Welkin: A General-Purpose RDF Browser 189
Stefano Mazzocchi writes "Many consider the Semantic Web to be vaporware and others believe it's the next big thing. No matter where you stand, a question always pops up: Where is the RDF browser?
The SIMILE Project, a joint project between W3C, MIT and HP to implement semantic interoperability of metadata in digital libraries, released today the first beta release of a general purpose graphic and interactive RDF browser named Welkin (see a screenshot), targetted to those who need to get a mental model of any RDF dataset, from a single RSS 1.0 news feed to a collection of digital data."
Semantic Web Firefox plugin? (Score:5, Funny)
Why is this funny? (Score:5, Insightful)
Are people marking this Funny just to be cruel? I find this rather interesting. XUL's data model is RDF already, so it's not like Firefox doesn't already have the foundation to do this.
Re:Why is this funny? (Score:3, Interesting)
All this talk about GBrowser (Google's browser), for instance.... what do you think it is going to be based on? Firefox, of course! You don't think Google would be crazy not to make use of that powerful, flexible, extensible platform that runs on all major operating systems, has support of geeks and hackers to the point where they contribute $250K for The New York Times advert.
RDF in Mozilla (Score:3, Informative)
I would say that XUL [xulplanet.com] is more like HTML [w3.org] than RDF [w3.org]. However, you're right that Mozilla's framework has built-in support for querying RDF datastores [xulplanet.com] (although primitive compared with Jena or Redland). In fact Mozilla internally represents bookmarks through RDF [xulplanet.com] even though they are serialized in a pseudo-html syntax on disk (for compatibility reasons). The history, extension registry, and file system are also RDF-based. Mozilla may very well be the most widely distributed framework for accessing RDF datastor
Re:RDF in Mozilla (Score:2)
Re:RDF in Mozilla (Score:2)
Re:Semantic Web Firefox plugin? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Semantic Web Firefox plugin? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Semantic Web Firefox plugin? (Score:2)
The question is not about a browser (Score:5, Interesting)
Imagine you are a reading a book, but each word is connected by string to a dictionary reference, and each dictionary reference definition is tied to the definitions of the words in the definition. You'd end up with a huge, eventually circular mess of string and you couldn't realistically get any enjoyment out of the book. The fact of the matter is that if you want to get more information about something, it is easy to go to an outside source to look it up. It does not need to be easier, because by making it easier than it must be you necessarily end up cluttering the thing you want to illuminate.
There is an old saw, "Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler." The Semantic Web, while an interesting idea, tries to make things too easy, beyond the point of usefulness. The lack of content on the Semantic Web is a testament to the uselessness of such an over-engineered web space.
The question is not about a browser-Paradigm (Score:2, Informative)
Or a testament to people's inability to understand new paradigms.
Re:The question is not about a browser-Paradigm (Score:5, Interesting)
Or a testament of the inability of the paradigm's creator to get people to understand it's necessity.
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Insightful)
so.. invisible strings that you can see if you wish.
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2, Insightful)
Your main objection lies in that it does not filter information, but adds to the mass information overload humans experience daily. However, this can be changed simply. Welkin seems to dump all data at once. The code could be changed so you could traverse ideas. I
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Insightful)
It's given by marking it up. The computer doesn't need to know anything about the proof of anything, just like Google doesn't know anything about porn, and yet when you search for "big boobs", it knows what to return. *wink*
The point isn't that a computer program will ever "know" what Skolem's paradox is, in
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Insightful)
RDF and the semantic web
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Exactly - and while it seems like a worthwhile mental exercise, I would like to point out that this kind of construction has an immense potential for controlling information and shaping people's opinions. Just imagine advertisers getting their foot in somewhere in this; suddenly the machine's 'understanding' is coloured by commercial or political interests.
No, give me the raw in
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Insightful)
The semantic web isn't about human usability. It's about building machine intelligence and knowledge.
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3, Interesting)
Right, but the problem is if it's unusable for humans to _create_ that content, or to map it from human knowledge-space into machine-parseable format, then it doesn't matter if it's well-engineered from the machine's perspective. That's why adoption of the semantic web has been so poor (outside of applications that could just as well be filled with any ole' XML dialect, like RSS or RDF descriptors used to
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:5, Funny)
Please don't tell that to the company I'm interviewing with on Friday.
