search and click and go back and close popups and eventully lead you to the mecca that *should have* appeared first in your results. People and patterns and masses of data that categorize bad results and good results. Jack and Jane and 10,000 friends who spent an average of
You cannot utilize these people (effectively) with js or url tracking codes because you dont know wheteher they stopped searching because they gave up, or because they found their mecca, or because there crappy browser got infected with yet another piece of spyware, or because they are utter morons incapible of using the internet. You cant use them with the toolbar because pagerank and non-anonymity is only of interest to those who desire most to skew your results (seo-types). You cant track them in gmail because it has nothing to do with surfing. The other services you mention - such as mozbar dont provide information to google (officially page rank is proprietary and only to be implemented by google which it has been for exactly one browser and is off by default).
However you enter the browser market - get say a 25% market share within your first year (notably not with firefox or mozilla or any open source project because you want a unique offering, not a privacy crippled ad bloated version of a better product), and are able to proveide the results that users most want. The bigger your market the more infallable your results and the more minute any form of manipulation becomes.
In short, my privacy is a tradeoff for the results I want. It eliminates manipulation, it cannot be duplicated by microsoft (IE in its current state will go where the spyware tells it to reguardless of the users intention), and it will prove viral if it catches on (conceptually take off the tinfoil for better results is not unlike open source - devote my time for the software I want).
Re:Registered Domains Don't Mean Much (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree It doesn't mean that much to have the domain registered.
However I do find it interesting when they registered gbrowser.com
vs gmail.com