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Plenty do, in fact. But much more useful is to automate the process. Most useful forms of data storage have a lot of structure which can be automatically converted to RDF constraints.
There goes those AI-types. (Score:2, Troll)
The "Semantic web" is the latest snake oil being pawned by the AI community.
Nothing is worse than an AI-type. They make big claims and never deliver. They overly anthropomorphize all aspects of computation, fooling themselves into a false understanding of all that is related to computer science. For example, Emacs is "intelligent" because it includes a broken implementation of the lambda-calculus, an
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Furthermore, computers are a very restricted form of physical system, and therefore they are limited. There are problems that are not computable, yet humans solve them on a regular basis. Even though many people like to anthropomorphize aspects of computation, there is very little in common between a human and a computer.
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
I think it's a bit too early yet to criticise the field of AI for not being scientific. Remember, we humans messed around with electricity for about 70 years before we even found a use for it, let alone understood what caused it. We need to explore, daydream, and play around for a bit before we can get down to some serious science. And, by "a bit," I mean around 50 more years.
And we don't even have powerful enough computers yet to play with. It's kind of like critic
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Yup, Turing Awar
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:3)
You're saying to the blacksmith, "HAHA! You haven't made a 747 yet!"
Blacksmith says, "I don't have the proper tools. Maybe if I had a better hammer..."
You: "You blacksmiths always say that. HAHA! You'll never make it!"
Eventually a 747 was made. I'll bet, if you'd been around then, you would have criticised the airplane makers every step of the way...
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
But here's the thing, if I was saying this to a blacksmith in 500AD (a point where blacksmithing had been around for so long as to seem forever) and asked him to create a 747 he would still be whinning about bad tools for well over another millenium. This is the difference between AI bullshit and the rest of the world ... yes, you might be able to do it in another 1000 years, but so what it might as well be physically impossible as far as planning for it now.
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
The assertion that the point of AI research is to build a sentient computer just shows your lack of knowledge of the field.
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
I'm not trying to argue, I'm really curious.
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Re:There goes those AI-types. (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:3)
Imagine you are a reading a book, but each word is connected by string to a dictionary reference, and each dictionary reference definition is tied to the definitions of the words in the definition. You'd end up with a huge, eventually circular mess
Although your concerns about user interface are well-taken, you seem to be thinking abo
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
While your description of this is quite unflattering, i think it would be useful to have the ability to say--highlight a word or phase and by right clicking on it--get the option of:encyclopedia lookup, dictionary, thesarus, etc. I believe in my context, that could be extremely useful.
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
You could always have your own private dictionary of words that you wanted hyperlinked whenever possible, and also an ignore list for the most popular words. But things would get tricky for movie titles which are wordplay on some other concep
I agree[1] with this persons[ibid.] statement[2,3] (Score:2)
Ever read Infinite Jest (or anything else) by David Foster Wallace? QED
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Like that, no. Though we do need meta data and a browser or search engine to support that meta data.
Not for the current popular stuff that's out there -- the web browsers and search engines work well enough for that.
Where meta data and ways to search it is interesting is in media files such as audio, video, and images. This isn't
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
You're Missing the Point (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
I believe that the "old saw" actually comes from Albert Einstein who said Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
The Semantic Web, while an interesting idea, tries to make things too easy, beyond the point of usefulness.
I don't believe that is what Albert Einstein intended. I believe that what he was saying was, when modeling the world, make the model as simple as you can without introducing inacurac
Re:The question is not about a browser (Score:2)
And as others have noted, your argument is simply against intrusive display of links.
Regardless, that's not what the Semantic Web is about. Its concern is presenting data in such a form that machines can reason about it and perform useful services for users. This is not really AI (which is good, since AI is impossible): it's just intelligent description of data. Done right, an RDF engine could perform such tasks as 'find the cheapest trip to Memphis from Denver next week, wi
Solution space? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Solution space? (Score:2)
Re:Solution space? (Score:2)
RDF a load of crap (Score:4, Insightful)
RDF a load of crap-Says an AC. (Score:3, Insightful)
BZZZT, RDF is past sell-by date already (Score:3, Informative)
Re:BZZZT, RDF is past sell-by date already (Score:2)
Re:RDF a load of crap (Score:3, Interesting)
Much work on the semantic web has been with n3 [w3.org]
N3 is a superset of rdf, allowing for quoting of groups of triples (known a formulae). In n3, you can say things about groups of n3 triples, including about their trustworthiness.
For instance, you can say:
essentially saying that the formula which is the semantics of the given document if of a class :untrustworthyInformation, which your n3 pars
Who verifies the third tag? (Score:2)
Gee thanks... (Score:5, Insightful)
A network of random connections of semantic concepts embodied as URIs is just not a friendly form of data for humans to manipulate directly, and I don't think it every will be. That's right, I don't believe this is really an issue that's solvable with slightly better tools. I think ultimately the management of and connection of ontologies is something that computers will have to learn to do themselves.
It's just too hard to expect normal human beings to describe knowledge in any way other than the way we are used to. The web is only as popular as it is because HTML is a simple, appearance-based way to markup documents (yes, I realize strictly speaking HTML isn't supposed to describe many aspects of appearance per se, but there's no denying that it comes from that root). We understand bold and italics (and even strong and em), but ask somebody to generate two concepts by constructing URIs for them and relating them in subject-predicate form and they are going to look at you and drool.
Even programmers aren't used to the idea of describing knowledge - it's one thing to tell a computer what to do, it's another thing to tell a computer how to know about something that you know.
Alright, I know I'm opening myself up to the flames here, so flame away. Anyway, I think the "semantic web" will need to wait for tools like Cyc et. al. to come along far enough to construct and relate their own ontologies out of English text, and until then all we will see is stuff like RSS or RDF files in Firefox extensions to describe deployment conditions (i.e. stuff that can be done with any arbitrary XML dialect that doesn't really qualify as the "semantic web" to me).
Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:1, Interesting)
Yea. Just try getting a programmer to explain the latest thing they're working on. "Well you see it does this, and if you click on that, something happens. It's all too complicated to explain, sorry."
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
Of course programmers are very good at being precise in describing algorithms, but describing knowledge in subject-verb-object format is not so easy. You can't just describe your algorithm, you have to relate each of the base concepts used in the algorithm to existing ontologies, or create your own ontologies for them. Describing an algorithm in pseudoc
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
Everything breaks down to subject-verb-object tuples. RDF is supposed to be general enough to describe, well, any and all knowledge.
So you could imagine a description of RSA in RDF pseudo-code:
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
You do realize that there are computability issues that would prevent such automatic programming?
Re:Gee thanks...-Bic Lighters and natives. (Score:2)
No, I'm not away. Please elucidate. You can write invalid programs in any language, or metalanguage, and it's impossible to validate that the program that your code generator generates will halt or not, obviously.
I am not saying it is a practical application, all I'm saying is you can in theory go from an XML-ish algorithmic description to a functional piece of software, so you can clearly do the same with
Re:Gee thanks... (Score:1)
Re:Gee thanks... (Score:1)
Re:Gee thanks... (Score:3, Informative)
1) I never said anything of the sort. RDF/Semantic Web technologies have nothing to do with inserting links into HTML.
2) I never said it was a replacement for HTML. I just said it wasn't likely to be adopted because of t
RDF browser? (Score:3, Funny)
On a Mac (Score:1)
Just something friendly about that.
It's Java Swing (Score:2)
Welkin.java [mit.edu]
Do you really want web pages that look like this? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Do you really want web pages that look like thi (Score:2)
Re:Do you really want web pages that look like thi (Score:2)
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (Score:4, Funny)
Make it the goal of next years International Obfuscated C Code Contest.
I'm sure we'll get a really cryptic one liner that actually is a fully functional RDF browser.
This is the future of the web (Score:5, Informative)
With the growth of the Internet, the value of data itself is dropping, while the value of metadata (i.e. "data about data") increases, introducing a need for tools that can manipulate metadata. That is what RDF is all about - standardizing a way to represent metadata. It is not a standard for the metadata itself...those standards will be determined the same way everything else is on the Internet: with the best solutions rising to the top.
The most common objections to this scenario?
a) "Nobody will bother entering metadata". Wrong...it's already happening. Users are voluntarily generating metadata all the time. Just check out sites like flickr [flickr.com] (photo blogging) and del.icio.us [del.icio.us] (collaborative bookmarks), not to mention Amazon reviews and Ebay ratings.
b) "RDF tags will just be abused with spam, trolls, and other useless info". A variety of techniques are emerging that are designed to protect the integrity of user-contributed data, including trust metrics [moloko.itc.it] like Slashdot's own distributed moderation [umich.edu] (PDF) or Advogato [advogato.org].
Lets compare business plans (Score:2)
DJIA/NASDAQ traded firms specializing at least partly in statistical recognition of text as a business model:
DJIA/NASDAQ firms using metadata as a business model:
When is the future supposed to arrive again?
AI folks are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE (Score:2)
This business isn't vaporware.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Personally, I think eventSherpa is pretty neat.
(Disclaimer: I know the CEO.)
Seriously now (Score:2, Funny)
but does it... (Score:1)
innovative? (Score:1, Funny)
screen shot reminds me of my big college sophomore year project. Connecting lots of pretty lines together in hopes of impressing people by calling it a neural network. I have to give props though for getting the lines to be anti-aliased.
The wrong answer to the right question (Score:5, Insightful)
The trouble is that RDF (and OWL) try to do too much, getting all tangled up in the arcana of knowledge representation, and the Semantic Web thing has only muddied the waters further -- the screenshot is a stunning graphic representation of the mess that RDF has gotten itself into (I'll assume that it's serious, since it's a long time until 1 April).
All we really need for a data web is a bunch of XML files online that make references to each other for machines to follow, the same way that web pages make links -- in other words, a data web would be a distributed database, the same way that the document web is a distributed hypertext system. RDF reminds me more of the complex pre-HTML hypertext systems of the late 1980s than of the successful, simple formats and protocols that drive the Web.
More like answer to a question no one asked (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:More like answer to a question no one asked (Score:2)
Google can be considered passive statistical text analysis. What we now need is an active way for machines to determine the value of documents and their context.
Re:The wrong answer to the right question (Score:3, Interesting)
It does seem to me that the key thing is to promote ad-hoc use of a relatively standardized mechanism for relating XML document structures to other XML document structures. Forget about waiting for somebody else to build relevant ontologies, reconstructing the entirety of human know
Narcissism (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not a wiki. It's not a new way to see metadata. It's your softwares' version of the WWW.
It's not always about you humans.
The semantic web, in a nutshell (Score:5, Funny)
2) some people like to look at pictures of naked girls while masturbating.
3) some people like to think about graph theory while masturbating.
The semantic web is the unfortunate result of #3.
Now, while I have no problem with any of these behaviors, I do ask that people in group #2 to keep their sticky dirty magazines under their bed, not on their coffee tables; and people in group #3 to likewise keep their inventions locked in the closet, and not release them to standards bodies or working groups.
So when you see someone in a clear frenzy of sexual excitement talking to you about "ontologies" and "reification", simply smile politely, and call the police.
Remember, these people are the exception, not the norm, in an otherwise healthy society.
Visualization conundrum (Score:2, Interesting)
One trouble regarding many semantic visualization techniques involving large datasets is: the more visually appealing a graph is rendered, the less useful it often becomes. Many projects undertaken over the past 6 years (including Welkin) have focused on 2- and 3-dimensional renderings of a dataspace, using lines, proximity, node-shape, fly-over metadata display, etc. to classify and relate nodes, only to find there is no room left for persistent display of the textual metadata that ultimately drives a user
Awesome, thanks! (Score:2)
Too bad it doesn't take the XUL rules into consideration when redering maps like the one shown in the screenshot. Do you know if they are going to open development up anytime soon?
Dont let poor presentation fool you. (Score:2, Insightful)
People who look at these browser screenshots and decide that the semantic web is/will be a mess stop thinking too early.
This graph-like presentation is just one way to show semantics, and it only works for certain things, like topic maps.
I'm sometimes using tools like outliners and the Brain [thebrain.com] (insert pun here) to present ideas and their relationships. This is not the way you would want to e.g. read/present a complex manual.
Other, more complex forms of presentation are required - and possible. Ted Nelso
Nobody Wants This. (Score:2)
Here's the biggest problem with the web. Most people that have web sites have them to sell stuff, and they DON'T WANT their stuff to be easily searchable and diced and sliced. All this interope
Re:Buggy!!!! (Score:1)